Starting a application with graphical interface on boot - bash

I have a small question that I havn't found any answers to.
I run a virtual machine on my CentOS server, and I have made a simple script to start the virtual machine. I would like to run the script on boot so that the virtual machine starts up on boot also. So I successfully registered the script with following
chkconfig --add myscript
and enabled it with following
chkconfig --level 2345 myscript on
at last I checked it so its registered and enabled correctly with
$ chkconfig --list | grep myscript
So long, so fine, but when I restart my machine to test it, well nothing happens.
So now I wonder why isn't my script running? I had some thaughts that it cold be because of some missing arguments, myscript requires an argument "start" to run properly, so I think that could be the cause why it's not running, in that case where should I add the argument?
Note also, my script is ok, or at least I can run it manually.
The script is run during boot and is working as it should. Tha application I try to start with a script, my virtal machine, has a graphical interface and it seems like it's that causing the trouble. Does anyone have any experience in starting a graphical application with script on boot, on unix based OS's ofcourse? Or if there are any other clever ways of achieve this?

Make sure that the proper symlinks get created in /etc/rc.?/ and your startup script in /etc/init.d/ should contain start and stop methods.


Boot hangs: A start job is running

In a virtual box I have a Debian that I sometimes want to run without X. So I edited /etc/grub.d/10_linux and added another menu item with a kernel option "nox" appended. Then I added a line to /lib/systemd/system/lightdm.service, Section [Unit]:
However, when starting this, it hangs with the message:
A start job is running for Hold until boot process finishes up (56min / no limit)
Thank you, systemd for informing me about that. I wouldn't have noticed. Yet, I would like to know, which job it is that's hanging.
The system allows me to connect via SSH, but none of the systemctl or journalctl commands I tried did tell me the name of the service causing the problem. lightdm.service itself seems to be satisfied.
I known it's a but late, but I just found out that one can use:
systemctl list-jobs
to find out what units are waiting or running at any given moment.
By adding systemd.debug-shell=1 to the kernel command line, a root shell will be available on TTY9 (crlt+alt+F9) to run the command above.
I first tried "systemd-analyze", and that gave me the message about "systemctl list-jobs".
hope this helps someone with similar problems.

AWS ECS trouble - Running shell script to boot program

I am trying to run a Docker image on amazon ECS. I am using a command that starts a shell script to boot up the program:
CMD ["sh","-c", "app/bin/app start; bash"]
in order to start it because for some reason when I run the app (elixir/phoenix app) in the background it was crashing immediately but if I run it in the foreground it is fine. If I run it this way locally, everything works fine but when I try to run it in my cluster, it shuts down. Please help!!
Docker was supposed to keep track of your running foreground process, if the process stop, the container stop. The reason your container work when you use command with "bash" because bash wasn't stop.
I guess you use she'll script to start an application that serve in background like nginx or a daemon. So try to find an option that make the app running foreground will keep your container alive. I.e nginx has an option while starting "daemon off"
for some reason when I run the app (elixir/phoenix app) in the background it was crashing immediately
So you have a corrupted application and you are looking for a kludge to make it looking like it somewhat works. This is not a reliable approach at all.
Instead you should:
make it working in background
use systemctl or upstart to manage restarts of Erlang VM on crashes
Please note that it matters where you have your application compiled. It must be the exactly same architecture/container as the production one, with same Erlang, Elixir, OS versions, otherwise nobody guarantees it will be robust or even working.

slapd command on MacOS

I have the following commands on MacOS
$ sl
slapacl slapadd slapauth slapcat slapconfig slapdn
slapindex slappasswd slapschema slaptest sleep slogin
I am following this tutorial on running an ldap server on MacOS:
seems strange that I don't have a slapd command - anyone know why?
Since slapd is almost never run "by hand", it's not in one of the binaries directories that're in the default PATH. Instead, it's in /usr/libexec, which is the usual place for things that're run automatically rather than manually. So run it with sudo /usr/libexec/slapd instead of just as slapd. (BTW, the sudo is needed so it can allocate low-numbererd TCP ports, and get full access to its database).

How do I make things (e.g. tomcat) run after cloud-init has run the userdata script?

Short version:
How do I make init.d scripts run after cloud-init has run the userdata script on an EC2?
Long version:
Our deployment process is to construct AMIs with everything installed on them (tomcat, nginx, application etc), but with certain configuration values missed out. At boot time, the userdata script adds in the missing configuration values, and then the application stack can start up
Our current EC2s are based on an old version of the official Debian AMIs, which have the script ec2-run-user-data. This script runs at boot, and downloads and runs the EC2s userdata. When constructing the AMI, I simple edit the init.d scripts for tomcat, nginx etc to include ec2-run-user-data in their "Required-Start:" line, so they start up after the userdata has been run.
Unfortunately that approach is no longer viable, as we want to start using the hvm base AMIs, which have cloud-init installed rather than ec2-run-user-data. But I can't figure out how cloud-init works well enough to work out how to make the process work.
As far as I can tell, the userdata script is run by the cloud-final step, but cloud-final has $all in it's "Required-Start:" line. I could remove it, but I don't know what consequences that might have.
I've tried making tomcat etc run after cloud-init or cloud-config, but the userdata hasn't run by then. Also, it looks like cloud-init and cloud-config start processes then exit, which might explain why cloud-final needs to have $all in Required-Start
More Info:
We use the 'baked AMI' approach, where we create an AMI with all the packages/applications installed, then tell the existing Autoscaling Groups to replace their EC2s with new ones based on the new AMI (via CloudFormation). Some configuration information isn't known at baking time, but must be inserted via the userdata script.
When our tomcat app starts up it expects to read in the file /etc/appname/application.conf. That file has the text <<REPLACE_THIS>> in it. Tomcat will fail to start up if it tries to run before <<REPLACE_TIME>> has been replaced
The userdata script is something like:
sed -i 's!<<REPLACE_TIME>>!{New value to use, determined at deploy time}!' /etc/appname/application.conf
The default Required-Start for tomcat is "$local_fs $remote_fs $network". At baking time, I change that to "$local_fs $remote_fs $network ec2-run-user-data"
By doing all that, the text in /etc/appname/application.conf gets replaced before tomcat runs. But as I said above, I want to change to using cloud-init, and I can't figure out what I need to do to make tomcat start after cloud-init has run the userdata. I get the impression that cloud-init doesn't run the userdata until very late in the process. I could change the userdata script to contain "/etc/init.d/tomcat restart" at the end, but it seems a bit dumb to have tomcat fail to start then get restarted.

Smartfoxserver 2X linux 64 running on EC2 via dotcloud - how to install?

I am currently trying to deploy smartfoxserver 2X on EC2 using dotcloud. I have been able to detect the private ip of the amazon web instance, and using the dotcloud tools I have been able to determine the correct port. However, I have difficulty installing the server proper via the command line so that I can log into it using the AdminTool.
My postinstall is fairly straightforward:
./SFS2X/sfs2x-service start-launchd
I find that on 'dotcloud push' there is a fair amount of promising output in my cygwin terminal, but the push hangs after saying that the sfs2x-service has been launched correctly, until timeout.
Consequently, my question is, has anyone found a way to install SFS2X on EC2 via dotcloud successfully? I managed to have partial success with SFS Pro, with a complete push to dotcloud, by calling ./jre/bin/java -jar installer.jar in my postinstall. Do I need to do extra legwork and build an installer jar for SFS2X? Is there a way that would be best to do this?
I do understand that there is a standard approach to deployment with SFS2X using RightScale on EC2, however I am interested in deployment using the dotcloud platform.
Thanks in advance.
The reason why it is hanging is because you are trying to start your process in the postinstall, and this is not the correct place to do that. The postinstall script is suppose to finish, if it doesn't the deployment will time out, and then get cancelled.
Once the postinstall script is finished, it will then finish the rest of your deployment.
See this page for more information about dotCloud postinstall script:
Pay attention to this warning at the end.
If your post-install script returns an error (non-zero exit code), or if it runs for more than 10 minutes, the platform will consider that your build has failed, and the new version of your code will not be deployed.
Instead of putting this in the postinstall script, you should add it as a background process, so that it starts up once the deployment process is complete.
See this page for more information on adding background processes to dotCloud services:
TL;DR: You need to create a supervisord.conf file, and add it to the root of your project, and add your service to that.
Example (you will need to change to fit your situation):
command = /home/dotcloud/current/SFS2X/sfs2x-service start-launchd
Also, make sure you have the correct dotCloud service specified in your dotcloud.yml in order to have the correct binary and libraries installed for what your smartfoxserver application.
