Speeding up an SSIS data import - visual-studio-2010

I am using this resource to help speed up the process of deleting records from CRM:
And specifically this section:
I am trying to follow this advice:
In order to make full use of the BDD component, you need to increase
the connection limit that is imposed by Microsoft .NET framework,
which is a maximum of 2 connections per host (e.g. server) for service
calls as far as CRM platform is concerned. In order to overwrite this
limit, you need to modify DTExec.exe.config and
DtsDebugHost.exe.config files under DTS\binn folder by adding the
following connectionManagement section.
But I am unable to find the config files. I don't know so much about deploying the solution; however, even after trying to deploy it, I did not see a config file being created:
Here is the output I got from SSIS:
In case this is of any help, here's what my topology looks like":
How do I speed up the deletion of records out of CRM using SSIS?

dtexec.exe and DtsDebugHost.exe will live in the DTS\Version\Binn folder where Version
- 110 = SQL Server 2012
- 100 = SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008 R2
- 90 = SQL Server 2005
For 64 bit machines, there will be two flavors of the executable. Assuming installation to the default location, you may find them at
32 bit location
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Binn
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn
64 bit location
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Binn
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn
For 32 bit machines, please destroy your machines and update to 64 bit architecture. That said, your file locations will be the same as the 64 bit locations above.


SSIS Error - Parsing Query from SQL Task Fails Due to 80040153, Invalid Value for Registry

Problem Statement
I have a lot of SQL Server environments locally.
When trying to parse a SQL task with very basic truncate table dbo.table syntax, I get the following error message.
I should note that when I execute the task it works fine despite throwing an error when parsed.
My understanding is that it's related to a corrupt .ddl file at the 'Microsoft SQL Server/1XX/DTS/Binn/'
- having trouble determining which SQL Server version's components be the cause.
Is there a way of determining the corrupt .dll and reconciling this issue?
Error Message
Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {dummy123-dum1-dum2-dum3-dummyds2309}
failed due to the following error: 80040153 Invalid value for registry
(Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040153 (REGDB_E_INVALIDVALUE)).
What I've Tried
Tested on Visual Studio 2017/2019
Figuring out What Com Object is the Problem
Because the message only gives me the CLSID I'm having trouble locating the actual com object it's referencing.
I've run reg query HKCR\CLSID /s /f "{<CLSID>}"
This confirmed that it isn't there, but that wasn't helpful.
Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2019 Version 16.4.1 VisualStudio.16.Release/16.4.1+29609.76 Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.8.03752 Installed Version: Enterprise
SQL Server Data Tools 16.0.61912.09160 Microsoft SQL Server Data
SQL Server Integration Services 15.0.1900.80 Microsoft SQL Server
Integration Services Designer Version 15.0.1900.80
SsmsVsIntegration 1.0 Visual Studio Container Tools Extensions
(Preview) 1.0 View, manage, and diagnose containers within Visual

VS Studio 2010 Symbol Server Does Not Include Source Code

I have VS Studio 2010 SP1 installed and there was a time when source stepping was working great. Something has changed and now when the pdb files are downloaded they are the version that has the source code stripped out.
What I can't figure out is how to get VS to download the pdb files that have the source code in them. I have the same setup on 2 different machines and 1 machine downloads the pdb's with source and the other one does not.
I have been fighting for hours trying to get it to download the correct pdb files. I can easily check if the files are correct because the file size is so much smaller when there is no source.
Machine that is downloading with source System.Web.pdb size is 10,860 KB.
Machine that is downloading without source System.Web.pdb size is 843 KB.
Your help in figuring out this issue is greatly appreciated.
Also, please not I have cleared the cache, setup and reset the symbol settings, etc. The files download and do load as symbols, just NO source.
C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_32\System.Web\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a\System.Web.pdb: Cannot find or open the PDB file.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\System.Web.pdb: Cannot find or open the PDB file.
C:\SymbolCache\MicrosoftPublicSymbols\System.Web.pdb\46C6DCE3C79A4E65A2B1CEF3033C95931\System.Web.pdb: Symbols loaded.
This behavior is often caused by Microsoft publishing updates to the .NET Framework.
When you use Visual Studio 2010's built-in default symbol configuration (by having "Enable .NET Framework source stepping" checked), you effectively query these two servers:
No. 1 contains source-enabled symbols for the .NET Framework (parts of it at least) and no. 2 contains source-stripped symbols for all Windows.
The problem is that no. 1 is updated not as quickly as no. 2, so when an update arrives through Windows Update, you start getting symbols from no. 2, until someone at Microsoft updates no. 1. It's a pain, but that's how it is.
You can sort-of work around it by deselecting "Enable .NET Framework source stepping" and configuring those paths manually - then you can just disable (or not add at all) no. 2, and at least be informed, that there are no source-enabled symbols available yet.
Or you can disable Windows Update...

Error 6248: Crystal SAP Merge Module...?

I am trying to create a Setup Routine for my application which uses Crystal Reports SAP. I get 4 errors durring the build stating that the following files are missing:
6248: Could not find dependent file CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.dll
6248: Could not find dependent file CrystalDecisions.ReportSource.dll
6248: Could not find dependent file CrystalDecisions.Shared.dll
6248: Could not find dependent file CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms.dll
I've downloaded the [CRforVS2010_sp1_mm.zip] directly from Business Objects and copied the [CRRuntime_13_0_1.msm] file into my [C:\Program Files\InstallShield\2011\Modules\i386] directory. I restarted the installer and then I selected the [SAP Crystal Reports runtime engine for .Net Framework 4] in the [Redistributables] tab. I don't know what else I need to do.
I am running the following:
Visual Studio 2010 (VB.Net)
InstallShield Express 2011
Looks like an answer is Here and Here
old version of the MS VC++ SP1 Redistributable Prerequisite file.

Unable to open SQL CE 4 databases in VS 2010 SP1

According to "The Gu", in VS 2010 SP1 (http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2011/01/11/vs-2010-sp1-and-sql-ce.aspx) I should be able to open SQL CE 4 databases.
However, when I try to do this I get the following error:
"The data provider required to connect
to the local data file could not be
found. The file be added to the
project by the typed DataSet
associated with the file will not be
followed by the error:
"The operation could not be completed"
Note that this is for an ASP.NET MVC Project.
There are some limitations in the SQL Compact 4 provider tooling, described here (under Scenarios not enabled by SQL Server Compact 4.0) - http://blogs.msdn.com/b/sqlservercompact/archive/2011/01/12/microsoft-sql-server-compact-4-0-is-available-for-download.aspx
In addition to the service pack, you must install the SQL Server Compact 4 tools on top - http://erikej.blogspot.com/2010/12/visual-studio-tools-for-sql-server.html
My "solution" was just to open the database in web matrix to alter the schema.
Perhaps this was just an issue with the beta of VS 2010 SP1.

How to upgrade the project build in visual studio 2005 to visual studio 2008?

I have one OPC ( OLE for Process control ) server project which is developed into visual studio 2005. I want to run it in visual studio 2008. The coding for the OPC server project is done in VC++. I want to connect my OPC client to this OPC server. When I was opened the OPC server project which was build into visual studio 2005 into visual studio 2008 first time it was asking for conversion wizard. I gone through that wizard & successfully finished that wizard. But when I build ( by right clicking on the project & choosing build solution ) it is giving lots of error near about 64 errors. Most of the errors are like - fetal error C1083:Can not open type library file:'msxml4.dll':No such file or directory, fetal error LINK1181:can not open input file 'rpcndr.lib' , error C2051:case expression not constant. only these 3 types of errors in am getting. All these 3 errors are repeated in Error list & becoming bunch of 64 errors. Please provide me the solution for the above issue. Can you provide me any suusgestion or link or any way through whcih I can resolve the above issue?
In Visual Studio Project go to Project properties dialog to use Linker --> Input Options:
1. Remove rpcndr.lib
2. Make sure for all such configurations add rpcrt4.lib
Reason to do this is that the Windows SDK no longer ships with rpcndr.lib.
Opening in VS 2008 is the only way to upgrade.
But it looks like you need to clean up some of the references... this will be a manual step (likely just need to set a few paths). Start by fixing the first error, it is likely many of the subsequent errors are a consequence of that first error.
Normal practice is to have a copy of referenced libraries (including typelibs) somewhere in your source tree, so you are not dependent on absolute paths into the OS or other application's install folders. (Or the continuing existence of that library).
