Magento Connect Manager - Error #619 security: script is world-writable - magento

i have a curious issue. When i start the connect manager i see a white window with the following error message: svwrap $Revision: 1.36 $
Error #619 security: script is world-writable
Does anyone have an idea what could be? I know what "world-writable" means but what file it might be? Thanks for an answer. Hermann

I'd contact your hosting company this. This message isn't generated by Magento, it's generated by a program your web hosting company has installed to scan for world writable scripts.
Also, you may want to consider a different web-host if you need to use Magento Connect's web UI. This feature requires the Magento web server user have write access to the Magento installation to download and update files. It sounds like your hosting company may not be down with that.
All that said, my guess is it's, at minimum, the downloader/index.php file.


Jelastic: how to contribute to Certified App source code?

while setting up a basic 1 x NGINX load-balancer in front of 2 backends, I ended up in what it is clear to me to be a bug: the cron of this Certified App cannot be edited:
As you can see, in this particular App the cron file is owned by root:root and doesn't have the extended attribute (the plus on the right of permissions) necessary for the file to be edited also by the logged in user (nginx in this case).
All other certified apps allow instead the main login user to have crontabs, even though I found the permissions of each file vary a lot.
I've stumbled on and it seems the file to go for proposing a bugfix, but it's last update if Aug-2016, so I guess Jelastic had closed much of its source code.
How can we contribute to Certified App source code?
indeed it is a bug as cron file of nginx user isn't editable in a balancer template, by design in has to be.
As for exports.conf - this file left for backwards comparability, but no more used.
The problem will be definitely fixed in latest templates, as for existing containers - we would like to apply a patch to fix them, if you provide us more details about hosting service provider you are using - we will help with that.
As for contribution to certified templates, all the images are publicly available on Docker Hub, you can create your own version of template based on existing one if you build a docker image and in your Dockerfile you specify
"from jelastic/nginxbalancer" as a base, then you can do any modifications to the filesystem. Next step will be just to replace existing balancer with your custom one.
Anyway, let's start with fix of existing containers.
Many thanks for finding out the bug!

How to lock access to the file directory on the server using XAMPP

I'm building an app that takes resources from the server. But how can I lock that resource so that not everyone can access like this picture:
But when we access along with the file name we can still access it.
How can I do that? is there a setting on the server? Or whether to make arrangements with the server programming language?
I am very happy if anyone can help my problem. Thank you in advance.

Joomla! 2.5.4 Hacked: Having trouble with diagnosis

My Joomla 2.5.4 site was cracked last night. Moreover, the Joomla forum is currently down, and I can't even run Joomla's diagnostic utility. (fpa-en.php)
I have followed Joomla's instructions for diagnosis with no success. (See below) I have also emailed my webhost (I am on a shared server, but I use a host recommended by Joomla that is a specialist in Joomla sites). So, my question is what do I do next?
Here is the info that I have so far.
Using Joomla 2.54 (the latest). All extension were updated to most recent release, and none are on the Joomla vulnerable extensions list.
Passwords of other administrators were changed but not mine fortunately.
User_notes table deleted, which renders the User Manager in the admin section useless.
According to logs the attack hit the following files in this sequence:
/index.php (Root)
and then the changes to the users and user_notes tables.
There is no junk in either index.php
Attack ip was, which is from a Fort Worth server of
Fortunately, I have backups and there was no defacement, but until I can't get fpa-en.php to work and access to the Joomla forums, I am not sure what to d0 other than change all passwords and block the ip.
Thanks in advance for any help!
Firstly, reset the passwords of all the administrators, including yours, then change them and ensure they include letters and numbers. Then change the password for the host control panel using the password generator if they provide one. If not, use a password generator online. Once this is done change the password for your database username and don't forget to also update the configuration.php with your new password.
Secondly, download and install Admin Tools which will add more security to your site for the future. Admin Tools also comes with an Emergency Offline button which is useful.
Then download and install Saxum IP Logger which will trace all the registered users, giving you their IP address, country and so on and you can also block IP addresses using the plugin that comes with it.
Next, go to the host control panel and look at the logs to see which IP addresses have entered your website and while files they have accessed. The IP address that coresponds to the files edited, you can then block using the plugin I mentioned before. Joomla 2.5 is very hard to hack so it is rather likely you have an extension that is badly developed and allows SQL injection. Therefore you should always choose popular extensions to install on your website when they are database related.
Hope this helps you in the future. Regards
EDIT : You can also password protect your folders in the FTP for additional security.
You may also find this extension quite useful
After you recover from this, make sure you place a password on the /administrator directory with .htaccess, assuming this is a Linux based server.
Couple of steps that will help you identify the point of access.
Also depends on if you have access to some server side tools.
Contact host and ask them if they run Mod_Sec if so ask them for the Mod_sec flag for that IP.
Ask the host if they run any type of maldet tools - if so ask for a scan of your account.
If you have shell access run a check on what were the most recent files changes... Side from tmp and cache files.
Fixing the hack
1. Change all your passwords -
2. Install project honey pot.
3. Admin tools install is good but you need the pro version to really gain access to the security tools.
4. Migrate to a host that specializes in Joomla platforms, in most cases they already have the accounts configured for common security issues in Joomla.
Getting hacked really sucks... Good luck!
Relocate your administrator page by editing the config.php files .. and edit your FTP permission settings. If your administration login url was the standard location. ( ) change this location and block access using your hosting control panel to only certain ip address (and even restrict access by hours of availability.
How many administrator user accounts do you have. There really should be only one person with super user access . It is really not productive or safe to have other users that do minor edits of the website with administrator privileges; and they could accidentally cause issues. These are basic steps and there is a lot more you can do. Send an email if you need help/step by step instructions. Hope all goes well.

Symfony2 deployment via ftp

I tried to deploy my project with capifony, becouse I found here an answer, that with capifony deployment is easy. Well I don't think it is, so my question is:
How can I deploy my project via ftp, I put all my files on the server but even if I browse to web/app.php, the only thing I get is an empty page, whatever route I write in the url. So someone please explain me how can I get this work! Thank you!
A couple of things to think of when deploying a Symfony2 project to a new server or computer (as far as I've encountered) might be:
Make sure that the server and it's PHP installation meets the Symfony2 requirements (and perhaps also the recommendations)
Check that you've somewhat followed the installation instructions (found here)
Try to clear the cache
Make sure that the web server and it's PHP process have write permissions to the cache folder
If none of these helps, try to modify the app_dev.php to temporarily allow access from your current (client) IP (instead of restraining it to localhost). Then, hopefully, you'll get a more useful and detailed error message, instead of the blank page (which often is caused by some fatal error that have occurred during the initialization of the framework and its kernel)
Update: Noticed now that you've tagged your question with 'windows', but that you don't mention which server you're trying to deploy to. I wrote the above with some *nix based server in mind, but hopefully some of it are applicable to Windows servers too (but there might be other common sources of error running under Windows that I'm not familliar with

Using Magento Embedded ERP, how do I configure the Magento Client Computer on the server

I'm using Magento, and Maison du Logiciel's extension Embedded ERP
Apparently I need a MagentoClientComputer.xml file but it's not included in the package at all! I looked it over more than once and I looked at the installed files of the Magento Client Computer program and can't find it at all.
What am I supposed to do? What do I need to be able to configure the Client Computer settings on the server?
Maison Du Logiciel split the Client Computer program into a separate package that must be downloaded separately from their forums.
you probably didn't ask Maisondulogiciel because they would have told you to download it on maisondulogiciel support forum using your credentials
