Crashlytics Won't Pass "Add a Run Script Build Phase" - xcode

After installing Crashlytics and checking out the source code for the project I am helping out with, I add a build phase script and add the following code:
./Crashlytics.framework/run <api_key>
This initially worked until I blew away my changes. I then tried to build and was missing my Crashlytics.h file. I then tried to reconnect the app but I get stuck at the "Add a Run Script Build Phase".
I have tried removing Crashlytics and reinstalling it without success. Does anyone have insight into how I can get things running again?
Thanks in advance!

Check Debug Information Format for Debug, and Release. They should be DWARF with dSYM File.
dSYM file is in order to show debug symbols. The Run Script will upload dSYM file.

Make sure that you have pasted Run command bellow the Shell /bin/sh field:

I was able to fix this by manually grabbing the Crashlytics files that are generated and import them into the project. They are generated in the Crashlytics folder when you add the run script build phase, but not imported.


XCODE 13.2: Multiple commands produce Build Error

I am trying to build a project using Google FireStore.
I was able to compile fine yesterday. I had the auth working.
I added a couple swift files today and I keep getting this build error.
Multiple commands produce '/Users/isai/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/bwoae-civvqqnndameofcwxddefhbquxiy/Build/Intermediates.noindex/':
1) Target 'bwoae' (project 'bwoae') has compile command for Swift source files
2) Target 'bwoae' (project 'bwoae') has compile command for Swift source files
I checked my "Copy Bundle Resources" Section. I do not have a duplicate plist file.
I even tried deleting everything under "Copy Bundle Resources" .
I still have this error.
Can someone please shed some light here and help me get rid of this error ?
Thank You.

How to get a Run Script phase to run first during compile in xcode?

In xcode 10.2, there is a run-script build phase. I have a script to copy a framework to a specific pod in DerivedData/somename-someguid/products/etc...
However, it seems that the script is not running first based on the print statements and it fails to find the file. If I manually copy the file there first, I can see the output of my script in the build log and it succeeds.
I tried dragging it up in the build-phase panel. I also tried adding it to the copy-file section, but copy does not understand how to embed with the correct pod.
Is there a way to specify the order of running these scripts? Is there a pre-everything section I don't know about?
Of course, it turns out I had the run script phase on the main app project instead of the pod project targets not realizing it built the pods first. So adding it there fixes it. Saving other noobs from this mistake by leaving the question up....

Xbuild can't recognize SignAndroidPackage when using bamboo

I am trying to create a .APK file in Bamboo using the xbuild executable in a command task. The way I thought it should work is like this:
CusomterApp.sln /t:SignAndroidPackage /p:Configuration=Release
This however when I run the build will give this error. Target named 'SignAndroidPackage' not found in the project. I have tried to build it without it but I am getting other errors instead. I have tried changing the order of it and changing the target but it doesn't seem to create the apk file doing this.
I have seen in another question that someone created an apk file using this(not on Bamboo):
xbuild $ANDROID_PROJECT_FILE /t:SignAndroidPackage /p:Configuration=Release
So I thought I should have no problems with using this on Bamboo but the executable doesn't seem to recognize the SignAndroidPackage and doesn't work, any ideas on how to fix this?
I create a .IPA file for an IPhone app using mdtool, with this command -v build -t:Build "c:Release|iPhone" CustomerApp.sln and this works fine for creating the .IPA file so I would have thought that the .APK would be fine too.
I think that the problem is to do with using the solution file for the Android apk file, The bamboo will create a solution folder which has both iOS and Android files in it. The iOS worked and built the IPA file when I used the CustomerApp.sln file. The apk file does not build when I use the CustomerApp.sln. If I use this CustomerApp.Droid/CustomerApp.Droid.csproj file I get a list of error's Are you missing an assembly reference?
When I was doing the IPA I got this error using the CustomerApp.iOS/CustomerApp.iOS.csproj file which I fixed by using the CustomerApp.sln file instead. How can I fix this as the whole folder contains information that is necessary for the creation of the APK file?
I have found a problem that when I try to build the apk file using this: /p:Configuration=Release CustomerApp.sln it gives me the error PCL assemblies not installed and it also has this warning : Unable to find framework corresponding to the target moniker '.NetPortable,Version=v4.5,Profile=Profile78'. Framework assembly references will be resolved from the GAC, which might not be the intended behaviour. I don't know why this is happening as I looked for the profile in the folder specified and it was there.
I had this problem before when trying to use xbuild to create the IPA file but then I used mdtool and it worked fine, I think I need to use xbuild to build the apk file but I can't see how to fix it. I also tried to run it in the terminal of the mac and I got the same error. Why is this happening?
The reason this happens is because you have to specify a .csproj, not a .sln. If you give it a solution file, you'll get an error complaining that it can't find the "SignAndroidPackage" target.

Multiple build commands for output file in Xcode

My xCode project for an OSX app gives me the following error.
Warning: Multiple build commands for output file
Is this something I should be worried about or fix immediately?
Also is there a way to make this go away?
Open the Copy Bundle Resources from the Build Phase in your project. Find the duplicate files in that list and delete their references.

Xcode: How do I change my project folders name, without having building problems?

I would like to change the folder name where my Xcode project is in. But when I do that I can't build my project anymore. It shows me 2 errors that says:
Apple LLVM compiler 3.0 error
file "project name-Prefix.pch" has been modified since the precompiled header was built
Any way to solve this?
Select Product > Clean from the Xcode menu.
Then try and build again by selecting Product > Build.
Your project should build without errors assuming that targets are correct.
Either you have replaced the code to some another machine. Try to commit the explicitly included import in the .PCH file. Compile it once on that specific machine. Now un-comment the those import lines and then compile the code again.
If you are trying to build project from terminal then
execute "$ xcodebuild clean " before execute the build command.
This will resolve the issue.
