XCODE 13.2: Multiple commands produce Build Error - xcode

I am trying to build a project using Google FireStore.
I was able to compile fine yesterday. I had the auth working.
I added a couple swift files today and I keep getting this build error.
Multiple commands produce '/Users/isai/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/bwoae-civvqqnndameofcwxddefhbquxiy/Build/Intermediates.noindex/bwoae.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/bwoae.build/Objects-normal/arm64/ViewExtensions.stringsdata':
1) Target 'bwoae' (project 'bwoae') has compile command for Swift source files
2) Target 'bwoae' (project 'bwoae') has compile command for Swift source files
I checked my "Copy Bundle Resources" Section. I do not have a duplicate plist file.
I even tried deleting everything under "Copy Bundle Resources" .
I still have this error.
Can someone please shed some light here and help me get rid of this error ?
Thank You.


Multiple build commands for output file in Xcode

My xCode project for an OSX app gives me the following error.
Warning: Multiple build commands for output file
Is this something I should be worried about or fix immediately?
Also is there a way to make this go away?
Open the Copy Bundle Resources from the Build Phase in your project. Find the duplicate files in that list and delete their references.

Using CryptoSwift Library with Xcode

I am trying to use the CrpytoSwift Library in Xcode, and I have tried many tutorials to add it to my project, however when i import it it throws the 'module not found error'. Is there something Im missing? (I've included the links I followed below.
Cannot install cocoa pods after uninstalling, results in error
I've also uploaded a screenshot of my xcode project directory tree.Xcode Directory Tree
In order to remove the 'module not found error' the project needs to be cleaned and built again for it to recognize the added packages(pods).

Crashlytics Won't Pass "Add a Run Script Build Phase"

After installing Crashlytics and checking out the source code for the project I am helping out with, I add a build phase script and add the following code:
./Crashlytics.framework/run <api_key>
This initially worked until I blew away my changes. I then tried to build and was missing my Crashlytics.h file. I then tried to reconnect the app but I get stuck at the "Add a Run Script Build Phase".
I have tried removing Crashlytics and reinstalling it without success. Does anyone have insight into how I can get things running again?
Thanks in advance!
Check Debug Information Format for Debug, and Release. They should be DWARF with dSYM File.
dSYM file is in order to show debug symbols. The Run Script will upload dSYM file.
Make sure that you have pasted Run command bellow the Shell /bin/sh field:
I was able to fix this by manually grabbing the Crashlytics files that are generated and import them into the project. They are generated in the Crashlytics folder when you add the run script build phase, but not imported.

TeamCity not building Cordova project when building PhoneGap project

I'm trying to build a PhoneGap application using TeamCity and am receiving an error stating that:
AppDelegate.h:30:9: fatal error: 'Cordova/CDVViewController.h' file not found
My xcodeproj actually has the Cordova.xcodeproj file inside the project rather than referencing it from anywhere else. I can tell it is in fact building the project as when I deliberately put in a syntax error into one of its files the build fails on that file, however it doesn't seem like the compiled output is being picked up by the main project.
I can build the project fine through xcode.

Xcode: How do I change my project folders name, without having building problems?

I would like to change the folder name where my Xcode project is in. But when I do that I can't build my project anymore. It shows me 2 errors that says:
Apple LLVM compiler 3.0 error
file "project name-Prefix.pch" has been modified since the precompiled header was built
Any way to solve this?
Select Product > Clean from the Xcode menu.
Then try and build again by selecting Product > Build.
Your project should build without errors assuming that targets are correct.
Either you have replaced the code to some another machine. Try to commit the explicitly included import in the .PCH file. Compile it once on that specific machine. Now un-comment the those import lines and then compile the code again.
If you are trying to build project from terminal then
execute "$ xcodebuild clean " before execute the build command.
This will resolve the issue.
