I'm printing labels using a TSC ME240 printer.
The label design has a company logo, text part and a barcode.
The barcode and text are printed just fine but not the logo, which is a .bmp image stored in the printer's memory.
Everytime I print the labels, I get a pop up message "Could not open the File".
Here's part of my code:
setup("80 mm", "51 mm", "4", "15", "0", "3 mm", "0");
downloadpcx("logo-bmp.PCX", "logo-bmp.PCX");
sendcommand("PUTPCX 19,15,\"logo-bmp.PCX\"");
printlabel("1", "1");
I also tried storing the image within the application but I still get the same message. I'm wondering if maybe I need to change the print speed? Is it possible that the printer couldn't print the image because the printer is printing too fast? But if the print speed is set too low, the sticker paper might burn.
I configured the printer to a lower print speed but that didn't solve my problem.
And then I tried using their sample image and it printed just fine. My image is 5kb and their image is 6kb so I know that size doesn't have anything to do with it.
Any input on this matter will be highly appreciated. Running out of ideas here.
I changed from pcx to bmp. I also made the image 1kb small. Then I uploaded the new image to the printer using diagtool.
My code didn't change aside from removing the downloadpcx line and changing PUTPCX to PUTBMP.
setup("80 mm", "51 mm", "4", "15", "0", "3 mm", "0");
sendcommand("PUTBMP 19,15,\"logo-bmp.BMP\"");
printlabel("1", "1");
And then it worked.
Your code should look like this:
PrintTSClabel.openport("PrinterName as in Windows"); //Driver name of the printer as in Windows
PrintTSClabel.setup("80", "38", "4", "15", "0", "3", "0"); //Setup the media size and sensor type info
PrintTSClabel.clearbuffer(); //Clear image buffer
PrintTSClabel.downloadpcx(#"C:\USERS\USER\DOWNLOADS\LOGO-BMP.PCX", "LOGO-BMP.PCX"); //Download PCX file into printer
PrintTSClabel.sendcommand("PUTPCX 10,30,\"LOGO-BMP.PCX\""); //Drawing PCX graphic
PrintTSClabel.sendcommand("PRINT 1"); //Print labels
PrintTSClabel.closeport(); //Close specified printer driver
This is because the image is not in BMP format supported by the TSC printer (1 bit or 256 bit).
Open the image in Paint as save as BMP with the format as either 1 bit or 256 bit.
I solved the issue with below code:
TSCActivity tscDll = new TSCActivity();
tscDll.setup(100, 60, 4, 15, 0, 3, 0);
String filePath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString() + "/Download";
String fileName = "PrintImg2.bmp";
File mFile = new File(filePath, fileName);
tscDll.sendpicture(200, 200, mFile.getAbsolutePath());
tscDll.printlabel(1, 1);
Install the sample app on your android phone, and connect the printer with your phone using Bluetooth.
'TSCActivity' is the activity class in 'tscsdk'.
'00:19:0E:A2:23:DE' replace it with your Printer's MAC address (You will get it on your Phone's BT setting, after pairing with the printer)
Here I kept the image in Download folder of the Phone (adb push path_of_img/PrintImg2.bmp /mnt/sdcard/Download).
Image size depends on the resolution of the image, you can change setup()'s 1st two arguments(width, height......) to get the maximum size possible.
I had the same problem, below code solved the Issue.
mydll = cdll.LoadLibrary('k:\Work\SCANNER\Printer\TSCLIB_V0201_x64\TSCLIB.dll')
print 'Start Printing.'
mydll.openport("TSC TA300")
mydll.sendcommand("SIZE 50.8 mm,25.4 mm")
mydll.sendcommand('GAP 3 mm,0 mm')
mydll.sendcommand('DIRECTION 0')
# Draw Label Image
mydll.sendcommand('BOX 12,12,584.4,282,4,19.2')
mydll.sendcommand("QRCODE 417.6,160,H,4,A,0,\"ABCabc123\"")
mydll.sendcommand("TEXT 48,56,\"2\",0,1,1,\"I'm Testing\"")
# Print
mydll.sendcommand('PRINT 1,1')
print 'Finished Printing.'
I'm trying to write a code in Image J that will:
Open all images in separate windows that contains "488" within a folder
Use look up tables to convert images to green and RGB color From ImageJ, the commands are: run("Green"); and run("RGB Color");
Adjust the brightness and contrast with defined values for Min and Max (same values for each image).
I know that the code for that is:
//run("Brightness/Contrast..."); setMinAndMax(value min, value max); run("Apply LUT");
Save each image in the same, original folder , in Tiff and with the same name but finishing with "processed".
I have no experience with Java and am very bad with coding. I tried to piece something together using code I found on stackoverflow and on the ImageJ website, but kept getting error codes. Any help is much appreciated!
I don't know if you still need it, but here is an example.
output_dir = "C:/Users/test/"
input_dir = "C:/Users/test/"
list = getFileList(input_dir);
listlength = list.length;
for (z = 0; z < listlength; z++){
if(endsWith(list[z], 'tif')==true ){
title = list[z];
end = lengthOf(title)-4;
out_path = output_dir + substring(title,0,end) + "_processed.tif";
open(input_dir + title);
//add all the functions you want
setMinAndMax(1, 15);
run("Apply LUT");
saveAs("tif", "" + out_path + "");
run("Close All");
I think it contains all the things you need. It opens all the images (in specific folder) that ends with tif and contains 488. I didn't completely understand what you want to do with each photo, so I just added your functions. But you probably won't have problems with adding more/different since you can get them with macro recorder.
And the code is written to open tif files. If you have tiff just be cerful that you change that and also change -4 to -5.
I want to print the captions imported from facebook/instagram in an image and save it. I want to do this using imagick library with php as I am creating the base image using imagick. The normal text prints properly but the emojis that are imported do not get printed as emoji's. Can anyone suggest how emojis can be printed using imagick.
What I have tried:
$eachpageimg = new Imagick ();
$eachpageimg->setResolution ( 300 , 300 );
$eachpageimg->newImage (1050, 1260 , 'rgb(255,255,255)');
$eachpageimg->setImageFormat ('jpeg');
$draw = new ImagickDraw();
$pixel = new ImagickPixel( 'rgb(255, 255, 255)' );
$pixel->setColorValue(Imagick::COLOR_ALPHA, .8);
$draw->setFillColor ('rgb(0,0,0)');
$draw->setFont ("ROBOTO-REGULAR");
$draw->setFontSize (70);
$xpos = 10;
$ypos = 200;
$eachpageimg->annotateImage($draw, $xpos, $ypos, 0, "Gshdh😚😎😑😚🤠");
$filename = 'saved.jpg';
// SAVE FINAL page image
file_put_contents ($filename, $eachpageimg);
The font you are using needs to have the emojis in them. This can be checked by just editing a word or web page with that font set.
Those look very much like a mucked up character set rather than emoji. I strongly suspect that you are saving some data in a character set that doesn't support emoji (i.e. most non-UTF) character sets.
Exactly where that has happened will need to be something you discover yourself.
I am using the following Java code to read a Dicom image, trying to convert it later to JPEG file. When the reading happens in the line
tempImage = ImageIO.read(dicomFile);
, the returned image either has an image type of 10 or something else, like 0 or 11. The problem here is that the reading happens sporadically. Sometimes the returned image type is 10, and sometimes it is not.
When the returned image type is 10, the writing of the converted JPEG file succeeds and returns true and I get my JPEG file. However, when the returned image type is not 10, the writing fails and returns false, and doesn't produce any file. This is the statement I am using for writing:
writerReturn = ImageIO.write(image, "jpeg", new File(tempLocation + studyId + File.separator + seriesUID + File.separator + objectId + thumbnail+ ".jpeg"));
I have spent long time trying to figure out why this sporadic behaviour is happening but couldn't reach to anything. Could you please help?
I am guessing the issue is that your input image is 16bits while I am sure your code only accept 8bits input. You cannot write out using the so-called usual JPEG 8bits lossy format unless you transform your 16bits input.
On my box here is what I see:
$ gdcminfo 1.2.840.113619.2.67.2200970061.29232060605151433.387
MediaStorage is 1.2.840.10008. [Digital X-Ray Image Storage - For Presentation]
TransferSyntax is 1.2.840.10008. [JPEG 2000 Image Compression (Lossless Only)]
NumberOfDimensions: 2
Dimensions: (1887,1859,1)
SamplesPerPixel :1
BitsAllocated :16
BitsStored :14
HighBit :13
ScalarType found :UINT16
PhotometricInterpretation: MONOCHROME2
PlanarConfiguration: 0
TransferSyntax: 1.2.840.10008.
Group 0x6000
Rows 1859
Columns 1887
NumberOfFrames 0
Type G
Origin[2] 1,1
FrameOrigin 0
BitsAllocated 1
BitPosition 0
Origin: (0,0,0)
Spacing: (0.187429,0.187429,1)
DirectionCosines: (1,0,0,0,1,0)
Rescale Intercept/Slope: (0,1)
Orientation Label: AXIAL
So if you want to convince yourself you could extract the encapsulated JPEG 2000 bytestream:
$ gdcmraw 1.2.840.113619.2.67.2200970061.29232060605151433.387 bug.j2k
$ file bug.j2k
bug.j2k: JPEG 2000 codestream
I was able to open the generated bug.j2k using either IrfanView and kdu_show, but as you can see the image is very dark (only the lower bits are read).
From extra information in the comments, we have discovered that the application is running in a Glassfish server, and that there are two ImageIO plugins installed, both capable of reading DICOM images. The problem is not really related to reading, but sometimes writing the decoded image to JPEG fails.
The service providers for mentioned plugins are org.dcm4cheri.imageio.plugins.DcmImageReaderSpi and
org.dcm4che2.imageioimpl.plugins.dcm.DicomImageReaderSpi, but only the latter (DicomImageReaderSpi) seems to work. This is because it produces an 8 bits per sample BufferedImage, which is what the JPEGImageWriter is able to write (the DcmImageReaderSpi creates a 16 bit per sample image, which can't be written as a JFIF JPEG and thus unsupported by the JPEGImageWriter).
Because of the (by default) unspecified (read: unpredictable) order of ImageIO plugins, the result is that sometimes you get the 8 bps version and sometimes the 16 bit version of the image, and the end result is that sometimes the conversion won't work.
Now, the good news is that we can set an explicit order of ImageIO plugins, or we can unregister plugins at runtime, to get a stable predictable result. What is the better of these options, depends on wether there are other code on your server that depends on the undesired plugin or not. If you don't need it, unregister it.
The code below shows both of the above options:
// Get the global registry
IIORegistry registry = IIORegistry.getDefaultInstance();
// Lookup the known providers
ImageReaderSpi goodProvider = lookupProviderByName(registry, "org.dcm4che2.imageioimpl.plugins.dcm.DicomImageReaderSpi");
ImageReaderSpi badProvider = lookupProviderByName(registry, "org.dcm4cheri.imageio.plugins.DcmImageReaderSpi");
if (goodProvider != null && badProvider != null) {
// If both are found, EITHER
// order the good provider BEFORE the bad one
registry.setOrdering(ImageReaderSpi.class, goodProvider, badProvider);
// OR
// un-register the bad provider
// New and improved (shorter) version. :-)
private static <T> T lookupProviderByName(final ServiceRegistry registry, final String providerClassName) {
try {
return (T) registry.getServiceProviderByClass(Class.forName(providerClassName));
catch (ClassNotFoundException ignore) {
return null;
You should also make sure you run this code only once, for a container-based application, a good time is at application context start-up.
With the above solution, ImageIO.read(...) will always use the good plugin, and ImageIO.write(...) will work as expected.
I am trying to create a notification Icon based application in which I want to display some numbers ranging from 1-999.
I looked at this video which is similar to what I want to do but here the system tray icon just displays the icon and it shows a pop up rather than the system tray icon showing the number or any text.
Excluding the popup item, all I want to do is to read a number (input from somewhere) and display that number in the notification icon section.
I am open to trying any technology (QT, .net) for doing this. Basically, I am looking for some examples.
While parts of your question are vague, this is very possible, I'd even dare-say quite simple. Since you mentioned you're open to trying any technology, C# would probably simplify things for you.
Generate a new 16 x 16 Bitmap and draw the number to it using the Graphics class.
Convert the Image instance to an Icon instance, after disposing of your Graphics object.
Set the Icon property of your NotifyIcon to the icon you've just created.
These are the basic steps. You'll likely need to do some research if you aren't familiar with the classes used.
Thanks for replying to my question. Here is what I came up with. Not sure if this is what you were talking about.
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(WindowsFormsApplication2.Properties.Resources._16by16BitmapIcon);
RectangleF rectf = new RectangleF(2, 2, 16, 16);
Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);
g.DrawString("99", new Font("Tahoma", 7), Brushes.Blue, rectf);
pictureBox1.Image = bmp;
pictureBox1.Height = bmp.Height;
pictureBox1.Width = bmp.Width;
var thumb = (Bitmap)bmp.GetThumbnailImage(64, 64, null, IntPtr.Zero);
notifyIcon1.Icon = Icon.FromHandle(thumb.GetHicon());
Now my next question could this be done in a better way? This is my first C Sharp app so any suggestions are welcome!
public void ShowText(string text, Font font, Color col)
Brush brush = new SolidBrush(col);
// Create a bitmap and draw text on it
Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(16, 16);
Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);
graphics.DrawString(text, font, brush, 0, 0);
// Convert the bitmap with text to an Icon
Icon icon = Icon.FromHandle(bitmap.GetHicon());
m_notifyIcon.Icon = icon;
I have a Visual Studio application with a splash screen image cut into "slices". The positions are specified in the Form Designer so they line up properly on the screen. However, the images are out of place when the application is run on the Chinese version of Windows XP. It looks as if the image slices were "exploded" apart.
What's going on here? Do international versions of Windows have a different meaning of the "top left" coordinate of the picture? How can I force the images to be precisely displayed where I want them?
We found a solution! Apparently the picture boxes stretched out on the Chinese XP PC, but the images they contained did not. The fix was to add code like the following:
Me.PictureBoxIcon.Width = Me.PictureBoxIcon.Image.Width
Me.PictureBoxIcon.Height = Me.PictureBoxIcon.Image.Height
Dim loc As New Point
loc.X = Me.PictureBoxIcon.Location.X
loc.Y = Me.PictureBoxIcon.Location.Y + Me.PictureBoxIcon.Height
Me.PictureBoxAbout.Location = loc
Me.PictureBoxAbout.Width = Me.PictureBoxAbout.Image.Width
Me.PictureBoxAbout.Height = Me.PictureBoxAbout.Image.Height
Hope this helps someone else!
In the OnLoad event of the form, you could always explicitly set the location of each section. If starting at the top left with the first and assuming an array with the images in order:
images[0].Location = new Point(0,0);
for (int i = 1; i < images.Length; i++)
images[i].Location = new Point(images[i - 1].Location.X + images[i - 1].Width, 0);
That will set the first image to the top left corner and all subsequent images to just after the last image.