registration fields data is not clearing after registration in joomla? - joomla

I have a problem in joomla 2.5 registration page.
I am not using any joomla extension for registration. I am using joomla provided registration page.
When user registers with new details after successful submission an activation link is triggered to user mail id. It is working fine. Now again if I go to home page or any other page in a site and come back to registration page previous entered details are still available in the fields. How to clear the previous data in the fields?
Thanks in Advance.


How to reference a user's login in Oracle Apex

I'm trying to automatically display my user's login information on a merchant request page in a text field named P_Username. UI and the code behind merchant request shown below
Merchant Request UI
Merchant Request Code
I assumed I would just set the source of P_Username to the text field that I entered my username into upon login (P9999_USERNAME). UI and the code behind login page shown below
Login UI
Login Code
The login page was automatically created in my apex application so I did not create the table in which that login information was saved under. I'm fairly new to stack overflow, so feel free to give me any tips on how to better ask/portray my questions.
Username you're looking for (e.g. "collin", as displayed on the 1st screenshot) is - in Apex - :APP_USER. Literally like that; a colon : followed by APP_USER.

Design recommendations for Xamarin Forms Login scenario

I am looking for some best practice advice. I have a mobile application that has 4 functional elements. Out of the 4 only 1 requires the user to be authenticated.
For the authentication I have built a login page. So first I am checking if an application level property is setup. If that is true then the app does not need authentication. If that is not set I am loading a login form hosted on a content page.
The login page/ form has a backing ViewModel.
The PROBLEM I am trying to solve is that after the user has logged in from the login page and navigates to the next page, the back button takes user back to the login page.
The scenario I would like is that when user reaches a specific page, from that page back should go back to another page not the login page.
MainPage --> Login --> Dashboard
Dashboard(Back) --> Login (Not desired)
Dashboard(Back) --> MainPage (Desired)
Can somebody please help with this? I am looking for some guidance.

Integrating Devise registration views with backend model:

I am using Devise in a project and have followed the steps to get started with Devise being used in my app.
I have also generated Devise views to support registration for my user model. How can I make the backend registration of the user to be integrated with the view?
I read this link
and it suggests devise/sessions#new for both sign in and registration.
Is that an example ? How can I add actions that would enable validation of the fields ? How can I add a successful registration to my database ?
Currently the Signup button redirects and loops me to the same page with login buttons.
What action should I edit in my user controller? Or should I override devise registration controller ?
Any inputs would be helpful.
Coming to adding a successful user registration to the database devise should be able to do that automatically if you have set it up correctly. Only thing is that you have to try various options in routes file to set up the flow that you want. To add validation to fields you can make use of the rails helper method 'validates'.

After login, how to send user back to the same portal page that they were on before loging in?

im using websphere portal 6.1.5 and portlet factory 7
How can i send user to a custom page intead of portal home page if user accecces a certain page before loging in?
i want to return the user to the same page that they were on before they clicked login link and went to login page. any solution?
That should be the default behaviour. If the user is redirected to the login page after login the WAS Server woudl redirect you back to that particular page.
This assumes that the URL is unique for that page because that is what is stored by the server before it does the re-direct to the login page.
No WebSphere by default redirects the user to the first page that he has access to right after login. In order to make portal redirect the user to a custom page you would have to implement a LoginFilter; which can be attached to the wps.war.
Take a look at:
Info Center: Configuring authentication filters
Creating loginfilter for WebSphere Portal
TechNote: New security APIs in WebSphere Portal
I hope this helps.
The default Login redirect behaviour is true, but only if the Login page is requested using the unprotected URL.
If the page is available within the protected area, meaning for authenticated users as well you can change the calculation of the redirect behaviour even without a loginfilter.
Therefore you would need to send a redirect to the current page but reference the protected area. Like wps/portal/a/b/c is the URL the user is currently visiting the login link should trigger wps/myportal/a/b/c.
WebSphere will kick in and require authentication for the user, but stores the original requested URL. This information is then reused from Portal after the user authenticated

Silent, Optional and No account registration dont work

I tried to check each of these, and I still see VM registration/login page..I disabled all cache and I have no login modules in the site. You can see it in action: ..try to purchase smth and you will be redirected to login page after clicking checkout... How to remove registration/login page? I want to use just paypal payments, so dont need registration. Thank you
ps. it's tpvmcheckoutlogin module on the page, which displays that login block...
I have latest VM version (and patch)
What is it set to right now? From the looks of the page it is set to normal now. In any case, changing that setting doesn't remove the registration page, it only changes what is displayed. VM will always want you to fill out the registration form so it knows who is placing an order. Here is what the different options mean -
Normal Registration - checkout page displays a login form and a new user registration form. Users are required to pick a username and password. VM creates a user account.
Optional Registration - checkout page displays a login form and a new user registration form. Users have the option of selecting a username and password to create an account. VM only creates a user account if the option is selected
Silent Registration - checkout page displays a login for and a new user registration form. There are no form fields for username or password, VM assigns those to the user and sends them via email. A user account is created with the assigned credentials.
No regisration - checkout page displays registration form only, no username or password fields, no account login form. VM does not create a user account but still requires the form to be filled out for billing/shipping purposes.
