How to reference a user's login in Oracle Apex - oracle

I'm trying to automatically display my user's login information on a merchant request page in a text field named P_Username. UI and the code behind merchant request shown below
Merchant Request UI
Merchant Request Code
I assumed I would just set the source of P_Username to the text field that I entered my username into upon login (P9999_USERNAME). UI and the code behind login page shown below
Login UI
Login Code
The login page was automatically created in my apex application so I did not create the table in which that login information was saved under. I'm fairly new to stack overflow, so feel free to give me any tips on how to better ask/portray my questions.

Username you're looking for (e.g. "collin", as displayed on the 1st screenshot) is - in Apex - :APP_USER. Literally like that; a colon : followed by APP_USER.


Username and password integrating application with Microsoft Teams

I'm having trouble with Microsoft Teams in the sense that I does not recognise my username and password that I enter in my application. I'm able to get my application to display inside the Teams page, but when I capture my username and password, Teams re-display the login screen. I'm using core identity framework to authenticate my users.
When I add [anounamous] tags to my controllers, it's possible to navigate to those pages. But anything that is not decorated with [announoumus] will force me back to the login screen and then Teams does not recognise the login details.
It is as if it does not know how to read the information in the cookie.
I'm able to load the manifest.json file without any issues, then select the page to display on the Team Tab. But when I try to navigate to a "restricted" page that requires my user to be logged in, Teams display my login page.
Below is a link to the Manifest file if anyone is able to help:

Oracle Apex: redirect to the page user requested after login

I am using Oracle APEX 5.0 on Oracle 12c. I have a situation where a user opens a link to an apex page from his email and he is redirected to the login page because there is no session exists.
e.g. the link that user clicks is:
After clicking this link the user is moved to the login page. My question is after a successful login, how can we redirect him to the link he originally tried to access along with the parameters and values originally passed?
Yes, there's a way; follow this path:
Edit application properties >> Security tab >> Session management >> Deep linking >> set it to "Enabled"
From the documentation:
This attribute enables or prevents deep linking to an application.
Options include:
Enabled - The URL to a specific page ultimately redirects there, possibly after the user has to logged in.
Disabled - If the URL does not contain a valid session ID, Application Express redirects to the application's home page.
For example, browsers often save the URLs of opened tabs and try to
restore the sessions after a restart, causing a deep link. This
behavior may be undesirable (for example if a URL points to a page in
the middle of a multi-step wizard). By selecting Disable, Application
Express starts a new session and redirects to the application's home
Note you can override this application setting at page-level.

Oracle Apex - URL link that passes values

I have been working on a simple survey app and what to send out emails inviting people to do the survey, the link includes the population of item on the home screen using the following notation :
https:// ... /apex/f?p=56773:1:::::P1_UNIQUE_CODE:A281Skh7
There is no authentication to fill in the survey other than this unique code. This works when I am already logged into apex as a dev but if I email it to someone else it immediately diverts and gets a session number and clears the P1_UNIQUE_CODE:A281Skh7 part that sets the value.
Is there a way to construct a apex URL that sets values when you are not already logged in?
Note: using Apex5
Thanks in advance for your help.
You need to set the page attribute Authentication to Page Is Public.

Laravel new user registration, activation with email and secure login

I am working on a Laravel 4.2 project.
I already have implemented an email activation module for new user registration. Whenever a new user registers, I provide an activation link to him in an email and clicking on link, I compare the token (a random string with 30 characters) I have provided with link and user's email address with database records. If found to be matching, I just set is_active field of users table to true and redirect him to login page with a Congratulations message for successful activation.
But now, I DON'T want him to redirect to login page, but if successful activation, I want him logged in directly to his account.
But I believe that authenticate an user with just a string token and email address is not a secure way.
There must be something that I can trust on. Many sites do this including stackoverflow itself but I am not sure how?
Can you please guide me how to do this?

Can an admin validate sign-up requests in

Is there something similar to the email verifcation feature where a system admin could validate user sign-up/registration requests?
Background: We're building a system with a closed community, where new users can join only if an admin has verified their sing-up data.
Ideally the admin should just receive an email that there's a new registration request and validate the request directly from the email.
The emailVerified column is protected - it can only be updated by the system in response to the target user clicking the link in the validation email.
An admin can not "tick" this field on behalf of another user.
However. From your brief description of the background I would suggest that you want the users to click the link - after all it serves to validate their email address. If you are creating your own app there is nothing to stop you adding your own column to the user model (or preferably a related table) and implement code in your sign up that also checks this extra column. Of course this is more work - but likely not excessive - and you get the desired workflow.
