Asymptotic Notations-Big Oh Notation - asymptotic-complexity

What is the clear interpretation of this?
And how different is this from
sigma O(i) 1<=i<=n?
CLRS says it is different but does not explain how are these different?

If I remember correctly, the asymptotic complexity is always expressed with the highest order function, so
is just
Which makes sense if n is reasonably large. If n is small the whole complexity stuff makes little sense anyway.


What's the Big-O of T(n)=Constant?

Would it be O(Constant)?
T(n) = 10
Would be correct to say that the big-o is O(10)?
We usually write it as O(1) since constant factors aren't relevant.
Of course a zero constant is mathematically quite distinct. For our practical purposes, nothing takes no time in all cases, unless we aren't doing it. And if we aren't doing it, we probably don't care.

Still sort of confused about Big O notation

So I've been trying to understand Big O notation as well as I can, but there are still some things I'm confused about. So I keep reading that if something is O(n), it usually is referring to the worst-case of an algorithm, but that it doesn't necessarily have to refer to the worst case scenario, which is why we can say the best-case of insertion sort for example is O(n). However, I can't really make sense of what that means. I know that if the worst-case is O(n^2), it means that the function that represents the algorithm in its worst case grows no faster than n^2 (there is an upper bound). But if you have O(n) as the best case, how should I read that as? In the best case, the algorithm grows no faster than n? What I picture is a graph with n as the upper bound, like
If the best case scenario of an algorithm is O(n), then n is the upper bound of how fast the operations of the algorithm grow in the best case, so they cannot grow faster than n...but wouldn't that mean that they can grow as fast as O(log n) or O(1), since they are below the upper bound? That wouldn't make sense though, because O(log n) or O(1) is a better scenario than O(n), so O(n) WOULDN'T be the best case? I'm so lost lol
Big-O, Big-Θ, Big-Ω are independent from worst-case, average-case, and best-case.
The notation f(n) = O(g(n)) means f(n) grows no more quickly than some constant multiple of g(n).
The notation f(n) = Ω(g(n)) means f(n) grows no more slowly than some constant multiple of g(n).
The notation f(n) = Θ(g(n)) means both of the above are true.
Note that f(n) here may represent the best-case, worst-case, or "average"-case running time of a program with input size n.
Furthermore, "average" can have many meanings: it can mean the average input or the average input size ("expected" time), or it can mean in the long run (amortized time), or both, or something else.
Often, people are interested in the worst-case running time of a program, amortized over the running time of the entire program (so if something costs n initially but only costs 1 time for the next n elements, it averages out to a cost of 2 per element). The most useful thing to measure here is the least upper bound on the worst-case time; so, typically, when you see someone asking for the Big-O of a program, this is what they're looking for.
Similarly, to prove a problem is inherently difficult, people might try to show that the worst-case (or perhaps average-case) running time is at least a certain amount (for example, exponential).
You'd use Big-Ω notation for these, because you're looking for lower bounds on these.
However, there is no special relationship between worst-case and Big-O, or best-case and Big-Ω.
Both can be used for either, it's just that one of them is more typical than the other.
So, upper-bounding the best case isn't terribly useful. Yes, if the algorithm always takes O(n) time, then you can say it's O(n) in the best case, as well as on average, as well as the worst case. That's a perfectly fine statement, except the best case is usually very trivial and hence not interesting in itself.
Furthermore, note that f(n) = n = O(n2) -- this is technically correct, because f grows more slowly than n2, but it is not useful because it is not the least upper bound -- there's a very obvious upper bound that's more useful than this one, namely O(n). So yes, you're perfectly welcome to say the best/worst/average-case running time of a program is O(n!). That's mathematically perfectly correct. It's just useless, because when people ask for Big-O they're interested in the least upper bound, not just a random upper bound.
It's also worth noting that it may simply be insufficient to describe the running-time of a program as f(n). The running time often depends on the input itself, not just its size. For example, it may be that even queries are trivially easy to answer, whereas odd queries take a long time to answer.
In that case, you can't just give f as a function of n -- it would depend on other variables as well. In the end, remember that this is just a set of mathematical tools; it's your job to figure out how to apply it to your program and to figure out what's an interesting thing to measure. Using tools in a useful manner needs some creativity, and math is no exception.
Informally speaking, best case has O(n) complexity means that when the input meets
certain conditions (i.e. is best for the algorithm performed), then the count of
operations performed in that best case, is linear with respect to n (e.g. is 1n or 1.5n or 5n).
So if the best case is O(n), usually this means that in the best case it is exactly linear
with respect to n (i.e. asymptotically no smaller and no bigger than that) - see (1). Of course,
if in the best case that same algorithm can be proven to perform at most c * log N operations
(where c is some constant), then this algorithm's best case complexity would be informally
denoted as O(log N) and not as O(N) and people would say it is O(log N) in its best case.
Formally speaking, "the algorithm's best case complexity is O(f(n))"
is an informal and wrong way of saying that "the algorithm's complexity
is Ω(f(n))" (in the sense of the Knuth definition - see (2)).
See also:
(1) Wikipedia "Family of Bachmann-Landau notations"
(2) Knuth's paper "Big Omicron and Big Omega and Big Theta"
Big Omega notation - what is f = Ω(g)?
What is the difference between Θ(n) and O(n)?
What is a plain English explanation of "Big O" notation?
I find it easier to think of O() as about ratios than about bounds. It is defined as bounds, and so that is a valid way to think of it, but it seems a bit more useful to think about "if I double the number/size of inputs to my algorithm, does my processing time double (O(n)), quadruple (O(n^2)), etc...". Thinking about it that way makes it a little bit less abstract - at least to me...

Relation between worst case and average case running time of an algorithm

Let's say A(n) is the average running time of an algorithm and W(n) is the worst. Is it correct to say that
A(n) = O(W(n))
is always true?
The Big O notation is kind of tricky, since it only defines an upper bound to the execution time of a given algorithm.
What this means is, if f(x) = O(g(x)) then for every other function h(x) such that g(x) < h(x) you'll have f(x) = O(h(x)) . The problem is, are those over extimated execution times usefull? and the clear answer is not at all. What you usually whant is the "smallest"
upper bound you can get, but this is not strictly required in the definition, so you can play around with it.
You can get some stricter bound using the other notations, such as the Big Theta, as you can read here.
So, the answer to your question is yes, A(n) = O(W(n)), but that doesn't give any usefull information on the algorithm.
If you're mentioning A(n) and W(n) are functions - then, yes, you can do such statement in common case - it is because big-o formal definition.
Note, that in terms on big-o there's no sense to act such way - since it makes understanding of the real complexity worse. (In general, three cases - worst, average, best - are present exactly to show complexity more clear)
Yes, it is not a mistake to say so.
People use asymptotic notation to convey the growth of running time on specific cases in terms of input sizes.To compare the average case complexity with the worst case complexity isn't providing much insight into understanding the function's growth on either of the cases.
Whilst it is not wrong, it fails to provide more information than what we already know.
I'm unsure of exactly what you're trying to ask, but bear in mind the below.
The typical algorithm used to show the difference between average and worst case running time complexities is Quick Sort with poorly chosen pivots.
On average with a random sample of unsorted data, the runtime complexity is n log(n). However, with an already sorted set of data where pivots are taken from either the front/end of the list, the runtime complexity is n^2.

Bogosort and O(∞)

The well known bogosort algorithm simply shuffles a deck until it is in order
while not inOrder(deck) do
The complexity of this algorithm is O(∞).
First, is O(∞) well-defined? How can a function be within a constant factor of infinity?
Second, are there other well-known randomized algorithms that have this kind of worst case complexity? (of course no one would ever use bogosort...)
Finally, for a randomized algorithm, it seems to me that most of the time we can only speak about expected complexity. When does it make sense to use big-Oh with randomized algorithms?
O(∞) is an abuse of notation. If we're being strict about the notation, it cannot mean the growth is bounded by a constant factor of infinity, because infinity is not a real number.
If we accept this abuse of notation with its obvious meaning that the growth is "limited above by infinity" it becomes clear that it is too generic to be of much use. After all what function wouldn't be limited by infinity?
Because the worst-case running time of bogosort has no real upper bound, O(∞) is the only thing one can say about it with big-Oh notation, which, as we've seen, isn't really saying much.
But we can still use big-Oh notation when talking about randomized algorithms: we just need to analyse the things about it that have upper bounds. Bogosort has a best case, and that best case runs in O(n) time. And in average, it runs in O(n*n!) time.

Big-oh vs big-theta [duplicate]

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Closed 12 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
What is the difference between Θ(n) and O(n)?
It seems to me like when people talk about algorithm complexity informally, they talk about big-oh. But in formal situations, I often see big-theta with the occasional big-oh thrown in.
I know mathematically what the difference is between the two, but in English, in what situation would using big-oh when you mean big-theta be incorrect, or vice versa (an example algorithm would be appreciated)?
Bonus: why do people seemingly always use big-oh when talking informally?
Big-O is an upper bound.
Big-Theta is a tight bound, i.e. upper and lower bound.
When people only worry about what's the worst that can happen, big-O is sufficient; i.e. it says that "it can't get much worse than this". The tighter the bound the better, of course, but a tight bound isn't always easy to compute.
See also
Wikipedia/Big O Notation
Related questions
What is the difference between Θ(n) and O(n)?
The following quote from Wikipedia also sheds some light:
Informally, especially in computer science, the Big O notation often is
permitted to be somewhat abused to describe an asymptotic tight bound
where using Big Theta notation might be more factually appropriate in a
given context.
For example, when considering a function T(n) = 73n3+ 22n2+ 58, all of the following are generally acceptable, but tightness of bound (i.e., bullets 2 and 3 below) are usually strongly preferred over laxness of bound (i.e., bullet 1
T(n) = O(n100), which is identical to T(n) ∈ O(n100)
T(n) = O(n3), which is identical to T(n) ∈ O(n3)
T(n) = Θ(n3), which is identical to T(n) ∈ Θ(n3)
The equivalent English statements are respectively:
T(n) grows asymptotically no faster than n100
T(n) grows asymptotically no faster than n3
T(n) grows asymptotically as fast as n3.
So while all three statements are true, progressively more information is contained in
each. In some fields, however, the Big O notation (bullets number 2 in the lists above)
would be used more commonly than the Big Theta notation (bullets number 3 in the
lists above) because functions that grow more slowly are more desirable.
I'm a mathematician and I have seen and needed big-O O(n), big-Theta Θ(n), and big-Omega Ω(n) notation time and again, and not just for complexity of algorithms. As people said, big-Theta is a two-sided bound. Strictly speaking, you should use it when you want to explain that that is how well an algorithm can do, and that either that algorithm can't do better or that no algorithm can do better. For instance, if you say "Sorting requires Θ(n(log n)) comparisons for worst-case input", then you're explaining that there is a sorting algorithm that uses O(n(log n)) comparisons for any input; and that for every sorting algorithm, there is an input that forces it to make Ω(n(log n)) comparisons.
Now, one narrow reason that people use O instead of Ω is to drop disclaimers about worst or average cases. If you say "sorting requires O(n(log n)) comparisons", then the statement still holds true for favorable input. Another narrow reason is that even if one algorithm to do X takes time Θ(f(n)), another algorithm might do better, so you can only say that the complexity of X itself is O(f(n)).
However, there is a broader reason that people informally use O. At a human level, it's a pain to always make two-sided statements when the converse side is "obvious" from context. Since I'm a mathematician, I would ideally always be careful to say "I will take an umbrella if and only if it rains" or "I can juggle 4 balls but not 5", instead of "I will take an umbrella if it rains" or "I can juggle 4 balls". But the other halves of such statements are often obviously intended or obviously not intended. It's just human nature to be sloppy about the obvious. It's confusing to split hairs.
Unfortunately, in a rigorous area such as math or theory of algorithms, it's also confusing not to split hairs. People will inevitably say O when they should have said Ω or Θ. Skipping details because they're "obvious" always leads to misunderstandings. There is no solution for that.
Because my keyboard has an O key.
It does not have a Θ or an Ω key.
I suspect most people are similarly lazy and use O when they mean Θ because it's easier to type.
One reason why big O gets used so much is kind of because it gets used so much. A lot of people see the notation and think they know what it means, then use it (wrongly) themselves. This happens a lot with programmers whose formal education only went so far - I was once guilty myself.
Another is because it's easier to type a big O on most non-Greek keyboards than a big theta.
But I think a lot is because of a kind of paranoia. I worked in defence-related programming for a bit (and knew very little about algorithm analysis at the time). In that scenario, the worst case performance is always what people are interested in, because that worst case might just happen at the wrong time. It doesn't matter if the actually probability of that happening is e.g. far less than the probability of all members of a ships crew suffering a sudden fluke heart attack at the same moment - it could still happen.
Though of course a lot of algorithms have their worst case in very common circumstances - the classic example being inserting in-order into a binary tree to get what's effectively a singly-linked list. A "real" assessment of average performance needs to take into account the relative frequency of different kinds of input.
Bonus: why do people seemingly always use big-oh when talking informally?
Because in big-oh, this loop:
for i = 1 to n do
something in O(1) that doesn't change n and i and isn't a jump
is O(n), O(n^2), O(n^3), O(n^1423424). big-oh is just an upper bound, which makes it easier to calculate because you don't have to find a tight bound.
The above loop is only big-theta(n) however.
What's the complexity of the sieve of eratosthenes? If you said O(n log n) you wouldn't be wrong, but it wouldn't be the best answer either. If you said big-theta(n log n), you would be wrong.
Because there are algorithms whose best-case is quick, and thus it's technically a big O, not a big Theta.
Big O is an upper bound, big Theta is an equivalence relation.
There are a lot of good answers here but I noticed something was missing. Most answers seem to be implying that the reason why people use Big O over Big Theta is a difficulty issue, and in some cases this may be true. Often a proof that leads to a Big Theta result is far more involved than one that results in Big O. This usually holds true, but I do not believe this has a large relation to using one analysis over the other.
When talking about complexity we can say many things. Big O time complexity is just telling us what an algorithm is guarantied to run within, an upper bound. Big Omega is far less often discussed and tells us the minimum time an algorithm is guarantied to run, a lower bound. Now Big Theta tells us that both of these numbers are in fact the same for a given analysis. This tells us that the application has a very strict run time, that can only deviate by a value asymptoticly less than our complexity. Many algorithms simply do not have upper and lower bounds that happen to be asymptoticly equivalent.
So as to your question using Big O in place of Big Theta would technically always be valid, while using Big Theta in place of Big O would only be valid when Big O and Big Omega happened to be equal. For instance insertion sort has a time complexity of Big О at n^2, but its best case scenario puts its Big Omega at n. In this case it would not be correct to say that its time complexity is Big Theta of n or n^2 as they are two different bounds and should be treated as such.
I have seen Big Theta, and I'm pretty sure I was taught the difference in school. I had to look it up though. This is what Wikipedia says:
Big O is the most commonly used asymptotic notation for comparing functions, although in many cases Big O may be replaced with Big Theta Θ for asymptotically tighter bounds.
Source: Big O Notation#Related asymptotic notation
I don't know why people use Big-O when talking formally. Maybe it's because most people are more familiar with Big-O than Big-Theta? I had forgotten that Big-Theta even existed until you reminded me. Although now that my memory is refreshed, I may end up using it in conversation. :)
