I am developing a piece of software that need to check duplicate small text (normally less than 2 kb) using pre-calculated signature (4bytes). Currently , I've implemented CRC32 (4byte) to achieve this purpose but I suspect that CRC32 would generated a lot of duplicate values. I know it is impossible to make it really unique but at least I want to minimize this probability.
-- UPDATE 1 --
NOTE: I can not increase the size of hash bytes. It costs me a lot of storage. I am talking about entries size more than 1,000,000. for example 1,000,000 * 4 byte = 4,000,000 bytes. I cannot use MD5 because it takes 16 bytes!
-- UPDATE 2 --
I did not want to open the whole problem but now I have to do it.
My project is a dictionary engine that can search a lot of independent databases to find the users' asked phrase. All results must be prepared instantly (auto-complete feature). All text data is compressed, so I cannot decompress them to check the duplicated results. I have to store hash values from compressed text in my index. So hash bytes increase index size and disk I/O to read, decompress and decode index blocks (index blocks is also compressed). The hash values are generally un-compressible. The design of this software forced me to compress everything to meet the user's needs (using in embedded systems). Now, I want to remove duplicate text from search result using hash values to avoid (un)compressed text comparison (which is unreasonable in my case because of disk I/O).
It seems that we can design a custom checksum that meets the conditions. For example, I store text length in 2 bytes and generate 2-bytes checksum to check duplicate possibility ?!
I appreciate any suggestion in advance.
-- UPDATE 3 --
After a lot of investigations and using the information that are provided by answers, thanks to all of you, I found that CRC32 is good enough in my case. I ran some statistical benchmarks on my generated CRCs, after checking the duplicate values, the result was satisfying.
thanks to all of you.
I will up-vote all answers.
Without further knowledge about small text, the best you can hope for is each hash value equally probable, and most of 2³² 4-octet-values used. Even then, you are more likely than not to have a collision with just about 77000 texts, let alone a million. With a few exceptions (Adler32 coming to mind), well-known hash functions differ very little in collision probability. (They differ in difficulty to produce collisions/given values on purpose, and in computation/circuit cost.)
→Chose a compromise between collision probability and storage requirements.
For easily computed checksums, have a look at Fletcher's - Adler32 is very similar, but has a an increased collision probability with short inputs.
In case you get into hash collision you have to check if text is equal. The best way would be to count how many time it happens to have collision make some statistics and if it looks bad optimizing it. I got this idea that you could build 2 different hash values crc32 and md5 (or Luhn or whatever you like) and check for equality only if both hashes have same values.
I did something very similar in one of my projects. In my project i used something called a BLOOM FILTER , watch about the entire thing here and how to implement it , Bloom filter reduces the chances of HASH COLLITIONS massively thanks to its use of several hashing algorithms (however its possible to simulate multiple hash functions using just one hashing function but that what we are here for.) .. Try this out !! it worked for me and will work for u as well
An actual working implementation of a bloom filter
I have a data structure that stores amongst others a 24-bit wide value. I have a lot of these objects.
To minimize storage cost, I calculated the 2^7 most important values out of the 2^24 possible values and stored them in a static array. Thus I only have to save a 7-bit index to that array in my data structure.
The problem is: I get these 24-bit values and I have to convert them to my 7-bit index on the fly (no preprocessing possible). The computation is basically a search which one out of 2^7 values fits best. Obviously, this takes some time for a big number of objects.
An obvious solution would be to create a simple mapping array of bytes with the length 2^24. But this would take 16 MB of RAM. Too much.
One observation of the 16 MB array: On average 31 consecutive values are the same. Unfortunately there are also a number of consecutive values that are different.
How would you implement this conversion from a 24-bit value to a 7-bit index saving as much CPU and memory as possible?
Hard to say without knowing what the definition is of "best fit". Perhaps a kd-tree would allow a suitable search based on proximity by some metric or other, so that you quickly rule out most candidates, and only have to actually test a few of the 2^7 to see which is best?
This sounds similar to the problem that an image processor has when reducing to a smaller colour palette. I don't actually know what algorithms/structures are used for that, but I'm sure they're look-up-able, and might help.
As an idea...
Up the index table to 8 bits, then xor all 3 bytes of the 24 bit word into it.
then your table would consist of this 8 bit hash value, plus the index back to the original 24 bit value.
Since your data is RGB like, a more sophisticated hashing method may be needed.
bit24var & 0x000f gives you the right hand most char.
(bit24var >> 8) & 0x000f gives you the one beside it.
(bit24var >> 16) & 0x000f gives you the one beside that.
Yes, you are thinking correctly. It is quite likely that one or more of the 24 bit values will hash to the same index, due to the pigeon hole principal.
One method of resolving a hash clash is to use some sort of chaining.
Another idea would be to put your important values is a different array, then simply search it first. If you don't find an acceptable answer there, then you can, shudder, search the larger array.
How many 2^24 haves do you have? Can you sort these values and count them by counting the number of consecutive values.
Since you already know which of the 2^24 values you need to keep (i.e. the 2^7 values you have determined to be important), we can simply just filter incoming data and assign a value, starting from 0 and up to 2^7-1, to these values as we encounter them. Of course, we would need some way of keeping track of which of the important values we have already seen and assigned a label in [0,2^7) already. For that we can use some sort of tree or hashtable based dictionary implementation (e.g. std::map in C++, HashMap or TreeMap in Java, or dict in Python).
The code might look something like this (I'm using a much smaller range of values):
import random
def make_mapping(data, important):
mapping=dict() # dictionary to hold the final mapping
next_index=0 # the next free label that can be assigned to an incoming value
for elem in data:
if elem in important: #check that the element is important
if elem not in mapping: # check that this element hasn't been assigned a label yet
next_index+=1 # this label is assigned, the next new important value will get the next label
return mapping
if __name__=='__main__':
print answer
You can make the search much faster by using hash/tree based set data structure for the set of important values. That would make the entire procedure O(n*log(k)) (or O(n) if its is a hashtable) where n is the size of input and k is the set of important values.
Another idea is to represent the 24BitValue array in a bit map. A nice unsigned char can hold 8 bits, so one would need 2^16 array elements. Thats 65536. If the corresponding bit is set, then you know that that specific 24BitValue is present in the array, and needs to be checked.
One would need an iterator, to walk through the array and find the next set bit. Some machines actually provide a "find first bit" operation in their instruction set.
Good luck on your quest.
Let us know how things turn out.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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StackOverflow crowd. I have a very open-ended software design question.
I've been looking for an elagant solution to this for a while and I was wondering if anyone here had some brilliant insight into the problem. Consider this to be like a data structures puzzle.
What I am trying to do is to create a unit converter that is capable of converting from any unit to any unit. Assume that the lexing and parsing is already done. A few simple examples:
Convert("days","hours") // Yields 24
Convert("revolutions", "degrees") // Yields 360
To make things a little more complicated, it must smoothly handle ambiguities between inputs:
Convert("minutes","hours") // Yields (1/60)
Convert("minutes","revolutions") // Yields (1/21600)
To make things even more fun, it must handle complex units without needing to enumerate all possibilities:
Convert("Newton meters","foot pounds")
Convert("Acre feet","meters^3")
There's no right or wrong answer, I'm looking for ideas on how to accomplish this. There's always a brute force solution, but I want something elegant that is simple and scalable.
I would start with a hashtable (or persisted lookup table - your choice how you implement) that carries unit conversions between as many pairs as you care to put in. If you put in every possible pair, then this is your brute force approach.
If you have only partial pairs, you can then do a search across the pairs you do have to find a combination. For example, let's say I have these two entries in my hashtable:
Now if I want to convert feet to centimeters, I have a simple graph search: vertices are Feet, Inches, and Centimeters, and edges are the 1/12 and 2.54 conversion factors. The solution in this case is the two edges 1/12, 2.54 (combined via multiplication, of course). You can get fancier with the graph parameters if you want to.
Another approach might be applying abductive reasoning - look into AI texts about algebraic problem solvers for this...
Edit: Addressing Compound Units
Simplified problem: convert "Acres" to "Meters^2"
In this case, the keys are understanding that we are talking about units of length, so why don't we insert a new column into the table for unit type, which can be "length" or "area". This will help performance even in the earlier cases as it gives you an easy column to pare down your search space.
Now the trick is to understand that length^2 = area. Why not add another lookup that stores this metadata:
We couple this with the primary units table:
So the algorithm goes:
Solution is m^2, which is m * m, which is a length * length.
Input is acres, which is an area.
Search the meta table for m, and find the length * length mapping. Note that in more complex examples there may be more than one valid mapping.
Append to the solution a conversion Acres->Feet^2.
Perform the original graph search for Feet->M.
Note that:
The algorithm won't know whether to use area or length as the basic domain in which to work. You can provide it hints, or let it search both spaces.
The meta table gets a little brute-force-ish.
The meta table will need to get smarter if you start mixing types (e.g. Resistance = Voltage / Current) or doing something really ugly and mixing unit systems (e.g. a FooArea = Meters * Feet).
Whatever structure you choose, and your choice may well be directed by your preferred implementation (OO ? functional ? DBMS table ?) I think you need to identify the structure of units themselves.
For example a measurement of 1000km/hr has several components:
a scalar magnitude, 1000;
a prefix, in this case kilo; and
a dimension, in this case L.T^(-1), that is, length divided by time.
Your modelling of measurements with units needs to capture at least this complexity.
As has already been suggested, you should establish what the base set of units you are going to use are, and the SI base units immediately suggest themselves. Your data structure(s) for modelling units would then be defined in terms of those base units. You might therefore define a table (thinking RDBMS here, but easily translatable into your preferred implementation) with entries such as:
unit name dimension conversion to base
foot Length 0.3048
gallon(UK) Length^3 4.546092 x 10^(-3)
kilowatt-hour Mass.Length^2.Time^(-2) 3.6 x 10^6
and so forth. You'll also need a table to translate prefixes (kilo-, nano-, mega-, mibi- etc) into multiplying factors, and a table of base units for each of the dimensions (ie meter is the base unit for Length, second for Time, etc). You'll also have to cope with units such as feet which are simply synonyms for other units.
The purpose of dimension is, of course, to ensure that your conversions and other operations (such as adding 2 feet to 3.5 metres) are commensurate.
And, for further reading, I suggest this book by Cardarelli.
EDIT in response to comments ...
I'm trying to veer away from suggesting (implementation-specific) solutions so I'll waffle a bit more. Compound units, such as kilowatt-hours, do pose a problem. One approach would be to tag measurements with multiple unit-expressions, such as kilowatt and hour, and a rule for combining them, in this case multiplication I could see this getting quite hairy quite quickly. It might be better to restrict the valid set of units to the most common ones in the domain of the application.
As to dealing with measurements in mixed units, well the purpose of defining the Dimension of a unit is to provide some means to ensure that only sensible operations can be applied to measurements-with-units. So, it's sensible to add two lengths (L+L) together, but not a length (L) and a volume (L^3). On the other hand it is sensible to divide a volume by a length (to get an area (L^2)). And it's kind of up to the application to determine if strange units such as kilowatt-hours per square metre are valid.
Finally, the book I link to does enumerate all the possibilities, I guess most sensible applications with units will implement only a selection.
I would start by choosing a standard unit for every quantity(eg. meters for length, newtons for force, etc) and then storing all the conversion factors to that unit in a table
then to go from days to hours, for example, you find the conversion factors for seconds per day and seconds per hour and divide them to find the answer.
for ambiguities, each unit could be associated with all the types of quantities it measures, and to determine which conversion to do, you would take the intersection of those two sets of types(and if you're left with 0 or more than one you would spit out an error)
I assume that you want to hold the data about conversion in some kind of triples (fstUnit, sndUnit, multiplier).
For single unit conversions:
Use some hash functions in O(1) to change the unit stucture to a number, and then put all multipliers in a matrix (you only have to remember the upper-right part, because the reflection is the same, but inversed).
For complex cases:
Example 1. m/s to km/h. You check (m,km) in the matrix, then the (s,h), then multiply the results.
Example 2. m^3 to km^3. You check (m,km) and take it to the third power.
Of course some errors, when types don't match like field and volume.
You can make a class for Units that takes the conversion factor and the exponents of all basic units (I'd suggest to use metric units for this, that makes your life easier). E.g. in Pseudo-Java:
public class Unit {
public Unit(double factor, int meterExp, int secondExp, int kilogrammExp ... [other base units]) {
//you need the speed in km/h (1 m/s is 3.6 km/h):
Unit kmPerH = new Unit(1 / 3.6, 1, -1, 0, ...)
I would have a table with these fields:
and however many rows you need to store all the conversions you want to support
If you want to support a multi-step process (degrees F to C), you'd need a one-to-many relationship with the units table, say called conversionStep, with fields like
If you want to store one set of conversions but support multi-step conversions, like storing
and supporting converting from Feet to Centimeters, I would store a conversion plan in another table, like
your row would look like
1 | feet | centimeters | inches
How would you go about generating the unique video URL's that YouTube uses?
YouTube uses Base64 encoding to generate IDs for each video.Characters involved in generating Ids consists of
(A-Z) + (a-z) + (0-9) + (-) + (_). (64 Characters).
Using Base64 encoding and only up to 11 characters they can generate 73+ Quintilian unique IDs.How much large pool of ID is that?
Well, it's enough for everyone on earth to produce video every single minute for 18000 years.
And they have achieved such huge number by only using 11 characters (64*64*64*64*64*64*64*64*64*64*64) if they need more IDs they will just have to add 1 more character to their IDs.
So when video is uploaded on YouTube they basically randomly select from 73+ Quintilian possibility and see if its already taken or not.if not use it otherwise look for another one.
Refer to this video for detailed explanation.
Using some non-trivial hashing function. The probability of collision is very low, depending on the function, the parameters and the input domain. Keep in mind that cryptographic hashes were specifically designed to have very low collision rates for non-random input (i.e. completely different hashes for two close-but-unequal inputs).
This post by Jeff Attwood is a nice overview of the topic.
And here is an online hash calculator you can play with.
There is no need to use a hash. It is probably just a quasi-random 64 bit value passed through base64 or some equivalent.
By quasi-random, I mean it is just a one-to-one mapping with the counting integers, just shuffled.
For example, you could take a monotonically increasing database id and multiply it by some prime near 2^64, then base64 the result. If you did not want people to be able to guess, you might choose a more complex mapping or just pick a random number that is not in the database yet.
Normal base64 would add an equals at the end, but in this case it is implied because the size is known. The character mapping could easily be something besides the standard.
Eli's link to Jeff's article is, in my opinion, irrelevant. URL shortening is not the same thing as presenting an ID to the world. Instead, a nicer way would be to convert your existing integer ID to a different radix.
An example in PHP:
$id = 9999;
//$url_id = base_convert($id, 10, 26+26+10); // PHP doesn't like this
$url_id = base_convert($id, 10, 26+10); // Works, but only digits + lowercase
Sadly, PHP only supports up to base 36 (digits + alphabet). Base 62 would support alphabet in both upper-case and lower-case.
People are talking about these other systems:
Random number/letters - Why? If you want people to not see the next video (id+1), then just make it private. On a website like youtube, where it actively shows any video it has, why bother with random ids?
Hashing an ID - This design concept really stinks. Think about it; so you have an ID guaranteed by your DBM software to be unique, and you hash it (introducing a collision factor)? Give me one reason why to even consider this idea.
Using the ID in URL - To be honest, I don't see any problems with this either, though it will grow to be large when in fact you can express the same number with fewer letters (hence my solution).
Using Base64 - Base64 expects bytes of data, literally anything from nulls to spaces. Why use this function when your data consists of a number (ie, a mix of 10 different characters, instead of 256)?
You can use any library or some languages like python provides it in standard library.
import secrets
id_length = 12
random_video_id = secrets.token_urlsafe(id_length)
You could generate a GUID and have that as the ID for the video.
Guids are very unlikely to collide.
Your best bet is probably to simply generate random strings, and keep track (in a DB for example) of which strings you've already used so you don't duplicate. This is very easy to implement and it cannot fail if properly implemented (no duplicates, etc).
I don't think that the URL v parameter has anything to do with the content (video properties, title, description etc).
It's a randomly generated string of fixed length and contains a very specific set of characters. No duplicates are allowed.
I suggest using a perfect hash function:
Perfect Hash Function for Human Readable Order Codes
As the accepted answer indicates, take a number, then apply a sequence of "bijective" (or reversible) operations on the number to get a hashed number.
The input numbers should be in sequence: 0, 1, 2, 3, and so on.
Typically you're hiding a numeric identifier in the form of something that doesn't look numeric. One simple method is something like base-36 encoding the number. You should be able to pull that off with one or another variant of itoa() in the language of your choice.
Just pick random values until you have one never seen before.
Randomly picking and exhausting all values form a set runs in expected time O(nlogn): What is O value for naive random selection from finite set?
In your case you wouldn't exhaust the set, so you should get constant time picks. Just use a fast data structure to do the duplication lookups.
I was asked to stay away from HashMap or any sort of Hashing.
The question went something like this -
Lets say you have PRODUCT IDs of up to 20 decimals, along with Product Descriptions. Without using Maps or any sort of hashing function, what's the best/most efficient way to store/retrieve these product IDs along with their descriptions?
Why is using Maps a bad idea for such a scenario?
What changes would you make to sell your solution to Amazon?
A map is good to use when insert/remove/lookup operations are interleaved. Every operations are amortized in O(log n).
In your exemple you are only doing search operation. You may consider that any database update (inserting/removing a product) won't happen so much time. Therefore probably the interviewer want you to get the best data structure for lookup operations.
In this case I can see only some as already proposed in other answers:
Sorted array (doing a binary search)
With a trie , if product ids do not share a common prefix, there is good chance to find the product description only looking at the first character of the prefix (or only the very first characters). For instance, let's take that product id list , with 125 products:
Let's assume you are looking for the product id titled "1234567" in your trie, only looking to the first letters: "1" then "2" then "3" then "4" will lead to the good product description. No need to read the remaining of the product id as there is no other possibilities.
Considering the product id length as n , your lookup will be in O(n). But as in the exemple explained it above it could be even faster to retreive the product description. As the procduct ID is limited in size (20 characters) the trie height will be limited to 20 levels. That actually means you can consider the look up operations will never goes beyond a constant time, as your search will never goes beyong the trie height => O(1). While any BST lookups are at best amortized O(log N), N being the number of items in your tree .
While an hashmap could lead you to slower lookup as you'll need to compute an index with an hash function that is probably implemented reading the whole product id length. Plus browsing a list in case of collision with other product ids.
Doing a binary search on a sorted array, and performance in lookup operations will depends on the number of items in your database.
A B-Tree in my opinion. Does that still count as a Map?
Mostly because you can have many items loaded at once in memory. Searching these items in memory is very fast.
Consecutive integer numbers give perfect choice for the hash map but it only has one problem, as it does not have multithreaded access by default. Also since Amazon was mentioned in your question I may think that you need to take into account concurency and RAM limitation issues.
What you might do in the response to such question is to explain that since
you are dissallowed to use any built-in data storage schemes, all you can do is to "emulate" one.
So, let's say you have M = 10^20 products with their numbers and descriptions.
You can partition this set to the groups of N subsets.
Then you can organize M/N containers which have sugnificantly reduced number of elements. Using this idea recursively will give you a way to store the whole set in containers with such property that access to them would have accepted performance rate.
To illustrate this idea, consider a smaller example of only 20 elements.
I would like you to imagive the file system with directories "1", "2", "3", "4".
In each directory you store the product descriptions as files in the following way:
folder 1: files 1 to 5
folder 2: files 6 to 10
folder 4: files 16 to 20
Then your search would only need two steps to find the file.
First, you search for a correct folder by dividing 20 / 5 (your M/N).
Then, you use the given ID to read the product description stored in a file.
This is just a very rough description, however, the idea is very intuitive.
So, perhaps this is what your interviewer wanted to hear.
As for myself, when I face such questions on interview, even if I fail to get the question correctly (which is the worst case :)) I always try to get the correct answer from the interviewer.
Best/efficient for what? Would have been my answer.
E.g. for storing them, probably the fast thing to do are two arrays with 20 elements each. One for the ids, on for the description. Iterating over those is pretty fast to. And it is efficient memory wise.
Of course the solution is pretty useless for any real application, but so is the question.
There is an interesting alternative to B-Tree: Radix Tree
I think what he wanted you to do, and I'm not saying it's a good idea, is to use the computer memory space.
If you use a 64-bit (virtual) memory address, and assuming you have all the address space for your data (which is never the case) you can store a one-byte value.
You could use the ProductID as an address, casting it to a pointer, and then get that byte, which might be an offset in another memory for actual data.
I wouldn't do it this way, but perhaps that is the answer they were looking for.
I wonder if they wanted you to note that in an ecommerce application (such as Amazon's), a common use case is "reverse lookup": retrieve the product ID using the description. For this, an inverted index is used, where each keyword in a description is an index key, which is associated with a list of relevant product identifiers. Binary trees or skip lists are good ways to index these key words.
Regarding the product identifier index: In practice, B-Trees (which are not binary search trees) would be used for a large, disk-based index of 20-digit identifiers. However, they may have been looking for a toy solution that could be implemented in RAM. Since the "alphabet" of decimal numbers is so small, it lends itself very nicely to a trie.
The hashmaps work really well if the hashing function gives you a very uniform distribution of the hashvalues of the existing keys. With really bad hash function it can happen so that hash values of your 20 values will be the same, which will push the retrieval time to O(n). The binary search on the other hand guaranties you O(log n), but inserting data is more expensive.
All of this is very incremental, the bigger your dataset is the less are the chances of a bad key distribution (if you are using a good, proven hash algorithm), and on smaller data sets the difference between O(n) and O(log n) is not much to worry about.
If the size is limited sometimes it's faster to use a sorted list.
When you use Hash-anything, you first have to calculate a hash, then locate the hash bucket, then use equals on all elements in the bucket. So it all adds up.
On the other hand you could use just a simple ArrayList ( or any other List flavor that is suitable for the application), sort it with java.util.Collections.sort and use java.util.Collections.binarySearch to find an element.
But as Artyom has pointed out maybe a simple linear search would be much faster in this case.
On the other hand, from maintainability point of view, I would normally use HashMap ( or LinkedHashMap ) here, and would only do something special here when profiler would tell me to do it. Also collections of 20 have a tendency to become collections of 20000 over time and all this optimization would be wasted.
There's nothing wrong with hashing or B-trees for this kind of situation - your interviewer probably just wanted you to think a little, instead of coming out with the expected answer. It's a good sign, when interviewers want candidates to think. It shows that the organization values thought, as opposed to merely parroting out something from the lecture notes from CS0210.
Incidentally, I'm assuming that "20 decimal product ids" means "a large collection of product ids, whose format is 20 decimal characters".... because if there's only 20 of them, there's no value in considering the algorithm. If you can't use hashing or Btrees code a linear search and move on. If you like, sort your array, and use a binary search.
But if my assumption is right, then what the interviewer is asking seems to revolve around the time/space tradeoff of hashmaps. It's possible to improve on the time/space curve of hashmaps - hashmaps do have collisions. So you might be able to get some improvement by converting the 20 decimal digits to a number, and using that as an index to a sparsely populated array... a really big array. :)
Selling it to Amazon? Good luck with that. Whatever you come up with would have to be patentable, and nothing in this discussion seems to rise to that level.
20 decimal PRODUCT IDs, along with Product Description
Simple linear search would be very good...
I would create one simple array with ids. And other array with data.
Linear search for small amount of keys (20!) is much more efficient then any binary-tree or hash.
I have a feeling based on their answer about product ids and two digits the answer they were looking for is to convert the numeric product ids into a different base system or packed form.
They made a point to indicate the product description was with the product ids to tell you that a higher base system could be used within the current fields datatype.
Your interviewer might be looking for a trie. If you have a [small] constant upper bound on your key, then you have O(1) insert and lookup.
I think what he wanted you to do, and
I'm not saying it's a good idea, is to
use the computer memory space.
If you use a 64-bit (virtual) memory
address, and assuming you have all the
address space for your data (which is
never the case) you can store a
one-byte value.
Unfortunately 2^64 =approx= 1.8 * 10^19. Just slightly below 10^20. Coincidence?
log2(10^20) = 66.43.
Here's a slightly evil proposal.
OK, 2^64 bits can fit inside a memory space.
Assume a bound of N bytes for the description, say N=200. (who wants to download Anna Karenina when they're looking for toasters?)
Commandeer 8*N 64-bit machines with heavy RAM. Amazon can swing this.
Every machine loads in their (very sparse) bitmap one bit of the description text for all descriptions. Let the MMU/virtual memory handle the sparsity.
Broadcast the product tag as a 59-bit number and the bit mask for one byte. (59 = ceil(log2(10^20)) - 8)
Every machine returns one bit from the product description. Lookups are a virtual memory dereference. You can even insert and delete.
Of course paging will start to be a bitch at some point!
Oddly enough, it will work the best if product-id's are as clumpy and ungood a hash as possible.