I was asked this in a recent interview - algorithm

I was asked to stay away from HashMap or any sort of Hashing.
The question went something like this -
Lets say you have PRODUCT IDs of up to 20 decimals, along with Product Descriptions. Without using Maps or any sort of hashing function, what's the best/most efficient way to store/retrieve these product IDs along with their descriptions?
Why is using Maps a bad idea for such a scenario?
What changes would you make to sell your solution to Amazon?

A map is good to use when insert/remove/lookup operations are interleaved. Every operations are amortized in O(log n).
In your exemple you are only doing search operation. You may consider that any database update (inserting/removing a product) won't happen so much time. Therefore probably the interviewer want you to get the best data structure for lookup operations.
In this case I can see only some as already proposed in other answers:
Sorted array (doing a binary search)
With a trie , if product ids do not share a common prefix, there is good chance to find the product description only looking at the first character of the prefix (or only the very first characters). For instance, let's take that product id list , with 125 products:
Let's assume you are looking for the product id titled "1234567" in your trie, only looking to the first letters: "1" then "2" then "3" then "4" will lead to the good product description. No need to read the remaining of the product id as there is no other possibilities.
Considering the product id length as n , your lookup will be in O(n). But as in the exemple explained it above it could be even faster to retreive the product description. As the procduct ID is limited in size (20 characters) the trie height will be limited to 20 levels. That actually means you can consider the look up operations will never goes beyond a constant time, as your search will never goes beyong the trie height => O(1). While any BST lookups are at best amortized O(log N), N being the number of items in your tree .
While an hashmap could lead you to slower lookup as you'll need to compute an index with an hash function that is probably implemented reading the whole product id length. Plus browsing a list in case of collision with other product ids.
Doing a binary search on a sorted array, and performance in lookup operations will depends on the number of items in your database.

A B-Tree in my opinion. Does that still count as a Map?
Mostly because you can have many items loaded at once in memory. Searching these items in memory is very fast.

Consecutive integer numbers give perfect choice for the hash map but it only has one problem, as it does not have multithreaded access by default. Also since Amazon was mentioned in your question I may think that you need to take into account concurency and RAM limitation issues.
What you might do in the response to such question is to explain that since
you are dissallowed to use any built-in data storage schemes, all you can do is to "emulate" one.
So, let's say you have M = 10^20 products with their numbers and descriptions.
You can partition this set to the groups of N subsets.
Then you can organize M/N containers which have sugnificantly reduced number of elements. Using this idea recursively will give you a way to store the whole set in containers with such property that access to them would have accepted performance rate.
To illustrate this idea, consider a smaller example of only 20 elements.
I would like you to imagive the file system with directories "1", "2", "3", "4".
In each directory you store the product descriptions as files in the following way:
folder 1: files 1 to 5
folder 2: files 6 to 10
folder 4: files 16 to 20
Then your search would only need two steps to find the file.
First, you search for a correct folder by dividing 20 / 5 (your M/N).
Then, you use the given ID to read the product description stored in a file.
This is just a very rough description, however, the idea is very intuitive.
So, perhaps this is what your interviewer wanted to hear.
As for myself, when I face such questions on interview, even if I fail to get the question correctly (which is the worst case :)) I always try to get the correct answer from the interviewer.

Best/efficient for what? Would have been my answer.
E.g. for storing them, probably the fast thing to do are two arrays with 20 elements each. One for the ids, on for the description. Iterating over those is pretty fast to. And it is efficient memory wise.
Of course the solution is pretty useless for any real application, but so is the question.

There is an interesting alternative to B-Tree: Radix Tree

I think what he wanted you to do, and I'm not saying it's a good idea, is to use the computer memory space.
If you use a 64-bit (virtual) memory address, and assuming you have all the address space for your data (which is never the case) you can store a one-byte value.
You could use the ProductID as an address, casting it to a pointer, and then get that byte, which might be an offset in another memory for actual data.
I wouldn't do it this way, but perhaps that is the answer they were looking for.

I wonder if they wanted you to note that in an ecommerce application (such as Amazon's), a common use case is "reverse lookup": retrieve the product ID using the description. For this, an inverted index is used, where each keyword in a description is an index key, which is associated with a list of relevant product identifiers. Binary trees or skip lists are good ways to index these key words.
Regarding the product identifier index: In practice, B-Trees (which are not binary search trees) would be used for a large, disk-based index of 20-digit identifiers. However, they may have been looking for a toy solution that could be implemented in RAM. Since the "alphabet" of decimal numbers is so small, it lends itself very nicely to a trie.

The hashmaps work really well if the hashing function gives you a very uniform distribution of the hashvalues of the existing keys. With really bad hash function it can happen so that hash values of your 20 values will be the same, which will push the retrieval time to O(n). The binary search on the other hand guaranties you O(log n), but inserting data is more expensive.
All of this is very incremental, the bigger your dataset is the less are the chances of a bad key distribution (if you are using a good, proven hash algorithm), and on smaller data sets the difference between O(n) and O(log n) is not much to worry about.

If the size is limited sometimes it's faster to use a sorted list.
When you use Hash-anything, you first have to calculate a hash, then locate the hash bucket, then use equals on all elements in the bucket. So it all adds up.
On the other hand you could use just a simple ArrayList ( or any other List flavor that is suitable for the application), sort it with java.util.Collections.sort and use java.util.Collections.binarySearch to find an element.
But as Artyom has pointed out maybe a simple linear search would be much faster in this case.
On the other hand, from maintainability point of view, I would normally use HashMap ( or LinkedHashMap ) here, and would only do something special here when profiler would tell me to do it. Also collections of 20 have a tendency to become collections of 20000 over time and all this optimization would be wasted.

There's nothing wrong with hashing or B-trees for this kind of situation - your interviewer probably just wanted you to think a little, instead of coming out with the expected answer. It's a good sign, when interviewers want candidates to think. It shows that the organization values thought, as opposed to merely parroting out something from the lecture notes from CS0210.
Incidentally, I'm assuming that "20 decimal product ids" means "a large collection of product ids, whose format is 20 decimal characters".... because if there's only 20 of them, there's no value in considering the algorithm. If you can't use hashing or Btrees code a linear search and move on. If you like, sort your array, and use a binary search.
But if my assumption is right, then what the interviewer is asking seems to revolve around the time/space tradeoff of hashmaps. It's possible to improve on the time/space curve of hashmaps - hashmaps do have collisions. So you might be able to get some improvement by converting the 20 decimal digits to a number, and using that as an index to a sparsely populated array... a really big array. :)
Selling it to Amazon? Good luck with that. Whatever you come up with would have to be patentable, and nothing in this discussion seems to rise to that level.

20 decimal PRODUCT IDs, along with Product Description
Simple linear search would be very good...
I would create one simple array with ids. And other array with data.
Linear search for small amount of keys (20!) is much more efficient then any binary-tree or hash.

I have a feeling based on their answer about product ids and two digits the answer they were looking for is to convert the numeric product ids into a different base system or packed form.
They made a point to indicate the product description was with the product ids to tell you that a higher base system could be used within the current fields datatype.

Your interviewer might be looking for a trie. If you have a [small] constant upper bound on your key, then you have O(1) insert and lookup.

I think what he wanted you to do, and
I'm not saying it's a good idea, is to
use the computer memory space.
If you use a 64-bit (virtual) memory
address, and assuming you have all the
address space for your data (which is
never the case) you can store a
one-byte value.
Unfortunately 2^64 =approx= 1.8 * 10^19. Just slightly below 10^20. Coincidence?
log2(10^20) = 66.43.
Here's a slightly evil proposal.
OK, 2^64 bits can fit inside a memory space.
Assume a bound of N bytes for the description, say N=200. (who wants to download Anna Karenina when they're looking for toasters?)
Commandeer 8*N 64-bit machines with heavy RAM. Amazon can swing this.
Every machine loads in their (very sparse) bitmap one bit of the description text for all descriptions. Let the MMU/virtual memory handle the sparsity.
Broadcast the product tag as a 59-bit number and the bit mask for one byte. (59 = ceil(log2(10^20)) - 8)
Every machine returns one bit from the product description. Lookups are a virtual memory dereference. You can even insert and delete.
Of course paging will start to be a bitch at some point!
Oddly enough, it will work the best if product-id's are as clumpy and ungood a hash as possible.


Suitable data structure for finding a person's phone number, given their name?

Suppose you want to write a program that implements a simple phone book. Given a particular name, you want to be able to retrieve that person's phone number as quickly as possible. What data structure would you use to store the phone book, and why?
the text below answers your question.
In computer science, a hash table or hash map is a data structure that
uses a hash function to map identifying values, known as keys (e.g., a
person's name), to their associated values (e.g., their telephone
number). Thus, a hash table implements an associative array. The hash
function is used to transform the key into the index (the hash) of an
array element (the slot or bucket) where the corresponding value is to
be sought.
the text is from wiki:hashtable.
there are some further discussions, like collision, hash functions... check the wiki page for details.
I respect & love hashtables :) but even a balanced binary tree would be fine for your phone book application giving you in worst case a logarithmic complexity and avoiding you for having good hash functions, collisions etc. which is more suitable for huge amounts of data.
When I talk about huge data what I mean is something related to storage. Every time you fill all of the buckets in a hash-table you will need to allocate new storage and re-hash everything. This can be avoided if you know the size of the data ahead of time. Balanced trees wont let you go into these problems. Domain needs to be considered too while designing data structures, for an example for small devices storage matters a lot.
I was wondering why 'Tries' didn't come up in one of the answers,
Tries is suitable for Phone book kind of data.
Also, saving space compared to HashTable at the same cost(almost) of Retrieval efficiency, (assuming constant size alphabet & constant length Names)
Tries also facilitate the 'Prefix Matches' sometimes required while searching.
A dictionary is both dynamic and fast.
You want a dictionary, where you use the name as the key, and the number as the data stored. Check this out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dictionary_%28data_structure%29
Why not use a singly linked list? Each node will have the name, number and link information.
One drawback is that your search might take some time since you'll have to traverse the entire list from link to link. You might order the list at the time of node insertion itself!
PS: To make the search a tad bit faster, maintain a link to the middle of the list. Search can continue to the left or right of the list based on the value of the "name" field at this node. Note that this requires a doubly linked list.

What makes table lookups so cheap?

A while back, I learned a little bit about big O notation and the efficiency of different algorithms.
For example, looping through each item in an array to do something with it
foreach(item in array)
is an O(n) algorithm, because the number of cycles the program performs is directly proportional to the size of the array.
What amazed me, though, was that table lookup is O(1). That is, looking up a key in a hash table or dictionary
value = hashTable[key]
takes the same number of cycles regardless of whether the table has one key, ten keys, a hundred keys, or a gigabrajillion keys.
This is really cool, and I'm very happy that it's true, but it's unintuitive to me and I don't understand why it's true.
I can understand the first O(n) algorithm, because I can compare it to a real-life example: if I have sheets of paper that I want to stamp, I can go through each paper one-by-one and stamp each one. It makes a lot of sense to me that if I have 2,000 sheets of paper, it will take twice as long to stamp using this method than it would if I had 1,000 sheets of paper.
But I can't understand why table lookup is O(1). I'm thinking that if I have a dictionary, and I want to find the definition of polymorphism, it will take me O(logn) time to find it: I'll open some page in the dictionary and see if it's alphabetically before or after polymorphism. If, say, it was after the P section, I can eliminate all the contents of the dictionary after the page I opened and repeat the process with the remainder of the dictionary until I find the word polymorphism.
This is not an O(1) process: it will usually take me longer to find words in a thousand page dictionary than in a two page dictionary. I'm having a hard time imagining a process that takes the same amount of time regardless of the size of the dictionary.
tl;dr: Can you explain to me how it's possible to do a table lookup with O(1) complexity?
(If you show me how to replicate the amazing O(1) lookup algorithm, I'm definitely going to get a big fat dictionary so I can show off to all of my friends my ninja-dictionary-looking-up skills)
EDIT: Most of the answers seem to be contingent on this assumption:
You have the ability to access any page of a dictionary given its page number in constant time
If this is true, it's easy for me to see. But I don't know why this underlying assumption is true: I would use the same process to to look up a page by number as I would by word.
Same thing with memory addresses, what algorithm is used to load a memory address? What makes it so cheap to find a piece of memory from an address? In other words, why is memory access O(1)?
You should read the Wikipedia article.
But the essence is that you first apply a hash function to your key, which converts it to an integer index (this is O(1)). This is then used to index into an array, which is also O(1). If the hash function has been well designed, there should only be one (or a few items) stored at each location in the array, so the lookup is complete.
So in massively-simplified pseudocode:
ValueType array[ARRAY_SIZE];
void insert(KeyType k, ValueType v)
int index = hash(k);
array[index] = v;
ValueType lookup(KeyType k)
int index = hash(k);
return array[index];
Obviously, this doesn't handle collisions, but you can read the article to learn how that's handled.
To address the edited question, indexing into an array is O(1) because underneath the hood, the CPU is doing this:
ADD index, array_base_address -> pointer
LOAD pointer -> some_cpu_register
where LOAD loads data stored in memory at the specified address.
Update 2
And the reason a load from memory is O(1) is really just because this is an axiom we usually specify when we talk about computational complexity (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAM_model). If we ignore cache hierarchies and data-access patterns, then this is a reasonable assumption. As we scale the size of the machine,, this may not be true (a machine with 100TB of storage may not take the same amount of time as a machine with 100kB). But usually, we assume that the storage capacity of our machine is constant, and much much bigger than any problem size we're likely to look at. So for all intents and purposes, it's a constant-time operation.
I'll address the question from a different perspective from every one else. Hopefully this will give light to why the accessing x[45] and accessing x[5454563] takes the same amount of time.
A RAM is laid out in a grid (i.e. rows and columns) of capacitors. A RAM can address a particular cell of memory by activating a particular column and row on the grid, so let's say if you have a 16-byte capacity RAM, laid out in a 4x4 grid (insanely small for modern computer, but sufficient for illustrative purpose), and you're trying to access the memory address 13 (1101), you first split the address into rows and column, i.e row 3 (11) column 1 (01).
Let's suppose a 0 means taking the left intersection and a 1 means taking a right intersection. So when you want to activate row 3, you send an army of electrons in the row starting gate, the row-army electrons went right, right to reach row 3 activation gate; next you send another army of electrons on the column starting gate, the column-army electrons went left then right to reach the 1st column activation gate. A memory cell can only be read/written if the row and column are both activated, so this would allow the marked cell to be read/written.
The effect of all this gibberish is that the access time of a memory address depends on the address length, and not the particular memory address itself; if an architecture uses a 32-bit address space (i.e. 32 intersections), then addressing memory address 45 and addressing memory address 5454563 both will still have to pass through all 32 intersections (actually 16 intersections for the row electrons and 16 intersections for the columns electrons).
Note that in reality memory addressing takes very little amount of time compared to charging and discharging the capacitors, therefore even if we start having a 512-bit length address space (enough for ~1.4*10^130 yottabyte of RAM, i.e. enough to keep everything under the sun in your RAM), which mean the electrons would have to go through 512 intersections, it wouldn't really add that much time to the actual memory access time.
Note that this is a gross oversimplification of modern RAM. In modern DRAM, if you want to access subsequent memory addresses you only change the columns and not spend time changing the rows, therefore accessing subsequent memory is much faster than accessing totally random addresses. Also, this description is totally ignorant about the effect of CPU cache (although CPU cache also uses a similar grid addressing scheme, however since CPU cache uses the much faster transistor-based capacitor, the negative effect of having large cache address space becomes very critical). However, the point still holds that if you're jumping around the memory, accessing any one of them will take the same amount of time.
You're right, it's surprisingly difficult to find a real-world example of this. The idea of course is that you're looking for something by address and not value.
The dictionary example fails because you don't immediately know the location of page say 278. You still have to look that up the same as you would a word because the page locations are not in your memory.
But say I marked a number on each of your fingers and then I told you to wiggle the one with 15 written on it. You'd have to look at each of them (assuming its unsorted), and if it's not 15 you check the next one. O(n).
If I told you to wiggle your right pinky. You don't have to look anything up. You know where it is because I just told you where it is. The value I just passed to you is its address in your "memory."
It's kind of like that with databases, but on a much larger scale than just 10 fingers.
Because work is done up front -- the value is put in a bucket that is easily accessible given the hashcode of the key. It would be like if you wanted to look up your work in the dictionary but had marked the exact page the word was on.
Imagine you had a dictionary where everything starting with letter A was on page 1, letter B on page 2...etc. So if you wanted to look up "balloon" you would know exactly what page to go to. This is the concept behind O(1) lookups.
Arbitrary data input => maps to a specific memory address
The trade-off of course being you need more memory to allocate for all the potential addresses, many of which may never be used.
If you have an array with 999999999 locations, how long does it take to find a record by social security number?
Assuming you don't have that much memory, then allocate about 30% more array locations that the number of records you intend to store, and then write a hash function to look it up instead.
A very simple (and probably bad) hash function would be social % numElementsInArray.
The problem is collisions--you can't guarantee that every location holds only one element. But thats ok, instead of storing the record at the array location, you can store a linked list of records. Then you scan linearly for the element you want once you hash to get the right array location.
Worst case this is O(n)--everything goes to the same bucket. Average case is O(1) because in general if you allocate enough buckets and your hash function is good, records generally don't collide very often.
Ok, hash-tables in a nutshell:
You take a regular array (O(1) access), and instead of using regular Int values to access it, you use MATH.
What you do, is to take the key value (lets say a string) calculate it into a number (some function on the characters) and then use a well known mathematical formula that gives you a relatively good distribution on the array's range.
So, in that case you are just doing like 4-5 calculations (O(1)) to get an object from that array, using a key which isn't an int.
Now, avoiding collisions, and finding the right mathematical formula for good distribution is the hard part. That's what is explained pretty well in wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_table
Lookup tables know exactly how to access the given item in the table before hand.
Completely the opposite of say, finding an item by it's value in a sorted array, where you have to access items to check that it is what you want.
In theory, a hashtable is a series of buckets (addresses in memory) and a function that maps objects from a domain into those buckets.
Say your domain is 3 letter words, you'd block out 26^3=17,576 addresses for all the possible 3 letter words and create a function that maps all 3 letter words to those addresses, e.g., aaa=0, aab=1, etc. Now when you have a word you'd like to look up, say, "and", you know immediately from your O(1) function that it is address number 367.

Choosing a Data structure for very large data

I have x (millions) positive integers, where their values can be as big as allowed (+2,147,483,647). Assuming they are unique, what is the best way to store them for a lookup intensive program.
So far i thought of using a binary AVL tree or a hash table, where the integer is the key to the mapped data (a name). However am not to sure whether i can implement such large keys and in such large quantity with a hash table (wouldn't that create a >0.8 load factor in addition to be prone for collisions?)
Could i get some advise on which data structure might be suitable for my situation
The choice of structure depends heavily on how much memory you have available. I'm assuming based on the description that you need lookup but not to loop over them, find nearest, or other similar operations.
Best is probably a bucketed hash table. By placing hash collisions into buckets and keeping separate arrays in the bucket for keys and values, you can both reduce the size of the table proper and take advantage of CPU cache speedup when searching a bucket. Linear search within a bucket may even end up faster than binary search!
AVL trees are nice for data sets that are read-intensive but not read-only AND require ordered enumeration, find nearest and similar operations, but they're an annoyingly amount of work to implement correctly. You may get better performance with a B-tree because of CPU cache behavior, though, especially a cache-oblivious B-tree algorithm.
Have you looked into B-trees? The efficiency runs between log_m(n) and log_(m/2)(n) so if you choose m to be around 8-10 or so you should be able to keep your search depth to below 10.
Bit Vector , with the index set if the number is present. You can tweak it to have the number of occurrences of each number. There is a nice column about bit vectors in Bentley's Programming Pearls.
If memory isn't an issue a map is probably your best bet. Maps are O(1) meaning that as you scale up the number of items to be looked up the time is takes to find a value is the same.
A map where the key is the int, and the value is the name.
Do try hash tables first. There are some variants that can tolerate being very dense without significant slowdown (like Brent's variation).
If you only need to store the 32-bit integers and not any associated record, use a set and not a map, like hash_set in most C++ libraries. It would use only 4-bytes records plus some constant overhead and a little slack to avoid being 100%. In the worst case, to handle 'millions' of numbers you'd need a few tens of megabytes. Big, but nothing unmanageable.
If you need it to be much tighter, just store them sorted in a plain array and use binary search to fetch them. It will be O(log n) instead of O(1), but for 'millions' of records it's still just twentysomething steps to get any one of them. In C you have bsearch(), which is as fast as it can get.
edit: just saw in your question you talk about some 'mapped data (a name)'. are those names unique? do they also have to be in memory? if yes, they would definitely dominate the memory requirements. Even so, if the names are the typical english words, most would be 10 bytes or less, keeping the total size in the 'tens of megabytes'; maybe up to a hundred megs, still very manageable.

How to sort (million/billion/...) integers?

Sometimes interviewers ask how to sort million/billion 32-bit integers (e.g. here and here). I guess they expect the candidates to compare O(NLog(N)) sort with radix sort. For million integers O(NLog(N)) sort is probably better but for billion they are probably the same. Does it make sense ?
If you get a question like this, they are not looking for the answer. What they are trying to do is see how you think through a problem. Do you jump right in, or do you ask questions about the project requirements?
One question you had better ask is, "How optimal of solution does the problem require?" Maybe a bubble sort of records stored in a file is good enough, but you have to ask. Ask questions about what if the input changes to 64 bit numbers, should the sort process be easily updated? Ask how long does the programmer have to develop the program.
Those types of questions show me that the candidate is wise enough to see there is more to the problem than just sorting numbers.
I expect they're looking for you to expand on the difference between internal sorting and external sorting. Apparently people don't read Knuth nowadays
As aaaa bbbb said, it depends on the situation. You would ask questions about the project requirements. For example, if they want to count the ages of the employees, you probably use the Counting sort, I can sort the data in the memory. But when the data are totally random, you probably use the external sorting. For example, you can divide the data of the source file into the different files, every file has a unique range(File1 is from 0-1m, File2 is from 1m+1 - 2m , ect ), then you sort every single file, and lastly merge them into a new file.
Use bit map. You need some 500 Mb to represent whole 32-bit integer range. For every integer in given array just set coresponding bit. Then simply scan your bit map from left to right and get your integer array sorted.
It depends on the data structure they're stored in. Radix sort beats N-log-N sort on fairly small problem sizes if the input is in a linked list, because it doesn't need to allocate any scratch memory, and if you can afford to allocate a scratch buffer the size of the input at the beginning of the sort, the same is true for arrays. It's really only the wrong choice (for integer keys) when you have very limited additional storage space and your input is in an array.
I would expect the crossover point to be well below a million regardless.

Best Algorithm for key/value pair where key is an int64 in Delphi, pre Delphi 2009?

I need an algorithm to store a key/value pair, where the key is an Int64. I'm currently using a sorted IntList (same as a TStringList, but stores int64s). This gives me O(log n) for search, Insert and delete operations. Since I don't ever need the items sorted, this is a little inefficient. I need some kind of hashtable for O(1) operations. The problem is that most implementations I can find assume the key is a string. Now I could obviously convert the Int64 key to a string, but this does seem wasteful. Any ideas?
I do not know the number of items before they are entered to the data structure.
I also should add that I have implemented the same component in .net, using Dictionary, and it's adding the items that is so much faster in the .net version. Once the data structure is setup, traversals and retrievals are not that bad in comparison, but it's insertion that is killing me.
Delphi 2009 and later has added Generics.
So starting Delphi 2009, you can implement your key/value pair in a similar manner as you do in .NET using a TDICTIONARY.
And TDICTIONARY in Delphi uses a hash table table and has O(1) operations.
You could build a hash-table, where the hash-value is a simple modulo of the Int64 you're adding to the hash.
Any good hash-table implementation will have the generation of the hash-index (by hashing the key) separate from the rest of the logic.
Some implementations are summed up here : Hashtable implementation for Delphi 5
You can compute a hash value directly from the int64 value, but for that you need to find a hash function which distributes the different int64 values evenly, so that you get little to no collisions. This of course depends on the values of those keys. If you don't know the number of items you most probably also don't know how these int64 values are distributed, so coming up with a good hash function will be hard to impossible.
Assuming your keys are not multiples of something (like addresses, which will be multiples of 4, 8, 16 and so on) you could speed things up a little by using a list of several of those IntList objects, and compute first an index into this array of lists. Using the mod operator and a prime number would be an easy way to calculate the list index. As always this is a trade-off between speed and memory consumption.
You might also google for a good implementation of sparse arrays. IIRC the EZDSL library by Julian Bucknall has one.
Some thoughts, not a full blown solution.
Unless there is definite proof that the search itself is the bottleneck (don't use your "feeling" to detect bottlenecks, use a code profiler) I would stick with the IntList... If the time spent in the actual search/insert/delete does not amount for at least 20% of the total processor time, don't even bother.
If you still want a hashtable, then ...
Do not convert to a string. The conversion would allocate a new string from the heap, which is much more costly than doing the search itself. Use the int64 modulo some cleverly chosen prime number as the hash key.
Hashtables will give you O(1) only if they are large enough. Otherwise, you will get a large amount of records that share the same hash key. Make it too short, you'll waste your time searching (linearly !) through the linked list. Make it too large, and you waste memory.
Keep in mind that hash tables require some form of linked list to keep all records sharing the same key. This linked list must be implemented either by adding a "next" pointer in the payload objects (which breaks encapsulation - the object does not have to know it is stored in a hash table) or allocating a small helper object. This allocation is likely to be much more costly than the O(log) of the sorted list.
