An applet failed to load or is unavailable - firefox

I am getting this error on IE 8 ,9 firefox and chrome. while editing content in WebSphere Portal 7.
IWKAP0010W: An applet failed to load or is unavailable. Certain Web Content Management features will not be available.
Is there any way to solve this.

This seems like there is no Java plug-in (since you mention IE8 also gives you this error) on the system you are using to access WCM authoring. Newer, auto-updating browsers such as Firefox and Chrome tend to block all but the absolute latest Oracle Java plug-in for security reasons. However, typically there is a prompt to "allow this time." IE8 doesn't do this, but you'll get the same error message from WCM (IWKAP0010W) if you have no Java plug-in installed.
There are a couple of ways you could resolve this:
Ensure that you have the latest Oracle Java Plug-In installed in on the computer doing the WCM authoring. Since you mention IE8, I suspect perhaps no Java plug-in is installed at all.
Change your authoring template to not use rich text at all
Change your content item or authoring template to use a different rich text editor that does not use a Java applet. There are others out there; IBM even ships WCM7+ a JavaScript-based rich editor that is better than plain text but has less features than Ephox EditLive! and requires no Java plug-in for authoring.
Usually the easiest is to just install Java on the authoring computer. If that's not an option (for example you don't have installation permission), you could change your content system to no longer require Java applets for editing.

You need us to give a bit more information:
Q: Which exact version of ws portal are you using?
A: (your answer)
Q: Which culmulative fix (CF) level have you installed? (cp. fixes below)
A: ?
Q: What java version have you installed (which is running in the webbrowser)?
A: ?
Q: Did you check the java plugin and the webbrowser security settings?
A: ?
Maybe your issues have been fixed with a CF?
in CF027 Issue/Apar PI09604 (they fixed compatibility with 7u51)
in CF022 Issue/APAR PM88690 (fixed security warning)
in CF021 Issue/APAR PM81772 and PM84580 (Renewal of certificate)
in CF010 Issue/APAR PM49505 (firefox problems)
in CF002 Issue/APAR PM33239 (chrome problems)
So please update your WP7 to the latest CF and try again. Download and installing instructions are on the page provided above or here.


Trying to get Oracle Forms - Jinitiator to work with IE11 on Windows 7

I am considering manually changing the code through Chrome to get the page to use a more up to date Java runtime environment. The code:
<embed src="" pluginspage="/forms/jinitiator/us/jinit_download.htm" type="application/x-jinit-applet;version=" java_codebase="/forms/java" java_code="oracle.forms.engine.Main" java_archive="frmall_jinit.jar" width="100%" height="100%" hspace="0" vspace="0" serverurl="/forms_uatplacementsheet/lservlet?ifcfs=/forms_uatplacementsheet/frmservlet?acceptLanguage=en-GB,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.6" networkretries="0" serverargs="escapeParams=true module=logon.fmx p_database=DOPSSUP1 p_initial_form=ps_menu.fmx userid= sso_userid=%20 sso_formsid=formsApp_clntuat1_7E435F00D52D11DA9F7CC7B9618E10F6 sso_subDN= sso_usrDN= debug=no host= port= buffer_records=no debug_messages=no array=no obr=no query_only=no quiet=yes render=no record= tracegroup= log= term=" separateframe="false" splashscreen="" background="" lookandfeel="generic" colorscheme="gray" serverapp="default" logo="" imagebase="DocumentBase" formsmessagelistener="" recordfilename="" endusermonitoringenabled="" endusermonitoringurl="" heartbeat="" disablevalidateclipboard="">
Has me slightly baffled, what do I change to make it work with the later version of the JRE?
End Update
I have a client using with the following setup:
Windows XP SP3
Internet Explorer 7
Solaris 10
Oracle Database 11.1
Oracle Database 10.2
There is an upgrade project underway and it will eventually be brought up to the latest and greatest version of Oracle etc.
The problem is the XP/IE7 combo. There is a Windows 7/IE11 upgrade project underway and the Oracle Forms Apps need to be available on this new desktop setup until the Oracle upgrade has occurred.
Now the kicker, a "tactical solution" has been proposed by a non technical person:
Install multiple versions of the JInitiator onto the desktop
Run IE11 in "compatability" mode for IE7
Oracle form apps will continue to work
The problem is that the JInitiator executable doesn't want to play nice with IE11.
I have been perusing the interweb and praying to the Great Pumpkin to find out if there is some way of finding out if this particular setup is going to work without having a bunch of people running around pulling levers, flicking switches and fiddling with knobs.
Would any of you gentle folk be able to help me?
This can be solved easily using Browsium ION.. Please see
ION Can be used to swap out and use Jinitiator instead of the highest version of java installed on the client (say Java JRE 8u121). This can be achieved by using an ION Custom file, this is used to swap the Java dlls to expose the Jinitiator dlls to the application, instead of the highest installed version of Java. We also swap out the Java Jinitiator 1.3 jvm.dll and use the 1.4.2_19 version of jvm.dll
It is also required to amend the security settings in the file. This can also be achieved using a Browsium ION Custom File.
We have found it is sometime necessary to intercept and change the CLSID of the Java version called in the javascript.
j-init 1.3 CAFECAFE-0013-0001-0022-ABCDEFABCDEF
Java 8u121 CAFEEFAC-0018-0000-0121-ABCDEFFEDCBA (if the highest version on the machine is java 8u121)
This can be performed using an ION String Replacement
All of the above can be simply applied using the Browsium ION Configuration Manager. In the example I have tested I also applied a Document mode of 5, as I assume if the site is using J-initiator it was probably written for IE6 or IE5.. :-) Browsium ION can also fix this by changing the Doc mode and the User-Agent String and all this is achieved on the client with no changes to the Server..
to try out this approach download the Browsium ION Eval software -
After downloading the software, please ask support for a test configuration file with the settings above to get you started.
I am a Client manager for Browsium.

JRE 6 and 7 side-by-side with JRE 6 as default (Win 7)

For a migration project to migrate from Java 6 to Java 7 runtime on Windows 7, we are looking to get the following situation:
Both JRE 6 and JRE 7 are installed on the machine
JRE 6 is set as the default
JRE 7 will be explicitly requested by applets and webstart applications that require it.
We found lots of solutions that use the path to achieve a situation like this, but we are looking for a way to keep the default path (using the java.exe in C:\Windows\System). Changing the registry key \HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\CurrentVersion to 1.6 does not work unfortunately.
Does anybody have experience with a setup like this?
I get a lot of questions WHY we want this. I can discuss all the ins and outs, but please take it from me that we discussed all possible scenario's and this is the one that impacts our business the least. There are more than 10K systems (laptop + desktop) involved and lots of different Applets, webstart applications and standalone client applications involved.
Unfortunately the answer for Applets and web start is that this is not possible (anymore). As can be found in the JRE installer options page of Oracle, the latest JRE is chosen by the browser plugin by default:
Beginning in Java SE 6 update 10 release, the latest JRE software will be registered with all browsers. This ensures that applets will run on the latest and most secure version of the JRE software.
Some solutions can be found that suggest changing several registry keys, but these only work for versions prior to 1.6.0 update 10. As soon you install this or a newer version, those registry keys are ignored.
We are still awaiting a formal response from Oracle, but we do not expect a different outcome.
I wrote a tool to be able to run WebStart on JRE6 and JRE7 side by side.
You can download the tool here.
I had a problem that was nearly the same as yours, I wanted to use jre 6 to run an old version of sgd (sun secure global desktop). My walkaround for this :
Get firefox portable
about:config --> plugin.scan.plid.all = false (don't know if it's necessary)
Add jre portable version 6 to the folder (plugins)
Go to the Java Control Panel (in Windows Control Panel) --> Java tab --> View.. (Visualiser in french) --> Uncheck 1.7
May be just the last step will work for you...
Hope this will help someone.
I think that the answer is that there probably isn't a way to do that which is going to work for all of your existing menagerie of in-house and 3rd-party applications ... and their various ways of locating their Java platform.
And if you get something that works "most of the time" then there is a good chance that the breakage in the other cases will be worse than if you had taken a more aggressive approach to conversion.
The root problem here is in-house and 3rd-party stuff making unwarranted (and probably unnecessary) assumptions about the Java platform they are running on. If the application can't be fixed to get it to work on Java 7, it probably should be ditched ... or quarantined in a heavily fire-walled virtual machine or something. Java 6 has been EOL'ed. So unless your organization is prepared to pay big bucks for support from Oracle you won't get any more security patches. IMO, that is good enough reason to boot it out of your supported / allowed COEs ... whether the users like it or not.
It is all very well to say that there is politics in the problem. But if push comes to shove, >>you<< guys will get the blame if your "gently, gently" approach fails technically and you get security problems due to running unpatched / unpatchable Java installations.

How to call different version of Internet explorer option in F12 developer tools from Windows command line

I need to have multiple versions of IE browser in my windows 7 for cross browser testing.
I checked for Standalone application, but nothing worked properly.
I know there is a F12 developer tool in windows which will switch the user agent, is it possible to call the iexplore.exe browser from command line along with the required browser version?
I have already got the trial version of spoon, but I am looking for a free solution.
I am not looking for any paid version of alternatives
I dont need procedures that involve creation of virtual machine as they will not work for me.
Kindly let me know if the above information is not clear or insufficient.
It's not possible to change the browser version from the command line.
The closest you can do and it's not at all recommend as it impacts every IE instance is to use the Browser Emulation feature control key (documentation) to change the default mode.

Is there an alternative to the project Mozilla byob?

I want to ask you if there is an alternative to the project of Mozilla byob (build your own browser, shut down recently).
If someone made it something similar maybe with Firefox or another browser.
There is the CCK Wizard that allows various Firefox customizations. You don't get an actual Firefox build but an extension. One way to deploy that extension on a machine would be adding it to the Windows registry which will automatically install it into all Firefox profiles on the particular machine. One could also modify a Firefox installer to include that extension but that is somewhat more complicated.

IBM Websphere Studio Application Developer Installation Error

I am getting the following error while installing the IBMWebsphere Studio Application Developer 5.1.2 in WinXP Pro.
" The installation of WebSphere Studio cannot continue because the following required parts are missing from the electronic images. Download the required parts and run the installation program again.
C571ILML.bin "
I am installing from the local hdd (d:/temp/disk1, disk2,disk3 and disk4) of setup program.
Can any body help me what could be the problem and how to solve this to install the IBM WAS.
Two questions.
Does that file exist anywhere in your install tree?
Check it again please, most codes are only 7 characters. The closest I've found is C57I1ML but that's part of Websphere Studio Site Developer 5.1.2. And, on top of that, WSAD 5.1.2 seems to have the C80 prefix.
BTW, there's no C571ILML anywhere on the IBM intranet that I can see.
The standard Websphere Studio Application Developer 5.1.2 for Windows has five disk images located on IBM's Xtreme Leverage site, those being C802XML, C802YML, C802ZML, C8030ML and C804UML.
I suspect your missing file is due to the fact that you only have the contents of four of those disk images.
You'll need to go back to your source and get the other disk image (or contents).
Alternatively, you may have the Integration Edition, in which case I'll need to look again - please clarify which one you have.
