IBM Websphere Studio Application Developer Installation Error - websphere

I am getting the following error while installing the IBMWebsphere Studio Application Developer 5.1.2 in WinXP Pro.
" The installation of WebSphere Studio cannot continue because the following required parts are missing from the electronic images. Download the required parts and run the installation program again.
C571ILML.bin "
I am installing from the local hdd (d:/temp/disk1, disk2,disk3 and disk4) of setup program.
Can any body help me what could be the problem and how to solve this to install the IBM WAS.

Two questions.
Does that file exist anywhere in your install tree?
Check it again please, most codes are only 7 characters. The closest I've found is C57I1ML but that's part of Websphere Studio Site Developer 5.1.2. And, on top of that, WSAD 5.1.2 seems to have the C80 prefix.
BTW, there's no C571ILML anywhere on the IBM intranet that I can see.
The standard Websphere Studio Application Developer 5.1.2 for Windows has five disk images located on IBM's Xtreme Leverage site, those being C802XML, C802YML, C802ZML, C8030ML and C804UML.
I suspect your missing file is due to the fact that you only have the contents of four of those disk images.
You'll need to go back to your source and get the other disk image (or contents).
Alternatively, you may have the Integration Edition, in which case I'll need to look again - please clarify which one you have.


Installing Oracle form and got an error. Cannot launch the installer (555)

Oracle form downloaded at:
When I ran the file setup_fmw_12.,
it gave me an error "Cannot launch the installer (555)".
fmw_12. <-- Folder
fmw_12. <-- Folder
Even though this relates to the installation of a developer tool, most would consider this particular type of question as generally off topic for stackoverflow. Your question also contains too little information to determine what the problem really is.
However, let's just mention some obvious things to see if it helps you solve your own problem:
Did you try the setup on another computer (or a virtual machine). This could be a good way to avoid the whole problem rather than spending a lot of time trying to fix it.
Did you locate any log files for the failed install?
A quick look seems to indicate that you can find log files at: %SystemDrive%\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\logs (%SystemDrive% is normally C:\).
Or %SystemDrive%\Program Files (x86)\Oracle\Inventory\logs for 32bit installers on 64 bit systems).
Found in the troubleshoot section here - have a look yourself too - read from the top.
And the most obvious of all: did you contact Oracle support or search their user community or knowledge bases? Somebody will have seen this problem before. Looks like you need to register:
A quick search reveals that the Oracle Universal Installer is a Java based installer. Could Java be broken on the box you install on? (looks like the launcher should install the runtime automatically, but this could fail due to special conditions on the box. Try on a clean virtual machine). How to check whether java is installed on the computer.
Try disabling your anti-virus as well before running the setup on the problem box. Some setups even try to access the Internet during installation, and then your firewall could be a problem too. I would hate to turn that off though.

Installing process of DotNetNuke (Dnn.Platform-8.0.2)

Downloaded source package of DotnetNuke and I am new in dotnetNuke. Can anyone help me to clarify the process of installing DotnetNuke.
I am following this Install DNN
I've got a tutorial on installing DNN8 found here.
You can also follow this text tutorial
Setting up your development environment can vary based on what your
end goal is. If you are doing module development for your own use, and
within your own DNN environments, you can ignore a few of the settings
below. If you are doing module development with the idea that you
might turn around and give the modules away, or sell them, then you
will likely want to follow the guidelines set forth below to support
the widest array of DNN installation environments.
I recommend that each developer have their own local development
environment, with a local IIS website running DotNetNuke, and a SQL
Server 2008/2012 (not express, though you can use it) database for the
website. Having an individual development environment makes group
module development far easier than if you share
Choosing a DotNetNuke Version Choosing a version of DotNetNuke is
important when you start your development for couple of reasons. For
modules that you are developing for yourself, you need to ask, what is
the minimum version of DotNetNuke that you have in production. Are you
running DNN 5.6.1? Are you running 6.2.6, 7.0.0, 7.0.6? Based on the
answer you can determine what version of DNN you should setup as your
development environment. You shouldn't be developing on a newer
version of DNN than what you have running in production. As with
everything there are ways around this, but I am not going to go into
the details on that in this tutorial.
As a developer working to create modules and release those, you might
have production sites that are running on the latest and greatest
version of DNN, but what about your customers? Or your potential
customers? You have to ask yourself, do you want to provide support
for really old versions of DotNetNuke? From a development perspective
you will probably say no, but from a business perspective, you might
say yes, and here’s why. Not everyone upgrades DotNetNuke websites as
they should, and often times you will find that some people never
upgrade. While I don’t advise taking that approach to managing a
DotNetNuke website, it is a fact of life that people don’t always
upgrade and there are thousands of people, if not tens of thousands,
that have sites that aren’t running on the latest version of DNN. You
should take that into account when you are doing your module
development, if you compile your module against an older version of
DNN then your module should run on newer versions of as well, for
example. If you compile your module against DotNetNuke 6.2.6 it will
likely run on every version of DNN released since then. Though there
are extended cases where this won’t always work, DNN strives to
maintain backwards compatibility, this isn't always possible.
You might also want to use features that are only available starting
with a specific version of DotNetNuke, such as the workflow
functionality found starting in DNN 5.1, in that case you may choose
not to support older versions of the platform out of necessity. This
will minimize the market in which you can sell your modules, but also
can make for less support and an easier development cycle due to the
features that DNN provides.
Choosing a Package Now here’s one that may baffle you a bit. I’m going
to recommend that you use the INSTALL package for whatever version of
DotNetNuke that you download. What? The INSTALL package? What about
the SOURCE package? Well you can use the source, but you don’t need
it. The module development that I’m setting you up for doesn't require
the DNN source, and using the INSTALL package makes your development
environment cleaner. We aren't going to be opening the DotNetNuke
project when we do our module development, so why have the files
sitting around for nothing? Also, if you've ever tried to use the
SOURCE package for anything, you'll know it isn't easy.
The steps for setting up your development environment will apply to
both the Community and Professional editions of DotNetNuke.
Installation Configuration Once you have the version selection out of
the way you can go through the installation process. While I’m not
going to walk you through the minutest of details of each step of
installing DotNetNuke in this post, I will at least try to point you
in the right direction for each step.
Download the INSTALL package of the version of DotNetNuke you want to
use in your development environment.
Extract the files in the INSTALL package to a location of your
choosing, this location is where you will point IIS (the web server)
when we can configure the website. In my environment I typically use
c:\websites\\ (One item of note: you may need to right click
on the ZIP file and choose Properties before extracting, on the
properties window if you have an UNBLOCK option, click that. Some
versions of Windows have started blocking files within the DotNetNuke
ZIP files, which will cause you problems later during the actual
Setup IIS IIS is the web server that comes with Windows computers. DNN
7 requires IIS 7 or later (7,7.5,8.0), so you will need at least
Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows Server 2008 R2,
Windows Server 2012.
In IIS you should create a new website (Note: If you use an existing
website in IIS be sure to add the HOST binding for DNNDEV.ME), and
point to the folder where you extracted the INSTALL package.
Note: With DotNetNuke 7.0+, .NET Framework 4.0 is required, so be sure
that your application pool is configured to run under 4.0, and not
Set File Permissions Setting up the file permissions for your DNN
install is often the step that causes the most trouble. You should
right click on the FOLDER in which you extracted DNN
(c:\websites\ and choose properties. Choose the Security
tab. You need to add permissions for the account in which your
website's application pool is running under. You will want to setup
the permissions to give the account Full or Modify permissions for the
DNNDEV.ME folder. Which account you will use will vary based on your
version of IIS, here’s a simple list of some of the default accounts
based on the version of IIS.
IIS Version Operating System Account IIS 7 Windows Vista, Windows
Server 2008 localmachine\Network Service IIS 7.5 Windows 2008 R2,
Windows 7 IIS AppPool\APPPOOLNAME IIS 8 Windows 2012, Windows 8 IIS
Note: If you are using IIS7.5/8.0 you’ll notice in the above table
that we have APPPOOLNAME in the identity, this is because when you
setup a new website in IIS a new application pool is created. In place
of you should type in the name of the application pool that was
created. You can also bypass this and configure your application pool
to use the Network Service account instead of a dynamic account if you
would like.
Database Configuration In SQL Server you should go through and create
a new database. I always create a database with the same name as the
website, so in this case DNNDEV.ME. Once you have created the
database, create a user that can access that database. I always use
SQL authentication, turn off the enforce password requirements, and
give the user DB Owner and Public access to the DNNDEV.ME database.
Remember the username and password you create here as you will need
them when you walk through the Installation screen for DotNetNuke.
DotNetNuke Installation Screen Populate the installation screen with
the standard DNN information, Host username, password, etc. For the
Database option, choose Custom and configure your database connection,
providing the Server IP/Name, the Database name ( For the
database authentication you'll want to choose the option that allows
you to enter the username/password for the database user that you
created previously.
Now there are two additional options you can configure, normally I
would tell you not to modify these, but from a development environment
perspective I do recommend that you change the objectQualifier
setting. It should be blank by default, you should type in “dnn”
(without quotes), this will prepend “dnn_” to all of the objects that
get created by DNN such as Tables and Stored Procedures. This is not
something I recommend from a production stand point, but if you are
developing modules for sale, then supporting objectQualifier in your
development is recommended. It will save you time down the road if you
have a customer who has an objectQualifier defined on their production
Follow the following video and it has total two parts one and two part links are givenbelow
Part one
Part two

Apache install on Windows, cannot find installer

I'm trying for a couple of hours to find a MSI or EXE install package for Apache in Windows, and simply could not find it anywhere. All i get is a zip file with the directory structure, but when i extract it obviously the service is not installed / configured.
Can someone please point me to a place where i can find a MSI installer pro Win 2008 / 64bit ?
Thanks in advance.
This is why there are several packages including WAMP, XAMPP etc because it must be compiled and Apache will not provide binaries.
The Apache HTTP Server Project itself does not provide binary releases
of software, only source code.
A quick search would reveal some sources where you can download load them. I suggest to go with one of these to make maintaining it easier for yourself.
Here are some suggestions as noted in the docs.
Apache Lounge
BitNami WAMP Stack
I do not know specifically where you can get 2.4 msi and there may not be but 2.2 is still available if you have to have an installer. Which is still the most used version. Which is what I run on all my servers. Get 2.2.25
If you want 2.4 for windows which is NEWER that is the correct package from Apache Lounge you don't need an installer. The package give you the exact layout for the web sever. You're looking for a pretty little msi that goes through a wizard like WAMP, you're not going to find that. Installing from that zip you downloaded is easy and only takes like 5 minutes to setup. You can also put httpd.exe in the windows startup to so that it starts when it boots. Watch this video, it walks your through setting 2.4 up.

Powerbuilder (ver 7) Runtime problems

We have an old Powerbuilder app running on Server 2000 and need to move it. I am having a problem with moving the Powerbuilder app ver 7.0, to a newer platform - Server 2003.
We basically moved the directory with the app in it and all the Dlls. Then I registered the ones that would allow it. We also had to set up Informix client-side software and verified that it was able to connect to the Database.
The app basically takes 2 parameters then checks for data in a remote database, then generates a return code to be used by another app. The return code we get is unexpected and I have no luck in looking up the number:
The app is run from the command line. When I run the app I get a Windows error that mentions Sybase and msvcr80.dll and a dump, and the return code mentioned above - Here is the error from the manifest text:
UI LCID=1033
TitleName=Sybase Inc. Product File
DigPidRegPath=HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\DigitalProductId
ErrorText=This error occurred on 2/14/2013 at 7:56:14 AM.
HeaderText=Sybase Inc. Product File encountered a problem and needed to close.
ErrorSig=AppName: cert_lsi.exe AppVer: ModName: msvcr80.dll ModVer: 8.0.50727.6195 Offset: 0001e6d5
I am surprised by the msvcr80.dll request, because this app was written around 2003 and I didnt think that c compiler was at ver 8 yet. I have used Dependency Walker and see no complaints there. I am probably in DLLHell with this thing, though... does anyone have any ideas what to look for?
Thanks in Advance!
I still have a few PB 7 applications around.
Did you try Application Compatibility?
Navigate to the folder and right click on the executable and choose the Compatibility tab.
I suggest trying
Run this program in compatibility for Windows XP (Service Pack 3)
Privilege Level [x] Run this program as administrator
You may need to use Windows XP (Service Pack 2) or an earlier version of Windows.

Websphere registry and repository (WSRR)

I'm trying to install WSRR on Linux (Ubuntu 11.04), but without success. I think I'm lacking some important information about installation. I've read that it's a prerequisite to have WebSphere Application Server (WAS) and DB2 installed, but when I downloaded WSRR package it has its own version of WAS and during installation it offers me Derby DB. In order to install it I had to change bash for dash (or vice versa). In the end I tried create profile of standalone WSRR in Profile Management Tool but with no success. Did anybody success in installation of standalone WSRR? Please help me, I need it for my thesis.
Thank you.
So finally I managed to install and run WSRR.
First of all you have to have OpenSuse installed.
Log in as root
Reinstall you web browser (I changed mozilla 4 to mozilla 6)
Launch installation ./
Create profile with Profile Management Tool GUI
Run First steps console => change directory to profile_root/firststeps/wsrr, for example, opt/IBM/WebSphere/ServiceRegistry/profiles/WSRRSrv01/firststeps/wsrr and ./
Run server
Start the WSRR Web UI (if you have stand-alone server)
Not a final answer... it seems you're installing on an unsupported platform. Never try this with commercial software, you will fail or will need hours and hours to get it up and running.
