emberjs - RESTful resource handling - ajax

I am trying to load sample data from a REST API source that return XML inside my emberjs app but I am facing two problems:
The model name is always in plural, so instead of /sqlrest/CUSTOMER/3/ the code always generate /sqlrest/CUSTOMERS/3/
I know that DS.RESTAdaptor expects by default JSON format so I was wondering is there any way I can still get XML format and may be convert to JSON?
Code I am using is as follows (This code I found in one of SO replies and altered to match the URL I am trying to access):
App.store = DS.Store.create({
revision: 11,
adapter: DS.RESTAdapter.create({
namespace: "sqlrest",
url: "http://www.thomas-bayer.com",
plurals: {
'customer': 'customer'
ajax: function (url, type, hash) {
hash.url = url;
hash.type = type;
hash.dataType = 'jsonp';
hash.contentType = 'application/json; charset=utf-8';
hash.context = this;
if (hash.data && type !== 'GET') {
hash.data = JSON.stringify(hash.data);
and in route:
App.CustomersRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
//return App.Customer.find();
return App.Customer.find(18);

Maybe you could look at ember-restless which allows XML consumption:
For pluralization, take a look in here:
The only thing is, obviously if you're going to use ember-restless, you'll need to find the relative point in there that you need to override in a similar way (if it's possible to customize endpoints).


How to add headers to endpoints in RTK-Query Plugin?

Trying to follow the rather sparse tutorial on the official page doesn't get me far.
I'm essentially trying to add a certain header based on the params of an api call, but am clueless how to configure the endpoints to do so.
#phry response not working on my case. Checking docs, this make the trick, in my case to resolve a CORS problem:
baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({
baseUrl: '.....',
prepareHeaders: (headers, { getState }) => {
headers.set('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
return headers
Everything you return from you endpoint's query function will be passed as the first argument to your baseQuery. So if you are using fetchBaseQuery, you need to take a look at that.
Generally, a baseQuery created by fetchBaseQuery takes all the options that a normal fetch call would take - including a headers field.
So you would have something like
myEndpoint: build.query({
query(args) {
return {
url: "foo",
headers: { myHeader: args.blup }
should do the trick.
Generally, besides the "sparse tutorial", there are about 25 more documentation pages when you scroll down - but even then it's difficult to cover everythin, as RTK-Query is rather flexible.
You can read more on fetchBaseQuery in the docs here: https://redux-toolkit.js.org/rtk-query/api/fetchBaseQuery#using-fetchbasequery
You can use prepareHeaders. This worked for me.
createYourEndPoint: builder.mutation({
query: (body) => ({
url: `youEndPoint`,
method: "POST",
prepareHeaders: (headers) => {
headers.set("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data")
return headers
invalidatesTags: ["YourEndPointTag"],
You can use prepareHeaders which is the second arg of fetchBaseQuery to customize the header as you need:
const baseQuery = fetchBaseQuery({
baseUrl: "",
prepareHeaders: (headers) => {
headers.set("Content-type", "appliation/json"),
headers.set("businessUnit", "EUS,MPS"),
headers.set("auth-token", tokenService.getLocalAccessToken());
return headers;

How can I alias specific GraphQL requests in Cypress?

In Cypress, it is well-documented that you can alias specific network requests, which you can then "wait" on. This is especially helpful if you want to do something in Cypress after a specific network request has fired and finished.
Example below from Cypress documentation:
cy.route('POST', '**/users').as('postUser') // ALIASING OCCURS HERE
However, since I'm using GraphQL in my app, aliasing no longer becomes a straightforward affair. This is because all GraphQL queries share one endpoint /graphql.
Despite it not being possible to differentiate between different graphQL queries using the url endpoint alone, it is possible to differentiate graphQL queries using operationName (refer to following image).
Having dug through the documentation, there doesn't appear to be a way to alias graphQL endpoints using operationName from the request body. I'm also returning the operationName (yellow arrow) as a custom property in my response header; however, I haven't managed to find a way to use it to alias specific graphQL queries either.
FAILED METHOD 1: This method attempts to use the purple arrow shown in image.
method: 'POST',
url: '/graphql',
onResponse(reqObj) {
if (reqObj.request.body.operationName === 'editIpo') {
This method doesn't work since the graphqlEditIpo alias is registered at runtime and as such, the error I receive is as follows.
CypressError: cy.wait() could not find a registered alias for: '#graphqlEditIpo'. Available aliases are: 'ipoInitial, graphql'.
FAILED METHOD 2: This method attempts to use the yellow arrow shown in image.
method: 'POST',
url: '/graphql',
headers: {
'operation-name': 'editIpo',
This method doesn't work because the headers property in the options object for cy.route is actually meant to accept response headers for stubbed routes per the docs. Here, I'm trying to use it to identify my specific graphQL query, which obviously won't work.
Which leads me to my question: How can I alias specific graphQL queries/mutations in Cypress? Have I missed something?
The intercept API introduced in 6.0.0 supports this via the request handler function. I used it in my code like so:
cy.intercept('POST', '/graphql', req => {
if (req.body.operationName === 'queryName') {
req.alias = 'queryName';
} else if (req.body.operationName === 'mutationName') {
req.alias = 'mutationName';
} else if (...) {
Where queryName and mutationName are the names of your GQL operations. You can add an additional condition for each request that you would like to alias. You can then wait for them like so:
// Wait on single request
// Wait on multiple requests.
// Useful if several requests are fired at once, for example on page load.
cy.wait(['#queryName, #mutationName',...]);
The docs have a similar example here: https://docs.cypress.io/api/commands/intercept.html#Aliasing-individual-requests.
This works for me!
Cypress.Commands.add('waitForGraph', operationName => {
const GRAPH_URL = '/api/v2/graph/';
cy.route('POST', GRAPH_URL).as("graphqlRequest");
//This will capture every request
cy.wait('#graphqlRequest').then(({ request }) => {
// If the captured request doesn't match the operation name of your query
// it will wait again for the next one until it gets matched.
if (request.body.operationName !== operationName) {
return cy.waitForGraph(operationName)
Just remember to write your queries with unique names as posible, because the operation name relies on it.
If 'waiting' and not 'aliasing' in itself is the main purpose, the easiest way to do this, as I've encountered thus far, is by aliasing the general graphql requests and then making a recursive function call to 'wait' targeting the newly created alias until you find the specific graphql operation you were looking for.
Cypress.Commands.add('waitFor', operationName => {
cy.wait('#graphqlRequest').then(({ request }) => {
if (request.body.operationName !== operationName) {
return cy.waitFor(operationName)
This of course have its caveats and may or may not work in your context. But it works for us.
I hope Cypress enables this in a less hacky way in the future.
PS. I want to give credit to where I got the inspiration to this from, but it seemt to be lost in cyberspace.
Since I was having the same issue and I did not find a real solution for this problem I combined different options and created a workaround that solves my problem. Hopefully this can help someone else too.
I do not really 'wait' for the request to be happen but I catch them all, based on **/graphql url and match the operationName in the request. On a match a function will be executed with the data as parameter. In this function the tests can be defined.
export const onGraphQLResponse = (resolvers, args) => {
resolvers.forEach((n) => {
const operationName = Object.keys(n).shift();
const nextFn = n[operationName];
if (args.request.body.operationName === operationName) {
const handleGraphQLResponse = (next) => {
return (response) => {
const responseBody = Cypress._.get(response, "body");
return async (alias) => {
await Cypress.Blob.blobToBase64String(responseBody)
.then((blobResponse) => atob(blobResponse))
.then((jsonString) => JSON.parse(jsonString))
.then((jsonResponse) => {
name: "wait blob",
displayName: `Wait ${alias}`,
consoleProps: () => {
return jsonResponse.data;
return jsonResponse.data;
.then((data) => {
In a test file
Bind an array with objects where the key is the operationName and the value is the resolve function.
import { onGraphQLResponse } from "./util/graphQLResponse";
describe("Foo and Bar", function() {
it("Should be able to test GraphQL response data", () => {
method: "POST",
url: "**/graphql",
onResponse: onGraphQLResponse.bind(null, [
{"some operationName": testResponse},
{"some other operationName": testOtherResponse}
function testResponse(result) {
const foo = result.foo;
expect(foo.label).to.equal("Foo label");
function testOtherResponse(result) {
const bar = result.bar;
expect(bar.label).to.equal("Bar label");
Used the blob command from glebbahmutov.com
This is what you're looking for (New in Cypress 5.6.0):
cy.route2('POST', '/graphql', (req) => {
if (req.body.includes('operationName')) {
req.alias = 'gqlMutation'
// assert that a matching request has been made
I hope that this helps!
I used some of these code examples but had to change it slightly to add the onRequest param to the cy.route and also add the date.Now (could add any auto incrementer, open to other solutions on this) to allow multiple calls to the same GraphQL operation name in the same test. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
Cypress.Commands.add('waitForGraph', (operationName) => {
const now = Date.now()
let operationNameFromRequest
method: 'POST',
url: '**graphql',
onRequest: (xhr) => {
operationNameFromRequest = xhr.request.body.operationName
//This will capture every request
cy.wait(`#graphqlRequest${now}`).then(({ xhr }) => {
// If the captured request doesn't match the operation name of your query
// it will wait again for the next one until it gets matched.
if (operationNameFromRequest !== operationName) {
return cy.waitForGraph(operationName)
to use:
cy.waitForGraph('QueryAllOrganizations').then((xhr) => { ...
This is how I managed to differentiate each GraphQL request. We use cypress-cucumber-preprocessor so we have a common.js file in /cypress/integration/common/ where we can call a before and beforeEach hook which are called before any feature file.
I tried the solutions here, but couldn't come up with something stable since, in our application, many GraphQL requests are triggered at the same time for some actions.
I ended up storing every GraphQL requests in a global object called graphql_accumulator with a timestamp for each occurence.
It was then easier to manage individual request with cypress command should.
beforeEach(() => {
for (const query in graphql_accumulator) {
delete graphql_accumulator[query];
method: 'POST',
url: '**/graphql',
onResponse(xhr) {
const queryName = xhr.requestBody.get('query').trim().split(/[({ ]/)[1];
if (!(queryName in graphql_accumulator)) graphql_accumulator[queryName] = [];
graphql_accumulator[queryName].push({timeStamp: nowStamp('HHmmssSS'), data: xhr.responseBody.data})
I have to extract the queryName from the FormData since we don't have (yet) the key operationName in the request header, but this would be where you would use this key.
Cypress.Commands.add('waitGraphQL', {prevSubject:false}, (queryName) => {
displayName: 'wait gql',
consoleProps() {
return {
'graphQL Accumulator': graphql_accumulator
const timeMark = nowStamp('HHmmssSS');
cy.wrap(graphql_accumulator, {log:false}).should('have.property', queryName)
.and("satisfy", responses => responses.some(response => response['timeStamp'] >= timeMark));
It's also important to allow cypress to manage GraphQL requests by adding these settings in /cypress/support/index.js:
Cypress.on('window:before:load', win => {
// unfilters incoming GraphQL requests in cypress so we can see them in the UI
// and track them with cy.server; cy.route
win.fetch = null;
win.Blob = null; // Avoid Blob format for GraphQL responses
I use it like this:
cy.waitGraphQL will wait for the latest target request, the one that will be stored after the call.
Hope this helps.
Somewhere else this method was suggested.
Btw it all becomes a bit easier once you migrate to Cypress v5.x and make use of the new route (route2) method.
Our use case involved multiple GraphQL calls on one page. We had to use a modified version of the responses from above:
Cypress.Commands.add('createGql', operation => {
method: 'POST',
url: '**/graphql',
Cypress.Commands.add('waitForGql', (operation, nextOperation) => {
cy.wait(`#${operation}`).then(({ request }) => {
if (request.body.operationName !== operation) {
return cy.waitForGql(operation);
method: 'POST',
url: '**/graphql',
}).as(nextOperation || 'gqlRequest');
The issue is that ALL GraphQL requests share the same URL, so once you create a cy.route() for one GraphQL query, Cypress will match all the following GraphQL queries to that. After it matches, we set cy.route() to just a default label of gqlRequest or the next query.
Our test:
.waitForGql('gqlOperation1', 'gqlOperation2') // Create next cy.route() for the next query, or it won't match

Why is asp.net webAPI always returning text/html?

I would like to create webservices returning json. However, I'm always getting 'text/html' as the responses content type.
First shot:
public StringContent Get()
List<Cell> list = new List<Cell>();
Cell c = new Cell("Cell1");
Cell c2 = new Cell("Cell2");
return new StringContent(
Responsecontent: System.Net.Http.StringContent
second shot:
public List<Cell> Get()
Cell c = new Models.Cell("Cell1");
List<Cell> list = new List<Cell>();
return list;
Responsecontent: System.Collections.Generic.List`1[TestApp.Models.Cell]
This is how I access the endpoint:
url: "http://localhost:54787/Cell/Get",
type: "GET",
accepts: {
text: "application/json"
success: function (response) {
error: function (xhr, status) {
If you have no good reason to do serialization manually, you should use Web API default mechanism by returning object instead of StringContent. For example, you can change your method to return List<Cell> directly.
public List<Cell> Get()
// return List<Cell> just like you write a typical method
This way, you will not get text/html anymore. However, you will still get XML in Chrome. It is because Chrome's default HTTP Accept header contains application/xml, and it is supported by default in Web API. If you have no need to support XML result, so you can remove it by the following code during startup (maybe in Global.asax)
PS: If you don't know whether you need XML or not, then you don't need it.

Getting binary file content instead of UTF-escaped using file.get

I'd like to know if it's possible to get exact binary data using callback from drive.files.get method of NodeJS Google API. I know that object returned by calling this API endpoint is a normal request object that could be e.g. piped like this:
fileId: fileId,
alt: 'media'
However I would like to know if it's possible to get binary data from within callback using this syntax:
fileId: fileId,
alt: 'media'
}, function(err, data) {
// Here I have binary data exposed
As far as I know, it should be possible to get that kind of data from request during its creation, passing {encoding: null} in request options object like this:
var requestSettings = {
method: 'GET',
url: url,
encoding: null // This is the important part
request(requestSettings, function(err, data) {/.../})`
however it seems that Google obscures this configuration object in its library.
So my question is - is it possible to do so without interfering/hacking the library?
Ok, so i found answer that could be useful for others :)
Aforementioned drive.files.get method returns Stream object, so it could be directly handled using proper event handlers. Then, buffer parts could be concatenated into one part and sent back in callback like this:
var stream = drive.files.get({
fileId: fileId,
alt: 'media'
// Build buffer
var chunks = [];
stream.on('data', (chunk) => {
stream.on('end', () => {
return cb(null, Buffer.concat(chunks));

jQuery Ajax - Cant parse json?

I got a very strange problem, I thought this worked before but it doesn't any more. I dont even remember changing anything. I tried with an older jQuery library.
I got an error that says: http://i.imgur.com/H51wG4G.png on row 68: (anonymous function). which refer to row 68:
var jsondata = $.parseJSON(data);
This is my ajax function
I can't get my alert to work either because of this error. this script by the way is for logging in, so if I refresh my website I will be logged in, so that work. I also return my json object good as you can see in the image. {"success":false,"msg":"Fel anv\u00e4ndarnamn eller l\u00f6senord.","redirect":""}
When I got this, I will check in login.success if I got success == true and get the login panel from logged-in.php.
var login = $.ajax(
url: '/dev/ajax/trylogin.php',
data: $(this).serialize(),
type: 'POST',
}, 'json');
var jsondata = $.parseJSON(data);
if(jsondata.success == true)
$.get("/dev/class/UI/logged-in.php", function(data) {
return false;
Thank you.
If the response you have showed in the attached screenshot is something to go by, you have a problem in your PHP script that's generating the JSON response. Make sure that thePHP script that's generating this response (or any other script included in that file) is not using a constant named SITE_TITLE. If any of those PHP files need to use that constant, make sure that that SITE_TILE is defined somewhere and included in those files.
What might have happened is that one of the PHP files involved in the JSON response generation might have changed somehow and started using the SITE_TITLE costant without defining it first, or without including the file that contains that constant.
Or, maybe none of the files involved in the JSON generation have changed, but rather, your error_reporting settings might have changed and now that PHP interpreter is outputting the notice level texts when it sees some undefined constant.
Solving the problem
If the SITE_TITLE constant is undefined, define it.
If the SITE_TITLE constant is defined in some other file, include that file in the PHP script that's generating the response.
Otherwise, and I am not recommending this, set up your error_reporting settings to ignore the Notice.
Your response is not a valid JSON. You see: "unexpected token <".
It means that your response contains an unexpected "<" and it cannot be converted into JSON format.
Put a console.log(data) before converting it into JSON.
You shoud use login.done() , not login.success() :)
Success is used inside the ajax() funciton only! The success object function is deprecated, you can set success only as Ajax() param!
And there is no need to Parse the data because its in Json format already!
jQuery Ajax
var login = $.ajax(
url: '/dev/ajax/trylogin.php',
data: $(this).serialize(),
type: 'POST',
}, 'json');
var jsondata = data;
if(jsondata.success == true)
$.get("/dev/class/UI/logged-in.php", function(data) {
return false;
