jQuery Ajax - Cant parse json? - ajax

I got a very strange problem, I thought this worked before but it doesn't any more. I dont even remember changing anything. I tried with an older jQuery library.
I got an error that says: http://i.imgur.com/H51wG4G.png on row 68: (anonymous function). which refer to row 68:
var jsondata = $.parseJSON(data);
This is my ajax function
I can't get my alert to work either because of this error. this script by the way is for logging in, so if I refresh my website I will be logged in, so that work. I also return my json object good as you can see in the image. {"success":false,"msg":"Fel anv\u00e4ndarnamn eller l\u00f6senord.","redirect":""}
When I got this, I will check in login.success if I got success == true and get the login panel from logged-in.php.
var login = $.ajax(
url: '/dev/ajax/trylogin.php',
data: $(this).serialize(),
type: 'POST',
}, 'json');
var jsondata = $.parseJSON(data);
if(jsondata.success == true)
$.get("/dev/class/UI/logged-in.php", function(data) {
return false;
Thank you.

If the response you have showed in the attached screenshot is something to go by, you have a problem in your PHP script that's generating the JSON response. Make sure that thePHP script that's generating this response (or any other script included in that file) is not using a constant named SITE_TITLE. If any of those PHP files need to use that constant, make sure that that SITE_TILE is defined somewhere and included in those files.
What might have happened is that one of the PHP files involved in the JSON response generation might have changed somehow and started using the SITE_TITLE costant without defining it first, or without including the file that contains that constant.
Or, maybe none of the files involved in the JSON generation have changed, but rather, your error_reporting settings might have changed and now that PHP interpreter is outputting the notice level texts when it sees some undefined constant.
Solving the problem
If the SITE_TITLE constant is undefined, define it.
If the SITE_TITLE constant is defined in some other file, include that file in the PHP script that's generating the response.
Otherwise, and I am not recommending this, set up your error_reporting settings to ignore the Notice.

Your response is not a valid JSON. You see: "unexpected token <".
It means that your response contains an unexpected "<" and it cannot be converted into JSON format.
Put a console.log(data) before converting it into JSON.

You shoud use login.done() , not login.success() :)
Success is used inside the ajax() funciton only! The success object function is deprecated, you can set success only as Ajax() param!
And there is no need to Parse the data because its in Json format already!
jQuery Ajax
var login = $.ajax(
url: '/dev/ajax/trylogin.php',
data: $(this).serialize(),
type: 'POST',
}, 'json');
var jsondata = data;
if(jsondata.success == true)
$.get("/dev/class/UI/logged-in.php", function(data) {
return false;


Retrieve post variable sent via Ajax in Django

I'm processing a table of banking/statement entries that have been exported from another system via a CSV file. They are imported into a view and checked for duplicates before being presented to the user in a HTML table for final review.
Once checked they are sent via AJAX to the server so they can be added into a Django model. Everything is working OK including CSRF but I cannot access the POSTed variable although I can see it!
Unfortunately making a hidden form isn't viable as there are 80+ rows to process.
My Javascript looks like:
type: 'POST',
url: '......./ajax/handleImports/',
data: entriesObj,
success: function (data) {
if (data.response && data.response) {
console.log("Update was successful");
} else { ... }
error: function() { ... }
where entriesObj is
var entriesObj = JSON.stringify({ "newentries": newEntries });
and when dumped to console.log looks like:
{"newentries":[{"Include":"","Upload ID":"0","Date":"2019-01-09", ... }
Now in view.py when I return the whole request.POST object as data.entries using
context['entries'] = request.POST
return JsonResponse(context)
I get
{"{"newentries":[{"Include":"","Upload ID":"0","Date":"2019-01-09", ... }
but if I try and retrieve newentries with:
entries = request.POST.get('newentries', None)
context['entries'] = entries
return JsonResponse(context)
the console.log(data.entries) will output null?
How am I supposed to access the POSTed entriesObj?
The data is JSON, you need to get the value from request.body and parse it.
data = json.loads(request.body)
entries = data.get('newentries')

Asynchronously populate Sammy.Storage cache

I'm having difficulty accessing requestJSON on a jQuery $.ajax object outside of the success callback. If I do:
var ajax_request = $.ajax({
dataType: 'json',
contentType: 'application/json'
// this results in `undefined`
How can I access the responseJSON without adding a .success() callback? If I inspect ajax_request in Firebug, I can see the responseJSON property, and the data I expect, but I can't access it via:
More specifically, I'm building an SPA using Sammy and Knockout. In some routes, I need to be able to get JSON from cache, and if it doesn't exist, get the value from a service call and then set it into cache:
var cached_json = storage.fetch('cached_json', function() {
// make service call
return $.getJSON(url);
event_context.render('template.tpl', {'json': cached_json}).appendTo('#my-target');
But, of course, calling storage.fetch doesn't cause the rest of the code to pause until $.getJSON is complete. This is the part I can't quite figure out how to structure.
here's how i would implement it
responseJSON = "";
responseJSON = jdata;
i like to see the ajax method at a glace, but in your case you can do the same by
success : function(jdata){ responseJSON = jdata; }
PS: i believe that initializing the blank responseJSON is not required since any variable without var is in global scope, but it would help for clarity
I ended up solving this by creating a deferred object that gets or creates the value I need:
function get_or_create_cache(storage, key, service_endpoint) {
return $.Deferred(function(deferred) {
var c = storage.get(key);
if (c === null || c === undefined) {
$.when(jsonp_service_request(service_endpoint)).done(function(json) {
storage.set(key, json);
else {
In this function, storage refers to a Sammy.Storage instance. jsonp_service_request is a local function that returns a jsonp response, taking into account the location.hostname for local development, where I'm pointing to local.json files, or a remote environment, where I'm calling into an actual API. jsonp_service_request returns an $.ajax function.
Then in my Sammy route, I can do:
this.get('#/', function(event_context) {
$.when(get_or_create_cache(storage, 'my-cache-key', 'service-endpoint'))
.then(function(json) {
event_context.render('my-template.template', {'value-name': json})

not getting response from ajax call in codeigniter

I am trying to check if the user name is available for use using ajax and codeigniter. I have problem to get the response from the codeingniter controller in my js. file but without success.
Here is the controller function, relevant to the question:
if ($username == 0) {
$this->output->set_output(json_encode(array("r" => true)));
} else {
$this->output->set_output(json_encode(array("r" => false, "error" => "Username already exits")));
Rest assured that I do get 1 if username already exists in thedatabase and 0 if it does not exist.
I have the following js.file
// list all variables used here...
regform = $('#reg-form'),
memberusername = $('#memberusername'),
memberpassword = $('#memberpassword'),
memberemail = $('#memberemail'),
memberconfirmpassword = $('#memberconfirmpassword');
regform.submit(function(e) {
console.log("I am on the beggining here"); // this is displayed in console
var memberusername = $(this).find("#memberusername").val();
var memberemail = $(this).find("#memberemail").val();
var memberpassword = $(this).find("#memberpassword").val();
var url = $(this).attr("action");
type: "POST",
url: $(this).attr("action"),
dataType: "json",
data: {memberusername: memberusername, memberemail: memberemail, memberpassword: memberpassword},
cache: false,
success: function(output) {
console.log('I am inside...'); // this is never displayed in console...
console.log(r); // is never shonw in console
console.log(output); is also never displayed in console
$.each(output, function(index, value) {
//process your data by index, in example
return false;
Can anyone help me to get the username value of r in the ajax, so I can take appropriate action?
Basically, you're saying that the success handler is never called - meaning that the request had an error in some way. You should add an error handler and maybe even a complete handler. This will at least show you what's going on with the request. (someone else mentioned about using Chrome Dev Tools -- YES, do that!)
As far as the parse error. Your request is expecting json data, but your data must not be returned as json (it's formatted as json, but without a content type header, the browser just treats it as text). Try changing your php code to this:
if ($username == 0) {
$this->output->set_content_type('application/json')->set_output(json_encode(array("r" => true)));
} else {
$this->output->set_content_type('application/json')->set_output(json_encode(array("r" => false, "error" => "Username already exits")));

Error handling when downloading a file from a servlet

I have a web application that must work with IE7 (yeah i know..) where the frontend is entirely made with ExtJS4, and theres a servlet used to download files. To download a file i send some parameters so i cant simply use location.href. it must be a POST.
So far it works, but when an exception is thrown in the servlet i dont know how to handle it to show the user some alert box or some message without redirecting to another page.
In my webapp im also using DWR and im aware of the openInDownload() function, but it triggers a security warning in IE.
So, (finally!) the question is
Using this code:
post = function (url, params) {
var tempForm=document.createElement("form");
for(var x in params) {
// ...snip boring stuff to add params
return tempForm;
is it possible to stay in the same page after submitting ?
or with this other one:
url: './descargaArchivoNivs',
method: 'POST',
autoAbort: true,
params: {
nivs: jsonData
success: function(response){
// HERE!!
// i know this is wrong
document.write('data:text/plain,' + response.responseText );
/* this looked promising but a warning pops up
var newwindow = window.open();
newwindow.document.write('data:text/plain, ' + response.responseText );
failure: function(resp){
alert('There was an error');
is it possible to open the file download dialog // HERE!! with the response content??
or is there some other way to open the file download dialog on success, and on failure show a friendly message without losing the users input (the params of the POST) ?
(sorry if this post was too long)

Ajax prototype to load page then update hash

I have 3 page with different concept/layout/animation.
I'm using prototype & script.aculo.us
I have this in my navigation:
and this is in my js:
windows.location.hash: 'web';
function showPage() {
var url: '/localhost/page2'+web;
new Ajax.Updater('maincontent', 'page2', { method: 'get' });
the question & problem is:
Why in windows location hash is still: /localhost/page1/#page2 with or without if I use var url?
All the animation in page 2 doesn't work, because I didn't put the header, but if put I it, I got double header and still the animation won't work either.
Can anybody give me the solution?
Thank you very much.
In your code
var url: '/localhost/page2'+web;
line throws error so hash cannot be changed. Fix it to
var url = '/localhost/page2'+web;
then it should work.
The correct way to update your hash is:
window.location.hash = '#'+yourValue;
Hard to tell what exactly you're trying to do with your function but there's a few things that are clearly a bit wrong.
function showPage(var) {
var url: '/localhost/page'+var;
new Ajax.Updater('maincontent', url, { method: 'get' });
depending on what you're actually doing its fairly likely you would probably want something more like this:
function showPage(var) {
var url = '/localhost/page'+var;
new Ajax.Updater('maincontent', url, { method: 'get' ,
onCreate: function(){
onComplete: function(){
Thats complete guesswork though, if you can provide more detail i can help more.
