How would I use VCR (with WebMock) in this scenario? - ruby

I'm developing a DSL for building API wrappers, named Hendrix. I am having problems with the testing of the DSL. As it is a API wrapper, it needs to interact with external services. I am not sure how to approach this in terms of testing. I'm using RSpec and tried configuring VCR with WebMock, but no luck. How am I supposed to test this particular scenario if I don't have direct access to what request is being made?
This is my spec_helper.rb:
$VERBOSE = nil
require 'simplecov'
require 'coveralls'
SimpleCov.formatter = SimpleCov::Formatter::MultiFormatter[
SimpleCov.start { add_filter '/spec/' }
lib = File.expand_path('../lib', __FILE__)
$LOAD_PATH.unshift(lib) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(lib)
require 'hendrix'
require 'vcr'
VCR.configure do |c|
c.cassette_library_dir = 'spec/cassettes'
c.hook_into :webmock
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.treat_symbols_as_metadata_keys_with_true_values = true
config.run_all_when_everything_filtered = true
config.filter_run :focus
config.order = 'random'
config.extend VCR::RSpec::Macros
The project is in its early stages (working towards version 0.1.0 at the moment). The syntax of the DSL is as follows:
require 'hendrix' 'Jimi' do
base ''
client :issues do
action :issue, '/repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number'
Jimi.issue('rafalchmiel', 'hendrix', 1)
# => {"url"=>"",
# "labels_url"=> ...
Jimi.issue('rafalchmiel', 'hendrix', 1).title
# => "Implement parameters in actions"
In most specs, I'm testing what the methods from the master module (in this case Jimi.issue etc) return and whether it is in a Hashie::Mash format. How would I test this? I don't know where to start.

For integration tests, I usually stub the endpoint with webmock directly, without trying to record an actual request. This means you can control the response and the expectation in the same place. You can place expectations on whether your library parses the response correctly and you can write tests that verify that the request has been made correctly. Go through each of the features of your gem to get a list of features. Here's an example:
require "webmock/rspec"
describe "parsing results" do
let(:url) { "http://..." }
it "parses results into nice methods" do
stub_request(:get, url)
body: { title: "implement" }.to_json,
headers: { content_type: "application/json" },
expect(response.title).to eq "implement"
it "sends the user agent header correctly" do
stub_request(:get, url)
expect(a_request(:get, url).with(
headers: { user_agent: "hendrix" }
)).to have_been_made.once
it "interpolates values in URLs"
it "supports DELETE requests"
it "supports HTTP Basic"
def perform_request
# ...
Try not to record real requests: it's hard to control the right circumstances with real web servers, especially if you're not the one who wrote the specs. Especially when you write a general purpose library like this. VCR is nice if you want to access one particular server and your code really depends on that one server.
Also don't check on types. I see that quite a lot in your gem right now. Nobody cares if you return a Hashie::Mash object. As my first spec shows, you just want to be able to access the attributes cleanly.


return json from ruby using rack

i'm still fairly new to server side scripts and try myself a little bit on ruby to write me little helpers and to learn some new things.
I currently try to write a small ruby app which sends a json file of all images within a specific folder to my page where i can use those to handle them further in js.
I read quite a few introductions to ruby and rails and got a recommendation to look into rack as a lightweight communicator between server and app.
While the ruby part works fine, i have difficulties to understand how to send out the generated JSON as a reaction to a future ajax call (e.g.). Hope someone can give me a few hints or sources to look into for further understanding. Thanks!
require 'json'
class listImages
def call(env)
imageDir = Dir.chdir("./img");
files = Dir.glob("img*")
n = 0
tempHash = {}
files.each do |i|
tempHash["img#{n}"] = i
n += 1
end"temp.json","w") do |f|
[200,{"Content-Type" => "application/javascript"}, ["temp.json"]]
puts "All done!"
if $0 == __FILE__
require 'rack'
You don't have to save the JSON to a file before you can send it. Just send it directly:
[200, {"Content-Type" => "application/json"}, [tempHash.to_json]]
With your current code, you are only sending the String "temp.json".
That said, the rest of your code looks a little bit messy/not conform Ruby coding standards:
Start your classnames with an uppercase: class ListImages, not class listImages.
Use underscores, not camelcase for variable names: image_dir, not imageDir.
The puts "All done!" statement is outside the method definition and will be called early, when the class is loaded.
You define a class ListImages but in the last line of your code you refer to MyApp.

Mechanize (Ruby gem) not recognizing a form from a saved HTML file, but it recognizes the form when accessing the actual website?

I'm trying to write Rspec tests for my Mechanize agent.
My agent is supposed to go to a website, log into the form, then scrape some data off the website. I also downloaded FakeWeb to stub the HTTP requests, and make my tests faster.
Here is my account_spec.spec file:
require 'spec_helper'
describe Account do
before(:each) { #account ='bob', '1234') }
describe '#login' do
before(:each) do
home_page ='spec/html/home_page.html')
login_page ='spec/html/login_page.html')
body: home_page,
status: ["200", "Success"],
content_type: "text/html")
body: login_page,
status: ["200", "Success"],
content_type: "text/html")
#web_crawler =
#home_page = #web_crawler.get("")
#login_page = #web_crawler.get("")
end # -- before :each
it 'finds the login form' do
login_form = #login_page.form_with(:class => "form login")
puts login_form.class # ==> nil:NilClass
end # -- #login
end # -- Account
However, when I comment out the FakeWeb uri for example/account/login (it then accesses the real server), it actually returns the correct form. Basically, if I am searching for the form in my locally saved HTML file, Mechanize can not find it, but if I check the actual website, it does find it. I would like to know if there is a way around this, and why this happens.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

How do I test this particular method?

I have the following method that is responsible for requesting a URL and returning it's Nokogiri::HTML document. This method checks if a proxy is defined and if it does, it will call OpenURI's open with or without the proxy options.
require 'open-uri'
require 'nokogiri'
class MyClass
attr_accessor :proxy
# ....
def self.page_content(url)
if MyClass.proxy
proxy_uri = URI.parse(MyClass.proxy)
Nokogiri::HTML(open(url, :proxy => proxy_uri)) # open provided by OpenURI
Nokogiri::HTML(open(url)) # open provided by OpenURI
I have no idea how I should write tests that prove the following:
When a proxy is defined the request OpenURI makes actually uses the proxy info
When a proxy isn't defined, a regular non-proxy connection is made
Here's what I came up with as a start for the tests.
describe MyClass, :vcr do
describe '.proxy' do
it { should respond_to(:proxy) }
describe '.page_content' do
let(:url) { "" }
let(:page_content) { subject.page_content(url) }
it 'returns a Nokogiri::HTML::Document' do
page_content.should be_a(Nokogiri::HTML::Document)
# How do i test this method actually uses a proxy when it's set vs not set?
context 'when using a proxy' do
# ???
xit 'should set open-uri proxy properties' do
context 'when not using a proxy' do
# ???
xit 'should not set open-uri proxy properties' do
First of all, you need to arrange for the proxy method to return a proxy in one test case and not in the other. If there is a "setter" method for proxy, you can use that, otherwise you can stub the proxy method.
Then, at a minimum, you want to set an expectation on open that it will be called with or without the :proxy option, depending on which test it is. Beyond that, you have the choice of whether to stub and set expectations for the various other calls involved in the method, including URI.parse and Nokogiri::HTML.
See for information on establishing your test doubles and setting expectations. Note in particular the and_call_original option if you want to use a partial stubbing approach.
Update: Here's some code to get you started. This works for the non-proxy method. I've left the proxy case for you. Note also that this uses the "partial stubbing" approach, where you still end up calling the external gems.
require 'spec_helper'
describe MyClass do
describe '.proxy' do # NOTE: This test succeeds because of attr_accessor, but you're calling a MyClass.proxy (a class method) within your page_content method
it { should respond_to(:proxy) }
describe '.page_content' do
let(:url) { "" }
let(:page_content) { MyClass.page_content(url) } # NOTE: Changed to invoke class method
context 'when not using a proxy' do
before {allow(MyClass).to receive(:proxy).and_return(false)} # Stubbed for no-proxy case
it 'returns a Nokogiri::HTML::Document' do
page_content.should be_a(Nokogiri::HTML::Document)
it 'should not set open-uri proxy properties' do
expect(MyClass).to receive(:open).with(url).and_call_original # Stubbing open is tricky, see note afterwards
# How do i test this method actually uses a proxy when it's set vs not set?
context 'when using a proxy' do
# ???
xit 'should set open-uri proxy properties' do
Stubbing of open is tricky. See How to rspec mock open-uri? for an explanation.

Using specific VCR cassette based on request

Situation: testing a rails application using Rspec, FactoryGirl and VCR.
Every time a User is created, an associated Stripe customer is created through Stripe's API. While testing, it doesn't really makes sense to add a VCR.use_cassette or describe "...", vcr: {cassette_name: 'stripe-customer'} do ... to every spec where User creation is involved. My actual solution is the following:
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.around do |example|
VCR.use_cassette('stripe-customer') do |cassette|
But this isn't sustainable because the same cassette will be used for every http request, which of course is very bad.
Question: How can I use specific fixtures (cassettes) based on individual request, without specifying the cassette for every spec?
I have something like this in mind, pseudo-code:
stub_request(:post, "").with("cassettes/stripe-customer"))
Relevant pieces of code (as a gist):
# user_observer.rb
class UserObserver < ActiveRecord::Observer
def after_create(user)
customer = Stripe::Customer.create(
plan: 'default'
user.stripe_customer_id =!
rescue Stripe::InvalidRequestError => e
raise e
# vcr.rb
require 'vcr'
VCR.configure do |config|
config.default_cassette_options = { record: :once, re_record_interval: }
config.cassette_library_dir = 'spec/fixtures/cassettes'
config.hook_into :webmock
# user_spec.rb
describe :InstanceMethods do
let(:user) { FactoryGirl.create(:user) }
describe "#flexible_name" do
it "returns the name when name is specified" do
user.profile.first_name = "Foo"
user.profile.last_name = "Bar"
user.flexible_name.should eq("Foo Bar")
I ended doing something like this:
VCR.configure do |vcr|
vcr.around_http_request do |request|
if request.uri =~ /
uri = URI(request.uri)
name = "#{[, uri.path, request.method].join('/')}"
VCR.use_cassette(name, &request)
elsif request.uri =~ /
VCR.use_cassette('twitter', &request)
VCR 2.x includes a feature specifically to support use cases like these:!!!
VCR.configure do |vcr|
vcr.around_http_request(lambda { |req| req.uri =~ / }) do |request|
VCR.use_cassette(request.uri, &request)
IMO, libraries like this should provided you with a mock class, but w/e.
You can do your pseudocode example already with Webmock, which is the default internet mocking library that VCR uses.
body = YAML.load( 'cassettes/stripe-customer.yml')['http_interactions'][0]['response']['body']['string']
stub_request(:post, "").to_return(:body => body)
You could put that in a before block that only runs on a certain tag, then tag the requests that make API calls.
In their tests, they override the methods that delegate to RestClient (link). You could do this as well, take a look at their test suite to see how they use it, in particular their use of test_response. I think this is a terribly hacky way of doing things, and would feel really uncomfortable with it (note that I'm in the minority with this discomfort) but it should work for now (it has the potential to break without you knowing until runtime). If I were to do this, I'd want to build out real objects for the two mocks (the one mocking rest-client, and the other mocking the rest-client response).
The whole point (mostly anyway) of VCR to just to replay the response of a previous request. If you are in there picking and choosing what response goes back to what request, you are quote/unquote doing-it-wrong.
Like Joshua already said, you should use Webmock for something like this. That's what VCR is uing behind the scenes anyway.

Calling Sinatra from within Sinatra

I have a Sinatra based REST service app and I would like to call one of the resources from within one of the routes, effectively composing one resource from another. E.g.
get '/someresource' do
otherresource = get '/otherresource'
# do something with otherresource, return a new resource
get '/otherresource' do
# etc.
A redirect will not work since I need to do some processing on the second resource and create a new one from it. Obviously I could a) use RestClient or some other client framework or b) structure my code so all of the logic for otherresource is in a method and just call that, however, it feels like it would be much cleaner if I could just re-use my resources from within Sinatra using their DSL.
Another option (I know this isn't answering your actual question) is to put your common code (even the template render) within a helper method, for example:
helpers do
def common_code( layout = true )
#title = 'common'
erb :common, :layout => layout
get '/foo' do
#subtitle = 'foo'
get '/bar' do
#subtitle = 'bar'
get '/baz' do
#subtitle = 'baz'
#common_snippet = common_code( false )
erb :large_page_with_common_snippet_injected
Sinatra's documentation covers this - essentially you use the underlying rack interface's call method:
Triggering Another Route
Sometimes pass is not what you want, instead
you would like to get the result of calling another route. Simply use
call to achieve this:
get '/foo' do
status, headers, body = call env.merge("PATH_INFO" => '/bar')
[status, headers,]
get '/bar' do
I was able to hack something up by making a quick and dirty rack request and calling the Sinatra (a rack app) application directly. It's not pretty, but it works. Note that it would probably be better to extract the code that generates this resource into a helper method instead of doing something like this. But it is possible, and there might be better, cleaner ways of doing it than this.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubygems'
require 'stringio'
require 'sinatra'
get '/someresource' do
resource =
'PATH_INFO' => '/otherresource',
'rack.input' =>
get '/otherresource' do
If you want to know more about what's going on behind the scenes, I've written a few articles on the basics of Rack you can read. There is What is Rack? and Using Rack.
This may or may not apply in your case, but when I’ve needed to create routes like this, I usually try something along these lines:
%w(main other).each do |uri|
get "/#{uri}" do
#res = "hello"
#res.upcase! if uri == "other"
Building on AboutRuby's answer, I needed to support fetching static files in lib/public as well as query paramters and cookies (for maintaining authenticated sessions.) I also chose to raise exceptions on non-200 responses (and handle them in the calling functions).
If you trace Sinatra's method in sinatra/base.rb, it takes an env parameter and builds a Rack::Request with it, so you can dig in there to see what parameters are supported.
I don't recall all the conditions of the return statements (I think there were some Ruby 2 changes), so feel free to tune to your requirements.
Here's the function I'm using:
def get_route url
fn = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'public'+url)
return if (File.exist?fn)
base_url, query = url.split('?')
result ='REQUEST_METHOD' => 'GET',
'PATH_INFO' => base_url,
'QUERY_STRING' => query,
'rack.input' =>,
'HTTP_COOKIE' => #env['HTTP_COOKIE'] # Pass auth credentials
rescue Exception=>e
puts "Exception when fetching self route: #{url}"
raise e
raise "Error when fetching self route: #{url}" unless result[0]==200 # status
return[2].path) if result[2].is_a? Rack::File
return result[2].join('') rescue result[2].to_json
