I have the following method that is responsible for requesting a URL and returning it's Nokogiri::HTML document. This method checks if a proxy is defined and if it does, it will call OpenURI's open with or without the proxy options.
require 'open-uri'
require 'nokogiri'
class MyClass
attr_accessor :proxy
# ....
def self.page_content(url)
if MyClass.proxy
proxy_uri = URI.parse(MyClass.proxy)
Nokogiri::HTML(open(url, :proxy => proxy_uri)) # open provided by OpenURI
Nokogiri::HTML(open(url)) # open provided by OpenURI
I have no idea how I should write tests that prove the following:
When a proxy is defined the request OpenURI makes actually uses the proxy info
When a proxy isn't defined, a regular non-proxy connection is made
Here's what I came up with as a start for the tests.
describe MyClass, :vcr do
describe '.proxy' do
it { should respond_to(:proxy) }
describe '.page_content' do
let(:url) { "https://google.com/" }
let(:page_content) { subject.page_content(url) }
it 'returns a Nokogiri::HTML::Document' do
page_content.should be_a(Nokogiri::HTML::Document)
# How do i test this method actually uses a proxy when it's set vs not set?
context 'when using a proxy' do
# ???
xit 'should set open-uri proxy properties' do
context 'when not using a proxy' do
# ???
xit 'should not set open-uri proxy properties' do
First of all, you need to arrange for the proxy method to return a proxy in one test case and not in the other. If there is a "setter" method for proxy, you can use that, otherwise you can stub the proxy method.
Then, at a minimum, you want to set an expectation on open that it will be called with or without the :proxy option, depending on which test it is. Beyond that, you have the choice of whether to stub and set expectations for the various other calls involved in the method, including URI.parse and Nokogiri::HTML.
See https://github.com/rspec/rspec-mocks for information on establishing your test doubles and setting expectations. Note in particular the and_call_original option if you want to use a partial stubbing approach.
Update: Here's some code to get you started. This works for the non-proxy method. I've left the proxy case for you. Note also that this uses the "partial stubbing" approach, where you still end up calling the external gems.
require 'spec_helper'
describe MyClass do
describe '.proxy' do # NOTE: This test succeeds because of attr_accessor, but you're calling a MyClass.proxy (a class method) within your page_content method
it { should respond_to(:proxy) }
describe '.page_content' do
let(:url) { "https://google.com/" }
let(:page_content) { MyClass.page_content(url) } # NOTE: Changed to invoke class method
context 'when not using a proxy' do
before {allow(MyClass).to receive(:proxy).and_return(false)} # Stubbed for no-proxy case
it 'returns a Nokogiri::HTML::Document' do
page_content.should be_a(Nokogiri::HTML::Document)
it 'should not set open-uri proxy properties' do
expect(MyClass).to receive(:open).with(url).and_call_original # Stubbing open is tricky, see note afterwards
# How do i test this method actually uses a proxy when it's set vs not set?
context 'when using a proxy' do
# ???
xit 'should set open-uri proxy properties' do
Stubbing of open is tricky. See How to rspec mock open-uri? for an explanation.
I'm trying write a test to assert that all defined operations are called on a successful run. I have the operations for a given process defined in a list and resolve them from a container, like so:
class ProcessController
def call(input)
operations.each { |o| container[o].(input) }
def operations
['operation1', 'operation2']
def container
My::Container # This is a Dry::Web::Container
Then I test is as follows:
RSpec.describe ProcessController do
let(:container) { My::Container }
it 'executes all operations' do
subject.operations.each do |op|
expect(container[op]).to receive(:call).and_call_original
expect(subject.(input)).to be_success
This fails because calling container[operation_name] from inside ProcessController and from inside the test yield different instances of the operations. I can verify it by comparing the object ids. Other than that, I know the code is working correctly and all operations are being called.
The container is configured to auto register these operations and has been finalized before the test begins to run.
How do I make resolving the same key return the same item?
TL;DR - https://dry-rb.org/gems/dry-system/test-mode/
Hi, to get the behaviour you're asking for, you'd need to use the memoize option when registering items with your container.
Note that Dry::Web::Container inherits Dry::System::Container, which includes Dry::Container::Mixin, so while the following example is using dry-container, it's still applicable:
require 'bundler/inline'
gemfile(true) do
source 'https://rubygems.org'
gem 'dry-container'
class MyItem; end
class MyContainer
extend Dry::Container::Mixin
register(:item) { MyItem.new }
register(:memoized_item, memoize: true) { MyItem.new }
# => 47171345299860
# => 47171345290240
# => 47171345277260
# => 47171345277260
However, to do this from dry-web, you'd need to either memoize all objects auto-registered under the same path, or add the # auto_register: false magic comment to the top of the files that define the dependencies and boot them manually.
Memoizing could cause concurrency issues depending on which app server you're using and whether or not your objects are mutated during the request lifecycle, hence the design of dry-container to not memoize by default.
Another, arguably better option, is to use stubs:
# Extending above code
require 'dry/container/stub'
MyContainer.stub(:item, 'Some string')
# => "Some string"
Side note:
dry-system provides an injector so that you don't need to call the container manually in your objects, so your process controller would become something like:
class ProcessController
include My::Importer['operation1', 'operation2']
def call(input)
[operation1, operation2].each do |operation|
Code being tested:
class Session
def initialize
#interface = Interface.new(self)
class Interface
def initialize(session, out = $STDOUT)
#session = session
#out = out
def hello
#out.puts "hello"
describe Session do
let (:fake_stdout) {double("$STDOUT", :puts => true)}
let (:interface) {instance_double("Interface", :out => "fake_stdout")}
let (:session) { Session.new }
describe "#new" do
it "creates an instance of Session" do
expect(session).to be_an_instance_of(Session)
This throws private method 'puts' called for nil:NilClass. It seems it's not seeing the fake_stdout with its specified :puts as out. I tried tying it with allow(Interface).to receive(:new).with(session).and_return(interface), but that changed nothing. How do I get the tested Session class to see the double/instance double and pass the test?
I think, this is not really problem with stubbing, but the general approach. When writing your unit tests for some class, you should stick to functionality of that class and eventually to API it sees. If you're stubbing "internal" out of Interface - it's already to much for specs of Session.
What Session really sees, is Interfaces public hello method, thus Session spec, should not be aware of internal implementation of it (that it is #out.puts "hello"). The only thing you should really focus is that, the hello method has been called. On the other hand, ensuring that the put is called for hello should be described in specs for Interface.
Ufff... That's long introduction/explanation, but how to proceed then? (known as show me the code! too ;)).
Having said, that Session.new should be aware only of Interfaces hello method, it should trust it works properly, and Sessions spec should ensure that the method is called. For that, we'll use a spy. Let's get our hand dirty!
RSpec.describe Session do
let(:fake_interface) { spy("interface") }
let(:session) { Session.new }
before do
allow(Interface).to receive(:new).and_return(fake_interface)
describe "#new" do
it "creates an instance of Session" do
expect(session).to be_an_instance_of(Session) # this works now!
it "calls Interface's hello method when initialized" do
expect(fake_interface).to have_received(:hello)
A test spy is a function that records arguments, return value, the value of this and exception thrown (if any) for all its calls.
This is taken from SinonJS (which is the first result when googling for "what is test spy"), but explanation is accurate.
How does this work?
expect(fake_interface).to have_received(:hello)
First of all, we're executing some code, and after that we're asserting that expected things happened. Conceptually, we want to be sure, that during Session.new, the fake_interface have_received(:hello). That's all!
Ok, but I need another test ensuring that Interfaces method is called with specific argument.
Ok, let's test that!
Assuming the Session looks like:
class Session
def initialize
#interface = Interface.new(self)
#interface.say "Something More!"
We want to test say:
RSpec.describe Session do
describe "#new" do
# rest of the code
it "calls interface's say_something_more with specific string" do
expect(fake_interface).to have_received(:say).with("Something More!")
This one is pretty straightforward.
One more thing - my Interface takes a Session as an argument. How to test that the interface calls sessions method?
Let's take a look at sample implementation:
class Interface
# rest of the code
def do_something_to_session
class Session
# ...
def another_method
def a_session_method
# some fancy code here
It won't be much surprise, if I say...
RSpec.describe Session do
# rest of the code
describe "#do_something_to_session" do
it "calls the a_session_method" do
expect(fake_interface).to have_received(:do_something_to_session)
You should check, if Sessions another_method called interfaces do_something_to_session method.
If you test like this, you make the tests less fragile to future changes. You might change an implementation of Interface, that it doesn't rely on put any more. When such change is introduced - you have to update the tests of Interface only. Session knows only the proper method is called, but what happens inside? That's the Interfaces job...
Hope that helps! Please, take a look at another example of spy in my other answer.
Good luck!
I've searched a lot and just cannot figure this out although it seems basic. Here's a way simplified example of what I want to do.
Create a simple method that does something but doesn't return anything, such as:
class Test
def test_method(param)
puts param
But in my rspec test I need to pass a different parameter, such as "goodbye" instead of "hello." I know this has to do with stubs and mocks, and I've looking over the documentation but can't figure it out: https://relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-mocks/v/3-0/docs/method-stubs
If I do:
#test = Test.new
it tells me to stub out a default value but I can't figure out how to do it correctly.
Error message:
received :test_method with unexpected arguments
expected: ("hello")
got: ("goodbye")
Please stub a default value first if message might be received with other args as well.
I am using rspec 3.0, and calling something like
is not allowed.
How to set a default value that is explained at
and_call_original can configure a default response that can be overriden for specific args
require 'calculator'
RSpec.describe "and_call_original" do
it "can be overriden for specific arguments using #with" do
allow(Calculator).to receive(:add).and_call_original
allow(Calculator).to receive(:add).with(2, 3).and_return(-5)
expect(Calculator.add(2, 2)).to eq(4)
expect(Calculator.add(2, 3)).to eq(-5)
Source where I came to know about that can be found at https://makandracards.com/makandra/30543-rspec-only-stub-a-method-when-a-particular-argument-is-passed
For your example, since you don't need to test the actual result of test_method, only that puts gets called in it passing in param, I would just test by setting up the expectation and running the method:
class Test
def test_method(param)
puts param
describe Test do
let(:test) { Test.new }
it 'says hello via expectation' do
expect(test).to receive(:puts).with('hello')
it 'says goodbye via expectation' do
expect(test).to receive(:puts).with('goodbye')
What it seems you're attempting to do is set up a test spy on the method, but then I think you're setting up the method stub one level too high (on test_method itself instead of the call to puts inside test_method). If you put the stub on the call to puts, your tests should pass:
describe Test do
let(:test) { Test.new }
it 'says hello using a test spy' do
allow(test).to receive(:puts).with('hello')
expect(test).to have_received(:puts).with('hello')
it 'says goodbye using a test spy' do
allow(test).to receive(:puts).with('goodbye')
expect(test).to have_received(:puts).with('goodbye')
Situation: testing a rails application using Rspec, FactoryGirl and VCR.
Every time a User is created, an associated Stripe customer is created through Stripe's API. While testing, it doesn't really makes sense to add a VCR.use_cassette or describe "...", vcr: {cassette_name: 'stripe-customer'} do ... to every spec where User creation is involved. My actual solution is the following:
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.around do |example|
VCR.use_cassette('stripe-customer') do |cassette|
But this isn't sustainable because the same cassette will be used for every http request, which of course is very bad.
Question: How can I use specific fixtures (cassettes) based on individual request, without specifying the cassette for every spec?
I have something like this in mind, pseudo-code:
stub_request(:post, "api.stripe.com/customers").with(File.read("cassettes/stripe-customer"))
Relevant pieces of code (as a gist):
# user_observer.rb
class UserObserver < ActiveRecord::Observer
def after_create(user)
customer = Stripe::Customer.create(
email: user.email,
plan: 'default'
user.stripe_customer_id = customer.id
rescue Stripe::InvalidRequestError => e
raise e
# vcr.rb
require 'vcr'
VCR.configure do |config|
config.default_cassette_options = { record: :once, re_record_interval: 1.day }
config.cassette_library_dir = 'spec/fixtures/cassettes'
config.hook_into :webmock
# user_spec.rb
describe :InstanceMethods do
let(:user) { FactoryGirl.create(:user) }
describe "#flexible_name" do
it "returns the name when name is specified" do
user.profile.first_name = "Foo"
user.profile.last_name = "Bar"
user.flexible_name.should eq("Foo Bar")
I ended doing something like this:
VCR.configure do |vcr|
vcr.around_http_request do |request|
if request.uri =~ /api.stripe.com/
uri = URI(request.uri)
name = "#{[uri.host, uri.path, request.method].join('/')}"
VCR.use_cassette(name, &request)
elsif request.uri =~ /twitter.com/
VCR.use_cassette('twitter', &request)
VCR 2.x includes a feature specifically to support use cases like these:
VCR.configure do |vcr|
vcr.around_http_request(lambda { |req| req.uri =~ /api.stripe.com/ }) do |request|
VCR.use_cassette(request.uri, &request)
IMO, libraries like this should provided you with a mock class, but w/e.
You can do your pseudocode example already with Webmock, which is the default internet mocking library that VCR uses.
body = YAML.load(File.read 'cassettes/stripe-customer.yml')['http_interactions'][0]['response']['body']['string']
stub_request(:post, "api.stripe.com/customers").to_return(:body => body)
You could put that in a before block that only runs on a certain tag, then tag the requests that make API calls.
In their tests, they override the methods that delegate to RestClient (link). You could do this as well, take a look at their test suite to see how they use it, in particular their use of test_response. I think this is a terribly hacky way of doing things, and would feel really uncomfortable with it (note that I'm in the minority with this discomfort) but it should work for now (it has the potential to break without you knowing until runtime). If I were to do this, I'd want to build out real objects for the two mocks (the one mocking rest-client, and the other mocking the rest-client response).
The whole point (mostly anyway) of VCR to just to replay the response of a previous request. If you are in there picking and choosing what response goes back to what request, you are quote/unquote doing-it-wrong.
Like Joshua already said, you should use Webmock for something like this. That's what VCR is uing behind the scenes anyway.
I have a line in my test:
page.has_reply?("my reply").must_equal true
and to make it more readable I want to use a custom matcher:
page.must_have_reply "my reply"
Based on the docs for https://github.com/zenspider/minitest-matchers I expect I need to write a matcher which looks something like this:
def have_reply(text)
subject.has_css?('.comment_body', :text => text)
MiniTest::Unit::TestCase.register_matcher :have_reply, :have_reply
The problem is that I can't see how to get a reference to the subject (i.e. the page object). The docs say "Note subject must be the first argument in assertion" but that doesn't really help.
There is a little example, you can create a class which should responds to set of methods matches?, failure_message_for_should, failure_message_for_should_not.
In matches? method you can get the reference to the subject.
class MyMatcher
def initialize(text)
#text = text
def matches? subject
subject =~ /^#{#text}.*/
def failure_message_for_should
"expected to start with #{#text}"
def failure_message_for_should_not
"expected not to start with #{#text}"
def start_with(text)
MiniTest::Unit::TestCase.register_matcher :start_with, :start_with
describe 'something' do
it 'must start with...' do
page = 'my reply'
page.must_start_with 'my reply'
page.must_start_with 'my '
There are many ways to get what you want here. The easiest way is to not mess with assertions, expectations, or matchers at all and just use an assert. So, assuming you already have the has_reply? method defined, you could just use this:
assert page.has_reply?("my reply")
But, that doesn't get you the must_have_reply syntax you are asking for. And I doubt you really have a has_reply? method. So, let's start.
Your asked "how to get a reference to the subject (i.e. the page object)". In this case the subject is the object that the must_have_reply method is defined on. So, you should use this instead of subject. But its not as straightforward as all that. Matchers add a level of indirection that we don't have with the usual Assertions (assert_equal, refute_equal) or Expectations (must_be_equal, wont_be_equal). If you want to write a Matcher you need to implement the Matcher API.
Fortunately for you you don't really have to implement the API. Since it seems you are already intending on relying on Cabybara's have_css matcher, we can simply use Capybara's HaveSelector class and let it implement the proper API. We just need to create our own Matchers module with a method that returns a HaveSelector object.
# Require Minitest Matchers to make this all work
require "minitest/matchers"
# Require Capybara's matchers so you can use them
require "capybara/rspec/matchers"
# Create your own matchers module
module YourApp
module Matchers
def have_reply text
# Return a properly configured HaveSelector instance
Capybara::RSpecMatchers::HaveSelector.new(:css, ".comment_body", :text => text)
# Register module using minitest-matcher syntax
def self.included base
instance_methods.each do |name|
base.register_matcher name, name
Then, in your minitest_helper.rb file, you can include your Matchers module so you can use it. (This code will include the matcher in all tests.)
class MiniTest::Rails::ActiveSupport::TestCase
# Include your module in the test case
include YourApp::Matchers
Minitest Matchers does all the hard lifting. You can now you can use your matcher as an assertion:
def test_using_an_assertion
visit root_path
assert_have_reply page, "my reply"
Or, you can use your matcher as an expectation:
it "is an expectation" do
visit root_path
page.must_have_reply "my reply"
And finally you can use it with a subject:
describe "with a subject" do
before { visit root_path }
subject { page }
it { must have_reply("my reply") }
must { have_reply "my reply" }
Important: For this to work, you must be using 'gem minitest-matchers', '>= 1.2.0' because register_matcher is not defined in earlier versions of that gem.