Joomla Akeeba Fatal error - joomla

My client set auto-upgrade for a component "Smart form golder' component.
After the auto upgrade, Akeeba components stop working.
It throws fatal error in administrator component page -
Fatal error: Access level to AkeebasubsToolbar::renderSubmenu() must be public (as in class FOFToolbar) in /public_html/administrator/components/com_akeebasubs/toolbar.php on line 358
But the front end working fine, when I checked with Akeeba support forum, they said that it requires upgrade. I customize the component so I am not willing to do also the upgrade can be done through Joomla admin panel and the page are not loading properly. So I am not sure how to fix this.
Please help me.

Simply reinstall the modified version of the fof your version of Akeeba component came from. Your new component "smart form golder" may stop working.
fof - "framework on framework" is now integrated in Joomla since version 3.2. It was developed by Akeeba and ships with all their components; alas it changed a lot between versions, you usually need the exact version the component shipped with.


Getting modules working in Joomla 3.1.4

I am experimenting with Joomla 3.1.4. Whenever I add a new module the template does not show at all in the front-end. The site is blank. On disabling the new module it starts showing properly again. Even a basic hello world type of module does not seem to work and nor does a third party extension I have tried.
I can see them in the extension manager and in the module manager and they have installed successfully. Frustrated with all this I decided to install a new 3.1 template which too installed successfully. However this template does not show anything in the front-end either with my module enabled. It almost seems that there is some sort of security restriction which is disabling the template from rendering whenever any change is made to the basic installation.
Can someone please give pointers to resolving this odd behaviour?
Probably one or some of the core files required for the modules to work are missing.
Head to Global configuration and make sure your Error reporting is set to development. Reload the page and update your question with the error message.
Why not try the newer Joomla 3.1.5 (Download page)? I know that 3.1.4 had at least one problem which could possibly cause server errors in conjunction with extensions (the most likely reason for the blank page that you see).
In general, when encountering a blank page, the first thing to do should be to check the error log of your webserver!

Site down after failed Gantry upgrade (Joomla)

I have a Joomla site that i would like to update to version 2.5, but before I did that I upgrade the Gantry framework. Big mistake. The template is from Rocket Theme, Camber.
I updated Gantry via extension manager. The installation was canceled and now I get an error message. I can not access my page or backend.
What can I do?!
My current Joomla is 1.7
Error code:
Fatal error: Call to a member function getWord() on a non-object in /libraries/gantry/gantry.php on line 189
You mention the installation was cancelled - try uninstall the extension from the extension manager and then re-install it successfully?
It sounds as if one of the dependent files was not copied as the installation was interrupted?
Oh I see you cant access the backend. In this case, I would suggest a FTP upload of the gantry files.

joomla 1.5, Fatal error: Class 'JModelList' not found

A joomla site is giving me this error:
Fatal error: Class 'JModelList' not found in /home/site/public_html/administrator/components/com_joomdoc/libraries/joomdoc/application/component/modellist.php on line 16
I only noticed it this morning when i tried the search, The last time i worked on the site was over a month ago (Installing , removing extentions, fixing errors ....) so i can't really figure out at wich point this error surfaced.
I read somewhere that The class JModelList is not used in Joomla 1.5 (what i'm using) .... i don't know how that could happen because i made sur that the extentions i'm using supported joomla 1.5 and i never made an upgrade.
Just in case, the line 16 of modellist.php is
class JoomDOCModelList extends JModelList { ...
thank you.
Like you said, JModelList is not part of Joomla 1.5, so your extension is not compatible to Joomla 1.5.
Joomla does not update anything itselfs. If you have not changed anything, someone else has.
JModelList is indeed not available in Joomla 1.5. It was introduced with Joomla 1.6.
Apparently the extension isn't compatible with Joomla 1.5 anymore in this case. You have to contact the developer of the extension to get more information or notify him of the bug.
But then, you should upgrade Joomla anyway. You're using an unsupported version.

All of my modules are not showing in administrator panel while migrated from 1.5.26 to joomla 2.5.8

I've upgrade my joomla version 1.5.26 to joomla version 2.5.4 and all the things has been upgraded successfully. So when i goes into my joomla module manager admin panel then it is not showing me any kinds of modules which was previously visible in my old version(1.5.26) but in my frontend panel it can be seen easily.Does anyone knows the solution how to fix it?
When you said you migrated, I assume you used an extension such as jUpgrade.
Migrating will update the core file and database tables and thus should show all the core Joomla modules in the Module Manager, however it does not upgrade your 3rd party extensions, therefore you will need to download the Joomla 2.5 compatible versions. This upgrade however, should be showing your core modules in the list.
I hope you took a backup of your 1.5 site. If you did, trying running the upgrade again and if you didn't use jUpgrade, I suggest you do so.
Hope this helps
make sure you're using the standard template for joomla. Go to module manager, choose Administrator in the first filter, and see if all modules are published in actual module positions (i.e. cpanel, status, footer, icon, login, menu, submenu, toolbar I guess that's it for administrator)

joomla: jomsocial installation problem (winxp)

i'm trying to install the jomsocial plugin on my local joomla.
joomla (v1.6) was freshly installed from scratch - i'm having the latest version of jomsocial (v2.20)
i've followed the jomsocial installation instructions but it didn't work,
during the installation process i got the same error over + over again:
Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in ...
any ideas what could be wrong?
It would be helpful if you posted the complete error, but it looks like you need to change your php.ini error reporting log level.
See - joomla 1.5.22 on mysql 5.5
