Using an enterprise app for Single App Mode with Profile Manager in Mavericks Server (MDM) - macos

I have a bunch of iPads that are all supervised, and that are enrolled into a MDM server (Mavericks Server). I've added the app to the specific device group, but when I go to the profile settings and Single App Mode the only apps I can select are the builtin ones.
Is there no way to use a third party (enterprise) app as the app for Single App Mode?
EDIT: If you use Apple Configurator and add the app there you can set Single App Mode to use that app, I would imagine that would be possible when doing the same in Apple's Profile Manager, but it doesn't seem to be working here.
EDIT2: Looking at Apple's documentation it does indeed seem to be possible to select a third party app for single app mode using their Profile Manager, so why isn't the app showing in the list for me?

Go to the Device Group, after installing the app (that you want to show in Single App Mode dropdown and lock it to) do "Update Info" (small icon in bottom-middle-left of screen) on all the devices in that group. Wait a bit, then go to Single App Mode screen again, the app should start appearing.Works for me. The "Update Info" thing also works for Single Device as well and you can lock to any new app installed from Profile Manger, doesn't matter if the app was installed while supervising through Configurator or not.

So interestingly enough in the new update for Server (3.1.1) this seems to be working. The Enterprise app is now listed in the dropdown box.
However there also is about 10 empty items in the box with no text description. So it's clearly still a bit buggy.


Captive AIR application causes default web browser to launch when AIR app launched from OS icon

I have used NSIS to create an installer for an AIR application everything installs properly. As part of the installation I create a custom protocol like "MyVeryOwnApp://" so that if the user clicks an icon on a specific website it will launch the application.
The installer also creates a start menu and desktop icon. When installing on a "clean" machine, Windows 10, no other apps installed, everything works as it should.
On other Windows 10 computers including all of the development machines, when the application is launched the default web browser is also launched. This also occurs when launching the application from the Flash Builder 4.6 IDE.
I need to find out the cause so that I can either keep it from happening when I deploy the application, or at a minimum be able to explain to users what the issues are.
I have resolved the problem.
The cause was there was mxml code left over to set the browser focus into the main module. It looked like;
function setBrowserFocus()
This evidently caused AIR to instantiate a new instance of the default browser.
I removed the code as it is no longer needed.

Can we disable user interactions with other applications in mac while our app is running?

I am working on a mac based application and need guidance on one of the features, what I am trying to do here is
When my app launches I don't want the user to interact with any other application unless the user hits the close button of the app. No keyboard shortcuts should be enabled for mac like cmd+spacebar etc.
My question is if this is doable? Is there official documentation from apple which says it won't allow doing this due to some technical reason?
macOS has supported "kiosk mode" since 10.6; it allows your application to:
Hide / deactivate the dock, menu bar and Apple menu
Disable switching and hiding of your application
Prevent restarting or shutting down the computer
Broadly,NSApplication exposes a bitmask property, NSApplicationPresentationOptions, that lets you select the combination of settings you want to use.
The best resource to read further is the archived documentation that #KenThomases located here and here.

Submit a Unity app to Windows store

I have a unity app built for Windows desktop. Client wants this to be distributed through Windows 10 Store. This is just a desktop app and has no support to tabs or phones.
But looks like with Windows 10 there is no desktop only option.
Is there any documentation on what are the steps I need to follow to submit the unity built app to Windows store?
I did some reading and looks like this is what I will have to do.
But want to get a confirmation from some one who has already done that. As I don't have a Windows developer account right now to try that out.
Is there any documentation on what are the steps I need to follow to submit the unity built app to Windows store?
The steps of publishing a unity app is similar to UWP app. You can refer to App Submissions for more details.
After your packages have been successfully uploaded, you will find the Device family availability section that indicates which packages will be offered to specific Windows 10 device families.
For your requirement, you could check Windows 10 Desktop device option, as the follow picture shows:
For more info, you could refer to Device family availability official document.

TTimer not working while iOS app in background

I have an app that needs to perform some actions based on a TTimer.
When the app becomes inactive (in background), the timer stops working.
I could not find any relevant options for UIBackgroundModes.
How can I make a timer keeps running?
iOS pauses your app automatically shortly after it goes into the background. You need to let iOS know that you are going to continue operating in the background.
In Project > Options > Version Info you can add to the array key UIBackgroundModes the string values for the services that require to continue running in the background. This gets added to the info.plist for your project on iOS.
You can consult Apple's documentation on what these values do . . .
Value - Description
audio - The app plays audible content in the
location - The app provides location-based information to
the user and requires the use of the standard location services (as
opposed to the significant change location service) to implement this
voip - The app provides Voice-over-IP services. Apps with this
key are automatically launched after system boot so that the app can
reestablish VoIP services. Apps with this key are also allowed to
play background audio.
fetch - The app requires new content from the
network on a regular basis. When it is convenient to do so, the
system launches or resumes the app in the background and gives it a
small amount of time to download any new content. This value is
supported in iOS 7.0 and later.
remote-notification - The app uses
remote notifications as a signal that there is new content available
for download. When a remote notification arrives, the system launches
or resumes the app in the background and gives it a small amount of
time to download the new content. This value is supported in iOS 7.0
and later.
newsstand-content - The app processes content that was
recently downloaded in the background using the Newsstand Kit
framework, so that the content is ready when the user wants it. This
value is supported in iOS 5.0 and later.
external-accessory - The app
communicates with an accessory that delivers data at regular
intervals. This value is supported in iOS 5.0 and later.
bluetooth-central - The app uses the CoreBluetooth framework to
communicate with a Bluetooth accessory while in the background. This
value is supported in iOS 5.0 and later.
bluetooth-peripheral - The app
uses the CoreBluetooth framework to communicate in peripheral mode
with a Bluetooth accessory. The system will alert the user to the
potential privacy implications of apps with this key set. See Best
Practices for Maintaining User Privacy for more information on
privacy. This value is supported in iOS 6.0 and later.
Notice you need to actually select the mode that matches what you are doing. You can't just select fetch when really all you are doing is background processing.

Install other applications in a WP7 application Programatically

What the WP7 application needs to do?
- download some others applications and install them automatically on the device.
The device will send first a request to a web server with some rules and will receive an answer containing the links to the applications that need
to be downloaded and installed on the device.
As far as I read, the Marketplace is the only way to get apps on a Windows Phone 7 device, so let's suppose that the applications I want to
install are already on the Marketplace and I can refer to each one by their links (according to this post).
Can I download programmatically an application from the MarketPlace (having the link to it) in another application and install it
on the device?
I do not want to open the app link in browser because this opens the Marketplace hub and points me to the application location.
Just for my curiosity: every time you want to install an application from Marketplace you need to sign in with a Windows Live ID?
Thanks & Regards,
You cannot dynamically download or execute code or install applications on WP7. The closest you can get is launching a MarketplaceDetailTask which directs the user to a page on the marketplace where they can choose to download the application.
The user's Live ID remains signed in until they sign out from Settings so, no, they don't have to sign in more than once.
