Ajax data collect in code lines - ajax

I did some admin panel in wordpress sheet but i'm adding options and have everything in one line in the data, it's pain if I keep adding options, works that way but it looks messy.
type: 'POST',
url: ajaxurl,
data: 'action=general_settings_action&zkr_logo='+zkrlogo+'&zkr_favicon='+zkrfavicon+'&zkr_background='+zkrbackground+'&zkr_linkcolor='+zkrlinkcolor+'&zkr_linkhover='+zkrlinkhover+'&zkr_colorbackground='+zkrcolorbackground,
success: function(data){
I would like to make some lines to that data field like for example
type: 'POST',
url: ajaxurl,
success: function(data){
But putting the code like that doesn't work I have tried with \n and some other stuff but still wont do the work.
I apreciate the help... Thanks

Try doing this:
Make a JSON data object that contains the parameters you want to send
var DATA = {
The send the data in your AJAX request using the data field
type: 'POST',
url: ajaxurl,
data: DATA,
success: function(data){

I checked this out at: David Walsh's guide
You need to add
'zkr_logo=' + zkrlogo + '' +
instead of
then it will form one String


How to include two URL in json ajax

Currently, the searchform hit, the form get submitted. Then it will fetch data from specified URL which is search/ajax2.php and return data here.
All I want to add is, to include another URL beside the above mentioned one, so that two actions can be performed at the same time.
Now, in the search/ajax2.php it runs a select query. Whereas in additional page that I want to include, which could be writedb.php it inserts data taken from this jason into database. It doesn't have to return anything back to ajax page though!
How to achieve this?
$("#searchform").on("submit", function () {
var data = {
"action": "test"
data = $(this).serialize() + "&" + $.param(data);
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
url: "search/ajax2.php",
data: data,
success: function (data) {
Try adding your second url in sucess function like this :
type: 'POST',
url: 'some_url1',
data: 'some data',
success: function(data){
$.ajax ({
type: 'POST',
url: 'some_url2',
data: 'some data',
success: function(data){}

AJAX not saving variables to javascript (asynchronous issues)

Why is alert saying that the text[0] is undefined?
This is my code:
var text = new Array;
url: 'engine1/api.php',
data: "",
dataType: 'json',
success: function(rows){
text = rows;
var text = new Array;
url: 'engine1/api.php',
data: "",
dataType: 'json',
success: function(rows){
text = rows;
alert(text[0]); // will work, this gets executed after you set text
//alert(text[0]); << don't put this here, it will get executed right after you send the request
Finally answered my own question, for anyone that comes across this question, here is what I did:
Because ajax is asynchronous, alert(text[0]) is getting executed before text=rows.
You can set ajax to run procedurally like this:
url: 'engine1/api.php',
data: "",
dataType: 'json',
async: false;
success: function(rows){...
Apperently this is one of the few cases that you can/should set ajax to async:false (because you're serving javascript/jquery to the client).

Linking AJAX with PHP code. Do i need to write it again?

I have a real problem. I have a php code and a form where when the form is submitted a POST request is sent and the page reloads again and ofcourse the post is viwed in the page.But i want to work with AJAX in order page not to be refreshed.I know the basics of AJAX but i don't want to build all the project from the beggining.Is there a way in success function of AJAX to link to my php code??
type: "POST",
url: "index.php",
datatype: "html",
data: dataString,
success: function(data) {
//How can i link here to start running my php code which is located in the same page.
type: "POST",
url: "somescript.php",
datatype: "html",
data: dataString,
success: function(data) {
// try this
// see what 'data' actually is
then check in the browser by hitting F12 to look at the console.
also are you sure you want datatype of html ? you probably want a data type of json or XML , what is the server returning to you after the ajax post?
You have to cancel the form's submission so that the ajax request will take place, otherwise it is canceled. Also use .serialize to get a name-value pair string of the form data to use in the ajax call.
<form id="MyForm">
<button id="MyButtonId">Submit</button>
//Prevents the form from being submitted
type: "POST",
data: $("#MyForm").serialize(),
url: "somescript.php",
datatype: "html",
data: dataString,
success: function(data) {

how do I get the reponse text from ajax / jquery?

Imagine I run this:
type: 'POST',
url: '/ajax/watch.php',
data: {'watch':'aukcia', 'id':aukciaID},
complete: function(responseText){
Inside /ajax/watch.php, let's say I have this:
echo 'this is what I want';
And the alert(responseText) returns:
[object Object]
Instead of my text string that I need.
Any help, please?
Looks like somehow your jQuery is returning the XMLHttpRequest object, instead of your response.
If that is the case, you should ask for its responseText property, like this:
type: 'POST',
url: '/ajax/watch.php',
data: {'watch':'aukcia', 'id':aukciaID},
complete: function(r){
However, if that does not work, you might be actually receiving a JSON response, and the [object Object] you are seeing might be your browser's representation of your JSON response.
You should be able to inspect its contents by navigating around the object properties. However, if you want, you can also tell jQuery not to parse your JSON response, by including dataType: 'text' on your call:
type: 'POST',
url: '/ajax/watch.php',
data: {'watch':'aukcia', 'id':aukciaID},
dataType: 'text',
complete: function(data){
For more information, see: http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.ajax/
Use on your client side ajax like this
type: "POST",
url: "insert-data.php",
dataType: "JSON",
success: function(data) {
$("p").addClass("alert alert-success");
error: function(err) {
in server side after query excecute you may use it give success when you query success false when your query has fault
$res="Data Inserted Successfully:";
echo json_encode($res);
else {
$error="Not Inserted,Some Probelm occur.";
echo json_encode($error);
I think you are receiving this in your server respones
{message:'hello world'}
if thats the case then use
to convert the json string into javascript object and access your message property.

jQuery send string as POST parameters

I want to send a string as an ajax Post parameter.
The following code:
type: "POST",
url: "http://nakolesah.ru/",
data: 'foo=bar&ca$libri=no$libri',
success: function(msg){
Is not working. Why?
Try like this:
type: 'POST',
// make sure you respect the same origin policy with this url:
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Same_origin_policy
url: 'http://nakolesah.ru/',
data: {
'foo': 'bar',
'ca$libri': 'no$libri' // <-- the $ sign in the parameter name seems unusual, I would avoid it
success: function(msg){
alert('wow' + msg);
type: 'POST',
data:'foo='+ bar+'&calibri='+ nolibri,
success: function(msg){
alert('wow' + msg);
I see that they did not understand your question.
Answer is: add "traditional" parameter to your ajax call like this:
traditional: true,
type: "POST",
url: url,
data: custom,
success: ok,
dataType: "json"
And it will work with parameters PASSED AS A STRING.
For a similar application I had to wrap my data object with JSON.stringify() like this:
data: JSON.stringify({
'foo': 'bar',
'ca$libri': 'no$libri'
The API was working with a REST client but couldn't get it to function with jquery ajax in the browser. stringify was the solution.
Not sure whether this is still actual.. just for future readers.
If what you really want is to pass your parameters as part of the URL, you should probably use jQuery.param().
Not a direct answer to your question.. But following is the only syntax that used to work for me -
data: '{"winNumber": "' + win + '"}',
And the parameter-name match with the argument of the server method
I was facing the problem in passing string value to string parameters in Ajax. After so much googling, i have come up with a custom solution as below.
var bar = 'xyz';
var calibri = 'no$libri';
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
url: "http://nakolesah.ru/",
data: '{ foo: \'' + bar + '\', zoo: \'' + calibri + '\'}',
success: function(msg){
Here, bar and calibri are two string variables and you can pass whatever string value to respective string parameters in web method.
I have also faced this exact problem. But I have got a solution and it worked perfectly. I have needed to pass the parameters which are already produced by javascript function. So below code is working for me. I used ColdFusion for the backend. I just directly used the parameters as a variable.
url: "https://myexampleurl.com/myactionfile.cfm",
type: "POST",
data : {paramert1: variable1,parameter2: variable2},
success: function(data){
} )};
Instead of this, encode the POST request as a string and pass to the data parameter,
var requestData = "Param1=" + encodeURIComponent(jsParam1) + "&Param2="+ encodeURIComponent(jsParam2);
var request = $.ajax({
url: page + "?" + getVars,
method: "POST",
data: requestData,
dataType: "html",
contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'
