AWK Print Second Column of Last Line - shell

I'm trying to use AWK to post the second row of last line of this command (the total disk space):
df --total
The command I'm using is:
df --total | awk 'FNR == NF {print $2}'
But it does not get it right.
Is there another way to do it?

You're using the awk variable NF which is Number of Fields. You might have meant NR, Number of Rows, but it's easier to just use END:
df --total | awk 'END {print $2}'

You can use tail first then use awk:
df --total | tail -1 | awk '{print $2}'

One way to do it is with a tail/awk combination, the former to get just the last line, the latter print the second column:
df --total | tail -1l | awk '{print $2}'
A pure-awk solution is to simply store the second column of every line and print it out at the end:
df --total | awk '{store = $2} END {print store}'
Or, since the final columns are maintained in the END block from the last line, simply:
df --total | awk 'END {print $2}'

awk has no concept of "this is the last line". sed does though:
df --total | sed -n '$s/[^[:space:]]\+[[:space:]]\+\([[:digit:]]\+\).*/\1/p'


Condition check in awk

I tried assigning value to variable c in shell script- the first one works perfectly second one fails with syntax error as below. The only difference being around the '=='.
awk: ${12}==W {print $3}
awk: ^ syntax error
awk: cmd. line:1: ${12}==W {print $3}
Here is the code I tried:
c=`zgrep "600" $present_date$b$a* | awk -F "," '$4==600 {print $3}' | sort | uniq | wc -l`
c=`zgrep "600" $present_date$b$a* | awk -F "," '${12}==W {print $3}' | sort | uniq | wc -l`
Can anyone help me please - what is wrong in here.
Some more points:
I have 100s of files each with 38 comma-separated fields.
$present_date$b$a* - picks up all the files based on date. This works fine I know.
I need the count of all the unique 3rd field entries which line contains '600' and and the 12th field= W
Remove the braces around 12 and quote the string you are matching against, like this:
awk -F "," '$12=="W" {print $3}'
awk is not shell. awk is a tool with a language all of it's own whose syntax is far more similar to C than to shell. So don't try to use shell syntax like ${variable} == value in an awk script, use C/awk syntax instead variable == value. You don't need sort, uniq, and wc btw - the awk script could do what you want:
awk -F',' '($4==600) && ($12=="W") && !seen[$0]++{cnt++} END{print cnt+0}'

How to count duplicates in Bash Shell

Hello guys I want to count how many duplicates there are in a column of a file and put the number next to them. I use awk and sort like this
awk -F '|' '{print $2}' FILE | sort | uniq -c
but the count (from the uniq -c) appears at the left side of the duplicates.
Is there any way to put the count on the right side instead of the left, using my code?
Thanks for your time!
Though I believe you shouls show us your Input_file so that we could create a single command or so for this requirement, since you have't shown Input_file so trying to solve it with your command itself.
awk -F '|' '{print $2}' FILE | sort | uniq -c | awk '{for(i=2;i<=NF;i++){printf("%s ",$i)};printf("%s%s",$1,RS)}'
You can just use awk to reverse the output like below:
awk -F '|' '{print $2}' FILE | sort | uniq -c | awk {'print $2" "$1'}
awk -F '|' '{print $2}' FILE | sort | uniq -c| awk '{a=$1; $1=""; gsub(/^ /,"",$0);print $0,a}'
You can use awk to calculate the amount of duplicates, so your command can be simplified as followed,
awk -F '|' '{a[$2]++}END{for(i in a) print i,a[i]}' FILE | sort
Check this command:
awk -F '|' '{c[$2]++} END{for (i in c) print i, c[i]}' FILE | sort
Use awk to do the counting is enough. If you do not want to sort by browser, remove the pipe and sort.

Append 2 column variables in unix

I have a file as follows.
H,2 A:B,pq
D,34 C:B,wq
D,64 F:B,rq
D,6 R:B,tq
I want to format 2nd a column as follows
H,02 0A:0B,pq
D,34 0C:0B,wq
D,64 0F:0B,rq
D,06 0R:0B,tq
I am able to separate the column and format it but cannot merge it
I use following command
formated_nums =`awk -F"," '{print $2}' file1.csv | awk '{print $1}' | awk '{if(length($1)!=2){$1="0"$1}}1'`
formated_letters = `awk -F"," '{print $2}' file1.csv | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F":" '{if(length($1)!=2){$1="0"$1}; if(length($2)!=2){$2="0"$2}}1'| awk '{print $1":"$2}'`
Now I want to merge formated_nums and formated_letters with a space in between
I tried echo "${formated_nums} ${formated_letters}" but it takes variables as rows and appends the whole thing as a row
The simplest I found in awk is to use another separation including space and ':' and reformat the final layout. The only real tricky part is the number that need sometimes to add a 0 in front but it's trivial in formating because number are never bigger than 2 digit (here)
awk -F '[[:blank:],:]' '{printf("%s,%02d 0%s:0%s,%s", $1, $2, $3, $4, $5)}' YourFile
Assuming your data are in the same format (no bigger latest field with space or other "separator" inside)
An alternative awk solution based on gnu awk :
awk -F"[, :]" '{sub($2,sprintf("%02d",$2));sub($3,"0" $3);sub($4,"0" $4)}1' file1
H,02 0A:0B,pq
D,34 0C:0B,wq
D,64 0F:0B,rq
D,06 0R:0B,tq
It sounds like this is what you're really looking for:
$ awk '
BEGIN { FS=OFS=","; p=2 }
{ split($2,t,/[ :]/); for (i in t) {n=length(t[i]); t[i] = (n<p ? sprintf("%0*s",p-n,0) : "") t[i]; $2=t[1]" "t[2]":"t[3]} }
' file
H,02 0A:0B,pq
D,34 0C:0B,wq
D,64 0F:0B,rq
D,06 0R:0B,tq

Bash string replace on command result

I have a simple bash script which is getting the load average using uptime and awk, for example
LOAD_5M=$(uptime | awk -F'load averages:' '{ print $2}' | awk '{print $2}')
However this includes a ',' at the end of the load average
So I have then replaced the comma with a string replace like so:
I'm not an awk or bash wizzkid so while this gives me the result I want, I am wondering if there is a succinct way of writing this, either by:
Using awk to get the load average without the comma, or
Stripping the comma in a single line
You can do that in same awk command:
uptime | awk -F 'load averages?: *' '{split($2, a, ",? "); print a[2]}'
The 5 min load is available in /proc/loadavg. You can simply use cut:
cut -d' ' -f2 /proc/loadavg
With awk you can issue:
awk '{print $2}' /proc/loadavg
If you are not working on Linux the file /proc/loadavg will not being present. In this case I would suggest to use sed, like this:
uptime | sed 's/.*, \(.*\),.*,.*/\1/'
uptime | awk -F'load average:' '{ print $2}' | awk -F, '{print $2}'
(My uptime output has 'load average:' singular)
The load average numbers are always the last 3 fields in the 'uptime' output so:
IFS=' ,' read -a uptime_fields <<<"$(uptime)"
LOAD_5M=${uptime_fields[#]: -2:1}

Awk and head not identifying columns properly

Here is my code that I want to use to separate 3 columns from hist.txt into 2 separate files, hist1.dat with first and second column and hist2.dat with first and third column. The columns in hist.txt may be separated with more than one space. I want to save in histogram1.dat and histogram2.dat the first n lines until the last nonzero value.
The script creates histogram1.dat correct, but histogram2.dat contains all the lines from hist2.dat.
hist.txt is like :
sed 's/\t/ /g' hist.txt | awk '{print $1 " " $2;}' > hist1.dat
sed 's/\t/ /g' hist.txt | awk '{print $1 " " $3;}' > hist2.dat
head -n $( awk 'BEGIN {last=1}; {if($2!=0) last=NR};END {print last}' hist1.dat) hist1.dat > histogram1.dat
head -n $( awk 'BEGIN {last=1}; {if($2!=0) last=NR};END {print last}' hist2.dat) hist2.dat > histogram2.dat
What is the cause of this problem? Might it be due to some special restriction with head?
For your first histogram, try
awk '$2 ~ /000000/{exit}{print $1, $2}' hist.txt
and for your second:
awk '$3 ~ /000000/{exit}{print $1, $3}' hist.txt
Hope I understood you correctly...
