Awk and head not identifying columns properly - shell

Here is my code that I want to use to separate 3 columns from hist.txt into 2 separate files, hist1.dat with first and second column and hist2.dat with first and third column. The columns in hist.txt may be separated with more than one space. I want to save in histogram1.dat and histogram2.dat the first n lines until the last nonzero value.
The script creates histogram1.dat correct, but histogram2.dat contains all the lines from hist2.dat.
hist.txt is like :
sed 's/\t/ /g' hist.txt | awk '{print $1 " " $2;}' > hist1.dat
sed 's/\t/ /g' hist.txt | awk '{print $1 " " $3;}' > hist2.dat
head -n $( awk 'BEGIN {last=1}; {if($2!=0) last=NR};END {print last}' hist1.dat) hist1.dat > histogram1.dat
head -n $( awk 'BEGIN {last=1}; {if($2!=0) last=NR};END {print last}' hist2.dat) hist2.dat > histogram2.dat
What is the cause of this problem? Might it be due to some special restriction with head?

For your first histogram, try
awk '$2 ~ /000000/{exit}{print $1, $2}' hist.txt
and for your second:
awk '$3 ~ /000000/{exit}{print $1, $3}' hist.txt
Hope I understood you correctly...


using awk to print header name and a substring

i try using this code for printing a header of a gene name and then pulling a substring based on its location but it doesn't work
cat input_file | while read row; do
echo $row > temp
geneName=`awk '{print $1}' tmp`
startPos=`awk '{print $2}' tmp`
endPOs=`awk '{print $3}' tmp`
for i in temp; do
echo ">${geneName}" >> genes_fasta ;
echo "awk '{val=substr($0,${startPos},${endPOs});print val}' fasta" >> genes_fasta
nad5_exon1 250405 250551
nad5_exon2 251490 251884
nad5_exon3 195620 195641
nad5_exon4 154254 155469
nad5_exon5 156319 156548
and this is my wrong output file
awk '{val=substr(,,);print val}' unwraped_carm_mt.fasta
awk '{val=substr(,,);print val}' unwraped_carm_mt.fasta
awk '{val=substr(,,);print val}' unwraped_carm_mt.fasta
awk '{val=substr(,,);print val}' unwraped_carm_mt.fasta
awk '{val=substr(,,);print val}' unwraped_carm_mt.fasta
awk '{val=substr(,,);print val}' unwraped_carm_mt.fasta
output should look like that:
You can do this with a single call to awk which will be orders of magnitude more efficient than looping in a shell script and calling awk 4-times per-iteration. Since you have bash, you can simply use command substitution and redirect the contents of fasta to an awk variable and then simply output the heading and the substring containing the beginning through ending characters from your fasta file.
For example:
awk -v fasta=$(<fasta) '{print ">" $1; print substr(fasta,$2,$3-$2+1)}' input
or using getline within the BEGIN rule:
awk 'BEGIN{getline fasta<"fasta"}
{print ">" $1; print substr(fasta,$2,$3-$2+1)}' input
Example Input Files
Note: the beginning and ending values have been reduced to fit within the 129 characters of your example:
$ cat input
rad5_exon1 1 17
rad5_exon2 23 51
rad5_exon3 110 127
rad5_exon4 38 62
rad5_exon5 59 79
and the first 129-characters of your example fasta
$ cat fasta
Example Use/Output
$ awk -v fasta=$(<fasta) '{print ">" $1; print substr(fasta,$2,$3-$2+1)}' input
Look thing over and let me know if I understood your question requirements. Also let me know if you have further questions on the solution.
If I'm understanding correctly, how about:
awk 'NR==FNR {fasta = fasta $0; next}
printf(">%s %s\n", $1, substr(fasta, $2, $3 - $2 + 1))
}' fasta input_file > genes_fasta
It first reads fasta file and stores the sequence in a variable fasta.
Then it reads input_file line by line, extracts the substring of fasta starting at $2 and of length $3 - $2 + 1. (Note that the 3rd argument to substr function is length, not endpos.)
Hope this helps.
made it work!
this is the script for pulling substrings from a fasta file
cat genes_and_bounderies1 | while read row; do
echo $row > temp
geneName=`awk '{print $1}' temp`
startPos=`awk '{print $2}' temp`
endPos=`awk '{print $3}' temp`
length=$(expr $endPos - $startPos)
for i in temp; do
echo ">${geneName}" >> genes_fasta
awk -v S=$startPos -v L=$length '{print substr($0,S,L)}' unwraped_${fasta} >> genes_fasta

Append 2 column variables in unix

I have a file as follows.
H,2 A:B,pq
D,34 C:B,wq
D,64 F:B,rq
D,6 R:B,tq
I want to format 2nd a column as follows
H,02 0A:0B,pq
D,34 0C:0B,wq
D,64 0F:0B,rq
D,06 0R:0B,tq
I am able to separate the column and format it but cannot merge it
I use following command
formated_nums =`awk -F"," '{print $2}' file1.csv | awk '{print $1}' | awk '{if(length($1)!=2){$1="0"$1}}1'`
formated_letters = `awk -F"," '{print $2}' file1.csv | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F":" '{if(length($1)!=2){$1="0"$1}; if(length($2)!=2){$2="0"$2}}1'| awk '{print $1":"$2}'`
Now I want to merge formated_nums and formated_letters with a space in between
I tried echo "${formated_nums} ${formated_letters}" but it takes variables as rows and appends the whole thing as a row
The simplest I found in awk is to use another separation including space and ':' and reformat the final layout. The only real tricky part is the number that need sometimes to add a 0 in front but it's trivial in formating because number are never bigger than 2 digit (here)
awk -F '[[:blank:],:]' '{printf("%s,%02d 0%s:0%s,%s", $1, $2, $3, $4, $5)}' YourFile
Assuming your data are in the same format (no bigger latest field with space or other "separator" inside)
An alternative awk solution based on gnu awk :
awk -F"[, :]" '{sub($2,sprintf("%02d",$2));sub($3,"0" $3);sub($4,"0" $4)}1' file1
H,02 0A:0B,pq
D,34 0C:0B,wq
D,64 0F:0B,rq
D,06 0R:0B,tq
It sounds like this is what you're really looking for:
$ awk '
BEGIN { FS=OFS=","; p=2 }
{ split($2,t,/[ :]/); for (i in t) {n=length(t[i]); t[i] = (n<p ? sprintf("%0*s",p-n,0) : "") t[i]; $2=t[1]" "t[2]":"t[3]} }
' file
H,02 0A:0B,pq
D,34 0C:0B,wq
D,64 0F:0B,rq
D,06 0R:0B,tq

Multiple if statements in awk

I have a file that looks like
01/11/2015;998978000000;4890********3290;5735;ITUNES.COM/BILL;LU;Cross_border_rub;4065;17;915;INSUFF FUNDS;51;0;
There are 13 semicolon separated columns.
I'm trying to calculate 9 columns for all lines:
awk -F ';' -vOFS=';' '{ gsub(",", ".", $9); print }' file |
awk -F ';' '$0 = NR-1";"$0' |
awk -F ';' -vOFS=';' '{bar[$1]=$1;a[$1]=$2;b[$1]=$3;c[$1]=$4;d[$1]=$5;e[$1]=$6;f[$1]=$7;g[$1]=$8;h[$1]=$9;k[$1]=$10;l[$1]=$11;l[$1]=$12;m[$1]=$13;p[$1]=$14;};
if($7="International") {income=0.0162*h[i]+0.0425*h[i]};
else if($7="Domestic") {income=0.0188*h[i]};
else if($7="Cross_border_rub") {income=0.0162*h[i]+0.025*h[i]}
END{for(i in bar) print income";"a[i],b[i],c[i],d[i],e[i],f[i],g[i],h[i],k[i],l[i],m[i],p[i]}'
How exactly do multiple if statements correctly work in awk?
awk to the rescue!
You don't need the multiple awk invocations. Can consolidate into one
$ awk -F';' -v OFS=';' '{gsub(",", ".", $9)}
$7=="International" {income=(0.0162+0.0425)*$9}
$7=="Domestic" {income=0.0188*$9}
$7=="Cross_border_rub" {income=(0.0162+0.025)*$9}
# what happens for other values since previous income will be copied over
{print income, NR-1, $0}' file
test with your file since you didn't provide a enough sample to test.
Perhaps better if you just assign the rate
$ awk -F';' -v OFS=';' '{gsub(",", ".", $9); rate=0}
$7=="International" {rate=0.0162+0.0425}
$7=="Domestic" {rate=0.0188}
$7=="Cross_border_rub" {rate=0.0162+0.025}
{print rate*$9, NR-1, $0}' file

awk print something if column is empty

I am trying out one script in which a file [ file.txt ] has so many columns like
lee|cha| |325
xyz| |abc|123
I would like to get the column list in bash script using awk command if column is empty it should print blank else print the column value
I have tried the below possibilities but it is not working
cat file.txt | awk -F "|" {'print $2'} | sed -e 's/^$/blank/' // Using awk and sed
cat file.txt | awk -F "|" '!$2 {print "blank"} '
cat file.txt | awk -F "|" '{if ($2 =="" ) print "blank" } '
please let me know how can we do that using awk or any other bash tools.
I think what you're looking for is
awk -F '|' '{print match($2, /[^ ]/) ? $2 : "blank"}' file.txt
match(str, regex) returns the position in str of the first match of regex, or 0 if there is no match. So in this case, it will return a non-zero value if there is some non-blank character in field 2. Note that in awk, the index of the first character in a string is 1, not 0.
Here, I'm assuming that you're interested only in a single column.
If you wanted to be able to specify the replacement string from a bash variable, the best solution would be to pass the bash variable into the awk program using the -v switch:
awk -F '|' -v blank="$replacement" \
'{print match($2, /[^ ]/) ? $2 : blank}' file.txt
This mechanism avoids problems with escaping metacharacters.
You can do it using this sed script:
sed -r 's/\| +\|/\|blank\|/g' File
If you don't want the |:
sed -r 's/\| +\|/\|blank\|/g; s/\|/ /g' File
abc pqr lmn 123
pqr xzy 321 azy
lee cha blank 325
xyz blank abc 123
Else with awk:
awk '{gsub(/\| +\|/,"|blank|")}1' File
You can use awk like this:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="|"} {for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) if ($i ~ /^ *$/) $i="blank"} 1' file

awk - split only by first occurrence

I have a line like:
one:two:three:four:five:six seven:eight
and I want to use awk to get $1 to be one and $2 to be two:three:four:five:six seven:eight
I know I can get it by doing sed before. That is to change the first occurrence of : with sed then awk it using the new delimiter.
However replacing the delimiter with a new one would not help me since I can not guarantee that the new delimiter will not already be somewhere in the text.
I want to know if there is an option to get awk to behave this way
So something like:
awk -F: '{print $1,$2}'
will print:
one two:three:four:five:six seven:eight
I will also want to do some manipulations on $1 and $2 so I don't want just to substitute the first occurrence of :.
Without any substitutions
echo "one:two:three:four:five" | awk -F: '{ st = index($0,":");print $1 " " substr($0,st+1)}'
The index command finds the first occurance of the ":" in the whole string, so in this case the variable st would be set to 4. I then use substr function to grab all the rest of the string from starting from position st+1, if no end number supplied it'll go to the end of the string. The output being
one two:three:four:five
If you want to do further processing you could always set the string to a variable for further processing.
rem = substr($0,st+1)
Note this was tested on Solaris AWK but I can't see any reason why this shouldn't work on other flavours.
Some like this?
echo "one:two:three:four:five:six" | awk '{sub(/:/," ")}1'
one two:three:four:five:six
This replaces the first : to space.
You can then later get it into $1, $2
echo "one:two:three:four:five:six" | awk '{sub(/:/," ")}1' | awk '{print $1,$2}'
one two:three:four:five:six
Or in same awk, so even with substitution, you get $1 and $2 the way you like
echo "one:two:three:four:five:six" | awk '{sub(/:/," ");$1=$1;print $1,$2}'
one two:three:four:five:six
Using a different separator you can get first one as filed $1 and rest in $2 like this:
echo "one:two:three:four:five:six seven:eight" | awk -F\| '{sub(/:/,"|");$1=$1;print "$1="$1 "\n$2="$2}'
$2=two:three:four:five:six seven:eight
Unique separator
echo "one:two:three:four:five:six seven:eight" | awk -F"#;#." '{sub(/:/,"#;#.");$1=$1;print "$1="$1 "\n$2="$2}'
$2=two:three:four:five:six seven:eight
The closest you can get with is with GNU awk's FPAT:
$ awk '{print $1}' FPAT='(^[^:]+)|(:.*)' file
$ awk '{print $2}' FPAT='(^[^:]+)|(:.*)' file
:two:three:four:five:six seven:eight
But $2 will include the leading delimiter but you could use substr to fix that:
$ awk '{print substr($2,2)}' FPAT='(^[^:]+)|(:.*)' file
two:three:four:five:six seven:eight
So putting it all together:
$ awk '{print $1, substr($2,2)}' FPAT='(^[^:]+)|(:.*)' file
one two:three:four:five:six seven:eight
Storing the results of the substr back in $2 will allow further processing on $2 without the leading delimiter:
$ awk '{$2=substr($2,2); print $1,$2}' FPAT='(^[^:]+)|(:.*)' file
one two:three:four:five:six seven:eight
A solution that should work with mawk 1.3.3:
awk '{n=index($0,":");s=$0;$1=substr(s,1,n-1);$2=substr(s,n+1);print $1}' FS='\0'
awk '{n=index($0,":");s=$0;$1=substr(s,1,n-1);$2=substr(s,n+1);print $2}' FS='\0'
two:three:four five:six:seven
awk '{n=index($0,":");s=$0;$1=substr(s,1,n-1);$2=substr(s,n+1);print $1,$2}' FS='\0'
one two:three:four five:six:seven
Just throwing this on here as a solution I came up with where I wanted to split the first two columns on : but keep the rest of the line intact.
Comments inline.
echo "a:b:c:d::e" | \
awk '{
split($0,f,":"); # split $0 into array of fields `f`
sub(/^([^:]+:){2}/,"",$0); # remove first two "fields" from `$0`
print f[1],f[2],$0 # print first two elements of `f` and edited `$0`
a b c:d::e
In my input I didn't have to worry about the first two fields containing escaped :, if that was a requirement, this solution wouldn't work as expected.
Amended to match the original requirements:
echo "a:b:c:d::e" | \
awk '{
print f[1],$0
a b:c:d::e
