Can I Filter the Report which is Embedded in a Page and This Page comes when I click the stateless form Button? - zoho

I Have a application to process pay slip of an Employee. I have a stateless form in which I select Employee Id and salary information and when I click on the submit button then it redirects me to the page in which the actual salary information form is embedded.In this embedded page I am not able to do the filtering of selected Employee ID.
Is there any way to do filtering of selected employee ID from stateless form.

Have a look at the sample application
Copy that application to your account and see the script I've written.

Go to the Page-Editor: Click the gear-icon in the upper-left corner to open Page-Properties
[Page-Properties]: In the 'Parameters' section click 'Add Parameter', a parameter field will dipsplay
Enter the name of one of the parameters that will be passed by the stateless form.
Repeat for the rest of the parameters that will be passed to the Page
Click 'X' in the upper-right corner to close
In the initial stateless-form's editing window associate the submit button with a workflow that calls openURL() and passes the values for the report to filter on (the Employee ID and salary value) to the form/report. Example:
openUrl("#Page:SalaryPage?EmployeeID=" + input.EmployeeID + "&SalaryValue=" + input.SalaryValue, "same window", "MyPageTitle);
3.In the Page put the actual-salary-information-form in a ZML-Snippet panel (or iframe) configure the zml to get use the parameters input.EmployeeID and input.SalaryValue filter the form.
These seem to be the main steps..


Can we have multiple submit buttons on the same page in oracle apex?

I have created a page in oracle apex where I have multiple regions and each region has a Submit page button.
Each submit has an ajax callback associated with it.
Will clicking on any one submit, also execute the other ajax callbacks?
In other words, when we click a Submit page button in one region, is it exclusive only to that regions ajax callback or will it execute all ajax callbacks of that page?
Button name determines value of the REQUEST attribute. If you look at the process values, you can set the "Editable Region" (which shows which region is associated with this process), as well as the request itself (under the "Server-side condition" properties; see the "When button pressed" and "Type").
So, if you create your own process which does something and set properties described above, each SUBMIT button should affect only its own region.
Unless I'm wrong, if there's only one SUBMIT button (created with its default settings) on the page, it'll affect all regions.

Oracle Application Express - Form Fields not Populated with Data

By default, when creating an application with Report + Form pages, you would get something like this (and I initially did):
Report Page
Form Page (when pencil is clicked on the Report Page)
This is what my Form Page looks after making some changes to the application
Form fields are not being populated anymore, even though data source is set as a corresponding database column for every field. Does anyone have a clue why the values are suddenly not showing anymore? Which attributes are responsible for displaying data on a Form Page?
When you click on the edit pencil in your report Apex sends you to the form page with a parameter that uniquely identifies the record that you want to edit. This parameter can be the Primary Key or the RowID. You can see this in the URL of the Form page that will look something like this:
Most probably you are not sending the parameter from the Report to the Form page. Go on your Report, click on Attributes and at the Link Attribute be sure to set your ROWID(or PK) from Form Page with the value of the ROWID from the Report Page. Something like in the below img (3 is my form page in this example):

MVC: How to return to previous state of form

I have a currently loaded form with different fields in it. Example I am on URL: https://localhost:44300/ where the form is currently displayed. However, once of the fields has a link beside it "View Full List" where in once I click on that it will redirect me to a different view and user can select one value from there.
View full list when clicked will be redirected to: https://localhost:44300/project/organisationfulllist/
Now, once I have selected from the displayed list in that view (radiobutton list), I will click on a [SAVE] button and it should redirect me back to my original form with URL https://localhost:44300/
My question is when I am redirecting to the original view, the previous inputs on several fields were reset. What I want is to preserve these inputs from user. Is there a way to sort of save the session of the previous form?
Save the information in the session once the user clicks "View Full List"
Session["formdata"] = formdata;
Then get it back when you open the form again
FormModel formModel = Session["formdata"] as FormModel;
Is it possible to not redirect when user clicks "View Full List" and keep the selection on the same page? On a pop-up or something.

How to add RSVP button options in MailChimp template

I've created a party invitation template in MailChimp with an RSVP section within the body of the email that contains 3 buttons:
I have also added a custom text field on the list called "RSVP".
Is there a way I can automate the user click event to automatically update the profile and target this field?
I realize I can add the |UPDATE_PROFILE| merge tag and send the user to a custom form where they choose their RSVP option, but ideally i want to bypass the form and handle the response using the buttons in the email body ONLY.
Is this possible?
Yes, this is possible, mostly. You can do most of what you want with survey tags. The result won't be put in your custom text field in your list called "RSVP", but you will still be able to make segments of your list based on who clicked a particular response, as described below.
Anywhere in your email, in a text portion, include the following:
*|SURVEY: 1. yes|*
*|SURVEY: 2. maybe|*
*|SURVEY: 3. no|*
When the recipient gets the email, they will see three links:
1. yes
2. maybe
3. no
These links will take them to a survey landing page. (You can edit this: in your lists page, click the drop down to the right of the stats button, then choose Signup Forms, and then choose Form Builder, then in the drop down choose Survey Landing Page)
After you send out the email, and some people have clicked some of your yes/maybe/no links, it's time to see the results.
Click on Campaigns at the top of mailchimp, then the View Report button to the right of the email you sent. Scroll down and you will see a box called Poll Information, and in this there is a link to View poll results. There you can see who clicked on which link.
You can also make a list segment based on Poll/Survey Activity, which lets you do things like see who all didn't pick any of your RSVP options, who did, and who clicked which one.

How to apply filter/specific criteria for browser UI component in Exact Synergy Enterprise?

I am creating a maintenance page where I want to select a task using browser UI component. What I want to do specifically is to filter and show only tasks that are not done yet. Can I implement this using browser UI component? Does Exact Synergy Enterprise offer other components for this functionality?
You should create your browser Repository Explorer and use it in browsefield UI component.
Go to System tab, process to Setup tab and under the Repository section click Explorer. Locate your Repository group, enter it, click Browsers tab next to Business components, Functional components, etc.
Click Add and provide Name, Caption, Caption suffix fields. Then write your SQL query in Query field. The structure is:
SELECT <column(s)> FROM <database table> WHERE <column(s)> IS NOT NULL ORDER BY <column>.
Leave the Column info field empty for now. Fill in the Result columns field with column name which will be used as a Browser component result.
Finally, add database table name in the Table list field. Click Save + Edit column info button. Edit column names from a list shown below Information section and fill in Header/Term ID field with title, describing your columns (this will be shown in Browser UI for the front-end user). Click Save and test your newly created browser. If something went wrong, repeat steps from the start. Most of the time problem could be wrongly filled Column info field.
Now go to your ASPX page and add browsername attribute to your browsefield UI component. Doing so will set the browserfield component to your newly created browser component. This is that you want to see in your maintenance page when setting up the browsefield UI component:
<ex:cardfield runat="server" id="cf" caption="Item" captionid="0">
<ex:browsefield runat="server" id="p" browsername="pbr" datasource="bc" />
Hope this gives you quick idea of what you need to do in order to adjust it to your situation with tasks.
