How to add RSVP button options in MailChimp template - mailchimp

I've created a party invitation template in MailChimp with an RSVP section within the body of the email that contains 3 buttons:
I have also added a custom text field on the list called "RSVP".
Is there a way I can automate the user click event to automatically update the profile and target this field?
I realize I can add the |UPDATE_PROFILE| merge tag and send the user to a custom form where they choose their RSVP option, but ideally i want to bypass the form and handle the response using the buttons in the email body ONLY.
Is this possible?

Yes, this is possible, mostly. You can do most of what you want with survey tags. The result won't be put in your custom text field in your list called "RSVP", but you will still be able to make segments of your list based on who clicked a particular response, as described below.
Anywhere in your email, in a text portion, include the following:
*|SURVEY: 1. yes|*
*|SURVEY: 2. maybe|*
*|SURVEY: 3. no|*
When the recipient gets the email, they will see three links:
1. yes
2. maybe
3. no
These links will take them to a survey landing page. (You can edit this: in your lists page, click the drop down to the right of the stats button, then choose Signup Forms, and then choose Form Builder, then in the drop down choose Survey Landing Page)
After you send out the email, and some people have clicked some of your yes/maybe/no links, it's time to see the results.
Click on Campaigns at the top of mailchimp, then the View Report button to the right of the email you sent. Scroll down and you will see a box called Poll Information, and in this there is a link to View poll results. There you can see who clicked on which link.
You can also make a list segment based on Poll/Survey Activity, which lets you do things like see who all didn't pick any of your RSVP options, who did, and who clicked which one.


Lotus notes survey form

I have Created a Notes Survey form using Lotus Notes Designer.
I select "Preview in Notes" and from there i forward the survey form to end user.
However this goes as an email and End user's has to Click on reply button to select their answers and then reply.
I am looking for some Notes Script / Commands which i can embed in a Notes button on the form, which will help end user to select the answer and once done, the reply should automatically mailed back to us.
Please let me know if additional information required, related to requirement.
Note: I am new to Notes Designer, and unable to club multiple options to get this working.
This is NOT the sense of a Lotus Notes application to send the information via mail. The most you do is, to send a button with the Command #Command([Compose]; "YourServer" : "YourDatabase.nsf"; "YourForm")
To the users. When they click the button, a new document with your form is created. Then you use #Command([FileSave]) in an action to save the document. Usually one checks, using #dblookup, if there is already an entry fo that user an prohibits more than one document per user.
Then you create views to show the documents and see instantly:
How many users took part so far,
How many users selected option 1, option 2, etc.
You have all the information in one place, it is structured and can be easily read / found / evaluated.
Sending mails around would meen, that you have to collect that information yourself and count manually...

HowTo: stay on account view while opening a contact on a column

I am using a simple tree view on the left side for a company to see linked entities like opportunities, contacts, etc.,
When I click on a contact, my browser gets redirected to the contact, but I want to stay on the company view and load the contact details into the second or third column or just any sector on that company view.
Getting redirected to each record every time I click a link is annoying because I lose my track and sometimes I want to see the parent details while I see the details of a child record. In this case I want to keep the company view while I can load one contact on the same view without any page load or redirection.
Note: I am using a demo access to Dynamics CRM 2015 online and installed a plugin from a third party to get a tree view. The above is not dependent on my tree view. This can also be done for activities for example which is listed on right column by default. By clicking on an activity, I would like to see the activity details loaded in some panel on the middle column or anywhere I want, without being redirected.
You probably can make do with a Quick View.
Let's say you want to do this trick with Accounts and Contacts, to display info for contacts inside an Account. It goes like this:
Create a lookup inside Account, to Contact entity. Put it on the form (you can make it not visible, doesn't matter).
Create a "Quick View" form inside Contact. They are built similar to normal forms. Include all the info you want to display.
Go back to Account form, INSERT -> Quick View. Select the lookup you made in point 1, and the quick view you just created.
The quick view will display on the Account form, grabbing info from the Contact selected inside the lookup. If you left the new lookup visible, you can play with it and see how it works.
4b. You probably will now need to "link" the treeview with the lookup somehow (since it's third-party I'm unable to offer any insight about it). It will require a bit of javascript for sure.
For more details, as usual, refer to MSDN
Ps: If you want to try it out fast, skip #1 and pick "Primary contact" as field in #3 (it's standad, and most likely already on the form)

Joomla handling multiple ajax forms on the same page

I'm using Joomla to develop a user profile management component with AJAX.
The goal is to allow the user to edit his own user information. There is a lot of information so instead of having one massive form, I decided to make "subforms" or sections. And for the whole thing to be user-friendly I want to send the forms and refresh the user information with AJAX.
Here's an example :
There are two sections, "Basic user info" which displays the first name, the last name and the age of the person and "Extended user info" which displays the occupation, the company and the skills of the person. Each section has an "edit" link (or button) which turns the content into a form (AJAX) allowing the user to modify the presented information. You can only edit one section's information at a time. When the user has finished modifying the data, he sends the form with a "send" link (or button) and the section gets back to simply displaying the information of the section (with the updates that were just made).
So I need to know what is the most efficient way to develop such a component. I thought of two approaches :
1) In the "tmpl" directory of the main component view we the following files :
default_basic.php (displays the basic user information),
default_basic_edit.php (displays the form which allows the user to edit the basic information)
default_extended.php (displays the extended user information),
default_extended_edit.php (displays the form which allows the user to edit the extended info)
default.php (loads each of the display subtemplates with calls to JView::loadTemplate($subtemplate))
When the user clicks on an edit link, an AJAX call is made to the following URI index.php?option=com_userinfo&view=userinfo&subview=basic_edit&format=ajax, which causes the view class to call $this->loadTemplate('basic_edit') after assigning the user information to it.
If the user clicks cancel the same process is used to load the 'basic' template again. And if the user modifies the information and clicks the send link, the form is sent and then the 'basic' template is loaded too.
2) There is only a "default.php" file in the "tmpl" directory which holds the edit version and the display version of each section. But all the edit versions are hidden at first. And when the user clicks on the edit link the display version of the section becomes hidden and the edit version is displayed (using display:none and display:block). Then, if the user clicks the cancel button we do the opposite. And if the user clicks the send button we send an AJAX request to update the data in the database and return the updated user info which will be loaded into the display version of the section. And we finally replace the edit version of the section with its display version.
I know there's a lot of text but in the end it goes down to choosing between refreshing full HTML blocks with AJAX, or just sending the updated info and modifying the content of hidden blocks and then make them appear. So what do you think is the most logical approach, knowing that we are in a Joomla 1.5 environment ? How would you procede ? (maybe there are other ways to create such a component ?)
(I tried both ways and I couldn't entirely make it work so I decided to ask to see if it is a matter of conception...)
Thank you for taking the time to read all the text.
My answer is: why even refresh parts when it can be done without it?
For example when we are talking about basic form elements like text fields and check/radio buttons I would prefer the following: on a successful save/send simply display a nice message like "Profile saved" for some seconds and the user is sure that the changes are save and sound.
In case I msissed somthing let me know.
I have tried both solutions and #2 is the only one that worked for me.

Joomla: editable list screen

I have a joomla site where users can log in. Once logged in, a user can display a list screen -- say, a contact list with a name column and a phone number column. I call it a list screen, but I guess it could be called a list view, grid view, etc.
I'd like to make one of the columns (say, the phone number column) editable in place; meaning, I don't want to force the user to open a contact editing form. Thus, in the phone number column, a text box should be displayed on each line. The textbox contains the existing data for that row. The user can change the phone number in the text box directly in the list screen, and then press some 'save' icon on that row to save only that row (and only if it has changed). It'd be nice if the saving was done with an AJAX request, but it'd be ok to submit a form for now.
Based on the 'list screen' in the book "Learning Joomla Extension Development", I can currently display the correct list of items for the user. Does any one have example/tutorial of how to do the saving of each row individually? It seems like all list screens that I see have a link which must be clicked to open an edit form, as opposed to allowing editing in place.
You have to write a component first. Which will basically do the saving part of the individual row. So basically your component URL takes parameter as row_id phone number etc and have a update query updating the database.
Second is you need to write a javascript function which is called on click of every save button. The javascript function reads row details by reading from the DOM. and then fire an ajax request to the above mentioned component. the URL to the above mentioned component should have format=raw.
The result from the component update queries can be returned as true or false. And accordingly read by javascript ajax response. based on which A flag could be shown saying row updated. I can help you with code further if you describe it in more details

Web Form with more than 100 fields

What would be the best design layout for a web form with more than 100 fields? Right now I have grouped the fields to tabs.I am having tough time in validating the fields.I should either validate it on 'Submit' of the form or on tab change.Both has its own drawbacks. If I validate on tab change then user cannot view other tabs till they fill all the mandatory fields in the previous tab.Also it is not an good idea to throw so many validation messages to the user when he submits the form.
Please share your thoughts..
You can use a stepwise process. In the first step provide all the most important fields. Then on the click of a 'Next' button you can go to the next step and so on. By validating the fields you can allow the user to go to the next step.
