"for" loop in shell that go over directories - shell

I have a directory of 24 sub-directories, no chronological order
I need to enter a sub directory, unzip a file there and then call "tophat" command on the unzipped file, then move to the next sub-directory. the loop should go over all the sub-directories with these commands.
I don't really know how to create this loop (I need it to run on a display and not according to numeric order)
(for sure many of you who work with RNA-seq results are familiar with this issue)
If anyone can help me with it
I'll be very thankful

for d in "/path/to/"*/
cd "$d" || continue
unzip the_file.zip
tophat the_file

Use find:
find /path -type d -print | \
while read path ; do
Note: This loop breaks when the file names contain new line characters.

Same using for loop
for directory in `find /path -type d -print`
cd "$directory"
unzip zip_filename
sh zip_dir/script_file.sh &


Loop through and unzip directories and then unzip items in subdirectories

I have a folder designed in the following way:
I would like to write a bash script that will loop through and unzip the folders and then go into each subdirectory of those folders and unzip the files and name those files a certain way.
I have tried the following
cd parentDirectory
find ./ -name \*.zip -exec unzip {} \;
for fname in *
mv $fname $attempt{count}.cpp
count=$(($count + 1))
I thought the first two lines would go into the parentDirectory folder and unzip all zips in that folder and then the for loop would handle the unzipping and renaming. But instead, it unzipped everything it could and placed it in the parentDirectory. I would like to maintain the same directory structure I have.
Any help would be appreciated
excerpt from man unzip
[-d exdir]
An optional directory to which to extract files. By default, all files and subdirectories are recreated in the current directory; the -d option allows extraction in an arbitrary directory (always assuming one has permission to write to the directory).
It's doing exactly what you told it, and what would happen if you had done the same on the command line. Just tell it where to extract, since you want it to extract there.
see Ubuntu bash script: how to split path by last slash? for an example of splitting the path out of fname.
putting it all together, your command executed in the parentDirectory is
find ./ -name \*.zip -exec unzip {} \;
But you want unzip to extract to the directory where it found the file. I was going to just use backticks on dirname {} but I can't get it to work right, as it either executes on the "{}" literal before find, or never executes.
The easiest workaround was to write my own script for unzip which does it in place.
> cat unzip_in_place
unzip $1 -d `dirname $1`
> find . -name "*.zip" -exec ./unzip_in_place {} \;
You could probably alias unzip to do that automatically, but that is unwise in case you ever use other tools that expect unzip to work as documented.

Mv files contained in directories to directories/new path

I'm working with macOS Sierra.
I have ~ 1000+ directories with lots of files in it. Word, Excel and Zipped documents in it. Only one sub level. Important : there is spaces in the filenames and in the folder names.
We decided to change the arborescence of the files ; all the files in each directory need to be moved to a subdirectory in it called "Word & Excel" before merging with another directory tree.
I managed to create the Word & Excel directory with this command :
for dir in */; do mkdir -- "$dir/Word & Excel"; done
Basically, I just want to do
for dir in */; do mv $dir/* "./Word & Excel"; done
It is not going to work. I even do not understand if the problem is with the $dir — I need the double quote to avoid the space problem, but the asterisk is not going to work if I work with the double quote... — or with the asterisk.
I tried to get a cleaner version by following a previous answer found on the web to a similar problem, clearing the subfolder of the results (and trying basically to avoid my wildcard problem) :
for dir in */; do mv `ls -A "$dir" | grep -v "Word & Excel"` ./"Word & Excel" | cd ../ ; done
I am completely stuck.
Any idea how to handle this?
This should make it, even on Mac OS X. And yes, find sometimes needs the anchor directory.
while read dir; do
mkdir -p "$dir/Word & Excel"
find "$dir" -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec mv {} "$dir/Word & Excel" \;
done < <(find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d)
This loops over the sub-directories of the current directory (one sub-level only), for each of them (dir), creates the dir/Word & Excel sub-sub-directory if it does not already exist, finds all regular files immediately inside dir and moves them in the dir/Word & Excel. And it should work even with crazy directory and file names.
This being said, if you could convince your boss not to use unusual file or directory names, you life with bash and the Command Line Interface (CLI) would probably be much easier.
Okay, I will use "subfolder" as my subfolder name.
First, creating subfolder within all the dirs
for dir in $(find -type d | grep "/");do mkdir $dir/subfolder; done
I each of one of those, I created a file. I order to move all files within the dirs to the subfolder, I will do something like:
for dir in $(find -type d | grep -vE 'subfolder' | grep '/');do for file in $(find $dir -type f);do mv $file $dir/subfolder;done ;done
You might want to experiment with --exec in find, but just creating a nested loop was the fastest solution for me.
Let me break it down for you. Here, I try to find all the directories in my path, excluding the subfolder directory and the current one. I could've used -maxdepth 0 with find but since I only had these dirs, it wasnt necessary
for dir in $(find -type d | grep -vE 'subfolder' | grep '/')
Now, in each of those dirs, we try to find all the files (in your case, the zip files and what now).
do for file in $(find $dir -type f)
Now, we just move the found files into the directories from the first loop with the name of the subfolder appended.
do mv $file $dir/subfolder;done ;done
Keep in mind that since the first loop is closed at the very end, it will do the move operation for 1 directory at a time, and for all files in only that directory. Nested loops can be a bit trickier to understand, especially when someone else does them their own way, I know :(

How to rename multiple directories in bash using a symbol pattern

I am very new to bash so please don't overcomplicate the answer!
I have roughly 200 sub-directories each named similarly to this. (I think they are sub directories. They live within another directory at least.)
XMMXCS J083454.8+553420.58
I need to bulk rename all of these directories and change the '+' in the directory name to '-'.
To change the names of my directory I have tried:
find . -depth -type d -name + -exec sh -c 'mv "${0}" "${0%/+}/-"' {} \;
find . -name + -type d -execdir mv {} - \
However I think this isn't working because + and - aren't letter characters.
How do I get around this?
Everything I have found online relates to renaming files as opposed to directories, and if anyone knows how to get round this without having to rename them all manually it would be very appreciated.
This previous question I have tried and the syntax doesn't work for me. The folders are all called the same thing after running.
Rename multiple directories matching pattern
You can have a script like this.
DIR='.' ## Change to the directory you want.
for SDIR in "$DIR"/*; do
[[ -d $SDIR ]] || continue ## Skip if it's not a directory
BASE=${SDIR##*/} ## Gets the base filename (removes directory part)
NEW_NAME=${BASE//+/-} ## Creates a new name based from $BASE with + chars changed to -
echo mv -- "$SDIR" "$DIR/$NEW_NAME" ## Rename. Remove echo if you think it works the right way already.
Then run bash script.sh.
Your original syntax was pretty close, try something like this
find -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -name '*+*' -exec bash -c 'mv "${0}" "${0//+/-}"' {} \;
-depth Performs a dfs traversal, but it seems like you only want directories one level deep
You need to match globs that contain +. So *+* and not just + (quoting is needed with globs so they get processed by find and not the shell)
With "${0%/+}/-" you seem to be mixing up a few syntaxes, ${0//SUBSTRING/TO_REPLACE} with replace all instances of SUBSTRING with TO_REPLACE

Bash loop through directory and rename every file

I am horrible at writing bash scripts, but I'm wondering if it's possible to recursively loop through a directory and rename all the files in there by "1.png", "2.png", etc, but I need it to restart at one for every new folder it enters. Here's script that works but only does it for one directory.
cd ./directory
for fname in *
mv $fname ${cnt}.png
cnt=$(( $cnt + 1 ))
Thanks in advance
Can anyone actually write this code out? I have no idea how to write bash, and it's very confusing to me
Using find is a great idea. You can use find with the next syntax to find all directories inside your directory and apply your script to found directories:
find /directory -type d -exec youscript.sh {} \;
-type d parameter means you want to find only directories
-exec youscript.sh {} \; starts your script for every found directory and pass it this directory name as a parameter
Use find(1) to get a list of files, and then do whatever you like with that list.

Bash scripting, loop through files in folder fails

I'm looping through certain files (all files starting with MOVIE) in a folder with this bash script code:
which works fine when there are files in the folder. But when there aren't any, it somehow goes on with one file which it thinks is named MY-FOLDER/MOVIE*.
How can I avoid it to enter the things after
if there aren't any files in the folder?
With the nullglob option.
$ shopt -s nullglob
$ for i in zzz* ; do echo "$i" ; done
for i in $(find MY-FOLDER/MOVIE -type f); do
echo $i
The find utility is one of the Swiss Army knives of linux. It starts at the directory you give it and finds all files in all subdirectories, according to the options you give it.
-type f will find only regular files (not directories).
As I wrote it, the command will find files in subdirectories as well; you can prevent that by adding -maxdepth 1
Edit, 8 years later (thanks for the comment, #tadman!)
You can avoid the loop altogether with
find . -type f -exec echo "{}" \;
This tells find to echo the name of each file by substituting its name for {}. The escaped semicolon is necessary to terminate the command that's passed to -exec.
for file in MY-FOLDER/MOVIE*
# Skip if not a file
test -f "$file" || continue
# Now you know it's a file.
