How to rename multiple directories in bash using a symbol pattern - bash

I am very new to bash so please don't overcomplicate the answer!
I have roughly 200 sub-directories each named similarly to this. (I think they are sub directories. They live within another directory at least.)
XMMXCS J083454.8+553420.58
I need to bulk rename all of these directories and change the '+' in the directory name to '-'.
To change the names of my directory I have tried:
find . -depth -type d -name + -exec sh -c 'mv "${0}" "${0%/+}/-"' {} \;
find . -name + -type d -execdir mv {} - \
However I think this isn't working because + and - aren't letter characters.
How do I get around this?
Everything I have found online relates to renaming files as opposed to directories, and if anyone knows how to get round this without having to rename them all manually it would be very appreciated.
This previous question I have tried and the syntax doesn't work for me. The folders are all called the same thing after running.
Rename multiple directories matching pattern

You can have a script like this.
DIR='.' ## Change to the directory you want.
for SDIR in "$DIR"/*; do
[[ -d $SDIR ]] || continue ## Skip if it's not a directory
BASE=${SDIR##*/} ## Gets the base filename (removes directory part)
NEW_NAME=${BASE//+/-} ## Creates a new name based from $BASE with + chars changed to -
echo mv -- "$SDIR" "$DIR/$NEW_NAME" ## Rename. Remove echo if you think it works the right way already.
Then run bash

Your original syntax was pretty close, try something like this
find -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -name '*+*' -exec bash -c 'mv "${0}" "${0//+/-}"' {} \;
-depth Performs a dfs traversal, but it seems like you only want directories one level deep
You need to match globs that contain +. So *+* and not just + (quoting is needed with globs so they get processed by find and not the shell)
With "${0%/+}/-" you seem to be mixing up a few syntaxes, ${0//SUBSTRING/TO_REPLACE} with replace all instances of SUBSTRING with TO_REPLACE


How to use find and prename to reformat directory names recursively?

I am trying to find all directories that start with a year in brackets, such as this:
[1990] Nature Documentary
and then rename them removing brackets and inserting a dash in between.
1990 - Nature Documentary
The find command below seems to find the results, however I could not prefix the pattern with ^ to mark start of directory name otherwise its not returning hits.
I am pretty sure I need to use -exec or -execdir, but I am not sure how to store the found pattern and manipulate it.
find . -type d -name '\[[[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]]] *'
With [p]rename:
-depth -exec prename -n 's/\[(\d{4})]([^\/]+)$/$1 -$2/' {} +
Drop -n if the output looks good.
Without it, you'd need a shell script with several hardly intelligible parameter expansions there:
-depth -exec sh -c '
for dp; do
yr=${dp##*/[} yr=${yr%%]*}
echo mv "$dp" "${dp%/*}/$yr -${dp##*/\[????]}"
done' sh {} +
Remove echo to apply changes.
You can use the rename command
find . -type d -name '\[[[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]]\] *'| rename -n 's/(\[\d{4}\]) ([\w,\s]+)+$/$1 - $2/'
Note: The effect will not take place until you delete the -n option.

How to delete all files or Sub-folders (both) in a folder except 2 folders with shell script

I would like to know how to deleted all the contents of a folder (it contains other folders and some files) except for 2 folders and its contents
The below command keeps the folder conf and removes all the other folders
find . ! -name 'conf' -type d -exec rm -rf {} +
I have tried to pipe it like below
find . -maxdepth 1 -type d ! -name 'conf' |find . -maxdepth 1 -type d ! -name 'foldername2'
but didnt work.
is it possible to do with a single command
You haven't specified which shell you're using, but if you're using bash then extended globs can help:
printf '%s\n' !(#(conf|foldername2)/)
If you're happy with the list of files and directories produced by that, then pass the same glob to rm -rf:
rm -rf !(#(conf|foldername2)/)
Inside a script, you may need to enable extglob using shopt -s extglob. Later, you can change -s to -u to unset the option.
If you're using a different shell, then you can add some more options to your find command:
find -maxdepth 1 ! -name 'conf' -a ! -name 'foldername2' -exec rm -rf {} +
Try it without the -exec part first to print the matches rather than deleting everything.
It may my little program utility can help you. I hope so.
First of all you should find the path of your files .sh
then you should find the main folder that contains those files .sh
then remove anything except those folders
I wrote drr for such a purpose that it can do such a task so easy
drr, stands for: remove or rename files based on regular expression in D language. So you must compile it before using.
See the screenshot:
Please be careful since this is not an appropriate tool for beginner.

How to move files en-masse while skipping a few files and directories

I'm trying to write a shell script that moves all files except for the ones that end with .sh and .py. I also don't want to move directories.
This is what I've got so far:
cd FILES/user/folder
shopt -s extglob
mv !(*.sh|*.py) MoveFolder/ 2>/dev/null
shopt -u extglob
This moves all files except the ones that contain .sh or .py, but all directories are moved into MoveFolder as well.
I guess I could rename the folders, but other scripts already have those folders assigned for their work, so renaming might give me more trouble. I also could add the folder names but whenever someone else creates a folder, I would have to add its name to the script or it will be moved as well.
How can I improve this script to skip all folders?
Use find for this:
find -maxdepth 1 \! -type d \! -name "*.py" \! -name "*.sh" -exec mv -t MoveFolder {} +
What it does:
find: find things...
-maxdepth 1: that are in the current directory...
\! -type d: and that are not a directory...
\! -name "*.py: and whose name does not end with .py...
\! -name "*.sh: and whose name does not end with .sh...
-exec mv -t MoveFolder {} +: and move them to directory MoveFolder
The -exec flag is special: contrary to the the prior flags which were conditions, this one is an action. For each match, the + that ends the following command directs find to aggregate the file name at the end of the command, at the place marked with {}. When all the files are found, find executes the resulting command (i.e. mv -t MoveFolder file1 file2 ... fileN).
You'll have to check every element to see if it is a directory or not, as well as its extension:
for f in FILES/user/folder/*
if [ ! -d "$f" ] && [[ ! "$extension" =~ ^(sh|py)$ ]]; then
mv "$f" MoveFolder
Otherwise, you can also use find -type f and do some stuff with maxdepth and a regexp.
Regexp for the file name based on Check if a string matches a regex in Bash script, extension extracted through the solution to Extract filename and extension in Bash.

Go into every subdirectory and mass rename files by stripping leading characters

From the current directory I have multiple sub directories:
where I want to strip every character from the filenames before myfile so I end up with
I have some code to do this...
for d in `find . -type d -maxdepth 1`; do
cd "$d"
for f in `find . "*.txt"`; do
mv "$f" "$(echo "$f" | sed -r 's/^.*myfile/myfile/')"
however the newly renamed files end up in the parent directory
In which the sub-directories are now empty.
How do I alter my script to rename the files and keep them in their respective sub-directories? As you can see the first loop changes directory to the sub directory so not sure why the files end up getting sent up a directory...
Your script has multiple problems. In the first place, your outer find command doesn't do quite what you expect: it outputs not only each of the subdirectories, but also the search root, ., which is itself a directory. You could have discovered this by running the command manually, among other ways. You don't really need to use find for this, but supposing that you do use it, this would be better:
for d in $(find * -maxdepth 0 -type d); do
Moreover, . is the first result of your original find command, and your problems continue there. Your initial cd is without meaningful effect, because you're just changing to the same directory you're already in. The find command in the inner loop is rooted there, and descends into both subdirectories. The path information for each file you choose to rename is therefore stripped by sed, which is why the results end up in the initial working directory (./subdir1/001myfile001A.txt --> myfile001A.txt). By the time you process the subdirectories, there are no files left in them to rename.
But that's not all: the find command in your inner loop is incorrect. Because you do not specify an option before it, find interprets "*.txt" as designating a second search root, in addition to .. You presumably wanted to use -name "*.txt" to filter the find results; without it, find outputs the name of every file in the tree. Presumably you're suppressing or ignoring the error messages that result.
But supposing that your subdirectories have no subdirectories of their own, as shown, and that you aren't concerned with dotfiles, even this corrected version ...
for f in `find . -name "*.txt"`;
... is an awfully heavyweight way of saying this ...
for f in *.txt;
... or even this ...
for f in *?myfile*.txt;
... the latter of which will avoid attempts to rename any files whose names do not, in fact, change.
Furthermore, launching a sed process for each file name is pretty wasteful and expensive when you could just use bash's built-in substitution feature:
mv "$f" "${f/#*myfile/myfile}"
And you will find also that your working directory gets messed up. The working directory is a characteristic of the overall shell environment, so it does not automatically reset on each loop iteration. You'll need to handle that manually in some way. pushd / popd would do that, as would running the outer loop's body in a subshell.
Overall, this will do the trick:
for d in $(find * -maxdepth 0 -type d); do
pushd "$d"
for f in *.txt; do
mv "$f" "${f/#*myfile/myfile}"
You can do it without find and sed:
$ for f in */*.txt; do echo mv "$f" "${f/\/*myfile/\/myfile}"; done
mv subdir1/001myfile001A.txt subdir1/myfile001A.txt
mv subdir1/002myfile002A.txt subdir1/myfile002A.txt
mv subdir2/001myfile001B.txt subdir2/myfile001B.txt
mv subdir2/002myfile002B.txt subdir2/myfile002B.txt
If you remove the echo, it'll actually rename the files.
This uses shell parameter expansion to replace a slash and anything up to myfile with just a slash and myfile.
Notice that this breaks if there is more than one level of subdirectories. In that case, you could use extended pattern matching (enabled with shopt -s extglob) and the globstar shell option (shopt -s globstar):
$ for f in **/*.txt; do echo mv "$f" "${f/\/*([!\/])myfile/\/myfile}"; done
mv subdir1/001myfile001A.txt subdir1/myfile001A.txt
mv subdir1/002myfile002A.txt subdir1/myfile002A.txt
mv subdir1/subdir3/001myfile001A.txt subdir1/subdir3/myfile001A.txt
mv subdir1/subdir3/002myfile002A.txt subdir1/subdir3/myfile002A.txt
mv subdir2/001myfile001B.txt subdir2/myfile001B.txt
mv subdir2/002myfile002B.txt subdir2/myfile002B.txt
This uses the *([!\/]) pattern ("zero or more characters that are not a forward slash"). The slash has to be escaped in the bracket expression because we're still inside of the pattern part of the ${parameter/pattern/string} expansion.
Maybe you want to use the following command instead:
rename 's#(.*/).*(myfile.*)#$1$2#' subdir*/*
You can use rename -n ... to check the outcome without actually renaming anything.
Regarding your actual question:
The find command from the outer loop returns 3 (!) directories:
The unwanted . is the reason why all files end up in the parent directory (that is .). You can exclude . by using the option -mindepth 1.
Unfortunately, this was onyl the reason for the files landing in the wrong place, but not the only problem. Since you already accepted one of the answers, there is no need to list them all.
a slight modification should fix your problem:
for f in `find . -maxdepth 2 -name "*.txt"`; do
mv "$f" "$(echo "$f" | sed -r 's,[^/]+(myfile),\1,')"
note: this sed uses , instead of / as the delimiter.
however, there are much faster ways.
here is with the rename utility, available or easily installed wherever there is bash and perl:
find . -maxdepth 2 -name "*.txt" | rename 's,[^/]+(myfile),/$1,'
here are tests on 1000 files:
for `find`; do mv 9.176s
rename 0.099s
that's 100x as fast.
John Bollinger's accepted answer is twice as fast as the OPs, but 50x as slow as this rename solution:
for|for|mv "$f" "${f//}" 4.316s
also, it won't work if there is a directory with too many items for a shell glob. likewise any answers that use for f in *.txt or for f in */*.txt or find * or rename ... subdir*/*. answers that begin with find ., on the other hand, will also work on directories with any number of items.

Programatically performing the same operation in multiple same-level subfolders

I want to write a shell script that would perform a single operation - pdflatex - on multiple files of the same type in same-level subfolders. Here's a simplified version of the directory structure:
| a1.tex
| b1.tex
What I'd like to do is have the script launch from /, and perform pdflatex on all the .tex files without having to manually include all of those subdirs in the actual script file.
The algorithm is simple enough on paper:
Go to directory /
Find all directories matching regex given in script (may also use wildcard expression)
Go down n levels, again following regex as needed
Perform pdflatex on all .tex files in current directory
... But I'm not sure how to implement this in a Unix shell script.
Do shell scripts allow for this kind of operation at all? If so, what would an implementation look like?
find is what you seem to be looking for:
find / -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec pdflatex {} \;
This would execute pdflatex on all files in the current directory.
In order to perform the action only for files n levels down, replace 1 with n+1 for both -mindepth and -maxdepth options above.
In order to say that you want to filenames matching *.tex, say
find / -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.tex" -exec pdflatex {} \;
The only thing I might add from what others have said is a couple of parameters, given the desire as such in the question to turn it into a contrived little program.
if [ -z $1 ]; then
maxdepth=' '
if [ ! -z $2 ]; then
maxdepth=" -maxdepth $2 "
# borrowed from #devnull ;)
find / -mindepth 1${maxdepth}-type f -name "$pattern" -exec pdflatex {} \;
Then chmod u+x pdflatexdirs
Now call it as
pdflatexdirs [optional search pattern] [optional maxdepth]
With this script:
The default search pattern here is *.tex
If you want to specify maxdepth, you must also provide a search
When you do provide a search, *.tex is appended to whatever you pass
