Create html files from phpdocumentation markup - phpdoc

I have my code documented with phpdoc and would like to batch process them into html files like javadocs. I dont see anything out there to do it.
Where can I find a program ?

There is a tool called phpDocumentor, that does that very well.


Explanation regarding Contao Development

I need help regarding this issue.
I'am new to Contao, and coming from Wordpress, where the file structure (folder) is quite different, I'm having troubling of where to put the front-end files (HTML) and how to work with the Contao back-end. I'm on the way of reading the official documentation, but would really need another explanation, something like Wordpress-wise. Just so I know what files goes where and how to work around with them. Like where to put the header file, the footer file etc.
Just some explanation so I get what is goin' on and start doing it.
Thanks in advance!
It really depends on what you want to do. For example, there is no "header" or "footer" file. There is a general template for the front end called fe_page, which you can customize. But other than that, the contents of the header and footer for example can be defined in the so called page layout of the theme you configured.
Unfortunately the official manual is still in the process of being translated to English.

How can I put a link that execute bash script from an asciidoc document?

I am trying to manage programs at my computer using asciidoc.I know that asciidoc is markup language but sometimes I need this feature.
For example, open the specific project using IDE and go to the specific code block.
I have tried bash script file but it didn't work on AsciidocFX(asciidoc preview program).[Do the job]
In markdown, this feature can be achieved like this:
This can't be done.
AsciiDoc is a markup language; it does not try and execute programs.
The link you provide for Markdown links to a PDF: it does not execute the PDF.
Write a proper script and run that to do what you want.

List contents of ZIP file using ZipKit

I need to get list contents of ZIP file using ZipKit framework. The content I want to present in NSTableView. So, ideally I need to get NS(Mutable)Array. Is there a simple way how to do this ?
Thanks a lot, Petr
To be honest I think that you should use Zipzap for working with zip files. It's a very good library. I've used it and I don't have anything bad to say about it.
Take a look at the github page and there's some example snippets for you to test out.

Adding syntax highlighter to JamWiki-1.2

The tutorial describes how to enable syntax highlighting in JAMWiki.
My problem is that in the recent version of JAMWiki v1.2 the two files to be modified WEB-INF/jsp/top.jsp and WEB-INF/jsp/close-document.jsp do not exist any longer...
There is a third-party syntax highlighting tag extension available with JAMWiki 1.2 link that may work for you
I have added SHJS to my installation just following SHJS instructions rather than JAMWiki instructions. Simply edit JAMWiki JSP pages to add content as documented here. To see how does it work, look into the source code of this HTML document.
You even do not need to compile anything after you edit JSP, the server does this for you automatically.
Following up on Audrius's answer, here's exactly what you need to modify.
./jamwiki.war/WEB-INF/jsp/topic.jsp Modify it to look like this
Download the SHJS zip and copy all of the individual files from ./css/, ./lang/, ./sh_main.js, and ./sh_style.css from the zip to JamWiki.war/shjs/. (This will flatten the directory structure so everything is now in ./shjs/. Flattening the structure is optional but it makes for easier paths when referencing them in the jsp.)
You can modify the .war with 7zip or dig into your web app container file system and place the JSP and shjs folder directly.
Redeploy or refresh as needed depending on your preferred edit method.

How to variables from a textfile into a C# script

I need to create a text file for a game designer to edit variables in my C# script. I would like to be able to write the variable in the text file and the designer can put in a value and hten it would change in my script.
However, after much searching I have not been able to find a solution to my problem and was hoping someone with some experience in this method could help me.
I'm using Visual Studio for writing my scripts and the designer would require Notepad.
You can try using this class that will allow you to use ini files to hold your configuration.
I'm assuming your designer wouldn't like to use XML (which is the .NETy way of doing things); making humans edit XML is a form of torture anyway.
Here's the link to the CodeProject page: An INI file handling class using C#.
You can also use some other (relatively simple) format like JSON if ini files are too flat for you.
