Determine if a program is running in debug mode - ruby

I use RubyMine to write and debug my Ruby 2.0 code. It uses ruby-debug-ide for that purpose. I want to know if a program is running in debug mode.
I know there is the Ruby $DEBUG global variable, but as far as I understand ruby-debug-ide didn't change it, because it didn't use the -d ruby flag.
If I debug my file using Rubymine the command executed looks like this:
/home/user/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p353/bin/ruby -e at_exit{sleep(1)};$stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) /home/user/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p353/gems/ruby-debug-ide-0.4.22/bin/rdebug-ide --disable-int-handler --port 37737 --dispatcher-port 47992 -- /home/user/file.rb
I tried to use ARGV or $0, to determine if the command line contains the string 'rdebug-ide' but ARGV is an empty array and $0 is just '/home/user/file.rb', how can I get the full command line executed by RubyMine?

This is what I did:
I put the following code in an (rails) action and did a diff on the outputs both in debug and non-debug modes:
puts ENV.to_hash.to_yaml
I noticed that one of the differences is in ENV['RUBYLIB'] (there's also IDE_PROCESS_DISPATCHER, DEBUGGER_STORED_RUBYLIB, RUBYOPT, and DEBUGGER_HOST)
So here's how you'd check:
if ENV['RUBYLIB'] =~ /ruby-debug-ide/
puts 'in debug mode'
puts 'not in debug mode'

You need the global variable $LOAD_PATH.
a.each do |current_path|
puts 'Debug mode' if current_path.include?('rb/gems')
$LOAD_PATH has this line "/home/username/RubyMine-6.0.2/rb/gems" if I use debug mode.


How do some files not execute when required in irb?

If I have file.rb:
puts "Hello, World"
then in irb type:
require "./file.rb"
the output will be Hello, World.
Why then, if I have a sinatra file, e.g.
require "sinatra"
get "/" do
return "Hi"
and require that, there is no output?
What executing the sinatra file via ruby sinatra_app.rb it will start a rack server, and not stop until CTRL+C is pressed. Why does it not do that when required in irb, but it does do that when it is explicitly run with ruby sinatra_app.rb?
Because the script doesn't output anything. There is nothing in the script you showed that would generate any sort of output, there are no calls to print, puts, or p, no writes to any file, nothing.
The first script prints something when required, because it prints something, the second prints nothing when required because, well, it prints nothing. Remove the call to puts from the first script and it won't print anything either. Add a call to puts to the second script and it will print something.
Workaround is require sinatra before requiring file.
Root file:
require "sinatra"
require "/tmp/ddd.rb"
Required file:
get "/" do
return "Hi"
I guess it's somehow related to Sinatra startup process. They put get method in default namespace, without namespacing it to separate module.

Getting an undefined local variable error in Ruby when debugging

I have the following script in a file called foo.rb
def foo(msg)
def bar
thing = 123
p foo(:hai)
I run the program in debug mode, like so:
ruby --debug -r debug foo.rb
Notice I make sure the stdlib debug is loaded via -r and I also put the ruby environment into debug mode using --debug
So the first output I get is unexpected:
Emacs support available.
/Users/M/.rbenv/versions/2.1.2/lib/ruby/2.1.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:57: RUBYGEMS_ACTIVATION_MONITOR.enter
After that, if I press c to 'continue' the program ends with the following error:
Exception `NameError' at foo.rb:10 - undefined local variable or method `debugger' for main:Object foo.rb:10:in `<main>': undefined local variable or method `debugger' for main:Object (NameError)
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong, and how to actually get debug mode to recognise the relevant debugger command (if that's even the correct command to be using; the docs aren't clear at all on this)
Note: I'm not interested in using 3rd party gems in this instance (e.g. pry or ruby-debug). I'm only interested in understanding how to use the stdlib debugger that comes with Ruby
Since this question was answered, I've gone ahead and created a gist for future reference. For anyone stumbling across this thread you might find it useful:
Don't use -r. The entire mechanism by which an interactive debugging sessions is loaded is by the literal line of code require 'debug'.
Your code should look like this:
def foo(msg)
def bar
thing = 123
require 'debug'
p foo(:hai)
And you should run the program by simply typing ruby <program_name>.rb.

Ruby gets method throws an exception when arguments are passed from the console

I have experienced some ODD behavior from the code below:
require 'CSV'
$DEBUG = ARGV.empty? ? false : ARGV[0] #Global debug flag.
class PhoneBook
#class code here etc etc
PhoneBook.start_dir = "file-io-samples/phonebooks/"
puts "Enter a phonebook!"
name = gets #This is the problem.
puts "Using #{name}.."
When I pass true to have $DEBUG set to true on execution I get an error from name = gets and I have no idea why. If I don't pass parameters via the command line everything works fine.
This is the error output:
C:\Pickaxe>ruby PhoneBook.rb
Enter a phonebook!
Hurrah! Works
Using Hurrah! Works
C:\Pickaxe>ruby PhoneBook.rb true
Enter a phonebook!
Exception `Errno::ENOENT' at PhoneBook.rb:62 - No such file or directory - true
PhoneBook.rb:62:in `gets': No such file or directory - true (Errno::ENOENT)
from PhoneBook.rb:62:in `gets'
from PhoneBook.rb:62:in `<main>'
If I need to I can post the class definition, but I don't think it's part of the problem.
gets reads from stdin if no arguments are passed, and from the file that was passed as an argument otherwise. You are passing an argument true, ergo gets tries to read from a file named true, which apparently doesn't exist.
This is the very first sentence of the documentation of gets:
Returns (and assigns to $_) the next line from the list of files in ARGV (or $*)
This wouldn't cause a problem on *nix, but I expect Windows, or Ruby on Windows, isn't handling the additional command-line parameter the same way. On *nix, we can use -- between the script name and the parameter to tell the OS not to pass the parameter as a flag. In other words, Ruby wouldn't see true, your script would.
ruby some_script.rb -- options
But, in general, I think you're doing it wrong and recommend handling your command-line options in a standard way by using the OptionParser class:
require 'optparse' do |opt|
opt.on('-d', '--[no-]debug') { |o| $DEBUG = o }
puts $DEBUG
Running that several times on my Mac OS system, with different parameters, gives me:
$ ruby test.rb
$ ruby test.rb --no-debug
$ ruby test.rb -d
$ ruby test.rb --debug
You might still have to use -- to tell the OS and called app which parameters belong to what.

Setting breakpoint in different file has no effect

The ruby debugger does not halt on breakpoints I set in files different from the on the execution starts in. For example, consider these two files, foo.rb:
# foo.rb
class Foo
def bar
puts "baz"
and main.rb:
# main.rb
require './foo'
I start debugging using ruby -r debug .\main.rb. Now, when I try to set a breakpoint on a specific line in another file using b ./foo.rb:4, I get the message Set breakpoint 1 at foo.rb:4, but when I cont, the program executes to the end, and the debugger never halts. However, if I break on a line in main.rb, e.g. b ./main.rb:3, or a method, e.g. b, the debugger halts as expected.
Why doesn't the debugger halt at breakpoints in files other than the main file?
Update: I have tried this with Ruby 1.9.3 on Windows 7 as well as OS X 10.8; it doesn't work in either environment.
I have also just realized that the debugger quits after the script has run till the end: I start debugging main.rb, use cont, then baz is printed on the console and I'm right back in the shell. Is this the expected behaviour, or might the debugger have crashed?
Wow, that is weird. Not sure if this helps, but maybe you could do this. Step over the require with next so that Foo is loaded then
b Foo:bar
that should at least break on bar

Mercurial HG_NODE hook variable on windows

I'm currently testing mercurial hooks on windows and it seems like I cannot access hook variables....
here's hgrc content :
[hooks] prechangegroup = ruby prechangegroup.rb test1 test2 $HG_NODE
I also tried with %HG_NODE%
Here's prechangegroup.rb content
ARGV.each do|a|
puts "Argument: #{a}"
It prints out:
Argument: test1
Argument: test2
Argument: $HG_NODE$
Followed by the normal push output...
Any idea? (probably something stupid but, I can't seem to find it)
HG_NODE is an environmental variable. You don't have to use it as arguments on the command line. Instead, you should be able to use it as puts ENV['HG_NODE'] (found through search engine as I'm not a ruby guy)
OK, I found a good documentation right on mercurial's website.
I tried with a variable other than %HG_NODE% like %HG_URL% and the variable worked.
So it probably means that the variable is inaccessible from that hook.
