Error in creating query in openbravo through hql - hql

This question might have answer ... But not for openbravo with postgresql database.
I have openbravo 3.0 framework. In my window i have two date fields namely fromdate and todate. The requirement is i have to write a hql where clause to filter the records on the basis of current date.The date field is of timestamp without timezone.
Means fromdate < currentdate
and todate > currentdate .
I went through this link and wrote the hql where clause as in(select from Tablename as s where s.fromdate < current_Date and s.todate>current_date)
when i open this window i get this error as
Exception when creating query select e from Tablename as e
where ( in(select s.Tablename_ID from Tablename as s where s.fromdate < (current_date) and s.todate < (current_date)
however if i remove the current date conditions as in(select from Tablename as s).. It is working fine.
Is it because of current_Date function ? .I tried even with now function .. but i get the same error.

!!! Got The Error.
There is a problem in the query i wrote , in the where clause i am selecting the id's which is not correct,hence when i gave the below query it was running correctly.
(Tablename.fromdate < currrent_date and TableName.todate>current_date) There was no problem with the current_date function.
I thought may be it would help some one!!!
Tip: If you want to write hql query correctly in openbravo , pls install the Hql query tool module that is available freely for community edition of openbravo.
Happy Coding


How to convert Month-Year to date in HQL/Grails?

This query is working in database
select to_date(a.year || a.month, 'YYYYMM') as dates from table a
but not working in Grails as HQL. Giving an error as "unexpected token".
How do I use this query in HQL/Grails?
As example I have month & year column. I need to show this as date in new column.
Above to_date(a.year || a.month, 'YYYYMM') as dates works fine in oracle database but it doesn't work in HQL in grails where I'm using as
executeQuery("select to_date(a.year || a.month, 'YYYYMM') as dates from table a") but this one is not working
HQL is only good if you have modeled your database table. If you really want to use this exact query, go for native SQL instead of HQL:
MyController {
Sql groovySql // package: groovy.sql
def myAction() {
def results = groovySql.rows("SELECT 'thisIsNativeSqlQuery'");
// do something with your results;
If you have modeled this table already (has Domain class) you can just fetch them all with YourDomain.list() and make a getter method that forms your date from the format you have:
Date toDate() {
​ return Date.parse("yyyyMM", "201808")​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
or have transient field that does this for you, it all depends on your use case

How to retrieve data from 3 tables using sub query oracle SQL

I want to retrieve users name and there responsibility_key where there end_date is null and i want to convert it to (sysdate+1) using nvl but i am only able to retrieve the responsibility_key not the name please help.
The error in the image says "column ambiguously defined". Take a close look. Your last END_DATE could refer to either the u alias or the table from the subquery. Change it to match the rest of your subquery (FIND_USER_GROUPS_DIRECT.END_DATE)
Your query is
select u.USER_NAME, d.responsibility_key from FND_USER u,FND_RESPONSIBILITY_VL d
where responsibility_id in(
select responsibility_id from
The query isn't formatted, which makes it hard to read.
Not all columns are qualified with table name (or aliases), as mentioned in the comments.
The query currently uses an implicit join.
The query is impossible to understand without seeing the table definitions (desc [table_name]).
For points 1 and 2, a properly formatted query will look something like
select u.user_name, d.responsibility_key
fnd_user u,
fnd_responsibility_vl d
d.responsibility_id in (
select urgd.responsibility_id
fnd_user_resp_groups_direct urgd
urgd.end_date = nvl(u.end_date, sysdate+1)
) and
u.end_date = nvl(urgd.end_date, sysdate + 1)
This makes it easier to read and in addition to this, you can see that without table definitions I guessed (see point 4) as to which tables the end_date column belongs in your query. If I had to guess, so does Oracle. That means you have an ambiguity problem. To fix it, take a close look at the end_date column as it appears in your original query and where you do not prefix it with anything, you need to prefix it with the appropriate alias (after you have aliased all your tables).
For point 3, you can write your query more clearly with an explicit join and by using aliases for all columns. As for the explicit join I have no idea what your tables look like but one possibility is something like
select u.user_name, d.responsibility_key
from fnd_user u
join fnd_responsibility_vl d
on = d.user_id
d.responsibility_id in (
select responsibility_id
from fnd_user_resp_groups_direct urgd
urgd.end_date = nvl(u.end_date, sysdate+1)
) and
u.end_date = nvl(urgd.end_date, sysdate+1)
If you follow these points you will get to the root of the error.

Passing Date to NamedParameterJdbcTemplate in Select query to oracle

I have a query as below which is returning expected records when run from the SQL Developer
FROM MY_TABLE WHERE ( CRT_TS > TO_DATE('25-Aug-2016 15:08:18', 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
or UPD_TS > TO_DATE('25-Aug-2016 15:08:18', 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
I think that we will not need to apply TO_DATE when we are passing java.util.Date object as date parameters but the below code snippet is silently returning me 0 records.
My SQL query in Java class is as below:
FROM MY_TABLE WHERE ( CRT_TS > :lastSuccessfulReplicationTimeStamp1
or UPD_TS > :lastSuccessfulReplicationTimeStamp2);
The code which executes the above query is as below but the below code snippet is silently returning me 0 records:
parameters.put("lastSuccessfulReplicationTimeStamp1", new java.sql.Date(outputFileMetaData.getLastSuccessfulReplicationTimeStamp().getTime()));
parameters.put("lastSuccessfulReplicationTimeStamp2", new java.sql.Date(outputFileMetaData.getLastSuccessfulReplicationTimeStamp().getTime()));
list = namedParameterJdbcTemplateOracle.query(sql, parameters, myTabRowMapper);
Please advise.
I guess you already found the answer but if anybody else needs it, here's what I've found:
java.sql.Date doesn't have time, just the date fields. Either use java.sql.Timestamp or java.util.Date. Both seems to be working for me with NamedParameterJdbcTemplate.
A little variation to above solution can be when your input(lastSuccessfulReplicationTimeStamp1/lastSuccessfulReplicationTimeStamp2) is a String instead of Date/TimeStamp (which is what i was looking for and found at this link -> may be it can help someone):
MapSqlParameterSource parameters = new MapSqlParameterSource();
parameters.addValue("lastSuccessfulReplicationTimeStamp1", lastSuccessfulReplicationTimeStamp1, Types.TIMESTAMP);
parameters.addValue("lastSuccessfulReplicationTimeStamp2", lastSuccessfulReplicationTimeStamp2, Types.TIMESTAMP);
list = namedParameterJdbcTemplateOracle.query(sql, parameters, myTabRowMapper);

PostgreSQL - migrate a query with 'start with' and 'connect by' in oracle

I have the following query in oracle. I want to convert it to PostgreSQL form. Could someone help me out in this,
SELECT user_id, user_name, reports_to, position
FROM pr_operators
START WITH reports_to = 'dpercival'
CONNECT BY PRIOR user_id = reports_to;
A something like this should work for you (SQL Fiddle):
SELECT po.user_id,po.user_name,po.reports_to,po.position
FROM pr_operators po
WHERE po.reports_to = 'dpercival'
SELECT po.user_id,po.user_name,po.reports_to,po.position
FROM pr_operators po
JOIN q ON q.user_id=po.reports_to
You can read more on recursive CTE's in the docs.
Note: your design looks strange -- reports_to contains string literals, yet it is being comapred with user_id which typicaly is of type integer.

Fetch dates (by month or year) stored in TIMESTAMP using JPA

I am facing a problem and I would like you to help me.
It turns out I have one table in my Oracle 11g database where I store failures of one electronic device. The table definition is following:
( failure_id NUMERIC NOT NULL
, module_id NUMERIC NOT NULL
, code NUMERIC
, PRIMARY KEY(failure_id)
Where 'fecha' means 'date'.
I need to fetch failures by YEAR or by MONTH for one specific module but I can't. My ORM maps the TIMESTAMP type to java.sql.Date but I don't know how to compare the month in the JPQL sentence. I have tried to use ORACLE functions with native queries but I front with another issue: to cast the results.
I am using JPA 2.0 with Eclipselink 2.3.2.
My doubts are:
Can I use Oracle functions with this version of Eclipselink library? My experience say no.
Query query = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT f FROM Failure f "
+ "WHERE EXTRACT(YEAR FROM f.fecha) = ?1 "
+ "AND f.moduleId.moduleId = ?2");
query.setParameter(1, year);
query.setParameter(2, idModule);
I get this error: Unexpected token [(]
Can I use Eclipselink functions? My experience say no.
Query query = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT f FROM Failure f "
+ "WHERE EXTRACT('YEAR', f.fecha) = ?1 "
+ "AND f.moduleId.moduleId = ?2");
query.setParameter(1, year);
query.setParameter(2, idModule);
Same error.
Do you know a simple way to fetch this data using only one query?
I know I can fetch one module and then check failures with loops but I think it is not the best performing solution.
My sources:
Eclipselink JPA functions link
Eclipselink Query Enhancements link
A native query is written in the SQL dialect of your DB so can use DB specific functionality see the createNativeQuery methods of the EntityManager.
However there is another solution, test the timestamp against a lower and upper value:
WHERE f.fecha >= '2012-9-1' AND f.fecha < '2012-10-1'
The syntax in EclipseLink 2.4 for EXTRACT is,
EXTRACT(YEAR, f.fecha)
I used Eclipselink v 2.4 functions and I am getting values using this:
Query query = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT f FROM Failure f "
+ "WHERE SQL('EXTRACT (YEAR FROM ?)', f.fecha) = ?1 "
+ "AND f.moduleId.moduleId = ?2 ");
Extracting year from date stored in database avoids to me one comparison between two dates.
Query query = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT f FROM Failure f "
+ "WHERE EXTRACT(YEAR from f.fecha) = ?1 "
+ "AND f.moduleId.moduleId = ?2");
I was facing the same problem. I only checked for the correct syntax of that EXTRACT function for oracle and it worked for me! (Notice the FROM clause into the function syntax.
#NamedQuery(name = "Registros.findByFechacaptura", query = "SELECT s FROM Registros s WHERE EXTRACT(YEAR FROM s.fechacaptura) = EXTRACT(YEAR FROM :fechacaptura)")
