Passing Date to NamedParameterJdbcTemplate in Select query to oracle - spring

I have a query as below which is returning expected records when run from the SQL Developer
FROM MY_TABLE WHERE ( CRT_TS > TO_DATE('25-Aug-2016 15:08:18', 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
or UPD_TS > TO_DATE('25-Aug-2016 15:08:18', 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
I think that we will not need to apply TO_DATE when we are passing java.util.Date object as date parameters but the below code snippet is silently returning me 0 records.
My SQL query in Java class is as below:
FROM MY_TABLE WHERE ( CRT_TS > :lastSuccessfulReplicationTimeStamp1
or UPD_TS > :lastSuccessfulReplicationTimeStamp2);
The code which executes the above query is as below but the below code snippet is silently returning me 0 records:
parameters.put("lastSuccessfulReplicationTimeStamp1", new java.sql.Date(outputFileMetaData.getLastSuccessfulReplicationTimeStamp().getTime()));
parameters.put("lastSuccessfulReplicationTimeStamp2", new java.sql.Date(outputFileMetaData.getLastSuccessfulReplicationTimeStamp().getTime()));
list = namedParameterJdbcTemplateOracle.query(sql, parameters, myTabRowMapper);
Please advise.

I guess you already found the answer but if anybody else needs it, here's what I've found:
java.sql.Date doesn't have time, just the date fields. Either use java.sql.Timestamp or java.util.Date. Both seems to be working for me with NamedParameterJdbcTemplate.

A little variation to above solution can be when your input(lastSuccessfulReplicationTimeStamp1/lastSuccessfulReplicationTimeStamp2) is a String instead of Date/TimeStamp (which is what i was looking for and found at this link -> may be it can help someone):
MapSqlParameterSource parameters = new MapSqlParameterSource();
parameters.addValue("lastSuccessfulReplicationTimeStamp1", lastSuccessfulReplicationTimeStamp1, Types.TIMESTAMP);
parameters.addValue("lastSuccessfulReplicationTimeStamp2", lastSuccessfulReplicationTimeStamp2, Types.TIMESTAMP);
list = namedParameterJdbcTemplateOracle.query(sql, parameters, myTabRowMapper);


getting Hibernate error when using DBMS_RANDOM.value

I would like to achieve same result as the below query using Hibernate SQL, i.e., I would like to get two random records from the table whose ID is not equal to 300. I am using Hibernate 4.1 and Oracle 11g. I ran the below query on Toad and it gives 2 random records. But, when I try to run the HQL, there is error to do with the usage of "DBMS_RANDOM.value".
FROM table
where ID != '300'
AND q_ID=125
)WHERE rownum < 3
I tried creating criteria and query, but both give Hibernate errors:
Hibernate Message: Invalid path: 'DBMS_RANDOM.RANDOM' [from com.model.table tab where tab.ID != '33092' ORDER BY DBMS_RANDOM.RANDOM]
and my actual hibernate query is:
Query query = session.createQuery("from table tab where tab.ID != '" +agrmId+"' ORDER BY DBMS_RANDOM.RANDOM").setMaxResults(2);
I also tried ORDER BY rand() and that gives an Oracle error.
Thank you for any help.
I solved the problem by adding a property tag in the hibernate mapping file:
<property name="constVal" formula="DBMS_RANDOM.RANDOM" type="long"/>
and then, in the POJO class, I added a variable with getter and setter methods:
private long constVal;
then, in the DAO class, I added the following query:
Criteria crit1 = session.createCriteria(table.class);
and that solved it.

Error in creating query in openbravo through hql

This question might have answer ... But not for openbravo with postgresql database.
I have openbravo 3.0 framework. In my window i have two date fields namely fromdate and todate. The requirement is i have to write a hql where clause to filter the records on the basis of current date.The date field is of timestamp without timezone.
Means fromdate < currentdate
and todate > currentdate .
I went through this link and wrote the hql where clause as in(select from Tablename as s where s.fromdate < current_Date and s.todate>current_date)
when i open this window i get this error as
Exception when creating query select e from Tablename as e
where ( in(select s.Tablename_ID from Tablename as s where s.fromdate < (current_date) and s.todate < (current_date)
however if i remove the current date conditions as in(select from Tablename as s).. It is working fine.
Is it because of current_Date function ? .I tried even with now function .. but i get the same error.
!!! Got The Error.
There is a problem in the query i wrote , in the where clause i am selecting the id's which is not correct,hence when i gave the below query it was running correctly.
(Tablename.fromdate < currrent_date and TableName.todate>current_date) There was no problem with the current_date function.
I thought may be it would help some one!!!
Tip: If you want to write hql query correctly in openbravo , pls install the Hql query tool module that is available freely for community edition of openbravo.
Happy Coding

Set array of values to SQL query

I'm using JDBC, I have to set array of values to a single column,
I know it works in Hibernate and Ibatis but it seems to be hard to get it working Pure JDBC sql.
I have an array of String values
names[] = new String[]{"A","B","C"};
and a Query like
select * from emp where name in(?)
I tried pstmt.setObject(1,names), it is not working..
This is not supported in pure JDBC. You have to generate a query so that the in clause contains one placeholder for each element of the array.
Spring's JDBC helper classes support named parameters and what you want to do.
This will work with the following Syntax:
"SELECT * FROM emp WHERE name IN ( SELECT column_value FROM TABLE( ? ) )"
pmst.setArray( 1, conn.createArrayOf( "VARCHAR", names ) );

Ruby OCI8 DBI, how to check query generated after parameter binding? need to check for "in" queries

While using Ruby-DBI I am facing issues with parameter binding for where "in" queries.
Two questions:
How do I get sql generated after parameter binding?
Does in parameter for sql work properly if using DBI and OCI8?
My code looks like this:
dbh = DBI.connect(setting[:tns], setting[:username], setting[:password])
#date and in_params are parameters to sql query.
#In the query they are seen as ? "Question marks"
sth = dbh.execute('import_values.sql'), date, in_params)
The query looks like this:
SELECT date, col1, col2
WHERE date = ?
AND col1 not in ( ? )
Please help.
I re-factored code to not use "in".

Passing java.sql.Date to sql query

This is a part of my code
java.sql.Date d1=java.sql.Date.valueOf("2011-03-02");
java.sql.Date d2=java.sql.Date.valueOf("2011-03-10");
java.sql.Date systemDate=java.sql.Date.valueOf("2011-03-04");
String sql="select id from period where '"+systemDate+"' between '"+d1+"' and '"+d2+"'";
This is my code. I want to get the id which falls between these dates. But i am not getting the desired result. I am getting back all the id present in the table.
Do you have good results when you use other SQL tools (like pgadmin for PostgreSQL or SQL Developer for Oracle)?
Is so then try to use PreparedStatement. In your case this will look like:
PreparedStatement pstmt = con.prepareStatement("select id from period where ? between ? and ?");
pstmt.setDate(1, systemDate);
pstmt.setDate(2, d1);
pstmt.setDate(3, d2);
You're not using a field from your table to compare with your date range.
What you're doing is checking if 04-03-2011 is between 02-03-2011 and 10-03-2011, which is true for every record.
What you want to do is something like this (assuming start_date is a column in your table):
String sql="select id from period where start_date between '"+d1+"' and '"+d2+"'";
(Also, I agree with the answer above that prepared statements are a better way to construct queries.)
