Heroku application errror on newly created application - heroku

I've just set up my heroku application and i get this error on my newly created application.
At first i thought heroku takes some time to make the app live, but its been days. Is there any thing i need to do after creating the app.


why heroku app doesn't store the data in the database?

I've built an internal app that is used only for the organization. The app works fine - it has a form which users fill in and save. It works for few hours that the form is stored in the database, but after a few hours the database is seemingly purged and the app shows no data - as if it's been started for the first time. I checked the log, but couldn't find anything. What and where can I check to find out what's going on? Could it be the case that since I'm using free heroku, it restarts after 24 hours.

Retrive file changes after depolyment

(I discovered Heroku yesterday)
I've deployed an App on Heroku, and it works just fine.
Problem is, my app saves some stuff inside .json files, so the deployed app contains new information.
How do I retrieve it?
I tried using heroku git but it just pulls the version at the moment of the deploy, non the one that has been changed at runtime.

How can I see when a Heroku app was deleted?

One of our test apps got deleted recently. We're trying to track down how/why (suspicion is an error in an API call that we've made). Is there a way to get any logs from Heroku that shows who/when/how an app was deleted?

heroku postgres db not saving data in cloud

I created a heroku Spring-MVC project in Eclipse. By default a sample application was created with url /people and /people/add.
Eveyrthing works fine when I run the app on Tomcat7. When I try adding a person and fetch it from DB works fine.
But when I stop the app and restart the app on Tomcat, the /get request doesn't fetch any details. I have to add the user details again.
I feel heroku is saving the data in some local DB which is getting refreshed everytime I run the app.
I want to use the free heroku Postgres DB, where the data is saved in heroku cloud. Could anyone please let me know if this is expected.
Please let me know the changes I need to make if any

How to deploy Rails app on Heroku with Active Resource Api call to data

my Ruby on rails application not support Active record rails app used active resource API for featch data from another server , how i deploy the rails application to Heroku with no migration , schema , database file app,
You could easily do that without any migrations although heroku will assign you a default database which you will never use. It will not create any problem IMO. Go ahead and give it a try.
