Retrive file changes after depolyment - heroku

(I discovered Heroku yesterday)
I've deployed an App on Heroku, and it works just fine.
Problem is, my app saves some stuff inside .json files, so the deployed app contains new information.
How do I retrieve it?
I tried using heroku git but it just pulls the version at the moment of the deploy, non the one that has been changed at runtime.


How can I turn off heroku build every time I push to hreoku

I have a node project deployed in a Heroku server. I have a CDN folder in the project directory that requires file changes and new pushes almost every day. Because my CDN folder holds some static resources which I build locally and then push to Heroku. Now my issue is every time I push to Heroku a new build gets started on the server. But this is not necessary for me as I am just modifying some static contents in my CDN folder. No files related to the server are being changed. Can I any way turn off that automatic building on every push to the Heroku repo? Help me guys...

How can I deploy just one file to google app engine?

I have already deployed my application to google app engine but I have modified just one file and I want to deploy just this file
Is not possible to upload a single file to app engine, every deploy takes the root folder where app.yaml file is located and upload the directories and files.
But if you made some changes or add a single file, the files that are identical are not re-uploaded.
Only the new files or modified are being uploaded, but the new upload creates a new version of the service.
as stated on the documentation:
"You can update your service at any time by running the gcloud app deploy command. Each time you deploy, a new version is created and traffic is automatically routed to the latest version"

Can I recover data in Heroku

I have a simple app, that stores some files in a node Heroku app.
I didn't know it, but every day the Heroku server is restarted and just the GitHub files survive. My ignored files not.
I know the date when I store those files in my app. Can I recover the Heroku App from that Day?.

Strapi deployed to Heroku but media files give 404 error

I've deployed Strapi on Heroku and have set up the content fine. When I uploaded images and videos to Strapi using the cms interface and saved the update. it saved successfully but the file url returns 404. has anyone experienced this before? Am I missing something?
Thanks guys.
File Uploads
Like with project updates on Heroku, the file system doesn't support local uploading of files as they will be wiped when Heroku "Cycles" the dyno. This type of file system is called ephemeral, which means the file system only lasts until the dyno is restarted (with Heroku this happens any time you redeploy or during their regular restart which can happen every few hours or every day).
Due to Heroku's filesystem you will need to use an upload provider such as AWS S3, Cloudinary, or Rackspace. You can view the documentation for installing providers here and you can see a list of providers from both Strapi and the community on

Parse Server migration without tool

I'm working to revive an app that was originally hosted on Parse. I have access to a Bitbucket with the app code but the database itself was not migrated before shut down. I would like to run the app through Parse Server (using mlab and heroku) but all documentation I've found online requires use of the Parse migration tool (Which is no longer available).
I understand that I can use the Parse Server example project on github and paste in my own app code to set up my app. Do I do paste in my code before or after deploying to Heroku/mlab? Also, which files should I keep from the parse-server-example and which should I delete? Are there other steps I should be aware of that become necessary without access to the Parse migration tool?
Unfortunately you can't migrate your database off of the hosted service after January 30th, 2017.
Since you don't have a database to migrate, you can start a new Parse Server project from scratch. You can just follow the Getting Started With Heroku + mLab Development steps on the parse-server-example project, and add any existing cloud functions to the /cloud directory once you've cloned the project.
