Confusing debugging error in Fortran program - debugging

I've been sitting here for a while quite baffled as to why my debugger keeps displaying an error in my code when the program runs fine. There are three parts to a very simple program that is just reading in information from a file.
My code is broken into three Fortran files given below and compiled via
ifort -o test global.f90 read.f90 test.f90
module global
implicit none
integer(4), parameter :: jsz = 904
end module global
subroutine read(kp,q,wt,swt)
implicit none
integer(4) :: i, j
integer(4), intent(in) :: kp
real(8), intent(out) :: swt, q(kp,3), wt(kp)
swt = 0.0d0; q(:,:) = 0.0d0; wt(:) = 0.0d0
read(7,*) ! Skipping a line
do i = 1, kp
read(7,1000)(q(i,j),j=1,3), wt(i)
swt = swt + wt(i)
end do
1000 format(3F10.6,1X,1F10.6)
end subroutine read
program test
use global
integer(4) :: i, j
real(8) :: tot, qq(jsz,3), wts(jsz)
call read(jsz,qq,wts,tot)
end program test
The error I keep receiving is
Breakpoint 1, read (kp=904,
q=<error reading variable: Cannot access memory at address 0x69bb80>,
wt=..., swt=6.9531436082559572e-310) at read.f90:6
This error appears right when the subroutine of read is called. In other words, I'm adding a breakpoint at the read subroutine and running the code in gdb after the breakpoint is added. The program will continue to run as expected and give the correct outputs when I include write statements in the 'test' program. However, if I use the gdb print options I receive an error of 'Cannot access memory at address 0x69bb80' for array q only. All other arrays and variables can be displayed with no problems.
As I would like the read subroutine to be a stand alone subroutine and not necessarily use any global parameters, I have not used the global module and instead called the variable kp into the subroutine. I decided to test whether using the global module would help, and if I use jsz in place of kp, I do indeed remove the error. However, since this isn't my overall goal with the subroutine, I would hopefully like to figure out how to fix this without the use of the global module. (I also tried not using the global at all and setting the parameter variable of kp in the test.f90 program directly, but this also gives the error.)
Any insight on possible reasons for this error, or suggestions to try and fix the memory addressing issue would be greatly appreciated.

I think this is an issue specific to the ifort+gdb combination that is fixed with newer gdb versions. Here's a smaller example to reproduce the issue:
$ cat test.f90
subroutine bar(arg)
integer, intent(inout):: arg
print *, 'bar argument is', arg
arg = 42
end subroutine bar
program test
integer:: param
param = 3
call bar(param)
print *, 'post-bar param:', param
end program test
$ ifort -g -O0 -o test test.f90
$ gdb --quiet test
Reading symbols from /home/nrath/tmp/test...done.
(gdb) b 4
Breakpoint 1 at 0x402bd0: file test.f90, line 4.
(gdb) r
Starting program: /home/nrath/tmp/test
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Breakpoint 1, bar (arg=#0x2aaa00000003) at test.f90:4
4 print *, 'bar argument is', arg
(gdb) p arg
$1 = (REF TO -> ( INTEGER(4) )) #0x2aaa00000003: <error reading variable>
(gdb) quit
$ gdb --version | head -1
GNU gdb (GDB) Red Hat Enterprise Linux (7.2-60.el6_4.1)
However, if you compile with gfortran instead of ifort, or if you use GDB 7.7.1, it works fine.

Did you add the INTERFACE statement to the end of your programme?
You need it when you call a function that is not contained in the programme.


Compile Module and Main Program In the Same File Using GFortran?

I am new to fortran and I have this fortran90 program I am trying to run where the module and the main are in the same file called main.f90:
module real_precision
implicit none
integer, parameter :: sp = selected_real_kind(1)
integer, parameter :: dp = selected_real_kind(15)
end module real_precision
program main_program
use real_precision
implicit none
real(sp) :: a = 1.0_sp
real(dp) :: b = 1.0_dp
print *, a
print *, b
end program main_program
And I compiled it once doing:
gfortran main.f90 -o main.x
Then run it:
However I made a change to the module and saved it but compiling and running it this same way provides the same output which leads me to think that the module needs to be compiled? How do I compile both where they're in the same file? I could make the module a separate file but I'd like to know how to do it this way!
selected_real_kind(p) returns the kind parameter of a real with precision at least p digits (if one exists). It does not give a kind parameter for a real with exactly that precision.
If your compiler has does not have a real with precision less than q then selected _real_kind(q) and selected_real_kind(q-1) will not return different kind parameters.

GDB: how to call functions with modified parameters during debugging

Consider the following trivial Fortran program that adds two integers via a subroutine and prints the result:
I = 1
J = 1
SUM = I + J
Compiling via gfortran -g -O0 gdb-mwe.f -o gdb-mwe and running in the GNU Debugger, I want to call ADD from the debugger with modified input arguments right before the write output. Here's what happens:
Reading symbols from gdb-mwe...done.
(gdb) break 10
Breakpoint 1 at 0x4007dd: file gdb-mwe.f, line 10.
(gdb) r
Starting program: /home/username/Documents/Fortran/gdb-mwe
Breakpoint 1, MAIN__ () at gdb-mwe.f:10
10 WRITE(*,*) SUM
(gdb) p j = j+1
$2 = 2
(gdb) call add(i,j,sum)
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x000000000040079a in add (
i=<error reading variable: Cannot access memory at address 0x1>,
j=<error reading variable: Cannot access memory at address 0x2>,
sum=<error reading variable: Cannot access memory at address 0x2>)
at gdb-mwe.f:18
18 SUM = I + J
The program being debugged was signaled while in a function called from GDB.
GDB remains in the frame where the signal was received.
To change this behavior use "set unwindonsignal on".
Evaluation of the expression containing the function
(add) will be abandoned.
When the function is done executing, GDB will silently stop.
How do I get this right?
As pointed out in the comments, the open bugs in gdb prevents doing this currently.
A possible workaround would be to debug a 32-bit version of the code. This results in some differences, but for simple debugging tasks it may be sufficient.
For intel fortran compilers, this requires only adding the -m32 flag (provided 32-bit libraries have been installed).
For gfortran it seems that installing the multilib package first is necessary, as show in this questions.

Unable to suppress bound checking

Firstly, I wasn't aware that bound checking was automatic when using gfortran. With the following code:
gfortran -Wno-array-bounds initial_parameters.f08 derrived_types.f08 lin_alg.f08 constitutive_models.f08 input_subs.f08 Subprograms.f08 mainprog.f08
I still receive the compile time warnings:
Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (3 > 2) in dimension 2
I am probably being silly here but from reading this, I thought that -Wno-array-bounds was supposed to suppress this warning? Compiling with -w successfully inhibits all warnings.
I don't know if it's relevant but the source of these warning are "Subprograms.f08" and "constitutive_models.f08" which are both modules containing subroutines and are used in the main program.
The same behaviour occurs if I attempt to compile an individual module with
gfortran -Wno-array-bounds -c constitutive_models.f08
I can confirm that compile warning with gfortran (4.4) with this simple code:
integer :: x(2)
Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (3 > 2) in dimension 2
this could arguably be considered a bug since one would expect the compiler to optimize out the whole if statement. Note ifort compiles this just fine.
a very simple workaround fixes this example:
integer :: x(2),dimx=dim
of course since its just a warning, and you know its not a problem, you can choose to ignore it too !
note the use of the parameter in the logical, in case the compiler feels like optimizing it later.
So what I may suggest is to use overloaded subroutines in order to process the data - then you would have generic behavior without the need to pass the dimension argument explicitly to the function(thus getting rid of the warning). And then I would recommend you to follow Holmz's advice regarding using all warnings during testing stage and then completely turning them off during production build (-w). For now I wasn't able to find an efficient way of suppressing this warning (apart from -w) - it seems that the check for array bounds is on by default and is not overridden -fno-bounds-check or -Wno-array-bounds. But overloaded functions can be a better solution to your problem, the implementation should look like this in this case:
module functions
implicit none
interface test_dim
module procedure test_func1d, test_func2d, test_func3d
end interface ! test_dim
subroutine test_func1d(input1d)
real, intent(in) :: input1d(:)
print*, "DOING 1 DIM"
print*, "SHAPE OF ARRAY:", shape(input1d)
end subroutine test_func1d
subroutine test_func2d(input2d)
real, intent(in) :: input2d(:,:)
print*, "DOING 2 DIM"
print*, "SHAPE OF ARRAY:", shape(input2d)
end subroutine test_func2d
subroutine test_func3d(input3d)
real, intent(in) :: input3d(:,:,:)
print*, "DOING 3 DIM"
print*, "SHAPE OF ARRAY:", shape(input3d)
end subroutine test_func3d
end module functions
program test_prog
use functions
implicit none
real :: case1(10), case2(20,10), case3(30, 40, 20)
call test_dim(case1)
call test_dim(case2)
call test_dim(case3)
end program test_prog
And the output produced by this function looks like this:
SHAPE OF ARRAY: 30 40 20

Change of directory in Fortran in a non compiler-specific way

I wish to change the working directory in a Fortran 90 code. Is it possible to do this in a non compiler-specific way? Here is my code:
program change_directory
integer :: ierr
call system("mkdir -p myfolder/")
!call system("cd myfolder/") !doesn't work
ierr = chdir("myfolder")
if (ierr.NE.0) then
write(*,'(A)') "warning: change of directory unsuccessful"
end if
if (ierr.EQ.0) then
write(unit=33,fmt='(A)') "Test message"
end if
end program change_directory
Clearly, using cd myfolder/ in a system call doesn't work. The Intel reference says I need to add 'use ifport'. There's no such mention in the GCC reference, though. Leaving out 'use ifport', I can compile the above code under ifort without any trouble. When I put it in, however, it won't compile with gcc (because gcc doesn't have the ifport module)--and not only that, it won't compile under Intel Fortran either--I'm getting the following error:
$ ifort change_dir.f90 -o change_dir
change_dir.f90(5): error #6552: The CALL statement is invoking a function subprogram as a subroutine. [SYSTEM]
call system("mkdir -p myfolder/")
compilation aborted for change_dir.f90 (code 1)
So my question is the following: is there a better way to do this? I'd like to keep my code as compiler-independent as possible. At the moment, I primary use gfortran/ifort and mpif90/mpiifort.
See also Is there any way to change directory using C language? . You can make your own interface to the chdir() POSIX call to be independent of the Intel's interface. On Windows it is similar.
module chdir_mod
implicit none
integer function c_chdir(path) bind(C,name="chdir")
use iso_c_binding
character(kind=c_char) :: path(*)
end function
end interface
subroutine chdir(path, err)
use iso_c_binding
character(*) :: path
integer, optional, intent(out) :: err
integer :: loc_err
loc_err = c_chdir(path//c_null_char)
if (present(err)) err = loc_err
end subroutine
end module chdir_mod
program test
use chdir_mod
call chdir("/")
call system("ls -l")
and when run
> gfortran chdir.f90
> ./a.out
celkem 120
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 15. říj 14.42 bin
drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 15. říj 14.43 boot
On ifort it works too as it does on sunf90.
(Note: this relies on default character being the same as c_char. That is quite a safe assumption. If it is not the case the compiler will complain and a conversion has to be made.)

Fortran module variables not accessible in debuggers

I've compiled a Fortran code, which contains several modules, using both gfortran 4.4 and intel 11.1 and subsequently tried to debug it using both gdb and DDT. In all cases, I cannot see the values of any variables that are declared in modules. These global variables have values, as the code still runs correctly, but I can't see what the values are in my debuggers. Local variables are fine. I've had trouble finding a solution to this problem elsewhere online, so perhaps there is no straightforward solution, but it's going to be really difficult to debug my code if I can't see the values of any of my global variables.
With newer GDBs (7.2 if I recall correctly), debugging modules is simple. Take the following program:
module modname
integer :: var1 = 1 , var2 = 2
end module modname
use modname, only: newvar => var2
newvar = 7
You can now run:
$ gfortran -g -o mytest test.f90; gdb --quiet ./mytest
Reading symbols from /dev/shm/mytest...done.
(gdb) b 6
Breakpoint 1 at 0x4006a0: file test.f90, line 6.
(gdb) run
Starting program: /dev/shm/mytest
Breakpoint 1, MAIN__ () at test.f90:6
6 newvar = 7
(gdb) p newvar
$1 = 2
(gdb) p var1
No symbol "var1" in current context.
(gdb) p modname::var1
$2 = 1
(gdb) p modname::var2
$3 = 2
(gdb) n
7 end
(gdb) p modname::var2
$4 = 7
In gdb, try referencing the global variables with names like __modulename__variablename
You can check that this is the right mangling scheme using nm and grep to find one of your global variables in the symbols of your program.
If that doesn't work, make sure you're using a recent version of gdb.
Here's a thread on this issue:
I had the same issue (GNU gdb 7.9 running in parallel with MPI). What worked for me was the following:
p __modname_mod_var
That is: double underscore, the name of the module, underscore, mod, the name of the variable.
Compiling with -gstabs+ instead of -g may also fix some issues (but not the present one).
