Write an SQR condition statement - sqr

I'm new in SQR. I need help to write a variable and use it for a condition statement. my pseudo code goes
declare $head_print
let $head_print = (select * from PS_DTR_RPT_ACCT
or TREE_NODE_NUM between 4600000 and 4699999)
if(head_print contain REAL_ESTATE_EXP or Account between 46000000 and 4699999)
then head_print = "REAL ESTATE";
else head_print = "Capital ESTATE";

It's not quite clear what you want so I'm making an assumption.
It seems it is if a certain value is in table PS_DTR_RPT_ACCT, then you want it to say "REAL ESTATE" otherwise say "CAPITAL ESTATE"
Now with SQR, you have to put your SQL in a begin-select block - rules are very strict - field names must be in column 1 - code underneath NOT in column 1. In the following routine, I've tried to code your pseudo code in real SQR, however, I could not test it so you may get errors - plus I don't know your field names since it just says "select *".
do GetData
Begin-Procedure GetData
! Initialize value - if no data found, query this later and set it to the "ELSE"
Let $Head_print = ''
! Override the value from the table but only if you need to
Let $Head_Print = 'REAL ESTATE'
or TREE_NODE_NUM between 4600000 and 4699999)
! If $Head_print is blank, then no value was found with the sql - do the ELSE part
If $Head_Print = ''
Let $Head_Print = 'Capital Estate'
SQR is quite a nice finite language to learn - syntax somewhat strict, but simple as Basic with SQL. I do recommend reading the reference manual - it's downloadable from Oracle.
Feel free to ask any other questions about SQR - I get alerts if you do - sorry it took this long to answer


How to call Lua table value explicitly when using integer counter (i,j,k) in a for loop to make the table name/address?

I have to be honest that I don't quite understand Lua that well yet. I am trying to overwrite a local numeric value assigned to a set table address (is this the right term?).
The addresses are of the type:
project.models.stor1.inputs.T_in.default, project.models.stor2.inputs.T_in.default and so on with the stor number increasing.
I would like to do this in a for loop but cannot find the right expression to make the entire string be accepted by Lua as a table address (again, I hope this is the right term).
So far, I tried the following to concatenate the strings but without success in calling and then overwriting the value:
for k = 1,10,1 do
project.models.["stor"..k].inputs.T_in.default = 25
for k = 1,10,1 do
"project.models.stor"..j..".T_in.default" = 25
I think I found the solution as per https://www.lua.org/pil/2.5.html:
A common mistake for beginners is to confuse a.x with a[x]. The first form represents a["x"], that is, a table indexed by the string "x". The second form is a table indexed by the value of the variable x. See the difference:
for k = 1,10,1 do
project["models"]["stor"..k]["inputs"]["T_in"]["default"] = 25
You were almost close.
Lua supports this representation by providing a.name as syntactic sugar for a["name"].
Read more: https://www.lua.org/pil/2.5.html
You can use only one syntax in time.
Either tbl.key or tbl["key"].
The limitation of . is that you can only use constant strings in it (which are also valid variable names).
In square brackets [] you can evaluate runtime expressions.
Correct way to do it:
project.models["stor"..k].inputs.T_in.default = 25
The . in models.["stor"..k] is unnecessary and causes an error. The correct syntax is just models["stor"..k].

Understanding Foxpro IF Statement

I wasn't sure what my title should be, feel free to edit my post and change it if you can come up with something better.
There aren't many resources available on the use of Foxpro and what I'm trying to do is understand what is going on.
Select .f. as chkbox, * from a_counties ;
order by cn_area, cn_desc ;
into dbf (StrTmpFile1)
scan while !EOF()
IF ChkBox
selected_some_cnty = .t
Here is my understanding:
Do the following as long as you are not in the last record of the
IF ChkBox
Set selected_some_cnty equal to .t
Stop Check next record
Keep doing this until you are out of records.
What does IF CHKBOX mean?
Is it saying if the column CHKBOX is not null, do the following,
otherwise, do nothing.
Edit: Added additional code
If chkBox
in VFP, means:
if (chkBox)
also in all other well known languages, like C, C++, C#, Java, Go, Dart, Ruby, ... you name it - some languages parentheses are mandatory and some not. It simply mean "if chkBox is true". Sometimes you would see it written as:
If chkBox = .T.
If chkBox == true
as in other languages, but it is more verbose than needed, and seasoned developers do not write it like that (after all writing like "if true is true" is awkward, simply "if true" is fine).
This is explained with comments placed in code:
* Initialize a memory variable named lldisdead as .t. (true)
* Select some fields into a table named m.StrTmpFile1
* StrTmpFile1 is a variable holding a string name of the table
* selecting all fields of a_counties table
* plus a boolean field named "chkBox" which is initially
* filled with .F. (false) value
Select .f. as chkbox, * from a_counties ;
order by cn_area, cn_desc ;
into dbf (StrTmpFile1)
* select's result table is table open in the current
* work area and by default located on first record.
* scanning the whole table
* with an unnecessary "while !EOF()" addition
* Default scope of scan is until EOF
scan while !EOF()
* Checking if chkBox field has a value of true
IF ChkBox
* if it has, than set "selected_some_cnty" memory variable to true
selected_some_cnty = .t
Having said that, this part:
scan while !EOF()
IF ChkBox
selected_some_cnty = .t.
could be written as:
IF ChkBox
selected_some_cnty = .t
selected_some_cnty = !EOF()
However, since we know all chkBox values are .F., that piece of code is totally useless and could be deleted all together.
From the SQL query, the data is going into a physical table based on whatever the name "StrTmpFile1" variable is pointing to. Also note, the first column in this select statement is ".f. as ChkBox". So this is prepping EVERY RECORD in the query with a leading column that is ALWAYS False (hence .f.)
Select .f. as chkbox, * from a_counties ;
order by cn_area, cn_desc ;
into dbf (StrTmpFile1)
Now, I would suspect there is some other user interface action that is using this result table such as presenting in a grid in a form and allowing a checkbox on a column to let a user pick one or more entries to do something further.
After said selection (again, speculating intent), it is going through the loop to only find those records where the "ChkBox" COLUMN IN THE TABLE has been set to true and setting a flag as .t. that something WAS selected.
Overall, a very novice approach, but that is a different issue. A shortcut to getting the answer if a record as marked would be
select (the table)
Locate for ChkBox
selected_some_cnty = found()
Hope this helps, and if you need additional clarification, shoot a comment.

Calculating year dummy variables using a for loop (foreach) in Stata

I am attempting to generate a dummy variable for each year from 1996 to 2012 (inclusive) such that the 1996 dummy should equal 1 if it is 1996 and 0 if else using the foreach command in Stata to cut down on time (at least for future projects). What is currently happening is that the dummy for 1996 is being produced, but no others are generated.
I think that it has to do with how I am defining j, but I cannot quite figure out the formatting to achieve the results that I want. I have looked online and in the Stata help files and cannot find anything on this specific topic.
Here is what I have thus far:
local var year
local j = 1996
foreach j of var year {
gen d`j' = 1 if year==`j'
local ++j
I will continue to try and figure this out on my own, but if anyone has a suggestion I would be greatly appreciative.
Let us look at this line by line.
local var year
You defined a local macro var with content "year". This is legal but you never refer to that local macro in this code, so the definition is pointless.
local j = 1996
You defined a local macro j with content "1996". This is legal.
foreach j of var year {
You open a loop and define the loop index to be j. That means that within the loop any reference to local macro j will be interpreted in terms of the list of arguments you provide. (The previous definition of j is irrelevant within the loop, and so has no effect in the rest of your code.)
... of var year
You specify that the loop is over a variable list here. Note that the keyword var here is short for varlist and has absolutely nothing to do the local macro name var you just defined. The variable list consists of the single variable name year.
gen d`j' = 1 if year==`j'
This statement will be interpreted, the one and only time the loop is executed, as
gen dyear = 1 if year==year
as references to the local macro j are replaced with its contents, the variable name year. year==year is true for every observation. The effect is a new variable dyear which is 1 in every observation. That is not an indicator or dummy variable as you want it. If you look at your dataset carefully, you will see that is not a dummy variable for year being 1996.
local ++j
You are trying to increment the local macro j by 1. But you just set local macro j to contain the string "year", which is a variable name. But you can't add 1 to a string, and so the error message will be type mismatch. You don't report that error, which is a surprise. It is a little subtle, as in the previous command the context of generate allows interpretation of the reference to year as an instruction to calculate with the variable year, which is naturally numeric. But local commands are all about string manipulation, which may or may not have numeric interpretation, and your command is equivalent, first of all, to instructing Stata to add
"year" + 1
which triggers a type mismatch error.
Turning away from your code: Consider a loop
forval y = 1996/2012 {
gen d`y' = 1 if year == `y'
This is closer to what you want but makes clearer another bug in your code. This would create variables d1996 to d2012 but each will be 1 in the year specified but missing otherwise, which is not what you want.
You could fix that by adding a further line in the loop
replace d`y' = 0 if year != `y'
but a much cleaner way to do it is the single line
gen d`y' = year == `y'
The expression
year == `y'
is evaluated as 1 when true and 0 when false, which is what you want.
All this is standard technique documented in [U] or [P].
As #Roberto Ferrer pointed out, however, experienced Stata users would not define dummies this way, as tabulate offers an option to do it without a loop.
A tutorial that brings together comments on local macros, foreach and forvalues loops is within http://www.stata-journal.com/sjpdf.html?articlenum=pr0005
search foreach
within Stata would have pointed to that as one of various pieces you can read.
Looping is not necessary. Try the tabulate command with the gen() option. See help tabulate oneway.
See also help xi and help factor variables.
You are trying to loop through the distinct values of year but the syntax is not correct. You are actually looping through a list of variables with only one element: year. The command levelsof gives you the distinct values, but like I said, looping is not necessary.
Maybe this might help.
/*assuming the data is from 1970-2012*/
/*assuming your year variable name is fyear*/
forvalues x=1970/2012 {
gen fyear `x'=0
replace fyear `x'=1 if fyear==`x'
However, I do agree with Roberto Ferrer that loop may not be necessary.

asp classic FormatNumber bidding script

Im playing around with a little bidding script im trying to write. But im having trouble with formatNumber function.
currentBid = 50.51 'from database dataType double(16,2)
yourBid = isNumeric(Request("bid"))
If FormatNumber(yourBid,2) > FormatNumber(currentBid,2) Then
Response.Write"bid successful... woop woop"
Response.Write"you cant bid below the current asking price"
end if
But if i was to bid 1000 is writes "you cant bid below the current asking price"
Please advise
'Changed as advised
currentBid = 50.51 'value from database
If IsNumeric(Request.Form("bid")) Then
yourBid = CDbl(Request.Form("bid"))
end if
You have two issues here:
As Ekkehard mentioned, IsNumeric() returns a boolean. To test if the value is numeric and then store to your variable, use:
If IsNumeric(Request("bid")) Then yourBid = CDbl(Request("bid"))
FormatNumber() returns a string representation of a number. So you're comparing one string against another instead of one number against another. If you need to round your numbers to two decimals, use the Round() function instead:
If Round(yourBid,2) > Round(currentBid,2) Then
Edit: Proof.
MsgBox VarType(4) ' 2 = vbInteger
MsgBox VarType(FormatNumber(4)) ' 8 = vbString
The line
yourBid = isNumeric(Request("bid"))
does not store a valid number into yourBid, but the (booelan) result of the IsNumeric() function applied to Request("bid").
Change the line to
yourBid = CDbl(Request("bid"))
and see if your IF statement works as expected. Then add a proper validation for Request("bid").

Creating a SPSS loop function

I need to create a syntax loop that runs a series of transformation
This is a simplified example of what I need to do
I would like to create five fruit variables
in V1
First loop
IF (V1={number}) {fruit}_variable = VX.
IF (V2={number}) {fruit}_variable = VY.
IF (V3={number}) {fruit}_variable = VZ.
Run loop for next fruit
So what I would like is the scripte to check if V1, V2 or V3 contains the fruit number. If one of them does (only one can) The new {fruit}_variable should get the value from VX, VY or VZ.
Is this possible? The script need to create over 200 variables so a bit to time consuming to do manually
The first loop can be put within a DO REPEAT command. Essentially you define your two lists of variables and you can loop over the set of if statements.
if V# = 1 apple_variable = VA.
Now 1 and apple_variable are hard coded in the example above, but we can roll this up into a simple macro statement to take arbitrary parameters.
if V# = !1 !2 = VA.
!fruit 1 apple_variable.
Now this will still be a bit tedious for over 200 variables, but should greatly simplify the task. After I get this far I typically just do text editing to my list to call the macro 200 times, which in this instance all that it would take is inserting !fruit before the number and the resulting variable name. This works well especially if the list is static.
Other approaches using the in-built SPSS facilities (mainly looping within the defined MACRO) IMO tend to be ugly, can greatly complicate the code and frequently not worth the time (although certainly doable). Although that is somewhat mitigated if you are willing to accept a solution utilizing python commands.
DO REPEAT is a good solution here, but I'm wondering what the ultimate goal is. This smells like a problem that might be solved by using the multiple response facilities in Statistics without the need to go through these transformations. Multiple response functionality is available in the old MULTIPLE RESPONSE procedure and in the newer CTABLES and Chart Builder facilities.
Jon Peck
combination of loop statements: for,while, do while with nested if..else and switch case will do the trick. just make sure you have your initial value and final value for the loop to go
let's say:
for (initial; final; increment)
if (x == value) {
