How to call Lua table value explicitly when using integer counter (i,j,k) in a for loop to make the table name/address? - for-loop

I have to be honest that I don't quite understand Lua that well yet. I am trying to overwrite a local numeric value assigned to a set table address (is this the right term?).
The addresses are of the type:
project.models.stor1.inputs.T_in.default, project.models.stor2.inputs.T_in.default and so on with the stor number increasing.
I would like to do this in a for loop but cannot find the right expression to make the entire string be accepted by Lua as a table address (again, I hope this is the right term).
So far, I tried the following to concatenate the strings but without success in calling and then overwriting the value:
for k = 1,10,1 do
project.models.["stor"..k].inputs.T_in.default = 25
for k = 1,10,1 do
"project.models.stor"..j..".T_in.default" = 25
I think I found the solution as per
A common mistake for beginners is to confuse a.x with a[x]. The first form represents a["x"], that is, a table indexed by the string "x". The second form is a table indexed by the value of the variable x. See the difference:
for k = 1,10,1 do
project["models"]["stor"..k]["inputs"]["T_in"]["default"] = 25

You were almost close.
Lua supports this representation by providing as syntactic sugar for a["name"].
Read more:
You can use only one syntax in time.
Either tbl.key or tbl["key"].
The limitation of . is that you can only use constant strings in it (which are also valid variable names).
In square brackets [] you can evaluate runtime expressions.
Correct way to do it:
project.models["stor"..k].inputs.T_in.default = 25
The . in models.["stor"..k] is unnecessary and causes an error. The correct syntax is just models["stor"..k].


I'm trying to add a value to individual characters

I'm working on a Scrabble assignment and I'm trying to assign values to letters. Like in Scrabble, A, E, I, O, U, L, N, S, T, R are all equal to 1. I had some help in figuring out how to add the score up once I assign values, but now I'm trying to figure out how to assign values. Is there a way to create one variable for all the values? That doesn't really make sense to me.
I was also thinking I could do an if-else statement. Like if the letter equals any of those letters, value = 1, else if the letter equals D or G, value = 2 and so on. There are 7 different scores so it's kind of annoying and not efficient, but I'm not really sure what a better way might be. I'm new to programming, a novice, so I'm looking for advice that takes my level into account.
I have started my program by reading words from a text file into an arraylist. I successfully printed the arraylist, so I know that part worked. Next I'm working on how to read each character of each word and assign a value. Last, I will figure out how to sort it.
it's me from the other question again. You can definitely do an if-statement, but if I'm not wrong Scrabble has 8 different values for letters, so you would need 8 “if”s and also since there are around 25 letters (depending on language) you would have to handle all 25 some way in the if-statements which would be quite clunky in my opinion.
I think the best option is to use a Hash-table. A hash-table is basically like a dictionary where you look up a key and get a value. So I would add each letter as a key and keep the corresponding value as the value. It would look like this:
//initialize empty hash map
Hashtable<String, Integer> letterScores = new Hashtable<>();
//now we can add values with "put"
To access an element from the hash table we can use the "get"-method.
//returns 1
So when looping through our word we would essentially get something like this to calculate the value of the word:
int sumValue = 0;
for(int i =0; i < word.length(); i++)}
sumValue += letterScores.get(word.charAt(i))
For each character we grab the value entry from the letterScores hash table where we have saved all our letter's corresponding values.

Random number in Lua script Load Impact

I'm trying to create a random number generator in Lua. I found out that I can just use math.random(1,100) to randomize a number between 1 and 100 and that should be sufficient.
But I don't really understand how to use the randomize number as variables in the script.
Tried this but of course it didn't work.
$randomCorr = math.random(1,100);
{"POST", "", headers={["Content-Type"]="application/json;charset=UTF-8"}, data="{\"ChoosenPhoneModelId\":4,\"PricePlanId\":\"phone\",\"CorrelationId\":\"$randomCorr\",\"DeliveryTime\":\"1 vecka\",\"$$hashKey\":\"006\"},\"ChoosenAmortization\":{\"AmortizationLength\":0,\"ChoosenDataPackage\":{\"Description\":\"6 GB\",\"PricePerMountInKr\":245,\"DataAmountInGb\":6,\"$$hashKey\":\"00W\"},\"ChoosenPriceplan\":{\"IsPostpaid\":true,\"Title\":\"Fastpris\",\"Description\":\"Fasta kostnader till fast pris\",\"MonthlyAmount\":0,\"AvailiableDataPackages\":null,\"SubscriptionBinding\":0,\"$$hashKey\":\"00K\"}}", auto_decompress=true},
{"GET", "$randomCorr", auto_decompress=true},
In Lua, you can not start a variable name with $. This is where your main issue is at. Once the $ is removed from your code, we can easily see how to refer to variables in Lua.
randomCorr = math.random(100)
print("The random number:", randomCorr)
randomCorr = math.random(100)
print("New Random Number:", randomCorr)
Also, concatenation does not work the way you are implying it into your Http array. You have to concatenate the value in using .. in Lua
Take a look at the following example:
ran = math.random(100)
data = "{\""..ran.."\"}"
The same logic can be implied into your code:
data="{\"ChoosenPhoneModelId\":4,\"PricePlanId\":\"phone\",\"CorrelationId\":\""..randomCorr.."\",\"DeliveryTime\":\"1 vecka\",\"$$hashKey\":\"006\"},\"ChoosenAmortization\":{\"AmortizationLength\":0,\"ChoosenDataPackage\":{\"Description\":\"6 GB\",\"PricePerMountInKr\":245,\"DataAmountInGb\":6,\"$$hashKey\":\"00W\"},\"ChoosenPriceplan\":{\"IsPostpaid\":true,\"Title\":\"Fastpris\",\"Description\":\"Fasta kostnader till fast pris\",\"MonthlyAmount\":0,\"AvailiableDataPackages\":null,\"SubscriptionBinding\":0,\"$$hashKey\":\"00K\"}}"
Or you can format the value in using one of the methods provided by the string library
Take a look at the following example:
ran = math.random(100)
data = "{%q}"
The %q specifier will take whatever you put as input, and safely surround it with quotations
The same logic can be applied to your Http Data.
Here is a corrected version of the code snippet:
local randomCorr = math.random(1,100)
{"POST", "", headers={["Content-Type"]="application/json;charset=UTF-8"}, data="{\"ChoosenPhoneModelId\":4,\"PricePlanId\":\"phone\",\"CorrelationId\":\"" .. randomCorr .. "\",\"DeliveryTime\":\"1 vecka\",\"$$hashKey\":\"006\"},\"ChoosenAmortization\":{\"AmortizationLength\":0,\"ChoosenDataPackage\":{\"Description\":\"6 GB\",\"PricePerMountInKr\":245,\"DataAmountInGb\":6,\"$$hashKey\":\"00W\"},\"ChoosenPriceplan\":{\"IsPostpaid\":true,\"Title\":\"Fastpris\",\"Description\":\"Fasta kostnader till fast pris\",\"MonthlyAmount\":0,\"AvailiableDataPackages\":null,\"SubscriptionBinding\":0,\"$$hashKey\":\"00K\"}}", auto_decompress=true},
{"GET", "" .. randomCorr, auto_decompress=true},
There is something called $$hashKey also, in the quoted string. Not sure if that is supposed to be referencing a variable or not. If it is, it also needs to be concatenated into the resulting string, using the .. operator (just like with the randomCorr variable).

simple method to keep last n elements in a queue for vb6?

I am trying to keep the last n elements from a changing list of x elements (where x >> n)
I found out about the deque method, with a fixed length, in other programming languages. I was wondering if there is something similar for VB6
Create a Class that extends an encapsulated Collection.
Add at the end (anonymous), retrieve & remove from the beginning (index 1). As part of adding check your MaxDepth property setting (or hard code it if you like) and if Collection.Count exceeds it remove the extra item.
Or just hard code it all inline if a Class is a stumper for you.
This is pretty routine.
The only thing I can think of is possibly looping through the last 5 values of the dynamic array using something like:
For UBound(Array) - 5 To UBound(Array)
'Code to store or do the desired with these values
Sorry I don't have a definite answer, but hopefully that might help.
Here's my simplest solution to this:
For i = n - 1 To 1 Step -1
arrayX(i) = arrayX(i - 1)
Next i
arrayX(0) = latestX
arrayX = array of values
n = # of array elements
latestX = latest value of interest (assumes entire code block is also
within another loop)

VBScript: Finding the number of non-null elements in an array

What is the "best" way to determine the number of elements in an array in VBScript?
UBound() tells you how many slots have been allocated for the array, but not how many are filled--depending on the situation, those may or may not be the same numbers.
First off there is no predefined identifier called vbUndefined as the currently accepted answer appears to imply. That code only works when there is not an Option Explicit at the top of the script. If you are not yet using Option Explicit then start doing so, it will save you all manner of grief.
The value you could use in place of vbUndefined is Empty, e.g.,:-
If arr(x) = Empty Then ...
Empty is a predefined identify and is the default value of a variable or array element that has not yet had a value assigned to it.
However there is Gotcha to watch out for. The following statements all display true:-
MsgBox 0 = Empty
MsgBox "" = Empty
MsgBox CDate("30 Dec 1899") = True
Hence if you expect any of these values to be a valid defined value of an array element then comparing to Empty doesn't cut it.
If you really want to be sure that the element is truely "undefined" that is "empty" use the IsEmpty function:-
If IsEmpty(arr(x)) Then
IsEmpty will only return true if the parameter it actually properly Empty.
There is also another issue, Null is a possible value that can be held in an array or variable. However:-
MsgBox Null = Empty
Is a runtime error, "invalid use of null" and :-
MsgBox IsEmpty(Null)
is false. So you need to decide if Null means undefined or is a valid value. If Null also means undefined you need your If statement to look like:-
If IsEmpty(arr(x)) Or IsNull(arr(x)) Then ....
You might be able to waive this if you know a Null will never be assigned into the array.
I'm not aware of a non-iterative method to do this, so here's the iterative method:
Function countEmptySlots(arr)
Dim x, c
c = 0
For x = 0 To ubound(arr)
If arr(x) = vbUndefined Then c = c + 1
countEmptySlots = c
End Function
As Spencer Ruport says, it's probably better to keep track yourself to begin with.
There's nothing built in to tell you what elements are filled. The best way is to keep track of this yourself using a count variable as you add/remove elements from the array.

Are curly brackets used in Lua?

If curly brackets ('{' and '}') are used in Lua, what are they used for?
Table literals.
The table is the central type in Lua, and can be treated as either an associative array (hash table or dictionary) or as an ordinary array. The keys can be values of any Lua type except nil, and the elements of a table can hold any value except nil.
Array member access is made more efficient than hash key access behind the scenes, but the details don't usually matter. That actually makes handling sparse arrays handy since storage only need be allocated for those cells that contain a value at all.
This does lead to a universal 1-based array idiom that feels a little strange to a C programmer.
For example
a = { 1, 2, 3 }
creates an array stored in the variable a with three elements that (coincidentally) have the same values as their indices. Because the elements are stored at sequential indices beginning with 1, the length of a (given by #a or table.getn(a)) is 3.
Initializing a table with non-integer keys can be done like this:
b = { one=1, pi=3.14, ["half pi"]=1.57, [function() return 17 end]=42 }
where b will have entries named "one", "pi", "half pi", and an anonymous function. Of course, looking up that last element without iterating the table might be tricky unless a copy of that very function is stored in some other variable.
Another place that curly braces appear is really the same semantic meaning, but it is concealed (for a new user of Lua) behind some syntactic sugar. It is common to write functions that take a single argument that should be a table. In that case, calling the function does not require use of parenthesis. This results in code that seems to contain a mix of () and {} both apparently used as a function call operator.
btn = iup.button{title="ok"}
is equivalent to
btn = iup.button({title="ok"})
but is also less hard on the eyes. Incidentally, calling a single-argument function with a literal value also works for string literals.
list/ditionary constructor (i.e. table type constructor).
They are not used for code blocks if that's what you mean. For that Lua just uses the end keyword to end the block.
See here
They're used for table literals as you would use in C :
t = {'a', 'b', 'c'}
That's the only common case. They're not used for block delimiters. In a lua table, you can put values of different types :
t={"foo", 'b', 3}
You can also use them as dictionnaries, à la Python :
t={name="foo", age=32}
