Easiest way to export board info in embedded linux - embedded-linux

So I'm look at sysfs for this. I'm looking at making a module/daemon that can read i2c devices and a couple of other things and export information in the filesystem for our main application.
For instance one of our io expanders is used as a board id, its a tca7408 but I don't need a GPIO interface to it. I just need to read it as an input and export the 0xXX number as an ID for userspace applications.
Just to add to this... is there a way to add custom data to sysfs? Or export application data to files similar to the functionality of sysfs?

If all of your devices are on i2c I would recommend creating a library with an easy to use API, things such as:
BoardId_t getBoardId();
Then you can hide all the i2c details in the library and reuse it where needed.
I tend to only write device drivers for things that actually NEED device drivers, in this case i2c already has a device driver so you can just use it. This will make your code easier to port to different versions of the linux kernel, and even different operating systems, and there is no need to mess with sysfs either.


Enabling second UART in U-Boot

I am working on a project with SAMA5D3-xplained board with CortexA5 processor and embedded Linux. I would like to send and receive some data via UART during U-Boot is running and before a kernel is loaded to the RAM. I have no idea what I should do. Should I add the second UART to U-Boot device tree source file? Should I change something in a board configuration file? Do you have any ideas on what steps I should take to achieve my goal? Thank you in advance for any help.
I would like to use UART from U-Boot C code, not from U-Boot commands. I need to communicate with one of a peripheral device before the kernel is loaded to the RAM.
I assume that you are using the upstream U-Boot from https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git.
The device-tree arch/arm/dts/at91-sama5d3_xplained.dts already contains the definitions for six different uarts called serial0 - serial5. serial0 is set in the /chosen node as the standard serial connection. You should be able to see all six devices with the 'dm tree' command.
The currently used UART can be switched by setting the stdin and stdout environment variables.
If you do not want to switch these variables, because you still want output on the default UART you will have to access the device driver. Unfortunately drivers/serial/serial-uclass.c does not yet export functions for this. But _serial_putc(), __serial_getc(), and __serial_tstc() should give you an idea how this is done.

Is linux suggest us use sysfs or udev?

While we want to create a device file in file system, which one should we choose right now? Make a node in udev, which will show up in /dev or use sysfs which will show up in /sys.
I just think I can accomplish most of functions for a device through these two different ways. So it confused me a lot.
Use udev (and or define and publish some major & minor device numbers, like for mknod). See makedev(3)
Application programs want to access physical devices in /dev/ (not in /sys/). Data to/from a device go usually thru /dev/ char or block devices. Metadata and configuration can go thru sysfs
Read more about udev and about sysfs. See also device file wikipage.
You won't get very useful answers if you don't explain more concretely your issues... What exact kind of device are you thinking about? Very probably there exist already similar devices....
Publish very early (even in alpha stage, when it is not fully working) your device driver and software source code as free software preferably as GPLv2 (the license used by Linux kernel). Ask also on kernelnewbies. Work hard (perhaps more than a year) to get your driver incorporated in the official Linux kernel.
You should be familiar with Advanced Linux Programming (in the application userspace world) before attempting to code a kernel driver. After that, read books and resources on Linux kernel driver programming and study the source code of existing drivers in the recent Linux kernels.

View linux kernel drivers built into the kernel, and how do they get binded/mounted/started

I'm having a bit of a hard time fully understanding how the kernel starts in linux. I'm a wince developer and our company decided to run with linux instead now.
We outsourced all of the board bringup and the package I recieved is quit a bit different for the prototype board we have compared to the nitrogen6x we have been using.
Before i start listing the differences for the distro we created, the kernels are identical. The distro we have been using is a busybox system. The one we recieved from the vendor is sysvinit. I removed mdev from busybox and we are only using udev.
when I use the kernel on our busybox build the touch screen drivers breaks, or doesn' run, or does something totally magical. I'm not quit sure... there is a /dev/input/event0 device which when run on the sysvinit side is a touch device.. Is the kernel not the mechanism that binds the built-in drivers to a device node? I thought udev was for more dynamic events in the system.
On the other hand I can't really tell whats been loaded on my device. Is there a way to list running drivers that were built into the kernel? my touch pad is up? This is a fairly simple process of looking at the registry on wince to see which devices were loaded.
I guess what I'm really trying to discover, isn't so much how to add a driver to the kernel, its how the whole thing gets is plumbed together. I've found plenty of documents on createing kernel modules, but i haven't found a good resource on how to pull everything together from scratch so you can actually use said modules. Going back to the example of the touchscreen driver, its built into the kernel, how does that get plugged into /dev/input/event0??
I'm kind of having a difficult time finding good resources mostly because searching google for varations of linux/drivers/device nodes/ piles in tons of random crap from everywhere.
What you probably want to use now is evtest. It will allow you to know what are the input devices that are present and ready to use on your system.
To get more information on the input subsystem and more generic information on how the kernel is working, I can direct you to our training materials. The materials are free to download, use and redistribute.
The general answer is, there is no single, easy place to look to discover what drivers have been loaded by the kernel if they are compiled in. Of course, lsmod will display any drivers that were dynamically loaded after kernel boot.
The kernel does not create device nodes. That is, to quote your question, the kernel does not "bind" the driver to the device node. The association between kernel driver and device node is contained in the major and minor numbers registered when the driver is initialized. You can have a device node on your file system for which there is no corresponding driver (common especially in older devices where device nodes were statically created on the file system) and you can also have a driver installed for which there is no device node.
Modern Linux distros have dynamically created device nodes created on a mount point called /dev and this is usually a tmpfs file system, meaning it is volatile - it gets destroyed on every boot and recreated dynamically on each new boot.
udev is the magic that creates most device nodes based on events that it receives from the kernel when a new device is discovered (this can be after boot on device plugin, like a USB disk) or on startup when udev reads the queued events and acts on them. As you noted, busybox has a limited udev implementation called mdev.
Study udev and you will get a much better understanding of the process. Hope this helps a little.

MacOS Virtual Input Devices

How can I create a virtual HID device in code? I'm trying to avoid writing a kernel extension to accomplish this, but it seems to be the only way. I need to be able to create virtual HID devices of all types, and have an app running in the background feed them events. Is there a way to do this in user-space, or must I venture into kernel land?
The typical way of creating HID devices is to use the IOHID* classes in IOKit. You can write a userclient that passes events in and out.
I'm not sure what a "virtual" HID device is, however, I guess. If you want to create a keyboard on the screen, that sort of thing can probably be done in userspace.

Device drivers and Windows

I am trying to complete the picture of how the PC and the OS interacts together. And I am at point, where I am little out of guess when it comes to device drivers.
Please, don´t write things like its too complicated, or you don´t need to know when using high programming laguage and winapi functions. I want to know, it´s for study purposes.
So, the very basic structure of how OS and PC (by PC I mean of course HW) is how I see it is that all other than direct CPU commands, which can CPU do on itself (arithmetic operation, its registers access and memory access) must pass thru OS. Mainly becouse from ring level 3 you cannot use in and out intructions which are used for acesing other HW. I know that there is MMIO,but it must be set by port comunication first.
It was not like this all the time. Even I am bit young to remember MSDOS, I know you could access HW directly, becouse there ws no limitation, no ring mode. So you could to write string to diplay use wheather DOS function, or directly acess video card memory and write it by yourself.
But as OS developed, there is no longer this possibility. But it is fine, since OS now handles all the HW comunication, and frankly it more convinient and much more safe (I would say the only option) in multitasking environment. So nowdays you instead of using int instructions to use BIOS mapped function or DOS function you call dll which internally than handles everything you don´t need to know about.
I understand this. I also undrstand that device drivers is the piece of code that runs in ring level 0, so it can do all the HW interactions. But what I don´t understand is connection between OS and device driver. Let´s take a example - I want to make a sound card make a sound. So I call windows API to acess sound card, but what happens than? Does windows call device drivers to do so?
But if it does call device driver, does it mean, that all device drivers which can be called by winAPI function, must have routines named in some specific way? I mean, when I have new sound card, must its drivers have functions named same as the old one? So Windows can actually call the same function from its perspective? But if Windows have predefined sets of functions requored by device drivers, that it cannot use new drivers that doesent existed before last version of OS came out.
Please, help me understand this mess. I am really getting mad. Thanks.
A Windows device driver is a bit like a DLL: except that instead of an application dynamic linking/loading it, it's the O/S that dynamic links/loads it.
Registry entries tell the O/S what device drivers exist (so that the O/S knows which device drivers to dynamic-link/load).
The device drivers run in ring 0. In ring zero, they (device drivers) don't have access to (can't link to or use) Windows APIs: instead they have access to various NT kernel APIs.
But if it does call device driver, does it mean, that all device drivers which can be called by winAPI function, must have routines named in some specific way? I mean, when I have new sound card, must its drivers have functions named same as the old one? So Windows can actually call the same function from its perspective?
Basically yes. All the device drivers within a given type or class (e.g. all video drivers, or all disk drivers) have a similar API, which is invoked by the O/S (and/or invoked by higher-level drivers, for example disk drivers are used/invoked by file system drivers).
The Windows Device Driver Kit defines the various APIs and includes sample drivers for the various types of device.
But if Windows have predefined sets of functions requored by device drivers, that it cannot use new drivers that doesent existed before last version of OS came out.
The O/S is dynamic-linking to the device driver functions: because device driver APIs are predefined, device drivers are interchangeable as far as the O/S is concerned; new device drivers can be written, provided they support (are backward-compatible with) the standard device driver API.
The dynamic-linking mechanism is very similar to the way in which COM objects or C++ classes implement any predefined pure-abstract interface: a header file in the DDK declares the pure-abstract interface (like virtual functions), device drivers implement these functions, and the O/S loads the drivers and invokes these functions.
The basics:
Please note that this explanation is simplified and sometime only true for most cases and not all.
Most HW devices you will ever encounter will have these basic operations:
Write to memory(or Registers) on them.
Read from memory(or Registers) on them.
This is enough to control the HW, to give it the data it needs, and to get the data you want from it.
These memory areas are mapped by the BIOS and/or the OS to the Physical memory range on your PC (which may in turn be accessed by your driver.)
So we now have two operations READ and WRITE that the device driver knows to do.
In addition, the driver can read and write in a manner that does not involve the cpu. This is called Direct Memory Access (DMA) and usually performed by your HW.
The last type of operation is called INTERRUPTS and is meant for your HW to notify your driver of something that just happend. This is usually done by the HW interrupting the CPU and calling your driver to perform some operation in high priority. For example: an image is ready in the HW to be read by the driver.
