I am using wso2cep 3.0.0 and activemq5.8.0 As per CEP documents i wish to Publish events using CEP. For that i started activemq with 2 define QUEUES with the name jmsProxy for incoming message and JmsProxy for out message.I added required jars in CEP lib activemq-broker-5.8.0.jar,activemq-client-5.8.0.jar,axiom.jar,geronimo-j2ee-management_1.1_spec-1.0.1.jar,geronimo-jms_1.1_spec-1.1.1.jar,hawtbuf-1.2.jar,xpp3-1.1.4c.jar,xstream-1.4.4.jar
my configuration is like this InputEventAdaptor
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inputEventAdaptor name="jmsProxy" statistics="disable" trace="enable"
type="jms" xmlns="http://wso2.org/carbon/eventadaptormanager">
<property name="java.naming.provider.url">tcp://localhost:61616</property>
<property name="transport.jms.SubscriptionDurable">true</property>
<property name="transport.jms.DurableSubscriberName">jmsProxy</property>
<property name="transport.jms.UserName">admin</property>
<property name="java.naming.factory.initial">org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory</property>
<property name="transport.jms.Password">admin</property>
<property name="transport.jms.ConnectionFactoryJNDIName">QueueConnectionFactory</property>
<property name="transport.jms.DestinationType">queue</property>
above for incoming messages which will pick the messages from jmsProxy queue But its unable to pick the message from jmsProxy Queue.How would i initiate this to get the message into CEP and outputEventAdaptor I need to intialize some thing for jms could pick the messages from jMS why because i have tried in many ways all the configuration is ok but unable to pick the message from JMS
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<outputEventAdaptor name="JmsProxy" statistics="disable" trace="disable"
type="jms" xmlns="http://wso2.org/carbon/eventadaptormanager">
<property name="java.naming.security.principal">admin</property>
<property name="java.naming.provider.url">tcp://localhost:61616</property>
<property name="java.naming.security.credentials">admin</property>
<property name="java.naming.factory.initial">org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory</property>
<property name="transport.jms.ConnectionFactoryJNDIName">QueueConnectionFactory</property>
<property name="transport.jms.DestinationType">queue</property>
event builder configuration like this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<eventBuilder name="ReadingsDtoBuilder" statistics="disable"
trace="disable" xmlns="http://wso2.org/carbon/eventbuilder">
<from eventAdaptorName="jmsProxy" eventAdaptorType="jmsProxy">
<property name="transport.jms.Destination">JmsProxy</property>
<mapping customMapping="disable"
parentXpath="//ReadingsLiteTaildtos" type="xml">
<from xpath="//ReadingsLiteTaildto/ParameterId"/>
<to name="meta_parameterId" type="string"/>
<from xpath="//ReadingsLiteTaildto/Slno"/>
<to name="meta_slno" type="string"/>
<from xpath="//ReadingsLiteTaildto/FinalValue"/>
<to name="finalValue" type="int"/>
<from xpath="//ReadingsLiteTaildto/InputText"/>
<to name="inputText" type="string"/>
<from xpath="//ReadingsLiteTaildto/InputValue"/>
<to name="inputValue" type="double"/>
<to streamName="org.sample.readings.dto.stream" version="1.0.0"/>
The execution plan can be as follows.like this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<executionPlan name="ReadingsAnalyzer" statistics="disable"
trace="disable" xmlns="http://wso2.org/carbon/eventprocessor">
<description>This execution plan analyzes readings and triggers notifications based on threshold.</description>
<property name="siddhi.enable.distributed.processing">false</property>
<property name="siddhi.persistence.snapshot.time.interval.minutes">0</property>
<stream as="readings" name="org.sample.readings.dto.stream" version="1.0.0"/>
<queryExpressions><![CDATA[from readings[finalValue > 100]
select *
insert into notificationStream;]]></queryExpressions>
<stream name="notificationStream" valueOf="notificationStream" version="1.0.0"/>
I defined streams inside stream-manager-config.xml similar to the following.
<streamDefinition name="org.sample.readings.dto.stream" version="1.0.0">
<property name="parameterId" type="STRING"/>
<property name="slno" type="STRING"/>
<property name="finalValue" type="INT"/>
<property name="inputText" type="STRING"/>
<property name="inputValue" type="DOUBLE"/>
<streamDefinition name="notificationStream" version="1.0.0">
<property name="parameterId" type="STRING"/>
<property name="slno" type="STRING"/>
<property name="finalValue" type="INT"/>
<property name="inputText" type="STRING"/>
<property name="inputValue" type="DOUBLE"/>
its look like all well while i am sending any message to my jmsProxy queue the message is not reflecting to CEP for event and i am getting this message in CEP.
Means its unable to get the message into CEP and i am getting errors like this
[2014-02-18 11:57:53,159] INFO - {EventBuilderDeployer} Event Builder undeployed successfully : ReadingsDtoBuilder.xml
[2014-02-18 11:57:53,160] INFO - {EventBuilderDeployer} Event builder deployment held back and in inactive state :ReadingsDtoBuilder, Waiting for Input Event Adaptor dependency :jmsProxy
[2014-02-18 12:03:58,006] INFO - {InputEventAdaptorConfigurationFilesystemInvoker} Input Event Adaptor configuration deleted from file system : jmsProxy.xml
[2014-02-18 12:03:58,006] INFO - {InputEventAdaptorDeployer} Input Event Adaptor undeployed successfully : jmsProxy.xml
[2014-02-18 12:03:58,008] INFO - {InputEventAdaptorConfigurationFilesystemInvoker} Input Event Adaptor configuration saved in th filesystem : jmsProxy
[2014-02-18 12:03:58,009] INFO - {InputEventAdaptorDeployer} Input Event Adaptor deployed successfully and in active state : jmsProxy
[2014-02-18 12:03:58,009] INFO - {EventBuilderDeployer} Event Builder undeployed successfully : ReadingsDtoBuilder.xml
[2014-02-18 12:03:58,009] INFO - {EventBuilderDeployer} Event builder deployment held back and in inactive state :ReadingsDtoBuilder, Waiting for Input Event Adaptor dependency :jmsProxy
I am really fed up with wso2 docs no proper explanation on any topic.How its wirk how INCOMING message will get into input event builder Please help me to get out from this issue.
Thanks in advance,
Faisal shaik
Looking at your configuration, it seems that you have specified the input adaptor type as 'jmsProxy' which is incorrect. It should be corrected as simply 'jms'. i.e.
<from eventAdaptorName="jmsProxy" eventAdaptorType="jms">
The way the JMS connection works is as follows. The connection details are specified by the Input event adaptor. But the subscription to a particular topic or listening on a particular queue happens only after the event builder configuration is specified since the topic/queue name is specified in the event builder configuration as the property 'transport.jms.Destination'.
So if you specified the Destination as 'JmsProxy' in the event builder configuration, make sure that a queue by the name of 'JmsProxy' exists in the ActiveMQ broker and that events are published to this queue.
The easiest way to troubleshoot the issue you are encountering would be to enable tracing of CEP artifacts. Each event goes through the sequence of Input Event Adaptor -> Event Builder -> Event Processor (Execution Plan) -> Event Formatter -> Output Event Adaptor. If you enable tracing of all 5 artifacts and tracing reports incoming and outgoing events at Input Event Adaptor and only incoming events at Event Builder, you can conclude that the issue is in the event builder configuration and so on.
If you still encounter an issue after fixing the Input Event Adaptor type, please enable tracing and share the relevant messages printed in the trace to identify in which artifact the issue is arising.
Hope this helps,
I am using WSO2 EI 6.6.0, sometimes the following task gets stopped automatically and it starts working again only after a restart. No error found in the logs. The task which I am using is a injectTo proxy service.
Please find the task configurations given below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<task xmlns="ws.apache.org/ns/synapse" name="Bank_Invoice_plan_out_xml_Task" class="org.apache.synapse.startup.tasks.MessageInjector" group="synapse.simple.quartz">
<trigger interval="5" />
<property xmlns:task="wso2.org/products/wso2commons/tasks" name="message">
<property xmlns:task="wso2.org/products/wso2commons/tasks" name="proxyName" value="Bank_Invoice_plan_out_xml" />
<property xmlns:task="wso2.org/products/wso2commons/tasks" name="injectTo" value="proxy" />
I have a relatively old application that uses Websphere MQ for messaging. It runs on WAS (Websphere Application Server) and uses MDBs (Message Driven Beans). I was successfully able to replace all MDBs using Spring Integration - JMS. My next step is try to see if I can port it out of WAS so that it can run on any other servlet container with a non-IBM JRE (I am trying: apache tomcat). Note that securing channels using SSL is a requirement. I prefer using JNDI.
End Goal:
To decouple my application from the application server (WAS) and other infrastructure like messaging (MQ). But taking this out of WAS onto tomcat is the first step. Next comes the task of updating my messaging infrastructure with something more scalable. This allows me to update individual components of the infrastructure that my app relies on, one thing at a time (app server, messaging layer, datastore) without disrupting my application too much, as I go.
Now, my challenge is to define JNDI resources on tomcat that can access Websphere MQ. I have made some progress on this using non-SSL channels that I defined in the context.xml file like so:
description="JMS Queue Connection Factory for sending messages"
description="JMS Queue"
My next step is to get this to work with SSL channels. I understand the part that involves setting up the keystores (kdb file and cert generation and exchanging), configuring the SSL channels on the QM etc. I have all that working already. How do I get tomcat to use my keystore, cipher suite etc? Pointers or a working example would be great!
Note: I am using Spring Integration 4.2, Websphere MQ v8, Tomcat v9, currently.
I must add that I did try everything without the JNDI first. So here's my spring jms non-ssl config without the JNDI, that works:
<bean id="mq-jms-cf-sandbox"
<property name="targetConnectionFactory">
<ref bean="mqQueueConnectionFactory" />
<bean id="mqQueueConnectionFactory" class="com.ibm.mq.jms.MQQueueConnectionFactory">
<property name="hostName" value="localhost" />
<property name="port" value="1414" />
<property name="queueManager" value="QM_SANDBOX" />
<property name="transportType" value="1" />
<property name="channel" value="CHANNEL_SANDBOX" />
<bean id="jms-destination-sandbox" class="com.ibm.mq.jms.MQQueue">
<constructor-arg value="SANDBOX_Q" />
<property name="baseQueueManagerName">
<property name="baseQueueName">
I think I finally figured out how to pull this off... here's a brief description of the steps. If you need more details let me know.
Websphere MQ Server installed (at least v
Configure the QM, SSL and non-SSL channels, create Qs and all that good stuff you need.
Needless to say, you need the Websphere MQ jars. Be mindful of any licensing restrictions.
Step 1: Get the direct connection working with no SSL, no JNDI. You will need to use these beans to configure your spring based JMS listeners and JMS Templates etc.
<bean id="mq-jms-cf-sandbox"
<property name="targetConnectionFactory">
<ref bean="mqQueueConnectionFactory" />
<bean id="mqQueueConnectionFactory" class="com.ibm.mq.jms.MQQueueConnectionFactory">
<property name="hostName" value="localhost" />
<property name="port" value="1414" />
<property name="queueManager" value="QM_SANDBOX" />
<property name="transportType" value="1" />
<property name="channel" value="NON_SSL_CHANNEL" />
<bean id="jms-destination-sandbox" class="com.ibm.mq.jms.MQQueue">
<constructor-arg value="SANDBOX_Q" />
<property name="baseQueueManagerName">
<property name="baseQueueName">
Step 2: Get the direct connection working with SSL, no JNDI. I found setting this up a little tricky.
2a. Since I was using a non-IBM JRE, I had to make sure the cipher specs & cipher suites needed to be configured according to the mappings specified here:
This obviously means that we at least have to have our Websphere MQ upgraded to In my case I used ECDHE_RSA_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 on the SSL channel and configured the jms beans within application to use TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, like so:
<bean id="mq-jms-cf-sandbox"
<property name="targetConnectionFactory">
<ref bean="mqQueueConnectionFactory" />
<bean id="mqQueueConnectionFactory" class="com.ibm.mq.jms.MQQueueConnectionFactory">
<property name="hostName" value="localhost" />
<property name="port" value="1414" />
<property name="queueManager" value="QM_SANDBOX" />
<property name="transportType" value="1" />
<property name="channel" value="SSL_CHANNEL" />
<property name="SSLCipherSuite" value="TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384"/>
<bean id="jms-destination-sandbox" class="com.ibm.mq.jms.MQQueue">
<constructor-arg value="SANDBOX_Q" />
<property name="baseQueueManagerName">
<property name="baseQueueName">
2b. Create certs, keystores (kdbs), exchange certs etc. There are many ways to do this. But be mindful that you will need to stash passwords, the key label for the queue manager must be ‘ibmwebspheremqqmgr’ – all in lower case, no spaces, (without quotes), the key label must be like ‘ibmwebspheremquserid’ – all in lower case, no spaces, (without quotes) where userid is the userid that runs tomcat. If you need more details on exactly how I did it using self signed certs, let me know.
2c. Now you have to get the JVM that tomcat runs, to read your keystores. There are many ways but here's how I did it:
Create a setenv.bat file in the tomcat bin folder, with the following contents (debugging SSL is optional)
set JAVA_OPTS="-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=C:\path-to-keystore\key.jks" "-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=topsecret" "-Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=C:\path-to-keystore\key.jks" "-Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=topsecret" "-Djavax.net.debug=ssl" "-Dcom.ibm.mq.cfg.useIBMCipherMappings=false"
2d. Start tomcat using the following command:
catalina.bat run > ..\logs\tomcat.log 2>&1
To stop, just press ctrl+c (on windows). Whichever way you do it, make sure that setenv.bat is used during start up. Or use JAVA_OPTS to set the keystore properties.
2e. Verify that the using the SSL channel works.
Step 3: Get a JNDI connection working with non-SSL, JNDI
There are many was to set up JNDI on tomcat. Here's how I did it: Within the web application create a file META-INF/Context.xml with the following contents:
description="JMS Queue Connection Factory for sending messages"
description="JMS Queue"
Now in your spring config, instead of the direct configurations, all you have to do is:
<jee:jndi-lookup id="mq-jms-cf-sandbox" jndi-name="java:/comp/env/jms/qcf_sandbox" resource-ref="false" />
<jee:jndi-lookup id="jms-destination-sandbox" jndi-name="java:/comp/env/jms/SandboxQ" resource-ref="false" />
Note that for brevity, I just didn't use resource references. In case you do, there a few additional steps which are straight forward.
Step 4: Now the final step is to use an SSL channel and JNDI. Assuming you have done step 2, this is easy. Modify the META-INF/Context.xml with the following contents:
description="JMS Queue Connection Factory for sending messages"
description="JMS Queue"
Note the line with SCPHS="TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384". If you need to set other such parameters, see the "Short Form" column in this link:
Hopefully all this works for you. Good luck!
Once this configuration works, sending messages is pretty straight forward. But this is how you can listen for a message on a queue using Spring JMS
Reference: https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/html/jms.html
Step 1: Use Spring's DefaultMessageListenerContainer and configure your beans in an xml file like so (spring-beans.xml):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- this is the Message Driven POJO (MDP) -->
<bean id="messageListener" class="jmsexample.ExampleListener" />
<!-- and this is the message listener container -->
<bean id="jmsContainer" class="org.springframework.jms.listener.DefaultMessageListenerContainer">
<property name="connectionFactory" ref="mq-jms-cf-sandbox"/>
<property name="destination" ref="jms-destination-sandbox"/>
<property name="messageListener" ref="messageListener" />
Step 2: Add this to your web.xml
Step 3: Write a Message Listener class like so:
import javax.jms.JMSException;
import javax.jms.Message;
import javax.jms.MessageListener;
import javax.jms.TextMessage;
public class ExampleListener implements MessageListener {
public void onMessage(Message message) {
if (message instanceof TextMessage) {
try {
System.out.println(((TextMessage) message).getText());
catch (JMSException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Message must be of type TextMessage");
Alternatively, instead of step 3, if you are using spring integration, you can do something like so:
<int:channel id="jms-inbound"/>
id="jms-inbound-adapter" container="jmsContainer" channel="jms-inbound"
extract-payload="true" acknowledge="transacted"
message-converter="messagingMessageConverter" />
<beans:bean id="messagingMessageConverter" class="org.springframework.jms.support.converter.MessagingMessageConverter">
I am using WSO2 ESB 4.9 to connect to a WebSphere MQ queue via a .bindings file. By default, WSO2 ESB sends the MQ messages via JMS with the format MQHRF2. How can I configure WSO2 ESB so that it would send the MQ messages in the MQSTR format instead, similar to the following Java coding:
Queue myQueue = session.createQueue("queue:///myQueue?targetClient=1");
((MQQueue) queue).setTargetClient(JMSC.MQJMS_CLIENT_NONJMS_MQ);
Many thanks in advance!
Here is part of my proxy as configured on WSO2 ESB per suggestion as below:
<property name="TRANSPORT_HEADERS" scope="axis2" action="remove"/>
<property name="messageType" value="text/plain" scope="axis2"/>
<property name="JMS_IBM_Format"
<address uri="jms:/xxxx?transport.jms.ConnectionFactoryJNDIName=..."
The following property setting is used to remove the unwanted HTTP header info from the upstream (JSON/HTTP) by not sending it to the downstream (XML/JMS):
<property name="TRANSPORT_HEADERS" scope="axis2" action="remove"/>
You can try adding the following property before sending it to the MQ.
<property name="JMS_IBM_Format"
<!-- your MQ endpoint here -->
Is there a way to delete / purge all queues in ActiveMQ via the command line (win/linux)?
I could only find the commands for a specific queue.
Or maybe there's a way to do this via the activeMQ admin? Again, I only found how to delete/purge the queues one by one, which can be very tedious.
You can do tweak your activemq.xml a bit:
<broker deleteAllMessagesOnStartup="true" ...>
This works with KahaDB message stores (it has problems with JDBC message stores), all your messages get deleted and subsequently queues are cleared.
As you want all queues to be deleted, restarting the broker won't be a costly option to clean everything up.
The purge will happen on 'every' restart
I developed my own ActiveMQ command line utility (activemq-cli) to do this. You can find it here: https://github.com/antonwierenga/activemq-cli (command 'purge-all-queues' or 'remove-all-queues').
As of version 5.0 it looks like this can be done using the CLI provided with ActiveMQ itself:
$ ActiveMQ/bin/activemq purge
1- go to amq bin folder, in my case:
cd /opt/amq/bin
2- run amq client:
3- run purge on desired queue
activemq:purge <QUEUE NAME HERE>
Another possibility is to deploy a small Camel route in a container (e.g. Apache ServiceMix) or simply by executing a java program which contain the route.
For example here is the route I currently use on my development computer where I also have the ServiceMix installed:
<blueprint xmlns="http://www.osgi.org/xmlns/blueprint/v1.0.0"
http://www.osgi.org/xmlns/blueprint/v1.0.0 http://www.osgi.org/xmlns/blueprint/v1.0.0/blueprint.xsd
http://camel.apache.org/schema/blueprint http://camel.apache.org/schema/blueprint/camel-blueprint.xsd
http://aries.apache.org/blueprint/xmlns/blueprint-cm/v1.1.0 http://aries.apache.org/schemas/blueprint-cm/blueprint-cm-1.1.0.xsd">
<cm:property-placeholder persistent-id="amq.cleanup" update-strategy="reload">
<cm:property name="amq.local.url" value="tcp://localhost:61616" />
<camelContext xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/blueprint">
<onException useOriginalMessage="true">
<to uri="activemq:queue:CLEANUP_DLQ" />
<route id="drop-all-queues" autoStartup="true">
<from uri="activemq:queue:*.>" />
<bean id="activemq" class="org.apache.activemq.camel.component.ActiveMQComponent">
<property name="brokerURL" value="${amq.local.url}" />
We have third party applications that make restful calls to camel cxfrs endpoint which is then routed to an external activeMQ. There are applications consuming these JMS messages and provide XML responses. This is all done synchronously using camel InOut exchangePattern. The architecture is very straight forward and simple. We were using activeMQ 5.5.0-fuse, camel-jms 2.8.x and activemq-pool 5.6.
Using this configuration, we see this exception at random times:
javax.jms.InvalidDestinationException: Cannot publish to a deleted Destination: temp- queue://ID:testserver-37266-1366126830205-0:0:1
at org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQSession.send(ActiveMQSession.java:1696)
at org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQMessageProducer.send(ActiveMQMessageProducer.java:231)
at org.apache.activemq.pool.PooledProducer.send(PooledProducer.java:74)
at org.apache.activemq.pool.PooledProducer.send(PooledProducer.java:55)
When this happens the server just stalls and none of our services respond until we restart activeMQ, tomcat and all other services.
camel config:
<import resource="classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml"/>
<bean id="routeBuilder" class="gov.nasa.arc.tmi.route.TMIServiceRoute"/>
<bean id="jaxbProvider" class="org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.provider.JAXBElementProvider">
<property name="marshallerProperties" ref="propertiesMap"/>
<util:map id="propertiesMap">
<entry key="jaxb.formatted.output">
<value type="java.lang.Boolean">true</value>
<camelContext id="camel" xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring">
<routeBuilder ref="routeBuilder"/>
<bean id="activemq"
<property name="brokerURL" value="tcp://localhost:61616"/>
Camel Router class:
.process(new RerouteProcessor())
Here is the spring configuration of the application that listens on queue:x.y.z.tmi.request consumes JMS messages:
<bean id="connectionFactory" class="org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory">
<property name="brokerURL">
<value>tcp://localhost:61616? wireFormat.maxInactivityDurationInitalDelay=30000</value>
<bean id="pooledConnectionFactory"
class="org.apache.activemq.pool.PooledConnectionFactory" init-method="start" destroy-method="stop">
<property name="maxConnections" value="8" />
<property name="connectionFactory" ref="connectionFactory" />
<bean id="destination" class="org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQQueue">
<constructor-arg value="gov.nasa.arc.tmi.request"/>
<bean id="jmsTemplate" class="org.springframework.jms.core.JmsTemplate">
<property name="connectionFactory" ref="pooledConnectionFactory"/>
<property name="defaultDestination" ref="destination" />
<jms:listener-container connection-factory="pooledConnectionFactory" concurrency="10">
<jms:listener destination="gov.nasa.arc.tmi.request" ref="tmiQueryListener" />
After googling, I came across these bugs:
Based on these, we upgraded to camel 2.10.4, activeMq 5.7 and activemq-pool 5.7. Even so, the problem remains.
I am really stuck and don't know how to resolve this issue. Can some one kindly point out what could be wrong?
I wonder if its because the processing the JMS message on the other side takes too long, and then the inactive monitor of ActiveMQ deletes the temp destination as its been inactive for > 30 seconds. http://activemq.apache.org/activemq-inactivitymonitor.html
Maybe try to set the timeout to a higher value, or disable it.
Another option is to use fixed queues for reply queues instead of temp queues.