Can't get sass + compass + susy installed due to version conflict - sass

I'm working with Sass, Compass and Susy on OSX / Terminal. But I can't get Susy to work together with Sass and Compass. What I've done:
sudo gem install sass
sass -v
Returns: Sass 3.3.0 (Maptastic Maple)
sudo gem install compass
This seems to also install sass-3.2.14.gem, then the compass-0.12.3.gem.
compass -v
returns: Compass 0.12.3 (Alnilam)
Everything until this point seems to work fine; I can create a Compass project and work with it. Then I try to install Susy:
sudo gem install susy --pre
or just
sudo gem install susy
This seems to install susy-2.0.0
Than I run:
compass create /Users/tom/Thomas/htdocs/susi4-test -r susy -u susy
And I get this error:
Gem::LoadError on line 2064 of /Library/Ruby/Site/1.8/rubygems/specification.rb: Unable to activate susy-2.0.0, because sass-3.2.14 conflicts with sass (~> 3.3.0)
Run with --trace to see the full backtrace
So there seems to be a problem with the compatibility of the different versions. What can I do to resolve this error?

The dependencies are incompatible: susy 2.0.0 depends on sass ~> 3.3.0 whereas compass 0.12.3 depends on sass = 3.2.14.
The error message says the same:
Unable to activate susy-2.0.0, because sass-3.2.14 conflicts with sass (~> 3.3.0)
You can a) downgrade susy to a version that's working with sass 3.2.14 or b) upgrade compass to a version compatible with sass 3.3.x.
A compatible version is compass 1.0.0 (or later) depending on sass < 3.5, >= 3.3.13. You can install it via
gem update compass
It might be easier to use a gem manager like Bundler. It automatically resolves dependencies and installs the appropriate versions.

gem install compass --pre
when you install compass lastest version will have error like:
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::UnsatisfiableDependencyError)
Unable to resolve dependency: 'compass (= 1.0.0.alpha.19)' requires 'compass-core (~> 1.0.0.alpha.19)'
You should install compass-core first
gem install compass-core

The best way without a doubt is to install Susy via the Compass Susy Plugin. This will avoid conflicts with other Compass projects that require the current version.
gem install compass
gem install compass-susy-plugin


CodeKit: Sass/Compass Conflicts

I get this error when I try to compile using Compass on Codekit:
Compass failed to run because your Mac has an older version of Sass
and/or Compass installed that conflicts with the newer versions in
CodeKit. You must remove all versions of Sass below 3.3.rc6 and all
versions of Compass below 1.0.alpha18. Do this at the command line by
running 'sudo gem uninstall sass' and 'sudo gem uninstall compass'.
I ran sudo gem uninstall sass and sudo gem uninstall compass, however when I try to compile through CodeKit again I get the same error.
try running gem query --local this will list local gems, once you have a list, just go through and remove all sass+compass related gems with sudo gem uninstall ___, pretty sure that compass also has compass-core, but there are probably more
How have you initially installed your gems? Is it possible that you've also installed gems with just gem install? Cuz sudo gem installs gems as root for all users while gem install only installs gems for your active user. So maybe gems left installed which aren't uninstalled with sudo gem uninstall?
On the other hand why uninstall compass at all. I am running Codekit 2.1 with its internal Sass 3.3.10 along with the external gem Compass 0.12.4. That actually works quite well. You have go to Codekit Preferences -> Other Tools -> Compassand choose the radio button "Use the Compass executable at this path" and select your Compass gem then.
If you are using RVM for your ruby management then switch to your system ruby version
rvm use system
and install sass and compass for this version
sudo gem install sass
sudo gem install compass
This worked for me!

No such framework "susy" using compass

I'm trying to create a compass project using the susy grid.
$ compass create --using susy test
No such framework: "susy"
I am using git-bash on Windows 7. I have Ruby 2.0.0p451, Sass 3.3.8 and Compass 0.12.6 installed. I have require 'susy' in my config.rb file.
I have the same problem and i am working with compass so, be sure that you first have:
$ gem install compass-rails
$ gem install sass-rails
$ gem install susy
Thanks to Eric M Suzanne, I installed a pre-release version of compass 1.0 (now available as 1.0.1 stable) using gem install compass --pre.
This solved the issue.

ruby sass, unable to resolve dependancies

I downloaded two gem files: Sass-3.3.7.gem & compass-0.12.6.gem
I ran gem install --local Sass-3.3.7.gem which it installed.
Followed by the same command for compass, but got the error:
unable to resolve dependencies: compass requires sass (~>3.2.19)
I'm installing them pre-downloaded as I have no connection. Anyone knows what can be the solution?
Compass 0.12.6 apparently depends on sass ~>3.2.19, which means that the version of sass should be bigger than 3.2 and smaller than 3.3, so basically compass needs sass 3.2.x. You have two options.
Also download sass 3.2.19, install both versions of sass, use the latest one yourself and make compass happy.
Just install sass 3.2.19 and use that yourself as well, this obviously only works if you don't need any features introduced in sass 3.3.
Install Sass 3.2.19:
sudo gem install sass -v 3.2.19
I didn't need Sass 3.3.7, and Jekyll keep finding the latest version installed, so I got uninstalled Sass 3.3.7:
sudo gem uninstall sass
Sass doesn't seem to overwrite previous versions, so I still had 3.3.2 installed (if there are multiple versions installed it gives you a choice of what version you'd like to uninstall), so I uninstalled that as well.
You can run gem dependency <gem name> to see list of the gem dependencies and required versions.

Unable to activate susy-2.1.1, because sass-3.2.17 conflicts with sass (~> 3.3.0)

I have installed the latest versions of compass, sass and susy. But still I am getting this error:
Unable to activate susy-2.1.1, because sass-3.2.17 conflicts with sass (~> 3.3.0)
Anyone knows how this Ruby thing works?
This is the list of my installed gems:
*** LOCAL GEMS ***
CFPropertyList (2.2.0)
chunky_png (1.3.0)
compass (0.12.4)
compass-core (1.0.0.alpha.19)
compass-import-once (1.0.4)
compass-rails (1.1.3)
fssm (0.2.10)
libxml-ruby (2.6.0)
multi_json (1.9.2)
nokogiri (1.5.6)
rb-fsevent (0.9.4)
rubygems-update (2.2.2)
sass (3.3.4, 3.3.3, 3.2.17)
sqlite3 (1.3.7)
susy (2.1.1)
gem install compass --pre
if you ended up uninstalling the sass 3.3.0 gem you should reinstall that first.
The best way without a doubt is to install Susy via the Compass Susy Plugin. This will avoid conflicts with other Compass projects that require the current version.
gem install compass
gem install compass-susy-plugin
If you use Bundler, it will ensure that the gems in your Gemfile are the ones used by your project. So your Gemfile should specify "susy", "~>2.1.1" and "sass", "~>3.3.2", plus any other that you require, such as "breakpoint", "~>2.4.1". It then won't matter what versions are installed inside your Ruby gems folder. When you then do a 'bundle install', Bundler ensures that your project will only use the correct dependencies. This is, of course, a CLI instruction through the terminal. Alternatively, simply do a 'sudo gem uninstall sass -v 3.2.17', if you don't want to use Bundler.
I'm using Ubuntu server 14.04 and I had the same problem and this is what I have done
Remove all my gems with gem uninstall gemname
Install bundler with sudo apt-get install bundler
Create a Gemfile as #Remy said before. Here is a Getting Started With Bundler Guide
And finally bundle install
After that, bundler create a Gemfile.lock where are specified all the needed gems and its versions, so you can use it safely.
User: Iago Wandalsen Prates
gem uninstall compass
gem uninstall sass
gem uninstall susy
gem install susy
gem install compass --pre

Unable to activate susy-2.1.1, because sass-3.2.14 conflicts with sass (~> 3.3.0)

A little confusing this message I find. Windows 7 using I am.
Running "compass:dev" (compass) task
Gem::LoadError on line ["2064"] of C: Unable to activate susy-2.1.1, because sass-3.2.14 conflicts with sass (~> 3.3.0)
Run with --trace to see the full backtrace
Through grunt using this I am.
Packages currently:
Sass 3.2.14
Compass 0.12.3 (Alnilam)
susy susy-2.1.1
How can I get rid of these messages.
Susy 2 requires Sass 3.3, which is only supported by Compass 1.0 (currently a pre-release). If you want to upgrade Susy, you have to upgrade Compass as well.
