No such framework "susy" using compass - compass-sass

I'm trying to create a compass project using the susy grid.
$ compass create --using susy test
No such framework: "susy"
I am using git-bash on Windows 7. I have Ruby 2.0.0p451, Sass 3.3.8 and Compass 0.12.6 installed. I have require 'susy' in my config.rb file.

I have the same problem and i am working with compass so, be sure that you first have:
$ gem install compass-rails
$ gem install sass-rails
$ gem install susy

Thanks to Eric M Suzanne, I installed a pre-release version of compass 1.0 (now available as 1.0.1 stable) using gem install compass --pre.
This solved the issue.


How to handle different versions (Bourbon) of ruby gems on my Mac

I installed the bourbon gem on my OSX machine some weeks ago:
gem install bourbon
Now i have problems with bourbon in a web project (gulp says "mixins not found") so I wanted to uninstall and re-install the gem. So I typed:
$ gem uninstall bourbon
Surprisingly I get the following message in the terminal:
Select gem to uninstall:
1. bourbon-4.2.6
2. bourbon-5.0.0.beta.3
3. bourbon-5.0.0.beta.4
4. All versions
Hm? It seems that there are different versions of the gem installed and doing
bourbon install
in my project folder installs the latest beta (which lacks some SASS mixins I think). I thought when I install or update a gem that the older gems are deleted or overwritten. So how to handle this the best?
run this:
$ gem uninstall bourbon
Select 4 to uninstall all the versions. Then install the gem again using the command.
gem install bourbon -v 4.2.6
Hopefully it will help.

Susy not working with Compass and Sass

I'm getting a Gem:ConflictError when trying to run Susy. I noticed that Compass depends on sass 3.2.19 But the latest Susy depends on Sass (< 3.5, >= 3.3.0). I'm a nubie at this so what can I do to fix this?
You need to update your Compass to 1.0.0 or later.
gem install compass --pre
Even easier, use Bundler. Provided your Gemfile includes sass 3.3, Bundler will add the other dependencies.
So I was able to answer my own question by combining some of the answers I found here.
First uninstall compass an then do the follow:
Install rvm (stable with ruby add --insecure flag for SSL related issues) $\curl -sSL --insecure | bash -s stable --ruby
Restart Terminal / Resource your profile
Run rvm requirements --with-gcc=clang You won't have to update Ruby because you downloaded the last stable version
And last step to run gem install compass --pre
I hope this helps anyone else who runs into the same problem!

ruby sass, unable to resolve dependancies

I downloaded two gem files: Sass-3.3.7.gem & compass-0.12.6.gem
I ran gem install --local Sass-3.3.7.gem which it installed.
Followed by the same command for compass, but got the error:
unable to resolve dependencies: compass requires sass (~>3.2.19)
I'm installing them pre-downloaded as I have no connection. Anyone knows what can be the solution?
Compass 0.12.6 apparently depends on sass ~>3.2.19, which means that the version of sass should be bigger than 3.2 and smaller than 3.3, so basically compass needs sass 3.2.x. You have two options.
Also download sass 3.2.19, install both versions of sass, use the latest one yourself and make compass happy.
Just install sass 3.2.19 and use that yourself as well, this obviously only works if you don't need any features introduced in sass 3.3.
Install Sass 3.2.19:
sudo gem install sass -v 3.2.19
I didn't need Sass 3.3.7, and Jekyll keep finding the latest version installed, so I got uninstalled Sass 3.3.7:
sudo gem uninstall sass
Sass doesn't seem to overwrite previous versions, so I still had 3.3.2 installed (if there are multiple versions installed it gives you a choice of what version you'd like to uninstall), so I uninstalled that as well.
You can run gem dependency <gem name> to see list of the gem dependencies and required versions.

Can I install Compass with an old version of SASS?

When installing Compass (on Linux command line), can I specify which old version of SASS will be installed with it?
You can install a specific version of SASS using the following command:
gem install sass -v 3.3.4
Replace 3.3.4 with the preferred version.
You can find a list with all versions of SASS at RubyGems

Can't get sass + compass + susy installed due to version conflict

I'm working with Sass, Compass and Susy on OSX / Terminal. But I can't get Susy to work together with Sass and Compass. What I've done:
sudo gem install sass
sass -v
Returns: Sass 3.3.0 (Maptastic Maple)
sudo gem install compass
This seems to also install sass-3.2.14.gem, then the compass-0.12.3.gem.
compass -v
returns: Compass 0.12.3 (Alnilam)
Everything until this point seems to work fine; I can create a Compass project and work with it. Then I try to install Susy:
sudo gem install susy --pre
or just
sudo gem install susy
This seems to install susy-2.0.0
Than I run:
compass create /Users/tom/Thomas/htdocs/susi4-test -r susy -u susy
And I get this error:
Gem::LoadError on line 2064 of /Library/Ruby/Site/1.8/rubygems/specification.rb: Unable to activate susy-2.0.0, because sass-3.2.14 conflicts with sass (~> 3.3.0)
Run with --trace to see the full backtrace
So there seems to be a problem with the compatibility of the different versions. What can I do to resolve this error?
The dependencies are incompatible: susy 2.0.0 depends on sass ~> 3.3.0 whereas compass 0.12.3 depends on sass = 3.2.14.
The error message says the same:
Unable to activate susy-2.0.0, because sass-3.2.14 conflicts with sass (~> 3.3.0)
You can a) downgrade susy to a version that's working with sass 3.2.14 or b) upgrade compass to a version compatible with sass 3.3.x.
A compatible version is compass 1.0.0 (or later) depending on sass < 3.5, >= 3.3.13. You can install it via
gem update compass
It might be easier to use a gem manager like Bundler. It automatically resolves dependencies and installs the appropriate versions.
gem install compass --pre
when you install compass lastest version will have error like:
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::UnsatisfiableDependencyError)
Unable to resolve dependency: 'compass (= 1.0.0.alpha.19)' requires 'compass-core (~> 1.0.0.alpha.19)'
You should install compass-core first
gem install compass-core
The best way without a doubt is to install Susy via the Compass Susy Plugin. This will avoid conflicts with other Compass projects that require the current version.
gem install compass
gem install compass-susy-plugin
