PyMC: sampling step by step? - pymc

I would like to know why the sampler is incredibly slow when sampling step by step.
For example, if I run:
mcmc = MCMC(model)
the sampling is fast. However, if I run:
mcmc = MCMC(model)
for i in arange(1000):
the sampling is slower (and the more it samples, the slower it is).
If you are wondering why I am asking this.. well, I need a step by step sampling because I want to perform some operations on the values of the variables after each step of the sampler.
Is there a way to speed it up?
Thank you in advance!
------------------ EDIT -------------------------------------------------------------
Here I present the specific problem in more details:
I have two models in competition and they are part of a bigger model that has a categorical variable functioning as a 'switch' between the two.
In this toy example, I have the observed vector 'Y', that could be explained by a Poisson or a Geometric distribution. The Categorical variable 'switch_model' selects the Geometric model when = 0 and the Poisson model when =1.
After each sample, if switch_model selects the Geometric model, I want the variables of the Poisson model NOT to be updated, because they are not influencing the likelihood and therefore they are just drifting away. The opposite is true if the switch_model selects the Poisson model.
Basically what I do at each step is to 'change' the value of the non-selected model by bringing it manually one step back.
I hope that my explanation and the commented code will be clear enough. Let me know if you need further details.
import numpy as np
import pymc as pm
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Y = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 8])
pi = (0.5, 0.5)
switch_model = pm.Categorical("switch_model", p = pi)
# switch_model = 0 for Geometric, switch_model = 1 for Poisson
p = pm.Uniform('p', lower = 0, upper = 1) # Prior of the parameter of the geometric distribution
mu = pm.Uniform('mu', lower = 0, upper = 10) # Prior of the parameter of the Poisson distribution
def Ylike(value = Y, mu = mu, p = p, M = switch_model):
if M == 0:
out = pm.geometric_like(value+1, p)
elif M == 1:
out = pm.poisson_like(value, mu)
return out
model = pm.Model([Ylike, p, mu, switch_model])
mcmc = pm.MCMC(model)
n_samples = 5000
traces = {}
for var in mcmc.stochastics:
traces[str(var)] = np.zeros(n_samples)
bar = pm.progressbar.progress_bar(n_samples)
mcmc.sample(1, progress_bar=False)
for var in mcmc.stochastics:
traces[str(var)][0] = mcmc.trace(var)[-1]
for i in np.arange(1,n_samples):
mcmc.sample(1, progress_bar=False)
for var in mcmc.stochastics:
traces[str(var)][i] = mcmc.trace(var)[-1]
if mcmc.trace('switch_model')[-1] == 0: # Gemetric wins
traces['mu'][i] = traces['mu'][i-1] # One step back for the sampler of the Poisson parameter
mu.value = traces['mu'][i-1]
elif mcmc.trace('switch_model')[-1] == 1: # Poisson wins
traces['p'][i] = traces['p'][i-1] # One step back for the sampler of the Geometric parameter
p.value = traces['p'][i-1]
print '\n\n'
traces['mu'][traces['switch_model'] == 0] = np.nan
traces['p'][traces['switch_model'] == 1] = np.nan
print traces.describe()

The reason this is so slow is that Python's for loops are pretty slow, especially when they are compared to FORTRAN loops (Which is what PyMC is written in basically.) If you could show more detailed code, it might be easier to see what you are trying to do and to provide faster alternative algorithms.

Actually I found a 'crazy' solution, and I have the suspect to know why it works. I would still like to get an expert opinion on my trick.
Basically if I modify the for loop in the following way, adding a 'reset of the mcmc' every 1000 loops, the sampling fires up again:
for i in np.arange(1,n_samples):
mcmc.sample(1, progress_bar=False)
for var in mcmc.stochastics:
traces[str(var)][i] = mcmc.trace(var)[-1]
if mcmc.trace('switch_model')[-1] == 0: # Gemetric wins
traces['mu'][i] = traces['mu'][i-1] # One step back for the sampler of the Poisson parameter
mu.value = traces['mu'][i-1]
elif mcmc.trace('switch_model')[-1] == 1: # Poisson wins
traces['p'][i] = traces['p'][i-1] # One step back for the sampler of the Geometric parameter
p.value = traces['p'][i-1]
if i%1000 == 0:
mcmc = pm.MCMC(model)
In practice this trick erases the traces and the database of the sampler every 1000 steps. It looks like the sampler does not like having a long database, although I do not really understand why. (of course 1000 steps is arbitrary, too short it adds too much overhead, too long it will cause the traces and database to be too long).
I find this hack a bit crazy and definitely not elegant.. does any of the experts or developers have a comment on it? Thank you!


Tune a learner with the searchspace parameter setting

I am trying to tune a ranger learner with the searchspace parameter setting. The purpose is to find the optimal K (the number of input indicators, I uesd a filterpipe with setting importance.filter.nfeat) and D (the depth of each tree, i.e., classif.ranger.max.depth) by grid search. D's value should not be greater than the number of input indicators K. The values searched for D are then set proportionally to the input K: D ∈ {10%, 25%, 50%, 100%} ∗ K. Values of D ≤ 0 were rejected.
However, I am unfamiliar with writing fuction code within searchspace, thus the can not achieve the purpose (D is greater than K).
My question is:
How to set a parameter that is based on the other one in the searchspace? (I think it is different with the depends metioned in mlr3 book)
Here is my code:
ranger = lrn("classif.ranger", importance = "impurity", predict_type = "prob", id = "ranger")
graph = po("filter", flt("importance"), filter.nfeat = 3) %>>% ranger %>>% po("threshold")
graph_learner = GraphLearner$new(graph)
searchspace = ps(
importance.filter.nfeat = p_int(1,length(task$feature_names)),
classif.ranger.max.depth = p_int(1,length(task$feature_names)),
.extra_trafo = function(x, param_set) {x = graph_learner$param_set$importance.filter.nfeat * c(.1,.25,.50,1)})
inst1 = TuningInstanceMultiCrit$new(
learner = graph_learner,
resampling = rsmp("cv"),
measures = msrs(c("classif.ce","classif.bacc","classif.mcc")),
terminator = trm("evals", n_evals = 50),
search_space = searchspace
tuner = tnr("grid_search")
# reduce logging output
lgr:: get_logger("bbotk") $set_threshold("warn")
# The tuning procedure may take some time:
#Returns list with optimal configurations and estimated performance.
# We can plot the performance against the number of features.
#If we do so, we see the possible trade-off between sparsity and predictive performance:
arx =$archive)
ggplot(arx, aes(x = importance.filter.nfeat, y = classif.ce)) + geom_line()
How to know what indicators are uesd in the tuned model, for we only see the trade-off between sparsity and predictive performance, are they based on the importance rank?
I also have tried the feature selection. In FS, I could get the optimal feature set. So what are the relationships betweet the tuning nfeat and feature selection? Which one is perfer in real partice?
resampling = rsmp("cv")
measure = msr("classif.mcc")
terminator = trm("none")
ranger_lrn = lrn("classif.ranger", importance = "impurity", predict_type = "prob")
instance = FSelectInstanceSingleCrit$new(
task = task,
learner = ranger_lrn,
resampling = resampling,
measure = measure,
terminator = terminator,
store_models = TRUE)
fselector = fs("rfe", recursive = FALSE)
# set new feature_set
# task$select(instance$result_feature_set)
Does this answer question 1?
How to set specific values in `paradox`?
Seems that you could simply set up your own data table as shown there, except remove rows where D>K, then use the design_points tuner.

Why do the trace values have periods of (unwanted) stability?

I have a fairly simple test data set I am trying to fit with pymc3.
The result generated by traceplot looks something like this.
Essentially the trace of all parameter look like there is a standard 'caterpillar' for 100 iterations, followed by a flat line for 750 iterations, followed by the caterpillar again.
The initial 100 iterations happen after 25,000 ADVI iterations, and 10,000 tune iterations. If I change these amounts, I randomly will/won't have these periods of unwanted stability.
I'm wondering if anyone has any advice about how I can stop this from happening - and what is causing it?
The full code is below. In brief, I am generating a set of 'phases' (-pi -> pi) with a corresponding set of values y = a(j)*sin(phase) + b(j)*sin(phase). a and b are drawn for each subject j at random, but are related to each other.
I then essentially try to fit this same model.
Edit: Here is a similar example, running for 25,000 iterations. Something goes wrong around iteration 20,000.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pymc3 as pm
%matplotlib inline
n_draw = 2000
n_tune = 10000
n_init = 25000
init_string = 'advi'
target_accept = 0.95
# Generate some test data
# Just generates:
# x a vector of phases
# y a vector corresponding to some sinusoidal function of x
# subject_idx a vector corresponding to which subject x is
#9 Subjects
N_j = 9
#Each with 276 measurements
N_i = 276
sigma_y = 1.0
mean = [0.1, 0.1]
cov = [[0.01, 0], [0, 0.01]] # diagonal covariance
x_sub = np.zeros((N_j,N_i))
y_sub = np.zeros((N_j,N_i))
y_true_sub = np.zeros((N_j,N_i))
ab_sub = np.zeros((N_j,2))
tuning_sub = np.zeros((N_j,1))
sub_ix_sub = np.zeros((N_j,N_i))
for j in range(0,N_j):
aj,bj = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean, cov)
#aj = np.abs(aj)
#bj = np.abs(bj)
xj = np.random.uniform(-1,1,size = (N_i,1))*np.pi
xj = np.sort(xj)#for convenience
yj_true = aj*np.sin(xj) + bj*np.cos(xj)
yj = yj_true + np.random.normal(scale=sigma_y, size=(N_i,1))
x_sub[j,:] = xj.ravel()
y_sub[j,:] = yj.ravel()
y_true_sub[j,:] = yj_true.ravel()
ab_sub[j,:] = [aj,bj]
tuning_sub[j,:] = np.sqrt(((aj**2)+(bj**2)))
sub_ix_sub[j,:] = [j]*N_i
x = np.ravel(x_sub)
y = np.ravel(y_sub)
subject_idx = np.ravel(sub_ix_sub)
subject_idx = np.asarray(subject_idx, dtype=int)
# Fit model
hb1_model = pm.Model()
with hb1_model:
# Hyperpriors
hb1_mu_a = pm.Normal('hb1_mu_a', mu=0., sd=100)
hb1_sigma_a = pm.HalfCauchy('hb1_sigma_a', 4)
hb1_mu_b = pm.Normal('hb1_mu_b', mu=0., sd=100)
hb1_sigma_b = pm.HalfCauchy('hb1_sigma_b', 4)
# We fit a mixture of a sine and cosine with these two coeffieicents
# allowed to be different for each subject
hb1_aj = pm.Normal('hb1_aj', mu=hb1_mu_a, sd=hb1_sigma_a, shape = N_j)
hb1_bj = pm.Normal('hb1_bj', mu=hb1_mu_b, sd=hb1_sigma_b, shape = N_j)
# Model error
hb1_eps = pm.HalfCauchy('hb1_eps', 5)
hb1_linear = hb1_aj[subject_idx]*pm.math.sin(x) + hb1_bj[subject_idx]*pm.math.cos(x)
hb1_linear_like = pm.Normal('y', mu = hb1_linear, sd=hb1_eps, observed=y)
with hb1_model:
hb1_trace = pm.sample(draws=n_draw, tune = n_tune,
init = init_string, n_init = n_init,
target_accept = target_accept)
To partially answer my own question: After playing with this for a while, it looks like the problem might be due to the hyperprior standard deviation going to 0. I am not sure why the algorithm should get stuck there though (testing a small standard deviation can't be that uncommon...).
In any case, two solutions that seem to alleviate the problem (although they don't remove it entirely) are:
1) Add an offset to the definitions of the standard deviation. e.g.:
offset = 1e-2
hb1_sigma_a = offset + pm.HalfCauchy('hb1_sigma_a', 4)
2) Instead of using a HalfCauchy or HalfNormal for the SD prior, use a logNormal distribution set so that 0 is unlikely.
I'd look at the divergencies, as explained in notes and literature on Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, see, e.g., here and here.
with model:
np.savetxt('diverging.csv', hb1_trace['diverging'])
As a dirty solution, you can try to increase target_accept, perhaps.
Good luck!

Retracing a simulated-annealing's optimization steps

I'm using simulated annealing to help solve a problem such as the travelling salesman problem. I get a solution, which I'm happy with, but I would now like to know the path, within the solution space (that is, the steps taken by the algorithm to reach the solution), the algorithm took to go from a random, far from optimal itinerary, to pretty optimal one.
In other words, in the case of the traveling salesman problem:
Start with a random itinerary between cities
Step 1: path between city A-C and E-F were swapped
Step 2: path between city G-U and S-Q were swapped
End up with a pretty optimal itinerary between cities
Is there a way, using simulated annealing, to save each steps of the optimization process so that I can retrace, one by one, each change made to the system which eventually led to that particular solution? Or this goes against how a simulated annealing works?
Here is a great simulated annealing algorithm, by #perrygeo, very slightly modified from using the travelling salesman example:
(All my changes are followed by a one-line comment preceded by """)
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import copy
import math
import sys
import time
import random
def round_figures(x, n):
"""Returns x rounded to n significant figures."""
return round(x, int(n - math.ceil(math.log10(abs(x)))))
def time_string(seconds):
"""Returns time in seconds as a string formatted HHHH:MM:SS."""
s = int(round(seconds)) # round to nearest second
h, s = divmod(s, 3600) # get hours and remainder
m, s = divmod(s, 60) # split remainder into minutes and seconds
return '%4i:%02i:%02i' % (h, m, s)
class Annealer(object):
"""Performs simulated annealing by calling functions to calculate
energy and make moves on a state. The temperature schedule for
annealing may be provided manually or estimated automatically.
Tmax = 25000.0
Tmin = 2.5
steps = 50000
updates = 100
copy_strategy = 'deepcopy'
def __init__(self, initial_state):
self.initial_state = initial_state
self.state = self.copy_state(initial_state)
def set_schedule(self, schedule):
"""Takes the output from `auto` and sets the attributes
self.Tmax = schedule['tmax']
self.Tmin = schedule['tmin']
self.steps = int(schedule['steps'])
def copy_state(self, state):
"""Returns an exact copy of the provided state
Implemented according to self.copy_strategy, one of
* deepcopy : use copy.deepcopy (slow but reliable)
* slice: use list slices (faster but only works if state is list-like)
* method: use the state's copy() method
if self.copy_strategy == 'deepcopy':
return copy.deepcopy(state)
elif self.copy_strategy == 'slice':
return state[:]
elif self.copy_strategy == 'method':
return state.copy()
def update(self, step, T, E, acceptance, improvement):
"""Prints the current temperature, energy, acceptance rate,
improvement rate, elapsed time, and remaining time.
The acceptance rate indicates the percentage of moves since the last
update that were accepted by the Metropolis algorithm. It includes
moves that decreased the energy, moves that left the energy
unchanged, and moves that increased the energy yet were reached by
thermal excitation.
The improvement rate indicates the percentage of moves since the
last update that strictly decreased the energy. At high
temperatures it will include both moves that improved the overall
state and moves that simply undid previously accepted moves that
increased the energy by thermal excititation. At low temperatures
it will tend toward zero as the moves that can decrease the energy
are exhausted and moves that would increase the energy are no longer
thermally accessible."""
elapsed = time.time() - self.start
if step == 0:
print(' Temperature Energy Accept Improve Elapsed Remaining')
print('%12.2f %12.2f %s ' % \
(T, E, time_string(elapsed)))
remain = (self.steps - step) * (elapsed / step)
print('%12.2f %12.2f %7.2f%% %7.2f%% %s %s' % \
(T, E, 100.0 * acceptance, 100.0 * improvement,
time_string(elapsed), time_string(remain)))
def anneal(self):
"""Minimizes the energy of a system by simulated annealing.
state : an initial arrangement of the system
(state, energy): the best state and energy found.
step = 0
self.start = time.time()
steps = [] ### initialise a list to save the steps taken by the algorithm to find a good solution
# Precompute factor for exponential cooling from Tmax to Tmin
if self.Tmin <= 0.0:
raise Exception('Exponential cooling requires a minimum "\
"temperature greater than zero.')
Tfactor = -math.log(self.Tmax / self.Tmin)
# Note initial state
T = self.Tmax
E =
prevState = self.copy_state(self.state)
prevEnergy = E
bestState = self.copy_state(self.state)
bestEnergy = E
trials, accepts, improves = 0, 0, 0
if self.updates > 0:
updateWavelength = self.steps / self.updates
self.update(step, T, E, None, None)
# Attempt moves to new states
while step < self.steps:
step += 1
T = self.Tmax * math.exp(Tfactor * step / self.steps)
a,b = self.move()
E =
dE = E - prevEnergy
trials += 1
if dE > 0.0 and math.exp(-dE / T) < random.random():
# Restore previous state
self.state = self.copy_state(prevState)
E = prevEnergy
# Accept new state and compare to best state
accepts += 1
if dE < 0.0:
improves += 1
prevState = self.copy_state(self.state)
prevEnergy = E
steps.append([a,b]) ### append the "good move" to the list of steps
if E < bestEnergy:
bestState = self.copy_state(self.state)
bestEnergy = E
if self.updates > 1:
if step // updateWavelength > (step - 1) // updateWavelength:
step, T, E, accepts / trials, improves / trials)
trials, accepts, improves = 0, 0, 0
# Return best state and energy
return bestState, bestEnergy, steps ### added steps to what should be returned
def distance(a, b):
"""Calculates distance between two latitude-longitude coordinates."""
R = 3963 # radius of Earth (miles)
lat1, lon1 = math.radians(a[0]), math.radians(a[1])
lat2, lon2 = math.radians(b[0]), math.radians(b[1])
return math.acos(math.sin(lat1) * math.sin(lat2) +
math.cos(lat1) * math.cos(lat2) * math.cos(lon1 - lon2)) * R
class TravellingSalesmanProblem(Annealer):
"""Test annealer with a travelling salesman problem.
# pass extra data (the distance matrix) into the constructor
def __init__(self, state, distance_matrix):
self.distance_matrix = distance_matrix
super(TravellingSalesmanProblem, self).__init__(state) # important!
def move(self):
"""Swaps two cities in the route."""
a = random.randint(0, len(self.state) - 1)
b = random.randint(0, len(self.state) - 1)
self.state[a], self.state[b] = self.state[b], self.state[a]
return a,b ### return the change made
def energy(self):
"""Calculates the length of the route."""
e = 0
for i in range(len(self.state)):
e += self.distance_matrix[self.state[i-1]][self.state[i]]
return e
if __name__ == '__main__':
# latitude and longitude for the twenty largest U.S. cities
cities = {
'New York City': (40.72, 74.00),
'Los Angeles': (34.05, 118.25),
'Chicago': (41.88, 87.63),
'Houston': (29.77, 95.38),
'Phoenix': (33.45, 112.07),
'Philadelphia': (39.95, 75.17),
'San Antonio': (29.53, 98.47),
'Dallas': (32.78, 96.80),
'San Diego': (32.78, 117.15),
'San Jose': (37.30, 121.87),
'Detroit': (42.33, 83.05),
'San Francisco': (37.78, 122.42),
'Jacksonville': (30.32, 81.70),
'Indianapolis': (39.78, 86.15),
'Austin': (30.27, 97.77),
'Columbus': (39.98, 82.98),
'Fort Worth': (32.75, 97.33),
'Charlotte': (35.23, 80.85),
'Memphis': (35.12, 89.97),
'Baltimore': (39.28, 76.62)
# initial state, a randomly-ordered itinerary
init_state = list(cities.keys())
reconstructed_state = init_state
# create a distance matrix
distance_matrix = {}
for ka, va in cities.items():
distance_matrix[ka] = {}
for kb, vb in cities.items():
if kb == ka:
distance_matrix[ka][kb] = 0.0
distance_matrix[ka][kb] = distance(va, vb)
tsp = TravellingSalesmanProblem(init_state, distance_matrix)
# since our state is just a list, slice is the fastest way to copy
tsp.copy_strategy = "slice"
state, e, steps = tsp.anneal()
while state[0] != 'New York City':
state = state[1:] + state[:1] # rotate NYC to start
for city in state:
print("\t", city)
### recontructed the annealing process
print("nbr. of steps:",len(steps))
print("Reconstructed results:")
for s in steps:
reconstructed_state[s[0]], reconstructed_state[s[1]] = reconstructed_state[s[1]], reconstructed_state[s[0]]
while reconstructed_state[0] != 'New York City':
reconstructed_state = reconstructed_state[1:] + reconstructed_state[:1] # rotate NYC to start
for city in reconstructed_state:
print("\t", city)
Saving every time a move is made builds a huge list of steps that are indeed retraceable. However it obviously mimics how the algorithm explores and jumps around many different positions in the solution space, especially at high temperatures.
To get more straightly converging steps, I could move step-saving line:
steps.append([a,b]) ### append the "good move" to the list of steps
if E < bestEnergy:
Where only the steps actually improving upon the best found solution so far are saved. However, the final list of steps does not help reconstruct the itinerary anymore (steps are missing).
Is this problem hopeless and inherent to how simulated annealing works, or is there hope to being able to construct a converging step-list from random to quasi-optimal?
Saving the steps along the way does not depend on the algorithm, i.e. simulated annealing, but on your implementation or software you use. If it is your own implementation, it should be no problem at all to save these steps. If you use an event-listener approach, you can add arbitrary no. of listeners/clients to process your events. But you can also just write out your data to one client, e.g. file. If you do not use your own implementation, it depends on the software. If you use proprietary software, you are dependent on its API. If you use open source software and you do not find ways to retrieve such information in its API, you are usually allowed to modify the software for your own needs.
Ultimately the move itself is not important except in the context of rest of the system state. Instead of trying to track the move or change in state that resulted in each low energy solution (which, as you point out, loses all the information about previous moves that were accepted), you could just track the state itself every time you encountered a new lowest score:
if E < bestEnergy:
Given any randomized algorithm, if you use a pseudorandom generator, then you can save the generator's seed (random but short) and replay the execution by seeding the generator the same way.
I have started with the Ingber ASA code for a more conventional SA problem involving estimating about 72 error variables to give a best fit to measured data.
In my case, there are a limited number of trials that result in a reduced cost. Of several million trials, typically less than 40 are accepted. If I wanted to keep track of them, I would add a step in the code that accepts a new position to log the difference between the then-current and the now-new position.
Replaying these differences would give you the path.

Dirichlet process in PyMC 3

I would like to implement to implement the Dirichlet process example referenced in
Implementing Dirichlet processes for Bayesian semi-parametric models (source: here) in PyMC 3.
In the example the stick-breaking probabilities are computed using the pymc.deterministic
v = pymc.Beta('v', alpha=1, beta=alpha, size=N_dp)
def p(v=v):
""" Calculate Dirichlet probabilities """
# Probabilities from betas
value = [u*[:i]) for i,u in enumerate(v)]
# Enforce sum to unity constraint
value[-1] = 1-sum(value[:-1])
return value
z = pymc.Categorical('z', p, size=len(set(counties)))
How would you implement this in PyMC 3 which is using Theano for the gradient computation?
I tried the following solution using the theano.scan method:
with pm.Model() as mod:
conc = Uniform('concentration', lower=0.5, upper=10)
v = Beta('v', alpha=1, beta=conc, shape=n_dp)
p, updates = theano.scan(fn=lambda stick, idx: stick * - v[:idx]),
sequences=[v, t.arange(n_dp)])
t.set_subtensor(p[-1], 1 - t.sum(p[:-1]))
category = Categorical('category', p, shape=n_algs)
sd = Uniform('precs', lower=0, upper=20, shape=n_dp)
means = Normal('means', mu=0, sd=100, shape=n_dp)
points = Normal('obs',
step1 = pm.Slice([conc, v, sd, means])
step3 = pm.ElemwiseCategoricalStep(var=category, values=range(n_dp))
trace = pm.sample(2000, step=[step1, step3], progressbar=True)
Which sadly is really slow and does not obtain the original parameters of the synthetic data.
Is there a better solution and is this even correct?
Not sure I have a good answer but perhaps this could be sped up by instead using a theano blackbox op which allows you to write a distribution (or deterministic) in python code. E.g.:

PyMC for Model Averaging

I am interested in applying PyMC to model averaging. My goal is to estimate many linear models and average estimates across them, weighting by their posterior model probabilities. I am currently using the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) to approximate the likelihood of my data (therefore, my analysis is not fully Bayesian). I have successfully simulated a Markov Chain of models using one of my own scripts but I want to use PyMC because it seems like a great tool.
In my attempts thus far, I have not been forming the Markov Chain correctly. I am not visiting models with higher posterior weights more often than others. I will include the example code below. Please also see the IPython notebook here! on github for the math markup and code together.
import numpy as np
from pymc import stochastic, DiscreteMetropolis, MCMC
import statsmodels.api as sm
import pandas as pd
import random
def pack(alist, rank):
binary = [str(1) if i in alist else str(0) for i in xrange(0,rank)]
string = '0b1'+''.join(binary)
return int(string, 2)
def unpack(integer):
string = bin(integer)[3:]
return [int(i) for i in xrange(len(string)) if string[i]=='1']
def make_bma():
# Simulating Data
size = 100
rank = 20
X = 10*np.random.randn(size, rank)
error = 30*np.random.randn(size,1)
coefficients = np.array([10, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]).reshape((6,1))
y =[:,:5], prepend=True), coefficients) + error
# Number of allowable regressors
predictors = [3,4,5,6,7]
def regression_model():
def logp(value):
columns = unpack(value)
x = sm.add_constant(X[:,columns], prepend=True)
corr = np.corrcoef(x[:,1:], rowvar=0)
prior = np.linalg.det(corr)
ols = sm.OLS(y,x).fit()
posterior = np.exp(-0.5*ols.bic)*prior
return np.log(posterior)
def random():
k = np.random.choice(predictors)
columns = sorted(np.random.choice(xrange(0,rank), size=k, replace=False))
return pack(columns, rank)
class ModelMetropolis(DiscreteMetropolis):
def __init__(self, stochastic):
DiscreteMetropolis.__init__(self, stochastic)
def propose(self):
'''considers a neighborhood around the previous model,
defined as having one regressor removed or added, provided
the total number of regressors coincides with predictors
# Building set of neighboring models
last = unpack(self.stochastic.value)
last_indicator = np.zeros(rank)
last_indicator[last] = 1
last_indicator = last_indicator.reshape((-1,1))
neighbors = abs(np.diag(np.ones(rank)) - last_indicator)
neighbors = neighbors[:,np.any([neighbors.sum(axis=0) == i \
for i in predictors], axis=0)]
neighbors = pd.DataFrame(neighbors)
# Drawing one model at random from the neighborhood
draw = random.choice(xrange(neighbors.shape[1]))
self.stochastic.value = pack(list(neighbors[draw][neighbors[draw]==1].index), rank)
# def step(self):
# logp_p = self.stochastic.logp
# self.propose()
# logp = self.stochastic.logp
# if np.log(random.random()) > logp_p - logp:
# self.reject()
return locals()
if __name__ == '__main__':
model = make_bma()
M = MCMC(model)
M.use_step_method(model['ModelMetropolis'], model['regression_model'])
M.sample(iter=5000, burn=1000, thin=1)
model_chain = M.trace("regression_model")[:]
from collections import Counter
counts = Counter(model_chain).items()
counts.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda x: x[1])
for f in counts[:10]:
columns = unpack(f[0])
print('Visits:', f[1])
print(np.array([1. if i in columns else 0 for i in range(0,M.rank)]))
X = sm.add_constant(M.X[:, columns], prepend=True)
corr = np.corrcoef(X[:,1:], rowvar=0)
prior = np.linalg.det(corr)
fit = sm.OLS(model['y'],X).fit()
posterior = np.exp(-0.5*fit.bic)*prior
print('R-squared:', fit.rsquared)
print('BIC', fit.bic)
print('Prior', prior)
print('Posterior', posterior)
print(" ")
It sounds like you are trying to do something akin to reversible jump MCMC, where you are sampling from the model space in addition to the parameter space(s). PyMC does not currently do rjMCMC, though it probably ought to. The trick is to account for the change in dimension when moving among models. If you do have a modest number of models, you can use an indicator function to select from the models, all of which are fit simultaneously.
