Windows Phone 8 Font (Quartz MS) only working in Designer - visual-studio

i currently try to use the Font "Quartz MS" which was a given Font in my Fontlist (Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate) - In the designer everything looks awesome - but when I run the app on my device it doesn't load that font (Standard Font used)
Can you help me?
(Tested on Lumia 820)

Here is the full list of supported fonts on the Windows Phone (that come with the device):
For any additional font you want to use, you need to manually add it to the phone, see

After adding the font file in the project and setting build action to content, reference it in your XAML as follows:
<TextBlock Text="Hello!!" FontFamily="/Assets/Fonts/BlahBlah.ttf#BlahBlah" />
NB: PLEASE NOTE, [Font name].ttf#[Font name]


Which windows font displays window closing button?

As you can see in my attached screenshot my windows has a issue displaying the closing button. I am thinking that a font is missing. Do you know which font i have to install?
After following a step-by-step suggestion by
I have been able to install all default windows 10 fonts.
The missing windows 10 font was also included.
Finally, to solve this problem you need to download a package with all windows 10 fonts and reinstall every one.

Android Studio UI Text disappearing and glirtchy

Android Studio was working fine but when I moved my sdk to another internal drive and gave the proper path to Android Studio and restarted its gradle, it started glitching on the UI level. please find the photo attached.
I tried updating it (to the current version 1.4) but that didn't fix the problem.
Any idea?
I had same behavior, just after installing Android Studio for the first time.
In my case, the behavior becomes normal when I turn off ClearType text.
I am using Windows 7, and this is how I turned it off:
Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Display
=> Adjust ClearType text
=> uncheck [ ] Turn on ClearType
Ok found a Solution!
Theme: Dracula
Change Font Presentation to: 8
and it will work!
Note that you can revert back to Font Size 24 and it will still work :)

Adding Font to Windows Phone 7

Is it possible to add Custom fonts to Windows Phone 7 system fonts?
I have Windows Phone 7.5 (Lg C900) and it doesn't support Georgian font.
I want to add font to Windows Phone's OS, not to an application.
Any ideas?
yes it is possible in windows phone. Add custom font file in your solution.And then add following line of code in App.xaml
<Application.Resources><FontFamily x:Key="QUARTZMS">/Fonts/QUARTZMS.TTF</FontFamily></Application.Resources>
It is not possible to add new fonts or language support to Windows Phone 7 beyond what is already available. Windows Phone 8 does have additional language support, though.
The official MSDN docs have a great list of all supported languages and illustrate the differences between the two platforms...
Culture and Language support
UI Font support

Font is different in WP7 and WP8 project

this is quite a strange thing I've run into.
I've been developing Windows Phone Apps for over a year now, and even with the WP8 switch i never seen this before.
If i take my WP 7.1 app and upgrade it to WP 8 the font gets quite messed up, shown in the two screenshots below. (Both taken from my WP8 Lumia 620)
WP 7.1 Version -
WP 8 Version -
Quite strange indeed, the font used is "visitor1 TT1 BRK"
The font is set as a BlendEmbeddedFont and used in XAML like this:
FontFamily="/TronRadio;component/Fonts/ TT1 BRK"
Is it a .NET 4.5 thing that needs to be set or some other kind of problem?
It is the first time I've seen this problem, i have upgraded other apps with embedded fonts without running into this.
One note is that the font shows up fine in the Design Workplace (Visual Studio 2012 and Blend).
However on the Windows Phone 8 and Emulators the above problems shows.
Why don't you select the font in Expression Blend and then Embed it separately for Windows Phone 7 and 8 apps. This might help.

Segoe Symbol UI in Windows Phone 7

I have a very strange behavior in an application that is targeted to Windows Phone 7.1 (and therefor will also run on Windows Phone 8).
For my icons I'm using the Segoe UI Symbol font.
When I run the application on WP 8, the icons are displayed correctly.
If I run it in WP7 though, some of the icons are displayed as rectangles.
I figured that the font on WP7 was probably an older version, so what I did was download the font from my Win8 PC and used it as an embedded font in WP7, but it still does not work.
Anyone has an idea on how to fix this?
Are you reference it as "Resource"?
Try specify full path with assembly name. Like
/Acme.Product;component/Assets/seguisym.ttf#Segoe UI Symbol
I managed to get it working.
What I needed to do was:
Clean the font
Rename the original file name
Rename the font using TypoGraf
Rebuild the project
I'm not a 100% sure that everything is needed but at least this way I got it working.
