Adding Font to Windows Phone 7 - windows-phone-7

Is it possible to add Custom fonts to Windows Phone 7 system fonts?
I have Windows Phone 7.5 (Lg C900) and it doesn't support Georgian font.
I want to add font to Windows Phone's OS, not to an application.
Any ideas?

yes it is possible in windows phone. Add custom font file in your solution.And then add following line of code in App.xaml
<Application.Resources><FontFamily x:Key="QUARTZMS">/Fonts/QUARTZMS.TTF</FontFamily></Application.Resources>

It is not possible to add new fonts or language support to Windows Phone 7 beyond what is already available. Windows Phone 8 does have additional language support, though.
The official MSDN docs have a great list of all supported languages and illustrate the differences between the two platforms...
Culture and Language support
UI Font support


Pen Computing App Development in Windows Phone

I wanted to make an app in windows phone that takes in pen-computing input. Is there existing code infrastructure (templates and such) in the Windows Phone API that is available to the Windows Phone developer?
What I mean by pen-computing input is hand-writing input by users' fingers, giving us input like this:
Unluckily for Windows Phone 8 and Windows phone 8.1 InkManager class is not supported currently, so capturing handwritten input aint possible.
Though it works for windows 8 and 8.1 store apps which you can implement through Tutorial1 and Tutorial2
If you are focusing Windows phone would suggest to make app for Windows 10. They have release a better version of InkCanvas which is better than InkManager and works both store and phone apps being UWP. Check out this link for details on InkCanvas

QT application style does not change between the different windows themes

Via qApp->setStyle you can change the style of your application. What I found is when I run on Windows 7 with windows 7 theme I can switch between:
But if I have my windows 7 setup with windows classic theme, I cannot switch between those 3. They all look the same.
How can I force my application to look like Windows Vista on Windows Classic theme PC?
Note: my system returns for QStyleFacory::keys():
That's correct. On Windows, the "Vista" and "XP" themes are only active if you're using the same or higher theme on the user account. That's not due to Qt, but due to the behavior of the theming APIs on Windows.

Include Windows 8 namespace in Windows Phone 8 [duplicate]

I am trying to write a Windows Phone 8 SDK-based application. I keep seeing mention of a ProgressRing control but I don't see it in the Toolbox or in the xaml designer.
How do I use this?
ProgressRing is part of the Win8 UI controls, not WP8. In WP8 you should use SystemTray.ProgressIndicator instead which is part of the windows phone UI shell. See here and here for samples.
See below blog link for simple copy&paste code to exactly replicate the Windows ProgressRing (uses the actual style code). Works perfectly, just added it to my WP8 project:
There is more info about adapting it to WP8 in the answer to this question:
How to Use ProgressRing in Windows Phone 8
Download this app for your phone to see it in action.
ProgressRing is not available for Windows Phone 7 or 8, you have to use ProgressBar or rather the PerformanceProgressBar:

Font is different in WP7 and WP8 project

this is quite a strange thing I've run into.
I've been developing Windows Phone Apps for over a year now, and even with the WP8 switch i never seen this before.
If i take my WP 7.1 app and upgrade it to WP 8 the font gets quite messed up, shown in the two screenshots below. (Both taken from my WP8 Lumia 620)
WP 7.1 Version -
WP 8 Version -
Quite strange indeed, the font used is "visitor1 TT1 BRK"
The font is set as a BlendEmbeddedFont and used in XAML like this:
FontFamily="/TronRadio;component/Fonts/ TT1 BRK"
Is it a .NET 4.5 thing that needs to be set or some other kind of problem?
It is the first time I've seen this problem, i have upgraded other apps with embedded fonts without running into this.
One note is that the font shows up fine in the Design Workplace (Visual Studio 2012 and Blend).
However on the Windows Phone 8 and Emulators the above problems shows.
Why don't you select the font in Expression Blend and then Embed it separately for Windows Phone 7 and 8 apps. This might help.

Is it possible to use default Windows 7 themes in Windows Embedded Standard 7?

Is it possible to use Windows 7 default themes (such as Windows 7 Basic) on Windows Embedded Standard 7 ? If so, how ?
I believe themes include common controls styling i.e. they give an "Aero" look to your progress bar instead of the classic Windows 95-ish one.
The context of my question is a migration of a WPF application from a Windows 7 workstation to a Windows Embedded Standard 7 embedded device.
Nevermind, here is the solution:
Uri uri = new Uri("PresentationFramework.Aero;V3.0.0.0;31bf3856ad364e35;component\themes/aero.normalcolor.xaml", UriKind.Relative);
Resources.MergedDictionaries.Add(Application.LoadComponent(uri) as ResourceDictionary);
There is a blog article about the topic
