Spark Standalone Mode: Worker not starting properly in cloudera - hadoop

I am new to the spark, After installing the spark using parcels available in the cloudera manager.
I have configured the files as shown in the below link from cloudera enterprise:
After this setup, I have started all the nodes in the spark by running /opt/cloudera/parcels/SPARK/lib/spark/sbin/ But I couldn't run the worker nodes as I got the specified error below.
[root#localhost sbin]# sh
org.apache.spark.deploy.master.Master running as process 32405. Stop it first.
root#localhost.localdomain's password:
localhost.localdomain: starting org.apache.spark.deploy.worker.Worker, logging to /var/log/spark/spark-root-org.apache.spark.deploy.worker.Worker-1-localhost.localdomain.out
localhost.localdomain: failed to launch org.apache.spark.deploy.worker.Worker:
localhost.localdomain: at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
localhost.localdomain: at
localhost.localdomain: full log in /var/log/spark/spark-root-org.apache.spark.deploy.worker.Worker-1-localhost.localdomain.out
localhost.localdomain:starting org.apac
When I run jps command, I got:
23367 Jps
28053 QuorumPeerMain
28218 SecondaryNameNode
32405 Master
28148 DataNode
7852 Main
28159 NameNode
I couldn't run the worker node properly. Actually I thought to install a standalone spark where the master and worker work on a single machine. In slaves file of spark directory, I given the address as "localhost.localdomin" which is my host name. I am not aware of this settings file. Please any one cloud help me out with this installation process. Actually I couldn't run the worker nodes. But I can start the master node.
Thanks & Regards,

Please notice error info below:
localhost.localdomain: at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
I met the same error when I installed and started Spark master/workers on CentOS 6.2 x86_64 after making sure that libgcj.x86_64 and libgcj.i686 had been installed on my server, finally I solved it. Below is my solution, wish it can help you.
It seem as if your JAVA_HOME environment parameter didn't set correctly.
Maybe, your JAVA_HOME links to system embedded java, e.g. java version "1.5.0".
Spark needs java version >= 1.6.0. If you are using java 1.5.0 to start Spark, you will see this error info.
Try to export JAVA_HOME="your java home path", then start Spark again.


Not Able to Start Hadoop Service Locally On Windows 7

I am trying to set up hadoop locally on my windows 7 computer by the instructions on the following link:
I followed each single step and hadoop looks to be properly installed as I checked it by running this command: hadoop version in the windows command prompt and it returned the installed hadoop version hadoop 3.1.0 successfully.
However it failed to start all the nodes e.g. namenode, data node, yarn. I realised it must be to do with the port used as I use local port 9000 in the core site configuration: hdfs://localhost:9000 , and I checked if the port is open by running command: telnet localhost 9000, and it returned the message that failed to open the port.
Can anyone provide any guidance on the above issue which looks to be the port issue which then failed the hadoop service from starting up?
Thank you. command not found

I have just installed Cloudera VM setup for hadoop. But when I open the command prompt and want to start all daemons for hadoop using command '' , I get an error stating "bash : command not found".
I have tried '' too yet still gives the same error. When I use 'jps' command, I can see that none of the daemons have been started.
You can find and scripts in bin or sbin folders. You can use the following command to find that. Go to hadoop installation folder and run this command.
find . -name '' # Finds files having name similar to
Then you can specify the path to start all the daemons using bash /path/to/
If you're using the QuickStart VM then the right way to start the cluster (as #cricket_007 hinted) is by restarting it in the Cloudera Manager UI. The scripts will not work since those only apply to the Hadoop servers (Name Node, Data Node, Resource Manager, Node Manager ...) but not all the services in the ecosystem (like Hive, Impala, Spark, Oozie, Hue ...).
You can refer to the YouTube video and the official documentation Starting, Stopping, Refreshing, and Restarting a Cluster

Job Tracker web interface

I followed the tutorials and installed hadoop 2.4.1 as pseudo distributed cluster. I created a ubuntu VM using OracleVM and installed hadoop as mentioned in the link. It was setup fine and able to run the examples. However the job tracker URL is not working. :50030 gives page not found. I also tried netstat on the server and there is no process waiting on 50030 port . Do i need to start any other service ? What are the possible reasons ?
You need to execute this:
$HADOOP_HOME/sbin/ start historyserver
Or JobTracker won't start.
(In my case, $HADOOP_HOME is in /usr/local/hadoop)
Check the value of mapred.job.tracker.http.address in mapred-site.xml
If the port is different, use that.
Also check if jobtracker is running. Check the jobtracker logs.
You need to enter the following command
Job Tracker web UI.

where is the hadoop task manager UI

I installed the hadoop 2.2 system on my ubuntu box using this tutorial
Everything worked fine for me and now when I do
I can see the management UI for HDFS. Very good!!
But the I am going through another tutorial which tells me that there must be a task manager UI running at and
on my machine I cannot open these ports.
I have already done
is something wrong? why can't I see the task manager UI?
You have installed YARN (MRv2) which runs the ResourceManager. The URL is the web address for the JobTracker daemon that comes with MRv1 and hence you are not able to see it.
To see the ResourceManager UI, check your yarn-site.xml file for the following property:
By default, it should point to : resource_manager_hostname:8088
Assuming your ResourceManager runs on mymachine, you should see the ResourceManager UI at
Make sure all your deamons are up and running before you visit the URL for the ResourceManager.
For Hadoop 2[aka YARN/MRV2] - Any hadoop installation version-ed 2.x or higher its at port number 8088. eg. localhost:8088
For Hadoop 1 - Any hadoop installation version-ed lower than 2.x[eg 1.x or 0.x] its at port number 50030. eg localhost:50030
By default HadoopUI location is as below

Need help adding multiple DataNodes in pseudo-distributed mode (one machine), using Hadoop-0.18.0

I am a student, interested in Hadoop and started to explore it recently.
I tried adding an additional DataNode in the pseudo-distributed mode but failed.
I am following the Yahoo developer tutorial and so the version of Hadoop I am using is hadoop-0.18.0
I tried to start up using 2 methods I found online:
Method 1 (link)
I have a problem with this line
bin/ --script bin/hdfs $1 datanode $DN_CONF_OPTS
--script bin/hdfs doesn't seem to be valid in the version I am using. I changed it to --config $HADOOP_HOME/conf2 with all the configuration files in that directory, but when the script is ran it gave the error:
Usage: Java DataNode [-rollback]
Any idea what does the error mean? The log files are created but DataNode did not start.
Method 2 (link)
Basically I duplicated conf folder to conf2 folder, making necessary changes documented on the website to hadoop-site.xml and then I ran the command
./ --config ..../conf2 start datanode
it gives the error:
datanode running as process 4190. stop it first.
So I guess this is the 1st DataNode that was started, and the command failed to start another DataNode.
Is there anything I can do to start additional DataNode in the Yahoo VM Hadoop environment? Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.
Hadoop start/stop scripts use /tmp as a default directory for storing PIDs of already started daemons. In your situation, when you start second datanode, startup script finds /tmp/ file from the first datanode and assumes that the datanode daemon is already started.
The plain solution is to set HADOOP_PID_DIR env variable to something else (but not /tmp). Also do not forget to update all network port numbers in conf2.
The smart solution is start a second VM with hadoop environment and join them in a single cluster. It's the way hadoop is intended to use.
