Finding a desired point in a connected graph - algorithm

There is problem, I reduce it to a question as below:
In a connected undirected graph, edge weight is the time to go from one end to another. some people stand on some vertex. Now, they want to meet together, find a place(vertice) that within certain time T, all the people will arrive this assembly point. Try to minimise this T.
More information if you need for margin cases: No negative edge; cycle may exist; More than one person can stay on the same vertice; vertice may have no person; undirected edge, weight measures both u->v or v->u; people start from their initial location;
How to efficiently find it? Should I for every node v, calculate max(SPD(ui, v)) where ui are other people's locations, then choose the minimum one among these max times? Is there a better way?

I believe it could be done within a polynomial runtime bound as follows. In a first pass solve the All-Pairs Shortest Path problem to obtain a matrix with corresponding lengths of shortest paths for all vertices; afterwards iterate over the rows (or columns) and select a column where the maximum entry of all indices on which users are located.

It can be done by making parallel Dijkstra from all vertices, and stopping when sets of visited nodes intersect in one node. Intersection can be checked by counting. Algorithm sketch:
node_count = [1, 1, ...] * number_of_nodes # Number of visited sets node is in
dijkstras = set of objects D_n performing Dijsktra's algorithm starting from node n
queue = priority queue that stores tuples (first_in_queue_n, D_n).
first_in_queue_n is next node that will be visited by D_n
initialized by D_n.first_in_queue()
first_in_queue_n, D_n = queue.pop_min()
node_count[first_in_queue_n] += 1
if node_count[first_in_queue_n] == number_of_nodes:
return first_in_queue_n
queue.add( D_n.first_in_queue() )


Good algorithm for finding shortest path for specific vertices

I'm solving the problem described below and can't think of a better algorithm than trying every permutation of every vertex of every group with every.
I'm given a graph of vertices, along with a list of groups of specific vertices, the goal is to find the shortest path from a specific starting vertex to a specific ending vertex, and the path must pass through at least one vertex from each specified group of vertices.
There are also vertices in the graph that are not part of any given group.
Re-visiting vertices and edges is possible.
The graph data is specified as follows:
Vertex list - each vertex is identified by a sequence number (0 to the number of vertices -1 )
Edge list - list of vertex pairs (by vertex number)
Vertex group list - list of lists of vector numbers
A specific starting and ending vertex.
I would be grateful for any ideas for a better solution, thank you.
We can use bitmasks to efficiently check which groups we have visited so far, and combine this with a traditional BFS/ Dijkstra's shortest-path algorithm.
If we assume E edges, V vertices, and K vertex-groups that have to be included, the below algorithm has a time complexity of O((V + E) * 2^K) and a space complexity of O(V * 2^K). The exponential 2^K term means it will only work for a relatively small K, say up to 10 or 20.
First, are the edges weighted?
If yes then a "shortest path" algorithm will usually be a variation of Dijkstra's algorithm, in which we keep a (min) priority queue of the shortest paths. We only visit a node once it's at the top of the queue, meaning that this must be the shortest path to this node. Any other shorter path to this node would already have been added to the priority queue and would come before the current iteration. (Note: this doesn't work for negative paths).
If no, meaning all edges have the same weight, then there is no need to maintain a priority queue with the shortest edges. We can instead just run a regular Breadth-first search (BFS), in which we maintain a deque with all nodes at the current depth. At each step we iterate over all nodes at the current depth (popping them from the left of the deque), and for each node we add all it's not-yet-visited neighbors to the right side of the deque, forming the next level.
The below algorithm works for both BFS and Dijkstra's, but for simplicity's sake for the rest of the answer I'll pretend that the edges have positive weights and we will use Dijkstra's. What is important to take away though is that for either algorithm we will only "visit" or "explore" a node for a path that must be the shortest path to that node. This property is essential for the algorithm to be efficient, since we know that we will at most visit each of the V nodes and E edges only one time, giving us a time complexity of O(V + E). If we use Dijkstra's we have to multiply this with log(V) for the priority queue usage (this also applies to the time complexity mentioned in the summary).
Our Problem
In our case we have the additional complexity that we have K vertex-groups, for each of which our shortest path has to contain at least one the nodes in it. This is a big problem, since it destroys our ability to simple go along with the "shortest current path".
See for example this simple graph. Notation: -- means an edge, start is that start node, and end is the end node. A vertex with value 0 does not have a vertex-group, and a vertex with value >= 1 belongs to the vertex-group of that index.
end -- 0 -- 2 -- start -- 1 -- 2
It is clear that the optimal path will first move right to the node in group 1, and then move left until the end. But this is impossible to do for the BFS and Dijkstra's algorithm we introduced above! After we move from the start to the right to capture the node in group 1, we would never ever move back left to the start, since we have already been there with a shorter path.
The Trick
In the above example, if the right-hand side would have looked like start -- 0 -- 0, where 0 means the vertex does not not belonging to a group, then it would be of no use to go there and back to the start.
The decisive reason of why it makes sense to go there and come back, although the path will get longer, is that it includes a group that we have not seen before.
How can we keep track of whether or not at a current position a group is included or not? The most efficient solution is a bit mask. So if we for example have already visited a node of group 2 and 4, then the bitmask would have a bit set at the position 2 and 4, and it would have the value of 2 ^ 2 + 2 ^ 4 == 4 + 16 == 20
In the regular Dijkstra's we would just keep a one-dimensional array of size V to keep track of what the shortest path to each vertex is, initialized to a very high MAX value. array[start] begins with value 0.
We can modify this method to instead have a two-dimensional array of dimensions [2 ^ K][V], where K is the number of groups. Every value is initialized to MAX, only array[mask_value_of_start][start] begins with 0.
The value we store at array[mask][node] means Given the already visited groups with bit-mask value of mask, what is the length of the shortest path to reach this node?
Suddenly, Dijkstra's resurrected
Once we have this structure, we can suddenly use Dijkstra's again (it's the same for BFS). We simply change the rules a bit:
In regular Dijkstra's we never re-visit a node
--> in our modification we differentiate by mask and never re-visit a node if it's already been visited for that particular mask.
In regular Dijkstra's, when exploring a node, we look at all neighbors and only add them to the priority queue if we managed to decrease the shortest path to them.
--> in our modification we look at all neighbors, and update the mask we use to check for this neighbor like: neighbor_mask = mask | (1 << neighbor_group_id). We only add a {neighbor_mask, neighbor} pair to the priority queue, if for that particular array[neighbor_mask][neighbor] we managed to decrease the minimal path length.
In regular Dijkstra's we only visit unexplored nodes with the current shortest path to it, guaranteeing it to be the shortest path to this node
--> In our modification we only visit nodes that for their respective mask values are not explored yet. We also only visit the current shortest path among all masks, meaning that for any given mask it must be the shortest path.
In regular Dijkstra's we can return once we visit the end node, since we are sure we got the shortest path to it.
--> In our modification we can return once we visit the end node for the full mask, meaning the mask containing all groups, since it must be the shortest path for the full mask. This is the answer to our problem.
If this is too slow...
That's it! Because time and space complexity are exponentially dependent on the number of groups K, this will only work for very small K (of course depending on the number of nodes and edges).
If this is too slow for your requirements then there might be a more sophisticated algorithm for this that someone smarter can come up with, it will probably involve dynamic programming.
It is very possible that this is still too slow, in which case you will probably want to switch to some heuristic, that sacrifices accuracy in order to gain more speed.

Modifying Dijsktra's algorithm to work with edges having more than one possible cost

We have a directed weighted graph where an edge between two nodes can have more than one possible cost value (more precisely, at most 2 costs). I need to use a time-dependent variant of the Dijkstra's algorithm that can handle two possible ways of getting from one node to another, the cost between the nodes (edge cost) being dependant on the time at which we arrive at the source node and the type of edge we are about to use. When traversing from one node to the other only one of these edges is picked and its cost is added to the same total cost.
I currently model the two possible costs for an edge as two separate edges between the same nodes.
There is a similar problem I found here and it was suggested to augment the graph by duplicating the nodes. However, this does not allow returning to the original graph and implies the overhead of, well, duplicating all the nodes and possibly edges between them and original nodes.
Do you have any suggestions as to how to tackle this problem with as little overhead as possible? (The original graph is expected to be huge)
I provided more details about the problem in the first paragraph
You can safely ignore the largest of the two costs for algorithm purposes.
Assume there is a shortest path the uses the largest cost between two vertices, you can change it to use the smallest cost and the path will cost less, and that contradicts the assumption.
I think you can hack step 3 of Dijsktra's algorithm :
For the current node, consider all of its unvisited neighbors and calculate their tentative distances. Compare the newly calculated tentative distance to the current assigned value and assign the smaller one. For example, if the current node A is marked with a distance of 6, and the edge connecting it with a neighbor B has length 2, then the distance to B (through A) will be 6 + 2 = 8. If B was previously marked with a distance greater than 8 then change it to 8. Otherwise, keep the current value.
In your setup, you have two distances from A to B, depending on how late it is. You use the second one if your current distance to A is above your time treshold.
This step becomes :
if current distance to A above threshold :
current distance to B = min(current distance to B, current distance to A + d2(A, B))
current distance to B = min(current distance to B, current distance to A + d1(A, B))

Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm won't work

I have a graph with positive edge weights and positive node weights. The length of a path is defined as the sum of all the edge weights along the path, plus the maximum node weight encountered along the path.
I'd initially thought that a modified Dijkstra would work, but I found a test case where it would fail. How should I go about solving this problem? Are there any standard algorithms I should look at?
My modified Dijkstra is as follows: At each node I record the shortest path so far, and also the maximum node weight I've seen so far, and use that to calculate the length to neighboring nodes. Please see my comment for the details.
Here's a graph where Dijkstra fails:
The numbers in green are the node labels. Everything in blue is weights (node and edge weights). Lets say I want to compute the shortest path between nodes 1 and 7 (labeled in green). The problem with Dijkstra is that the node 4 always records the path 1-8-9-4 since its shorter than path 1-2-3-4 (former length 9 vs latter length 13). But to reach node 7, path 1-8-9-4-5-6-7 is longer than 1-2-3-4-5-6-7.
If you can forgive one order larger polynomial time, then fairly easy algorithm:
ModifiedShortestPath(u, v, G) {
X = StandardardShorestPath(u, v, G);
E = heaviest edge in X
F = all edges in G of weight >= E
Y = ModifiedShortestPath(u, v, G - F); // recur here on G without the F edges
return Min(X, Y);
The runtime of this is |E| times more than your standard shortest path.
Your graph is not that clear to begin with (too many values in blue of unclear role), which makes answers even more difficult. A much better question, a simpler graph and some straight answers in this post.
What made it clear for me, and allowed me to correct my implementation and get the correct results, was that at the end of each repetition in the loop, when it was time to pick the next node/vertex, whose unvisited neighbours I should examine, I had to pick from the whole pool of unvisited vertices, not just from the unvisited neighbours of the currently examined node. I was under the false impression that once you pick a path at a crossroad, because the greedy nature of the algorithm takes you there, you can only follow it to the end, unvisited after unvisited node. No. You pick the next globally unvisited node each time based on the smallest tentative value, regardless of its position in the graph or whether it is connected to the current node.
I Hope that clears the confussion that others like me have experienced and has led them here.

Given a node network, how to find the highest scoring loop with finite number of moves?

For a project of mine, I'm attempting to create a solver that, given a random set of weighted nodes with weighted paths, will find the highest scoring path with a finite number of moves. I've created a visual to help describe the problem.
This example has all the connection edges shown for completeness. The number on edges are traversal costs and numbers inside nodes are scores. A node is only counted when traversed to and cannot traverse to itself from itself.
As you can see from the description in the image, there is a start/finish node with randomly placed nodes that each have a arbitrary score. Every node is connected to all other nodes and every connection has an arbitrary weight that subtracts from the total number of move units remaining. For simplicity, you could assume the weight of a connection is a function of distance. Nodes can be traveled to more than once and their score is applied again. The goal is to find a loop path that has the highest score for the given move limit.
The solver will never be dealing with more than 30 nodes, usually dealing with 10-15 nodes. I still need to try and make it as fast as possible.
Any ideas on algorithms or methods that would help me solve this problem other than pure brute force methods?
Here's an O(m n^2)-time algorithm, where m is the number of moves and n is the number of nodes.
For every time t in {0, 1, ..., m} and every node v, compute the maximum score of a t-step walk that begins at the start node and ends at v as follows. If t = 0, then there's only walk, namely, doing nothing at the start node, so the maximum for (0, v) is 0 if v is the start node and -infinity (i.e., impossible) otherwise.
For t > 0, we use the entries for t - 1 to compute the entries for t. To compute the (t, v) entry, we add the score for v to the difference of the maximum over all nodes w of the (t - 1, w) entry minus the transition penalty from w to v. In other words, an optimal t-step walk to v consists of a step from some node w to v preceded by a (t - 1)-step walk to w, and this (t - 1)-step walk must be optimal because history does not influence future scoring.
At the end, we look at the (m, start node) entry. To recover the actual walk involves working backward and determining repeatedly which w was the best node to have come from.

Path from s to e in a weighted DAG graph with limitations

Consider a directed graph with n nodes and m edges. Each edge is weighted. There is a start node s and an end node e. We want to find the path from s to e that has the maximum number of nodes such that:
the total distance is less than some constant d
starting from s, each node in the path is closer than the previous one to the node e. (as in, when you traverse the path you are getting closer to your destination e. in terms of the edge weight of the remaining path.)
We can assume there are no cycles in the graph. There are no negative weights. Does an efficient algorithm already exist for this problem? Is there a name for this problem?
Whatever you end up doing, do a BFS/DFS starting from s first to see if e can even be reached; this only takes you O(n+m) so it won't add to the complexity of the problem (since you need to look at all vertices and edges anyway). Also, delete all edges with weight 0 before you do anything else since those never fulfill your second criterion.
EDIT: I figured out an algorithm; it's polynomial, depending on the size of your graphs it may still not be sufficiently efficient though. See the edit further down.
Now for some complexity. The first thing to think about here is an upper bound on how many paths we can actually have, so depending on the choice of d and the weights of the edges, we also have an upper bound on the complexity of any potential algorithm.
How many edges can there be in a DAG? The answer is n(n-1)/2, which is a tight bound: take n vertices, order them from 1 to n; for two vertices i and j, add an edge i->j to the graph iff i<j. This sums to a total of n(n-1)/2, since this way, for every pair of vertices, there is exactly one directed edge between them, meaning we have as many edges in the graph as we would have in a complete undirected graph over n vertices.
How many paths can there be from one vertex to another in the graph described above? The answer is 2n-2. Proof by induction:
Take the graph over 2 vertices as described above; there is 1 = 20 = 22-2 path from vertex 1 to vertex 2: (1->2).
Induction step: assuming there are 2n-2 paths from the vertex with number 1 of an n vertex graph as described above to the vertex with number n, increment the number of each vertex and add a new vertex 1 along with the required n edges. It has its own edge to the vertex now labeled n+1. Additionally, it has 2i-2 paths to that vertex for every i in [2;n] (it has all the paths the other vertices have to the vertex n+1 collectively, each "prefixed" with the edge 1->i). This gives us 1 + Σnk=2 (2k-2) = 1 + Σn-2k=0 (2k-2) = 1 + (2n-1 - 1) = 2n-1 = 2(n+1)-2.
So we see that there are DAGs that have 2n-2 distinct paths between some pairs of their vertices; this is a bit of a bleak outlook, since depending on weights and your choice of d, you may have to consider them all. This in itself doesn't mean we can't choose some form of optimum (which is what you're looking for) efficiently though.
EDIT: Ok so here goes what I would do:
Delete all edges with weight 0 (and smaller, but you ruled that out), since they can never fulfill your second criterion.
Do a topological sort of the graph; in the following, let's only consider the part of the topological sorting of the graph from s to e, let's call that the integer interval [s;e]. Delete everything from the graph that isn't strictly in that interval, meaning all vertices outside of it along with the incident edges. During the topSort, you'll also be able to see whether there is a
path from s to e, so you'll know whether there are any paths s-...->e. Complexity of this part is O(n+m).
Now the actual algorithm:
traverse the vertices of [s;e] in the order imposed by the topological
for every vertex v, store a two-dimensional array of information; let's call it
prev[][] since it's gonna store information about the predecessors
of a node on the paths leading towards it
in prev[i][j], store how long the total path of length (counted in
vertices) i is as a sum of the edge weights, if j is the predecessor of the
current vertex on that path. For example, pres+1[1][s] would have
the weight of the edge s->s+1 in it, while all other entries in pres+1
would be 0/undefined.
when calculating the array for a new vertex v, all we have to do is check
its incoming edges and iterate over the arrays for the start vertices of those
edges. For example, let's say vertex v has an incoming edge from vertex w,
having weight c. Consider what the entry prev[i][w] should be.
We have an edge w->v, so we need to set prev[i][w] in v to
min(prew[i-1][k] for all k, but ignore entries with 0) + c (notice the subscript of the array!); we effectively take the cost of a
path of length i - 1 that leads to w, and add the cost of the edge w->v.
Why the minimum? The vertex w can have many predecessors for paths of length
i - 1; however, we want to stay below a cost limit, which greedy minimization
at each vertex will do for us. We will need to do this for all i in [1;s-v].
While calculating the array for a vertex, do not set entries that would give you
a path with cost above d; since all edges have positive weights, we can only get
more costly paths with each edge, so just ignore those.
Once you reached e and finished calculating pree, you're done with this
part of the algorithm.
Iterate over pree, starting with pree[e-s]; since we have no cycles, all
paths are simple paths and therefore the longest path from s to e can have e-s edges. Find the largest
i such that pree[i] has a non-zero (meaning it is defined) entry; if non exists, there is no path fitting your criteria. You can reconstruct
any existing path using the arrays of the other vertices.
Now that gives you a space complexity of O(n^3) and a time complexity of O(n²m) - the arrays have O(n²) entries, we have to iterate over O(m) arrays, one array for each edge - but I think it's very obvious where the wasteful use of data structures here can be optimized using hashing structures and other things than arrays. Or you could just use a one-dimensional array and only store the current minimum instead of recomputing it every time (you'll have to encapsulate the sum of edge weights of the path together with the predecessor vertex though since you need to know the predecessor to reconstruct the path), which would change the size of the arrays from n² to n since you now only need one entry per number-of-nodes-on-path-to-vertex, bringing down the space complexity of the algorithm to O(n²) and the time complexity to O(nm). You can also try and do some form of topological sort that gets rid of the vertices from which you can't reach e, because those can be safely ignored as well.
