Problems with MPFIT and user-defined derivatives - curve-fitting

I am trying to use the optimization library MPFIT to fit a Gaussian function to my data. Actually this code is part of the example code that comes with the MPFIT library. The original code automatically calculates internally the derivatives of the function numerically and it works perfectly. The MPFIT library also allows the user to provide the function derivatives. This is where the problem starts. Here is the function used to calculate the residuals and the function's first order partial derivatives.
int gaussfunc(int m, int n, double *p, double *dy, double **derivs, void *vars)
int i,j;
struct vars_struct *v = (struct vars_struct *) vars;
double *x, *y, *ey;
double a = p[1];
double b = p[2];
double c = p[3];
double d = p[0];
x = v->x;
y = v->y;
ey = v->ey;
for (i=0; i<m; i++)
dy[i] = (y[i] - (a*exp(-(x[i]-b)*(x[i]-b)/(2*c*c))+d))/ey[i];
// the code below this point is the code I added to calculate the derivatives.
for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
if (derivs[j])
for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
double da = exp(-(x[i]-b)*(x[i]-b)/(2*c*c));
double db = a * exp(-(x[i]-b)*(x[i]-b)/(2*c*c)) * (x[i]-b)/(c*c);
double dc = a * exp(-(x[i]-b)*(x[i]-b)/(2*c*c)) * (x[i]-b)*(x[i]-b)/(c*c*c);
double dd = 1;
double foo;
if (j == 0) foo = dd;
else if(j == 1) foo = da;
else if(j == 2) foo = db;
else if(j == 3) foo = dc;
derivs[j][i] = foo;
return 0;
The code above the line 'if (derivs)' is the original one but refactored and the code below that is my code for computing the derivatives. I believe my maths are correct, and they are verified by
Has anyone encountered the same problem while using MPFIT with user-defined derivatives?
Thank you.

Because the calculation of the residuals is (DATA-MODEL)/SIGMA, the derivatives should be:
So, this line:
derivs[j][i] = foo;
derivs[j][i] = -foo/ey[i];
Problem solved! Thanks!


Is this implementation of a feedforward comb filter (FFCF) correct?

I'm trying to implement a feedforward comb filter (for use in a reverb) as described here:
This is my code:
int delay = 1051;
int arraySize = delay + 1;
int n = 0;
double gain = 0.7;
double buffer = new double[arraySize];
double doDelay(double x) {
buffer[n] = x;
double y = buffer[(n + delay) % arraySize];
y += x * gain;
if (n < 0) n += arraySize;
return y;
// per-sample processing function (called for every sample)
void processSample(double& sample) {
sample = doDelay(sample);
Aside from it not being the most elegant code, is the application of a feedforward comb filter correct? I suspect I might be missing something.
Thank you.

Is there any optimization function in Rcpp

The following is my Rcpp code, and I want to minimize the objective function logtpoi(x,theta) respect to theta in R by 'nlminb'. I found it is slow.
I have two question:
Anyone can improve my Rcpp code? Thank you very much.
Is there any optimization functions in Rcpp? If yes,maybe I can use them in Rcpp directly. And how to use them? Thank you very much.
My code:
#include <RcppArmadillo.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
using namespace arma;
// [[Rcpp::depends("RcppArmadillo")]]
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List dtpoi0(const IntegerVector& x, const NumericVector& theta){
//x is 3-dim vector; theta is a 6-dim parameter vector.
//be careful the order of theta1,...,theta6.
double theta1 = theta[0]; double theta2 = theta[1];
double theta3 = theta[2]; double theta4 = theta[3];
double theta5 = theta[4]; double theta6 = theta[5];
int x1 = x[0]; int x2 = x[1]; int x3 = x[2];
IntegerVector z1 = IntegerVector::create(x1,x2);
IntegerVector z2 = IntegerVector::create(x1,x3);
IntegerVector z3 = IntegerVector::create(x2,x3);
int s1 = min(z1); int s2 = min(z2); int s3 = min(z3);
arma::imat missy(1,3,fill::zeros); arma::irowvec ijk={0,0,0};
for (int i = 0; i <= s1; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j <= s2; ++j) {
for (int k = 0; k <= s3; ++k) {
if ((i+j <= s1) & (i+k <= s2) & ( j+k <= s3))
{ ijk = {i,j,k};
missy = join_cols(missy,ijk);}
IntegerMatrix misy = as<IntegerMatrix>(wrap(missy));
IntegerVector u1 = IntegerVector::create(0);
IntegerVector u2 = IntegerVector::create(0);
IntegerVector u3 = IntegerVector::create(0);
IntegerVector u4 = IntegerVector::create(0);
IntegerVector u5 = IntegerVector::create(0);
IntegerVector u6 = IntegerVector::create(0);
int total = misy.nrow();
double fvalue = 0;
NumericVector part1(1); NumericVector part2(1);
NumericVector part3(1); NumericVector part4(1);
NumericVector part5(1); NumericVector part6(1);
for (int l = 1; l < total; ++l) {
u1 = IntegerVector::create(x1-misy(l,0)-misy(l,1));
u2 = IntegerVector::create(x2-misy(l,0)-misy(l,2));
u3 = IntegerVector::create(x3-misy(l,1)-misy(l,2));
u4 = IntegerVector::create(misy(l,0));
u5 = IntegerVector::create(misy(l,1));
u6 = IntegerVector::create(misy(l,2));
part1 = dpois(u1,theta1);
part2 = dpois(u2,theta2);
part3 = dpois(u3,theta3);
part4 = dpois(u4,theta4);
part5 = dpois(u5,theta5);
part6 = dpois(u6,theta6);
fvalue = fvalue + (part1*part2*part3*part4*part5*part6)[0]; }
return(List::create(Named("misy") = misy,Named("fvalue") = fvalue));
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector dtpoi(const IntegerMatrix& x, const NumericVector& theta){
//x is n*3 matrix, n is the number of observations.
int n = x.nrow();
NumericVector density(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i){
density(i) = dtpoi0(x.row(i),theta)["fvalue"];
// [[Rcpp::export]]
double logtpoi0(const IntegerMatrix& x,const NumericVector theta){
// theta must be a 6-dimiension parameter.
double nln = -sum(log( dtpoi(x,theta) + 1e-60 ));
if(arma::is_finite(nln)) {nln = nln;} else {nln = -1e10;}
Huge caveat ahead: I don’t really know Armadillo. But I’ve had a stab at it because the code looks interesting.
A few general things:
You don’t need to declare things before you assign them for the first time. In particular, it’s generally not necessary to declare vectors outside a loop if they’re only used inside the loop. This is probably no less efficient than declaring them inside the loop. However, if your code is too slow it makes sense to carefully profile this, and test whether the assumption holds.
Many of your declarations are just aliases for vector elements and don’t seem necessary.
Your z{1…3} vectors aren’t necessary. C++ has a min function to find the minimum of two elements.
dtpoi0 contains two main loops. Both of these have been heavily modified in my code:
The first loop iterates over many ks that can are never used, due to the internal if that tests whether i + j exceeds s2. By pulling this check into the loop condition of j, we perform fewer k loops.
Your if uses & instead of &&. Like in R, using && rather than & causes short-circuiting. While this is probably not more efficient in this case, using && is idiomatic, whereas & causes head-scratching (my code uses and which is an alternative way of spelling && in C++; I prefer its readability).
The second loops effectively performs a matrix operation manually. I feel that there should be a way of expressing this purely with matrix operations — but as mentioned I’m not an Armadillo user. Still, my changes attempt to vectorise as much of this operation as possible (if nothing else this makes the code shorter). The dpois inner product is unfortunately still inside a loop.
The logic of logtpoi0 can be made more idiomatic and (IMHO) more readable by using the conditional operator instead of if.
const-correctness is a big deal in C++, since it weeds out accidental modifications. Use const liberally when declaring variables that are not supposed to change.
In terms of efficiency, the biggest hit when calling dtpoi or logtpoi0 is probably the conversion of missy to misy, which causes allocations and memory copies. Only convert to IntegerMatrix when necessary, i.e. when actually returning that value to R. For that reason, I’ve split dtpoi0 into two parts.
Another inefficiency is the fact that the first loop in dtpoi0 grows a matrix by appending columns. That’s a big no-no. However, rewriting the code to avoid this isn’t trivial.
#include <algorithm>
#include <RcppArmadillo.h>
// [[Rcpp::depends("RcppArmadillo")]]
using namespace Rcpp;
using namespace arma;
imat dtpoi0_mat(const IntegerVector& x) {
const int s1 = std::min(x[0], x[1]);
const int s2 = std::min(x[0], x[2]);
const int s3 = std::min(x[1], x[2]);
imat missy(1, 3, fill::zeros);
for (int i = 0; i <= s1; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j <= s2 and i + j <= s1; ++j) {
for (int k = 0; k <= s3 and i + k <= s2 and j + k <= s3; ++k) {
missy = join_cols(missy, irowvec{i, j, k});
return missy;
double dtpoi0_fvalue(const IntegerVector& x, const NumericVector& theta, imat& missy) {
double fvalue = 0.0;
ivec xx = as<ivec>(x);
missy.each_row([&](irowvec& v) {
const ivec u(join_cols(xx - v(uvec{0, 0, 1}) - v(uvec{1, 2, 3}), v));
double prod = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < u.n_elem; ++i) {
prod *= R::dpois(u[i], theta[i], 0);
fvalue += prod;
return fvalue;
double dtpoi0_fvalue(const IntegerVector& x, const NumericVector& theta) {
imat missy = dtpoi0_mat(x);
return dtpoi0_fvalue(x, theta, missy);
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List dtpoi0(const IntegerVector& x, const NumericVector& theta) {
imat missy = dtpoi0_mat(x);
const double fvalue = dtpoi0_fvalue(x, theta, missy);
return List::create(Named("misy") = as<IntegerMatrix>(wrap(missy)), Named("fvalue") = fvalue);
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector dtpoi(const IntegerMatrix& x, const NumericVector& theta) {
//x is n*3 matrix, n is the number of observations.
int n = x.nrow();
NumericVector density(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i){
density(i) = dtpoi0_fvalue(x.row(i), theta);
return density;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
double logtpoi0(const IntegerMatrix& x, const NumericVector theta) {
// theta must be a 6-dimension parameter.
const double nln = -sum(log(dtpoi(x, theta) + 1e-60));
return is_finite(nln) ? nln : -1e10;
Important: This compiles, but I can’t test its correctness. It’s entirely possible (even likely!) that my refactor introduced errors. It should therefore only be viewed as a solution sketch, and should by no means be copied and pasted into an application.

Why Visual Studio do not support variables for array size?

So this was a problem statement from CodeLeet to find the Longest Palindromic Substring.
In the codeleet interface this solution works:
class Solution {
string longestPalindrome(string s) {
int len = s.size();
int P[len][len];
memset(P, 0, len*len*sizeof(int));
int maxL=0, start=0, end=0;
for(int i =0; i< s.size(); i++){
for(int j =0; j<i; j++){
P[j][i] = (s[j] == s[i] && (i-j<2 || P[j+1][i-1]));
if(P[j][i] && maxL < (i-j+1))
maxL = i-j+1;
start = j;
end = i;
P[i][i] =1;
return s.substr(start, end-start +1);
But when the write the same thing as a function in Visual Studio:
string User::longestPalindromeStr(string s) {
int len = s.size();
int P[len][len];
memset(P, 0, len*len * sizeof(int));
int maxL = 0, start = 0, end = 0;
for (int i = 0; i< s.size(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j<i; j++)
P[j][i] = (s[j] == s[i] && (i - j<2 || P[j + 1][i - 1]));
if (P[j][i] && maxL < (i - j + 1))
maxL = i - j + 1;
start = j;
end = i;
P[i][i] = 1;
return s.substr(start, end - start + 1);
it says for the len variable : expression must have a constant value? Is it some problem with the VIsual studio ide. How can I solve this ?
Because variable length arrays (array declarations that use non-constexpr variables) are a C99 feature, not a C++ feature. No version of C++ offers them, and no version of Visual Studio provides that particular C99 feature.
If your code compiles on other C++ compilers, then that is because of C++ language extensions that they provide on top of the C++ standard.
There's no problem with the VS compiler. In C++, you can use new int[] to create a 1-dimensional array of runtime defined length, but new int[][] is not available unless the 2nd dimension is a constant expression.
The following attempt gives a compiler error that the 2nd dimension has to be a constant expression:
int len = 10;
int **P = new int[len][len]; // error: non-constant expression as array bound (on 2nd dimension)
This link gives a nice workaround Copy 2D array using memcpy?.

Broken Merge Sort

Good morning, Stack Overflow. You guys helped me out on an earlier assignment, and I'm hoping to get a little help on this one.
It's a programming assignment relating to sorts, one part of which is to write a working implementation of merge sort.
I adapted my solution from the pseudocode the professor used in class, but I'm getting an annoying segfault at the indicated location.
This method is sorting an array of structs, with data_t defined as struct pointers.
The struct definition:
typedef struct {
int id;
int salary;
} employee_t;
typedef employee_t* data_t;
They're being sorted by salary, which is a randomly generated number from 40,000 to 90,000.
Here's the actual method
void merge_sort(data_t items[], size_t n)
if (n < 2)
size_t mid = (n / 2);
data_t *left = malloc(sizeof(data_t) * mid);
data_t *right = malloc(sizeof(data_t) * (n - mid));
for (int y = 0; y < mid; y++)
left[y] = items[y];
for (int z = mid; z < n; z++)
right[z] = items[z];
merge_sort(left, mid);
merge_sort(right, (n - mid));
size_t l, r, i;
l = 0;
r = 0;
for (i = 0; i < (n - 1); i++)
if ((l < mid) && ((r >= (n - mid)) || ((left[l]->salary) <= (right[r]->salary))))
items[i] = left[l++];
items[i] = right[r++];
Note that I haven't made it as far as the end, so the array frees might be incorrectly located.
The segfault always occurs when I try to access right[r]->salary, so I'm assuming this is related to a null pointer, or similar. However, I'm extremely new to sorting, and I don't know exactly where to properly implement a check.
Any advice is appreciated greatly.
At first glance there's this fix:
for (int z = mid; z < n; z++)
right[z-mid] = items[z];

cvDilate/cvErode: How to avoid connection between separated objects?

I would like to separate objects in OpenCv like the following image it shows:
But if I am using cvDilate or cvErode the objects grow together... how to do that with OpenCv?
It looks like you will need to write your own dilate function and then add xor functionality yourself.
Per the opencv documentation, here is the rule that cvdilate uses:
dst=dilate(src,element): dst(x,y)=max((x',y') in element))src(x+x',y+y')
Here is pseudocode for a starting point (this does not include xor code):
void my_dilate(img) {
for(i = 0; i < img.height; i++) {
for(j = 0; j < img.width; j++) {
max_pixel = get_max_pixel_in_window(img, i, j);
img.pixel(i,j) = max_pixel;
int get_max_pixel_in_window(img, center_row, center_col) {
int window_size = 3;
int cur_max = 0;
for(i = -window_size; i <= window_size; i++) {
for(j = -window_size; j <= window_size; j++) {
int cur_col = center_col + i;
int cur_row = center_row + j;
if(out_of_bounds(img, cur_col, cur_row)) {
int cur_pix = img.pixel(center_row + i, center_col + j);
if(cur_pix > cur_max) {
cur_max = cur_pix;
return cur_max;
// returns true if the x, y coordinate is outside of the image
int out_of_bounds(img, x, y) {
if(x >= img.width || x < 0 || y >= img.height || y <= 0) {
return 1;
return 0;
As far as I know OpenCV does not have "dilation with XOR" (although that would be very nice to have).
To get similar results you might try eroding (as in 'd'), and using the eroded centers as seeds for a Voronoi segmentation which you could then AND with the original image.
after erosion and dilate try thresholding the image to eliminate weak elements. Only strong regions should remain and thus improve the object separation. By the way could you be a little more clear about your problem with cvDilate or cvErode.
