Import Testcase in Testlink 1.9.9 from xlx format - testcase

I have to import my testcases which is in Excel into Testlink.How can I do it.Please help me out of this. Thanks in advance.

There's a decent macro available here:
It'll output an xml file but you'll probably find it doesn't import without some tweaking. I found it necessary to remove the <testsuite> tags and to add a <testcases> wrapper.
Also, if you add extra custom fields, you may find extra <customfields> tags.
I recommend running the macro with just one row of data and making sure you can import that first, then trying to do it in bulk. I still ended up with 1 record that just wouldn't import and I never got to the bottom of it, but the process was quicker overall than manually entering 190 test cases.


Generate lang files dynamically

I have a situation that I had to sync my array with language files, so every time I had to generate & translate it.
I was looking for a package like laravel-langman it has an option to sync. But now that I am looking, it doesn't allow me to create a key with the value using artisan commend directly without asking for input.
Any Help will be appreciated.
You should check out this page maybe, it mentions multiple packages that solve your problem. We currently use a combination of 2 packages. I think the first one has what you want.
We use 2 packages to solve this issue, one is for the basic translations that don't get added dynamically, for this we used: waavi/translation
Now you still need it working for dynamically created or removed translations which you need if you want your models to contain multi language descriptions or something similar. For this we used: dimsav/laravel-translatable
With both of those you are all set, but you can also see if you like another package over the ones i listed.

How to import jars in Altova MapForce

Hello i am new to Altova Mapforce, I wanted to know what is the procedure to add JAR files import jars in MapForce.
If you mean "how do I add jar files that contain user-defined functions for use in my mappings", that is covered in the documentation.
If you mean "how do I add jar files at runtime when running a map", that is what the java classpath is for.
If it's the first one, then read the documentation, make your attempts, and post the results here if it doesn't work. As posed, your question doesn't really give us enough information about what you are trying to do...Much faster time to resolution, much more likely to get a realistic answer, if you show your work when you describe what you are trying to do.

Programmatic LESS imports

Is there any way to tell less to import different external files based on something pragmatically?
I process my LESS with dotless, but can't find anything that hints towards this being possible.
EDIT: Also just so this info is available. I'm aware of how to import specific files into another file. My question is the ability to specify a file to import based on some other piece of data....the users role...status of something....etc.
Is there a reason you cannot just do something this, while generating your LESS file with ASP:
If userRole1 Then
code to load imports for userRole1
code to load default imports
End If
In other words, generate your LESS file with ASP, accessing what you need, then have it output the LESS code with the desired imports, then LESS takes over to build the CSS.

cacti - multi cpu util - multi line OID

I have the OID: .
I got 24 rows (I have 24 core server),
I want to create one graph with all the rows to see the utilization.
Please help me :)
Had the same problem and I created a data input methode in Perl which uses Net::SNMP.
Get the script here:
Get the data template here:
Put the script into $CACTI_HOME/scripts, make sure it's executable and import the template.
Make sure you got Perl's Net::SNMP installed.
Have fun!

FITS Export with custom Metadata

does anybody has experience in exporting data as a FITS file with custom Metadata (FITS header) information? So far I was only able to generate FITS files with the standard Mathematica FITS header template. The documentation gives no hint on whether custom Metadata export is supported and how it might be done.
The following suggestions from comp.soft-sys.math.mathematica do not work:
header=Import[<some FITS file>, "Metadata"];
Export<"test.fits",data ,"Metadata"->header]
What is the proper way to export my own Metadata to a FITS file ?
Update: response from Wolfram Support:
"Mathematica does not yet support Export of metadata for FITS file. The
example are referring to importing of this data. We do plan to support
this in the future..."
"There are also plans to include binary tables into FITS import
I will try to come up with some workaround.
According to the documentation for v.7 and v.8, there is a couple of ways of accomplishing what you want, and you almost have the rule form correct:
Export["test.fits", {"Data" -> data, "Metadata" -> header}, "Rules"]
The other ways are
Export["test.fits", header, "Metadata"]
Export["test.fits", {data, header}, {{"Data", "Metadata"}}]
note the double brackets around the element labels in the second method.
Edit: After some testing, due to prodding from #belisarius, whenever I include the "Metadata" element, I get an error stating that it is not a valid export element. Also, you can't export a "RawData" element, either. So, I'd submit a bug for two reasons: the metadata isn't user settable which is vitally important for any serious application. At a minimum, the user should at least be able to augment the default Mathematica metadata. Second, the documentation is woefully inadequate in describing what is a "valid" export element vs. import element. Of course, I'd describe all of the documentation for v.6 and beyond as woefully inadequate, so this is par for the course.
Mathematica 9 now allows export of metadata (header) entries, which are additive to the standard required entries. In the Help browser, search "FITS" and there is an example that shows this (with Export followed by Import to verify).
