Connect to a remote MQ with WebSphere Message Broker - ibm-mq

An MQ Input node can only connect to the MQ that is bound to the MessageBroker installation. I would like to connect to a remote MQ. I would like to avoid using the JMS Input.
Would it be possible to use the MQ Service for connecting to a remote MQ?
I'm using tve version 9, so actually the IIB.

You can deliver outbound messages to remote queue managers via the broker's queue manager if suitable channels and xmit queues are setup.
This however is not the same as a client connection to a remote queue manager which is not currently supported.
You could use a JCN to call the MQ base API or you could raise a request for enhancement here:


How MQ Client like Java Client listen messages from MQ Server running ServerConn Channel

I am looking for detailed description on how IBM MQ Client or listener get the messages from MQ Server when new messages are placed on MQ Queue or Topic.
How the connection between MQ Client and MQ Server are created?
Does MQ Client initiates the connection with Server or does server initiates the connection to its consumer?
In case we have connection pool defined on MQ Client, how client knows that it has to create more connections with Server as the messages are increasing on Server? How Client know about the messages on Server?
Is there a communication from Server to Client which tells client that new messages have arrived?
I am looking for these details not the details on how this is setup or how to setup MQ Channels or Listeners. I am looking for how it works behind the scene.
If someone can point me to the right direction or documentation, it would be great.
It's hard to speak definitively about how the IBM WebSphereMQ client & server work since they're closed source, but based on my experience with other messaging implementations I can provide a general explanation.
A JMS connection is initiated by a client to a server. A JMS client uses a javax.jms.ConnectionFactory to create a javax.jms.Connection which is the connection between the client and server.
Typically when a client uses a pool the pool is either filled "eagerly" (which means a certain number of connections are created when the pool is initialized to fill it to a certain level) or "lazily" (which means the pool is filled with connections one-by-one as clients request them from the pool). If a client requests a connection from the pool and if all the connections in the pool are being used and the maximum size of connections allowed by the pool hasn't been reached then another connection will be created. If the pool has reached its maximum allowed size (i.e no more connections can be created) then the client requesting a connection will have to wait for another client to return their connection to the pool at which point the pool will then give it to the waiting client.
A JMS client can find out about messages on the server in a few different ways.
If the JMS client wants to ask the server occasionally about the messages it has on a particular queue it can create a javax.jms.Consumer and use the receive() method. This method can wait forever for a message to arrive on the queue or it can take a timeout parameter so that if a message doesn't arrive in the specified timeout the call to receive() will return.
If the JMS client wants to receive a message from a particular queue as soon as the message arrives on the queue then it can create a javax.jms.MessageListener implementation and register it on the queue. When such a listener is registered on a queue then when a message arrives on the queue the server will send the message to the listener. This is sometimes referred to as a "callback" since the server is "calling back" to the client.
The first thing you should do is take a course on JMS/IBM MQ or go to the new IBM conference called: Integration Technical Conference
Ok, now to your questions:
How the connection between MQ Client and MQ Server are created?
You simply issue the createQueueConnection method of QueueConnectionFactory class and specify the credentials.
QueueConnection conn = cf.createQueueConnection("myUserId", "myPwd");
Does MQ Client initiates the connection with Server or does server initiates the connection to its consumer?
MQ client application starts the connection - always.
In case we have connection pool defined on MQ Client, how client knows that it has to create more connections with Server as the messages are increasing on Server? How Client know about the messages on Server?
It is up to the team's architect or lead developer to understand message flow and message patterns. Hence, they will know what to set the pool count at. Also, lots and lots of testing too. Some client applications will only require a pool count of 10 whereas other applications may need a pool count of 50 because it is a heavy flow.
Is there a communication from Server to Client which tells client that new messages have arrived?
You use the createReceiver method of the QueueSession class to retrieve a message. Set a timeout value for the createReceiver method rather than continuously polling the queue manager.
Again, some training on the use of JMS/IBM MQ is strongly recommended.

how is configured ibm websphere mq architecture

I need to know how IBM Websphere MQ works.
As of my knowledge.
IBM Websphere MQ is an application that runs continuously
IBM Websphere MQ has a queue manager, queue name, port, host where it is runs, channel name.
We have a two different application in two different remote place.
Two applications and the IBM Websphere MQ applications are connected through network.
Using IBM Websphere MQ credentials the applications are able to send and receive messages between them via IBM Websphere MQ.
If I have anything wrong then please guide me.
My questions are:
If one application sends a message to the queue then where will the memory be consumed?
Where do we run the MQ listeners? On the applications environment or the Websphere environment (where we installed the IBM Websphere MQ)?
Do we need to run any programs in the application environments or are the IBM Websphere MQ credentials (queue manager, queue name, port, host where it is runs, channel name) enough to send and receive the messages?
If one application sends a message to the queue then where will the memory be consumed?
A Running Queue Manager requires memory in order to run and handle processing/storage of messages. As well as that every MQ Client application that connects to a Queue Manager requires memory to connect to and put/get messages. This is no different than any application that runs on any system.
Where do we run the MQ listeners?
Assuming you mean MQ Listeners. The MQ Listeners are run on the Queue Manager and specify the (TCP) port you want the Queue Manager to listen on.
Do we need to run any programs in the application environments or are the IBM Websphere MQ credentials (queue manager, queue name, port, host where it is runs, channel name) enough to send and receive the messages?
To run a Queue Manager on a machine, your machine must meet the System requirements stated in the System Requirements for WebSphere MQ page.
Here is the MQ v8 one
Likewise to run a MQ Client application that can connect into a Queue Manager, the application needs to have be ran on a machine that has the IBM MQ Client libraries installed on and meet the system requirements.
You also need to tell the application:
The location of the Queue Manager hostname/IP Address and port number.
The channel to connect into, which must exist on the Queue Manager
The Queue name to interact with, which must exist on the Queue Manager
Depending on your Queue Manager's configuration you need to ensure that your application is running with the correct user/supplying the correct user to ensure it is properly authorized to access the Queue Manager.

Queue Name Type to use

I'm new in using Websphere MQ. I need help in this.
I have a websphere located in a server remotely and I have an application that retrieves and sends the information to the websphere. Is it possible to send my queue to a remote websphere server and at the same time retrieve it? It's something like this.
If yes, how should I configure this one in the websphere remote server? Thanks!
Sorry to say your question is confusing. You don't send/receive queue. You send/receive messages to queue or topic. Can you clarify?
You can have WebSphere MQ queue manager running on machine and client application on different machine. Application can send and receive messages to/from remote queue manager. This is called as the client mode connection to queue manager and most commonly used type of connection mode.
Please read the WebSphere MQ InfoCenter.

AMQ9504: A protocol error was detected for channel

I'm unable to connect remotely from WebSphere Application Server with Queue Manager at WebSphere MQ. Anyhow it get connected to Queue Manager from WAS that is installed on same machine. I'm using version 7.5 of WebSphere MQ and version 7.0 of WebSphere Application Server.
While attempting to connect WAS remotely to Queue Manager following error messages were logged.
Error Message from WebSphere MQ:
1/30/2013 21:12:09 - Process(3624.6) User(MUSR_MQADMIN)
Host(KHILT-269) Installation(Installation1)
AMQ9504: A protocol error was detected for channel 'TEST_CHANNEL'. EXPLANATION: During communications with the
remote queue manager, the channel program detected a protocol error.
The failure type was 11 with associated data of 0. ACTION: Contact the
systems administrator who should examine the error logs to determine
the cause of the failure.
Error Message at WebSphere Application Server:
A connection could not be made to WebSphere MQ for the following
reason: CC=2;RC=2009
As it can be seen from logs, I have created Queue Manager as QM.TEST and channel as TEST_CHANNEL. The listener port defined for the Queue Manager is 1417 along with protocol TCP.
I did lot of google but didn't find any appropriate solution. I appreciate any help in this regard.
Thanks in adv, KAmeer
I had a similar issue where I have WAS 7 and WMQ 7.5. I was able to make a connection to my existing WMQ 7.0 QM but not my new WMQ 7.5 QM. Apparently there was a change to the WMQ components bundled with WAS 7 after the initial release After updating the resource adapter I was able to make a successfull connection to both queue managers.
The queue manager generates protocol error and terminates the connection immediately when it receives unexpected TSH flow from the client. As a result the client receives 2009 error. Technically, low level MQ client will be able communicate with higher version MQ queue manager and vice versa unless there are known restrictions and/or there is a MQ defect/APAR. The error message indicates the queue manager is running at MQ 7500 and this is MQ base 7.5 version. It is recommended upgrading the queue manager to the latest fixpack available to rule out any known problems. You could also try disabling shared conversion on the SVRCONN(i.e. setting SHARECNV to 0) channel and check whether it workarounds the problem until the problem is resolved.
Open a PMR with IBM as this sounds like a bug.
the cause for this is mq 7 client cannot talk to mq 7.5, the client needs to use mq 7.5 jar files
I had this problem. In my case was the mq library that was doing an MQGET with an infinite loop, so the lib was locked on the mqget while i called the kill and generated an event and tried to disconnect while the get was still running. As the mqget does not support unlocking via signal, i had to change the code to not stay infinite on get and add some flags on the kill command so the app could detect that it was time to die, when it returned from the get.

when to use client connection channel in MQ?

i kind of don't understand when to use the MQ client connection channel. From my understanding, when client trying to connect MQ server, it can be completed by defining the channel object with server connection channel value directly in application code. Therefore, if so, then why do we need to make use of such client connection channel?
Please help explain to me in detail. Thanks very much
A Server Connection Channel is used by clients to connect to a queue manager.
You don't really use a client connection channel to connect to queue manager. A client connection channel defines the connection parameters required to connect to a queue manager for example queue manager name, connection name, SSL etc. These channel definitions are stored in channel definition table (CCDT) files. CCDT files are used by client applications through MQCHLLIB and MQCHLTAB environment variables.
This link and another has little more details.
In older versions of WebSphere MQ, a Client Channel Definition Table was used to specify SSL parameters and for failover so the application could select from several equivalent queue managers at connection time. The CCDT file is a compiled artifact and the DEFINE CHL(channel name) CHLTYPE(CLNTCONN) command is what generates the entries in the CCDT file. So you would only use the CLNTCONN channel type if you wanted to create a CCDT file.
Newer versions of WebSphere MQ expose the CCDT fields in the MQCONNX API and the reconnection parameters are in the CONNAME parameter and the client.ini file. Although these have made the CCDT file obsolete for newer applications, the functionality is still required for commercial and legacy applications. IBM has not announced that CCDT functionality is deprecated and it is in V7.5 which was just released so that functionality will remain for the foreseeable future.
What is a channel?
A channel is a logical communication link between a WebSphere® MQ client and a WebSphere MQ server, or between two WebSphere MQ servers. A channel has two definitions: one at each end of the connection. The same channel name must be used at each end of the connection, and the channel type used must be compatible.
WebSphere® MQ uses two different types of channels:
Message Channel
MQI Channel
A message channel, which is a unidirectional communications link between two queue managers. WebSphere MQ uses message channels to transfer messages between the queue managers. To send messages in both directions, you must define a channel for each direction.
A message channel is a one-way link. It connects two queue managers by using message channel agents (MCAs). Its purpose is to transfer messages from one queue manager to another. Message channels are not required by the client server environment.
An MQI channel, which is bidirectional and connects an application (MQI client) to a queue manager on a server machine. WebSphere MQ uses MQI channels to transfer MQI calls and responses between MQI clients and queue managers
