Limit number of processed record by hadoop mapreduce - hadoop

i have a hugh file (hive table with over 20 billions of records)
and i need to run a mapreduce that will process the first 10k number of records.
is there an effective way to limit the number of processed record by hadoop mapreduce?

You can use LIMIT with task specification. However if you have to do it again and again then a better automated solution is to use OOZIE (work flow editor for hadoop) that can create partitions in hive for your data.

You may use LIMIT:
But it returns 10k random records. As MapReduce processes data blocks independently you can't say which record is first and which is last.
Here is a trick to get what you want in case you know the order of records:
SET mapred.reduce.tasks = 1
Still you'll have to process all 20 billions of records.


How to find optimum Spark-athena file size

I have a spark job that writes to s3 bucket and have a athena table on top of this location.
The table is partitioned. Spark was writing 1GB single file per partition. We experimented with maxRecordsPerFile option thus writing only 500MB data per file. In the above case we ended up having 2 files with 500MB each
This saved 15 mins in run-time on the EMR
However, there was a problem with athena. Athena query CPU time started getting worse with the new file size limit.
I tried comparing the same data with the same query before and after execution and this is what I found:
Partition columns = source_system, execution_date, year_month_day
Query we tried:
select *
from dw.table
where source_system = 'SS1'
and year_month_day = '2022-09-14'
and product_vendor = 'PV1'
and execution_date = '2022-09-14'
and product_vendor_commission_amount is null
and order_confirmed_date is not null
and filter = 1
order by product_id
limit 100;
Execution time:
Before: 6.79s
After: 11.102s
Explain analyze showed that the new structure had to scan more data.
Before: CPU: 13.38s, Input: 2619584 rows (75.06MB), Data Scanned: 355.04MB; per task: 77434.54, Output: 18 rows (67.88kB)
After: CPU: 20.23s, Input: 2619586 rows (74.87MB), Data Scanned: 631.62MB; per task: 193849.09, Output: 18 rows (67.76kB)
Can you please guide me why this takes double the time? What are the things to look out for? Is there a sweet spot on file size that would be optimal for spark & athena combination?
One hypothesis is that pushdown filters are more effective with the single file strategy.
From AWS Big Data Blog's post titled Top 10 Performance Tuning Tips for Amazon Athena:
Parquet and ORC file formats both support predicate pushdown (also
called predicate filtering). Both formats have blocks of data that
represent column values. Each block holds statistics for the block,
such as max/min values. When a query is being run, these statistics
determine whether the block should be read or skipped depending on the
filter value used in the query. This helps reduce data scanned and
improves the query runtime. To use this capability, add more filters
in the query (for example, using a WHERE clause).
One way to optimize the number of blocks to be skipped is to identify
and sort by a commonly filtered column before writing your ORC or
Parquet files. This ensures that the range between the min and max of
values within the block are as small as possible within each block.
This gives it a better chance to be pruned and also reduces data
scanned further.
To test it I would suggest to do another experiment if possible. Change the spark job and sort the data before persisting it into the two files. Use the following order:
source_system, execution_date, year_month_day, product_vendor, product_vendor_commission_amount, order_confirmed_date, filter and product_id. Then check the query statistics.
At least the dataset would be optimised for the presented use case. Otherwise, change it according to the most heavy queries.
The post comments about optimal file sizes too and it gives a general rule of thumb. From my experience, Spark works well with sizes between 128MB and 2GB. It should be also fine for other query engines like Presto used by Athena.
My suggestion would be to break year_month_day/execution date ( as mostly used in the queries ) to Year, Month and Day partitions , which would reduce the amount of data scan and efficient filtering.

Looking for an Equivalent of GenerateTableFetch

I use ExecuteSQLRecord to run a query and write to CSV format. The table has 10M rows. Although I can split the output into multiple flow files, the query is executed by only a single thread and is very slow.
Is there a way to partition the query into multiple queries so that the next processor can run multiple concurrent tasks, each one process one partition? It would be like:
GenerateTableFetch -> ExecuteSQLRecord (with concurrent tasks)
The problem is that GenerateTableFetch only accepts table name as input. It does not accept customized queries.
Please advise if you have solutions. Thank you in advance.
You can increase the concurrency on Nifi processors (by increase the number in Councurrent Task), you can also increase the throughput, some time it works :
Also if you are working on the cluster, before the processor, you can apply load balancing on the queue, so it will distribute the workload among the nodes of your cluster (load balance strategy, put to round robin):
Check this, youtube channel, for Nifi antipatterns (there is a video on concurrency): Nifi Notes
Please clarify your question, if I didn't answer it.
Figured out an alternative way. I developed a Oracle PL/SQL function which takes table name as an argument, and produces a series of queries like "SELECT * FROM T1 OFFSET x ROWS FETCH NEXT 10000 ROWS ONLY". The number of queries is based on the number of rows of the table, which is a statistics number in the catalog table. If the table has 1M rows, and I want to have 100k rows in each batch, it will produces 10 queries. I use ExecuteSQLRecord to call this function, which effectively does the job of NiFi processor GenerateTableFetch. My next processor (e.g. ExecuteSQLRecord again) can now have 10 concurrent tasks working in parallel.

Is there an Alternative for HBaseStorage in PIG

I am using HBaseStorage with -caching option in pig script as follows
HBaseStorage('countDetails:ansCount countDetails:divCount countDetails:unansCount countDetails:engCount countDetails:ineffCount countDetails:totalCount', '-caching 1000');
I can see this was reflecting in my job.xml
but I can see there is no time difference in it I am processing 10 million records and store data around 160mb in to HBase.
When I store the result in hdfs its taking 3 mins to process the same job takes 30mins to store into HBase.
I even tried by setting
SET hbase.client.scanner.caching 1000;
Please let me know how can I reduce the time.
Is there any alternative for HBaseStorage?
the above blog says that I have to set hbase.client.scanner.caching in bootstrap scrip
I don't know how to do that
will it be enough If I set it in Hbase-conf.
Please help me out of this
hbase.client.scanner.caching points to number of rows that will be fetched when calling next on a scanner if it is not served from (local, client) memory.
Higher caching values will enable faster scanners but will eat up more memory and some calls of next may take longer and longer time when the cache is empty. Do not set this value such that the time between invocations is greater than the scanner timeout;
i.e. This property is 1 min by default. Clients must
report in within this period else they are considered dead.
In my experience HBase doesn't perform very well with Pig. It you don't have requirement for random look-up then use only HDFS otherwie HBase MR job would be better option. Also, In Hadoop MR job, you can connect to Hbase(This option gave me the best performance).

Hive always gives "Number of reduce tasks determined at compile time: 1", no matter what I do

create external table if not exists my_table
(customer_id STRING,ip_id STRING)
location 'ip_b_class';
And then:
hive> set mapred.reduce.tasks=50;
hive> select count(distinct customer_id) from my_table;
Total MapReduce jobs = 1
Launching Job 1 out of 1
Number of reduce tasks determined at compile time: 1
There's 160GB in there, and with 1 reducer it takes a long time...
[ihadanny#lvshdc2en0011 ~]$ hdu
Found 8 items
162808042208 hdfs://horton/ip_b_class
Logically you cannot have more than one reducer here. Unless all the distinct customer IDs from the individual map tasks come to one place the distinctness can not be established and a single count can not be produced. In other words unless you heap all the customer IDs together in one place, you cannot say each one is distinct and eventually count them.
The originial answer and explanation provided by #Rags is correct. The attached link give you good workaround by re-writing your query. I would suggest that if you don't want to rewrite your query, provide more memory to reducer by using this option:
That options sets memory max used by reducer to 8 GB. if you have more then you can specify higher value here. Hope this helps

HBase as Input -> unable to balance load over available map tasks

I want each hadoop mapper to process a separate portion of data at a M/R job and I would like to test on a pseudo-distributed (single-node) setup the case where many mappers would be necessary to exist as a result of a bigger input-data size. Given the size of my current input and the standalone mode I am experimenting on, I can only see 1 map task.
My input comes from an hbase table and I thought that the number of regions per hbase table is equal to the number of mappers used to process the table's data.
So, as to reproduce a case where many mappers would process the input data, I predefined regions of table through shell like this :
create 't1', 'f1', {NUMREGIONS => 4, SPLITALGO => 'HexStringSplit'}
or setting 'UniformSplit' as SPLITALGO, but even if mappers indeed increase to the specified number of regions (after importing data to the respective table), all the input data (at a subsequent test job where I try to read from this table) pass through only one mapper - with the others processing none of the input rows.
I work on a pseudo-distributed (single-node) setup and I really don't know how to solve this. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks!
Are you scanning the entire table or just a section of it? If you are scanning a section of the table, then that might be the cause of your problem as your data source isn't big enough to trigger multiple mappers.
You can try to decrease the region size in your hbase-size.xml configuration and restart hbase to achieve the desired effect.
Lastly, in your mapred-site.xml configuration, how many mapper slots do you have? If it is just 1, this will not limit the number of map jobs, but it will limit the number of map jobs that can be run at a time on that server.
Other than that, I don't think you have much control over specifying the number of mappers per job- not like you do with the number of reducers.
