How to find optimum Spark-athena file size - performance

I have a spark job that writes to s3 bucket and have a athena table on top of this location.
The table is partitioned. Spark was writing 1GB single file per partition. We experimented with maxRecordsPerFile option thus writing only 500MB data per file. In the above case we ended up having 2 files with 500MB each
This saved 15 mins in run-time on the EMR
However, there was a problem with athena. Athena query CPU time started getting worse with the new file size limit.
I tried comparing the same data with the same query before and after execution and this is what I found:
Partition columns = source_system, execution_date, year_month_day
Query we tried:
select *
from dw.table
where source_system = 'SS1'
and year_month_day = '2022-09-14'
and product_vendor = 'PV1'
and execution_date = '2022-09-14'
and product_vendor_commission_amount is null
and order_confirmed_date is not null
and filter = 1
order by product_id
limit 100;
Execution time:
Before: 6.79s
After: 11.102s
Explain analyze showed that the new structure had to scan more data.
Before: CPU: 13.38s, Input: 2619584 rows (75.06MB), Data Scanned: 355.04MB; per task: 77434.54, Output: 18 rows (67.88kB)
After: CPU: 20.23s, Input: 2619586 rows (74.87MB), Data Scanned: 631.62MB; per task: 193849.09, Output: 18 rows (67.76kB)
Can you please guide me why this takes double the time? What are the things to look out for? Is there a sweet spot on file size that would be optimal for spark & athena combination?

One hypothesis is that pushdown filters are more effective with the single file strategy.
From AWS Big Data Blog's post titled Top 10 Performance Tuning Tips for Amazon Athena:
Parquet and ORC file formats both support predicate pushdown (also
called predicate filtering). Both formats have blocks of data that
represent column values. Each block holds statistics for the block,
such as max/min values. When a query is being run, these statistics
determine whether the block should be read or skipped depending on the
filter value used in the query. This helps reduce data scanned and
improves the query runtime. To use this capability, add more filters
in the query (for example, using a WHERE clause).
One way to optimize the number of blocks to be skipped is to identify
and sort by a commonly filtered column before writing your ORC or
Parquet files. This ensures that the range between the min and max of
values within the block are as small as possible within each block.
This gives it a better chance to be pruned and also reduces data
scanned further.
To test it I would suggest to do another experiment if possible. Change the spark job and sort the data before persisting it into the two files. Use the following order:
source_system, execution_date, year_month_day, product_vendor, product_vendor_commission_amount, order_confirmed_date, filter and product_id. Then check the query statistics.
At least the dataset would be optimised for the presented use case. Otherwise, change it according to the most heavy queries.
The post comments about optimal file sizes too and it gives a general rule of thumb. From my experience, Spark works well with sizes between 128MB and 2GB. It should be also fine for other query engines like Presto used by Athena.

My suggestion would be to break year_month_day/execution date ( as mostly used in the queries ) to Year, Month and Day partitions , which would reduce the amount of data scan and efficient filtering.


Looking for an Equivalent of GenerateTableFetch

I use ExecuteSQLRecord to run a query and write to CSV format. The table has 10M rows. Although I can split the output into multiple flow files, the query is executed by only a single thread and is very slow.
Is there a way to partition the query into multiple queries so that the next processor can run multiple concurrent tasks, each one process one partition? It would be like:
GenerateTableFetch -> ExecuteSQLRecord (with concurrent tasks)
The problem is that GenerateTableFetch only accepts table name as input. It does not accept customized queries.
Please advise if you have solutions. Thank you in advance.
You can increase the concurrency on Nifi processors (by increase the number in Councurrent Task), you can also increase the throughput, some time it works :
Also if you are working on the cluster, before the processor, you can apply load balancing on the queue, so it will distribute the workload among the nodes of your cluster (load balance strategy, put to round robin):
Check this, youtube channel, for Nifi antipatterns (there is a video on concurrency): Nifi Notes
Please clarify your question, if I didn't answer it.
Figured out an alternative way. I developed a Oracle PL/SQL function which takes table name as an argument, and produces a series of queries like "SELECT * FROM T1 OFFSET x ROWS FETCH NEXT 10000 ROWS ONLY". The number of queries is based on the number of rows of the table, which is a statistics number in the catalog table. If the table has 1M rows, and I want to have 100k rows in each batch, it will produces 10 queries. I use ExecuteSQLRecord to call this function, which effectively does the job of NiFi processor GenerateTableFetch. My next processor (e.g. ExecuteSQLRecord again) can now have 10 concurrent tasks working in parallel.

Apache Drill Query data rertival is not constant on HDFS system

I am working on Apache Drill and HDFS in my project.
I am dealing with v.big file (e.g 150GB) and that file is stored in HDFS system. I am writing my Drill query such a way that i will get some amount of data and i will process that (e.g 100 rows) and then again fire a query on that file, so my performance will increase.
(e.g SELECT * FROM dfs.file path LIMIT 100 )
But every time when i perform a query on that File which is in HDFS system, i am not getting consistent data. It changes every time as Hadoop will fetch that data from any cluster.
Because of that, it may be the case that during the entire process of getting all the record, i may get the same records which i have already.
You might be lucky with using pagination with LIMIT and OFFSET, altough I am not sure about it's behaviour with HDFS.
There is a question with a similar approach How to use apache drill do page search and the documentation says:
The OFFSET clause provides a way to skip a specified number of first rows in a result set before starting to return any rows.

Big data signal analysis: better way to store and query signal data

I am about doing some signal analysis with Hadoop/Spark and I need help on how to structure the whole process.
Signals are now stored in a database, that we will read with Sqoop and will be transformed in files on HDFS, with a schema similar to:
<Measure ID> <Source ID> <Measure timestamp> <Signal values>
where signal values are just string made of floating point comma separated numbers.
000123 S001 2015/04/22T10:00:00.000Z 0.0,1.0,200.0,30.0 ... 100.0
000124 S001 2015/04/22T10:05:23.245Z 0.0,4.0,250.0,35.0 ... 10.0
000126 S003 2015/04/22T16:00:00.034Z 0.0,0.0,200.0,00.0 ... 600.0
We would like to write interactive/batch queries to:
apply aggregation functions over signal values
To select signals that had a peak over 1000.0.
apply aggregation over aggregation
To select sources having at least a single signal that exceeded 1500.0.
apply user defined functions over samples
to select signals that after being filtered at 5.0 KHz have at least a value over 100.0.
We need some help in order to:
find the correct file format to write the signals data on HDFS. I thought to Apache Parquet. How would you structure the data?
understand the proper approach to data analysis: is better to create different datasets (e.g. processing data with Spark and persisting results on HDFS) or trying to do everything at query time from the original dataset?
is Hive a good tool to make queries such the ones I wrote? We are running on Cloudera Enterprise Hadoop, so we can also use Impala.
In case we produce different derivated dataset from the original one, how we can keep track of the lineage of data, i.e. know how the data was generated from the original version?
Thank you very much!
1) Parquet as columnar format is good for OLAP. Spark support of Parquet is mature enough for production use. I suggest to parse string representing signal values into following data structure (simplified):
case class Data(id: Long, signals: Array[Double])
val df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(Seq(Data(1L, Array(1.0, 1.0, 2.0)), Data(2L, Array(3.0, 5.0)), Data(2L, Array(1.5, 7.0, 8.0))))
Keeping array of double allows to define and use UDFs like this:
def maxV(arr: mutable.WrappedArray[Double]) = arr.max
sqlContext.udf.register("maxVal", maxV _)
sqlContext.sql("select * from table where maxVal(signals) > 2.1").show()
| id| signals|
| 2| [3.0, 5.0]|
| 2|[1.5, 7.0, 8.0]|
sqlContext.sql("select id, max(maxVal(signals)) as maxSignal from table group by id having maxSignal > 1.5").show()
| id|maxSignal|
| 1| 2.0|
| 2| 8.0|
Or, if you want some type-safety, using Scala DSL:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val maxVal = udf(maxV _)"*").where(maxVal($"signals") > 2.1).show()$"id", maxVal($"signals") as "maxSignal").groupBy($"id").agg(max($"maxSignal")).where(max($"maxSignal") > 2.1).show()
| id|max(maxSignal)|
| 2| 8.0|
2) It depends: if size of your data allows to do all processing in query time with reasonable latency - go for it. You can start with this approach, and build optimized structures for slow/popular queries later
3) Hive is slow, it's outdated by Impala and Spark SQL. Choice is not easy sometimes, we use rule of thumb: Impala is good for queries without joins if all your data stored in HDFS/Hive, Spark has bigger latency but joins are reliable, it supports more data sources and has rich non-SQL processing capabilities (like MLlib and GraphX)
4) Keep it simple: store you raw data (master dataset) de-duplicated and partitioned (we use time-based partitions). If new data arrives into partition and your already have downstream datasets generated - restart your pipeline for this partition.
Hope this helps
First, I believe Vitaliy's approach is very good in every aspect. (and I'm all for Spark)
I'd like to propose another approach, though. The reasons are:
We want to do Interactive queries (+ we have CDH)
Data is already structured
The need is to 'analyze' and not quite 'processing' of the data. Spark could be an overkill if (a) data being structured, we can form sql queries faster and (b) we don't want to write a program every time we want to run a query
Here are the steps I'd like to go with:
Ingestion using sqoop to HDFS: [optionally] use --as-parquetfile
Create an External Impala table or an Internal table as you wish. If you have not transferred the file as parquet file, you can do that during this step. Partition by, preferably Source ID, since our groupings are going to happen on that column.
So, basically, once we've got the data transferred, all we need to do is to create an Impala table, preferably in parquet format and partitioned by the column that we're going to use for grouping. Remember to do compute statistics after loading to help Impala run it faster.
Moving data:
- if we need to generate feed out of the results, create a separate file
- if another system is going to update the existing data, then move the data to a different location while creating->loading the table
- if it's only about queries and analysis and getting reports (i.e, external tables suffice), we don't need to move the data unnecessarily
- we can create an external hive table on top of the same data. If we need to run long-running batch queries, we can use Hive. It's a no-no for interactive queries, though. If we create any derived tables out of queries and want to use through Impala, remember to run 'invalidate metadata' before running impala queries on the hive-generated tables
Lineage - I have not gone deeper into it, here's a link on Impala lineage using Cloudera Navigator

How to optimize Hive queires with external table and serde

Part 1: my enviroment
I have following files uploaded to Hadoop:
The are plain text
Each line contains JSON like:
{code:[int], customerId:[string], data:{[something more here]}}
code are numbers from 1 to 3000,
customerId are total up to 4 millions, daily up to 0.5 millon
All files are gzip
In hive I created external table with custom JSON serde (let's call it CUSTOMER_DATA)
All files from each date is stored in separate directory - and I use it as partitions in Hive tables
Most queries which I do are filtering by date, code and customerId. I have also a second file with format (let's call it CUSTOMER_ATTRIBUTES]:
[customerId] [attribute_1] [attribute_2] ... [attribute_n]
which contains data for all my customers, so rows are up to 4 millions.
I query and filter my data in following way:
Filtering by date - partitions do the job here using WHERE partitionDate IN (20141020,20141020)
Filtering by code using statement like for example `WHERE code IN (1,4,5,33,6784)
Joining table CUSTOMER_ATTRIBUTES with CUSTOMER_DATA with condition query like
SELECT customerId
WHERE CUSTOMER_ATTRIBUTES.attribute_1=[something]
Part 2: question
Is there any efficient way how can I optimize my queries. I read about indexes and buckets by I don't know if I can use them with external tables and if they will optimize my queries.
Performance on search:
Internal or External table does not make a difference as far as performance is considered. You can build indexes on both. Either ways building indexes on large data sets is counter intuitive.
Bucketing the data on your searching columns would give a lot of performance gains. But whether you can bucket you data or not depends on your use case.
You can consider more partitioning (if possible) to get more gains if you can on code/customer id. Hopefully you don't have to many unique code or customer id.
Rather than trying these things out on your Textual Json formatted data, I would strongly suggest you to move away from JSON test data. Parsing JSON(Text) is a big performance killer.
These days there are a lot of file format which work pretty good. If cant change the component which produces the data, you use a series of queries and tables to convert to other file formats. This will be one time job for each partition data. After that your search queries will run faster on newer file formats.
for eg. RCFile format is support by hive. If you pull out code, customerid as separate columns in RCFILE then the query engine can completely skip data col for not matching code in (1,4,5,33,6784) , reducing IO heavily.
Also storing data in RCFile ie columnar storage will help your joins. With RCFile when you run a query with join the hive execution engine will only read in required columns, again significantly reducing IO. On top of this if you bucketted your columns which are a part of JOIN keys it will lead to more performance gains.
If you need to have JSON due to nesting nature of data then I would suggesting you look at Parquet
It will give you performance gains of RCFile + binary (avro, thrift etc)
At my work we had 2 columns of heavily nested JSON data. We tried storing this as compressed text and sequence file format. We then broke up the complex nested JSON columns to lesser nested multiple columns and pulled out some frequently searched keys into other columns. We stored this as RCfile and performance gains we observed on searching were huge.
Rightnow with more burst in data we need to improve more. After trying a few more things and talking to Cloudera guys there is only one big area to improve. Move away from JSON parsing. Parquet seems to be ideal candidate for this.
Yes you can use Indexes with External Tables. Index do optimize the search Queries.
CREATE INDEX your_index_name ON TABLE your_table_name(field_you_want_to_index) AS 'COMPACT' WITH DEFERRED REBUILD;
indexing takes a lot of time for a huge dataset, so we can do a deferred rebuild, i.e after production hours :)
ALTER INDEX your_index_name ON your_table_name REBUILD;
you can even rebuild a specific partition.
ALTER INDEX your_index_name ON your_table_name PARTITION(your_field = 'any_thing') REBUILD;
when you JOIN two tables BUCKETING is the best option to go with, does alot of optimization.

Hive performance

I work on hive and i am new to it. I am facing some issues regarding the performance in hive query.
Number of mappers allocated to my job is very low even though there
are hundreds of mappers available. I have tried setting But it takes only 20 to 30 mappers. I
understand, number of mappers depend upon the inputsplit. Is there
any other option to increase the mappers? if no then why is the
parameter( introduced ?
Is there any resource where i can understand to correlate hive
queries to map-reduce jobs, i.e where the different part of the
query is executed?
For more information about setting map tasks, check this link: Basically, is just a hint; it doesn't really control anything usually.
To see how Hive queries are executed, simply preface your query with explain. For example: explain select foo from bar;. If you need even more information, there's also explain extended.
I see this question has been asked long time ago, I'll try to answer it even though some of the suggestions here would not be available at the time when question has been asked.
To optimize Hive performance:
Tuning the number of mappers and reducers used by your Hive request; this could be done by tuning the input size for each mapper mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.maxsize, and the input size for each reducer: hive.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer
bare in mind that "the more the better" is not always true. So you need to tune those numbers to your needs.
Optimize the joins, convert Joins to map-joins, if one of the table is small table (if possible)...
Partition your table on columns that are often used in conditions (WHERE).
For example if you are requesting frequently SELECT * from myTable WHERE someColumn = 'someValue' it is recommended to partition your table on the column 'someColumn'
This will let your query search just the partition files someColumn=SomePartition instead of searching the whole table files.
Compressing the intermediate results may enhance the performance in some cases (depending on your hardware configuration, network and CPU / memory). This could be done by setting the property: hive.intermediate.compression.codec
Choosing the right compression codec, for example using Snappy (as in here):
SET hive.exec.compress.output=true;
SET mapred.output.compression.type=BLOCK;
Not been available at the time of question:
Using optimized file format to store your table , instead of using Text File, or Sequence File, you could use ORC (hive 0.11 +) for example ( )
Using another engine to execute your queries on, instead of MapReduce, you could use Tez or even Spark.To use tez for example:
For further optimization you could refer here
You can decrease 'mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.maxsize' to increase the number of mappers (more splits).
