Joomla 3 menu modules not outputting - joomla

<jdoc:include type="module" name="topmenu" title="Top Nav" />
<jdoc:include type="module" name="mainmenu" title="Main Nav" />
I have these two modules that I included in my index.php I have positions set up in my templateDetails.xml. I have created main menu, assigned its module, and given that module the position of mainmenu. I have added menu items yet nothing is output in that position. What am I doing wrong?

I was able to get it working by changing jdoc:include type from module to modules.
I thought using module was for when you have one module that only ever lives in that position. Was I mis-using it? If so please tell me the proper way.


Can I put a Joomla extension as the only item at frontend?

What I need to do is to put a Joomla extension, JDownloads, as the only item at the frontend. I mean, no menus, no header, no footer, no other things at frontend, only JDownloads.
I'm a newbie in Joomla, so I have to ask. Is this possible, at first place? If it is, how can achieve it?
No need to do anything other than make a single menu item to your JDownloads component. If you don't add any modules then all that will display is the component.
You could fork one of your templates (atomic is the simplest one) eg from
tweak a few parameters in /templates/simply/templateDetails.xml
and in /templates/simply/index.php replace the contents of BODY tag with:
<jdoc:include type="message" />
<jdoc:include type="component" />
Then set it as your default template or use as helper for other site

Joomla include -- what and where is the file?

<jdoc:include type="modules" name="foot"/>
What file does the code above include in joomla and where is it located?
I have grep'ed a whole site for a string that I know has to be in the file called by that line of code... and I haven't found it.
Please help!
It's a template position called foot. The jdoc:include is the code used by the joomla framework to create the position for modules in the template. So if you publish a module in the position "foot", you see it appear in that place holder for the "foot" position.

Default Article content position div in Joomla 2.5

I wish to show a Article's content on a Joomla template 2.5 page.
I have seen the use of the div ids 'wrapper' with another div 'main' inside that in the index.php page but that seems not to work.
Does normal article content require positions like modules? In the CMS I don't see anything in the Article Manager that allows me to specify a position?
Help please!
The articles are showed by default (or any other component content)where this tag is located in your template:
<jdoc:include type="component" />
Normal content does not require any position like modules.

Joomla 1.7 modules - What am I missing?

I am trying to work through building a template in Joomla and seem to be missing a fundamental logic here on how modules work. I have read the wiki and several tutorials which all speak of earlier versions than 1.7 so havent helped much.
Basically I have created two menus:
"Main Menu" menu type mainmenu
"Sub Menu" menu type submenu
When I go into Module Manager though, I see both menus as follows:
"Main Menu" type: Menu
"Sub Menu" type: Menu
So in my index.php the only way I can get the menu to display is with the following:
<jdoc:include type="module" name="menu" title="Main Menu"/>
<jdoc:include type="module" name="menu" title="Sub Menu"/>
if I try setting name="mainmenu" or name="submenu" they simply dont display. This basically just shows two copies of the same menu (the one set to "home" I think).
I am missing something here and I dont know what. Isnt the title suppose to tell Joomla which to display here?
I have tried setting their positions in the module manager, then wrapping them in divs with the same id as the position, that didnt change anything either. Im lost...
Could someone please explain how I am suppose to display these menus?
Any help is greatly appreciated!
You need to use module positions.
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="mainmenu-position" />
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="submenu-position" />
or you can load both menu modules into one single position
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="menus" />
Important thing is to assing the modules to the positions they get displayed in (backend).
There is only one type of menu module in Joomla, not separate module types for mainmenu and submenu.
You mention that you have two modules of type "menu" in the Module Manager.
Open them up and take a look at the paramaters under "Basic Options". Set your Main Menu 'start level' to 1 and 'end level' to 2, and set your Submenu 'start level' to 2 and 'end level' to 'all'.
That should do the trick.

Joomla position in a template

In Joomla, for any template that we use, we have a number of specified positions
( left, right, footer) .. Is it possible to include new position in the template which suits our choice ...
Yes, it is.
You need to add a div element in the place you need and insert joomla tag
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="yuor_position_name" style="xhtml" />
in it.
Than you need to add this position to your templateDetails.xml
Edit this file and add to the <positions> section one more thread like this:
and save the file. From now you will see this position in modules setup.
Good tutorial about Joomla 1.5 templates you can read here:
